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Wie man mit BackWPup kostenlos ein vollständiges WordPress-Backup erstellt

Ein vollständiges Backup Ihrer Website ist eine der klügsten Methoden, um sie vor unerwarteten Problemen zu schützen. Jeder Website-Besitzer sollte regelmäßig Backups erstellen, um seine Inhalte und Einstellungen zu schützen.

Wir haben verschiedene Lösungen erforscht und getestet, die Sie in unserer Liste der besten WordPress Backup Plugins sehen können. Jedes Plugin bietet einzigartige Funktionen, die es zu berücksichtigen gilt. Daher ist es wichtig, dass Sie herausfinden, welches Plugin am besten zu Ihren Bedürfnissen passt.

In dieser Anleitung zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie mit BackWPup kostenlos ein vollständiges WordPress-Backup erstellen können. Es ist eine zuverlässige Option, um die Daten Ihrer Website ohne zusätzliche Kosten zu sichern.

Making complete WordPress backup for free with BackWPup

Warum ein WordPress-Backup erstellen?

Backups sind Ihre erste Verteidigungslinie gegen Pannen, Hackerangriffe oder Malware.

Wir haben dies auf die harte Tour gelernt und stellen nun sicher, dass alle unsere WordPress-Websites über automatische Backups verfügen, die sicher an mehreren Positionen in der Cloud gespeichert werden.

Das Erstellen regelmäßiger Backups ist für jeden Website-Besitzer unerlässlich, um sicherzustellen, dass wichtige Daten sicher bleiben, selbst wenn etwas Unerwartetes passiert.

Unserer Erfahrung nach können mehrere Faktoren die Daten Ihrer Website bedrohen, darunter:

  • Malware-Angriffe, die schädlichen Code auf Ihrer Website einschleusen.
  • Ransomware, die den Zugang zu den Daten Ihrer Website sperren und einschränken kann.
  • Menschliche Fehler oder Fehler des Servers führen zum versehentlichen Löschen wichtiger Dateien oder Daten.

Es stimmt zwar, dass einige WordPress Hosting-Anbieter Backups anbieten, aber wir haben festgestellt, dass diese Backups inkonsistent und unzuverlässig sein können.

In einigen Fällen kann es sogar vorkommen, dass Hoster Ihre Daten verlieren oder Ihr Konto sperren, so dass Sie keinen Zugang mehr haben. Aus diesem Grund empfehlen wir dringend, eigene WordPress-Backups einzurichten, damit Sie sich keine Sorgen machen müssen.

Zum Glück können Sie den gesamten Backup-Prozess mit einem dieser bewährten WordPress Backup Plugins automatisieren, um einen kontinuierlichen Schutz Ihrer Website zu gewährleisten.

Hinweis: Wir verwenden Duplicator auf unseren eigenen Websites. Es ist eine BackWPup-Alternative, und wir verwenden es für die folgenden Funktionen:

  • Sichere Backups mit militärtauglicher Verschlüsselung
  • Leichtere Wiederherstellungspunkte mit einem Klick
  • Unterstützung mehrerer Optionen für Cloud-Speicher
  • Einfaches Klonen und Migrieren von WordPress-Websites

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer vollständigen Rezension zum Duplicator.

Sehen wir uns also an, wie man mit BackWPup ganz einfach ein WordPress-Backup erstellt

WordPress-Sicherung mit BackWPup erstellen

In diesem Tutorial werden wir BackWPup verwenden, um ein kostenloses WordPress-Backup zu erstellen.

Zunächst müssen Sie das BackWPup-Plugin installieren und aktivieren. Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie in unserer Anleitung zur Installation eines WordPress-Plugins.

Schritt 1: Erstellen eines Sicherungsauftrags

Wenn Sie das Plugin aktiviert haben, müssen Sie die Seite BackWPUP “ Add new job besuchen.

Ein Auftrag in BackWPup ist ein Satz von Anweisungen, die Sie dem Plugin über die zu erstellende Sicherung geben.

Create a new backup job

Geben Sie zunächst einen Namen für Ihren Auftrag ein. Das kann alles sein, was Ihnen hilft, sich zu erinnern, was dieses Backup macht. In unserem Beispiel verwenden wir „Wöchentliches WordPress-Backup“.

Darunter wählen Sie die Aufgaben aus, die dieser Sicherungsauftrag ausführen soll. Wir empfehlen, alle Optionen zu aktivieren.

Blättern Sie ein wenig nach unten zum Abschnitt „Auftragsziel“. Hier können Sie auswählen, wo Sie die Sicherung speichern möchten.

Backup destination

Es kann Sicherungsdateien auf Ihrem Server speichern, sie per E-Mail versenden, sie auf FTP sichern und sie auf Dropbox, Amazon S3, Windows Azure, Rackspace und SugarSync hochladen.

Was auch immer Sie tun, speichern Sie die Backups NICHT auf Ihrem Server. Dies macht den Zweck der Sicherung zunichte, der darin besteht, eine gespeicherte Kopie Ihrer Website an einem anderen Ort zu haben.

In diesem Tutorial werden wir Dropbox verwenden.

Wenn Sie eine Option auswählen, wird eine neue Registerkarte zum Auftragsmenü hinzugefügt.

Wichtig! Vergessen Sie nicht, auf die Schaltfläche „Änderungen speichern“ zu klicken, um Ihre Einstellungen zu speichern.

Wechseln Sie nun zu der neuen Registerkarte, die nach dem Zielort benannt ist, an dem Sie Ihre Sicherung speichern möchten. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel Dropbox wählen, sehen Sie eine Registerkarte mit dem Titel „To: Dropbox‘.

Connect dropbox

Von hier aus können Sie die Einstellungen für Ihr Cloud-Konto konfigurieren. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel Dropbox ausgewählt haben, klicken Sie einfach auf die Schaltfläche „Dropbox-App-Authentifizierungscode abrufen“, um die App einzurichten. Dann werden Sie aufgefordert, der App den Zugriff auf Ihr Dropbox-Konto zu erlauben und einen Ordner für Ihre Backups einzurichten.

Klicken Sie anschließend auf die Schaltfläche „Änderungen speichern“, um Ihre Einstellungen zu speichern.

Schritt 2: Planen Sie Ihre Sicherung

Als Nächstes müssen Sie auf die Registerkarte „Zeitplan“ wechseln. Wählen Sie unter der Option „Job starten“ die Option „mit WordPress-Cron“.

Start schedule

WordPress cron ist das integrierte WordPress-System, das zur Ausführung von geplanten Aufgaben verwendet wird.

Scrollen Sie nun ein wenig nach unten und wählen Sie die Häufigkeit Ihres Sicherungsauftrags. Wir empfehlen, einen wöchentlichen oder monatlichen Zeitplan zu wählen, je nachdem, wie häufig Sie den Inhalt Ihrer Website aktualisieren.

Set backup schedule frequency

Klicken Sie anschließend auf die Schaltfläche „Änderungen speichern“, um Ihre Einstellungen zu speichern.

Schritt 3: Auswählen, was in die Sicherung aufgenommen werden soll

Nun müssen Sie auswählen, was Sie in die Sicherung aufnehmen oder davon ausschließen möchten.

Wechseln Sie zur Registerkarte „DB-Sicherung“ und wählen Sie die Tabellen aus, die Sie in Ihre Sicherung aufnehmen möchten. Wenn Sie unsicher sind, sollten Sie alle Tabellen auswählen.

Select database tables

Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Änderungen speichern“, um Ihre Einstellungen zu speichern.

Wechseln Sie anschließend zur Registerkarte „Dateien“. Hier können Sie auswählen, welche Dateien von der Sicherung ausgeschlossen werden sollen.

Wenn Sie unsicher sind, lassen Sie die Standardoptionen unverändert.

Ecclude files from backup

Klicken Sie erneut auf die Schaltfläche „Änderungen speichern“, um Ihre Einstellungen zu speichern.

Wechseln Sie nun auf die Registerkarte „XML-Export“. Von hier aus können Sie eine WordPress-kompatible XML-Exportdatei mit all Ihren Inhalten erstellen.

Export XML

Die Standardoptionen sind für die meisten Websites geeignet.

Speichern Sie Ihre Änderungen und wechseln Sie dann zur Registerkarte „Plugins“.

Hier erstellt das Backup-Plugin eine Textliste aller Plugins, die auf Ihrer WordPress-Website installiert sind.

Plugin list backup

Klicken Sie abschließend auf die Schaltfläche „Änderungen speichern“, um Ihre Einstellungen zu speichern.

Schritt 4: Ausführen des Sicherungsauftrags

Nachdem Sie nun einen Sicherungsauftrag erstellt haben, müssen Sie ihn zum ersten Mal ausführen.

Gehen Sie zur Seite BackWPup “ Aufträge und klicken Sie auf den Link „Jetzt ausführen“ unter dem zuvor erstellten Auftrag.

Run backup job

Das Plugin führt nun den Sicherungsauftrag aus und zeigt Ihnen den Fortschritt an.

Dies kann je nach Größe Ihrer Website eine Weile dauern. Sobald der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist, erhalten Sie eine Erfolgsmeldung.

Backup complete

Sie können nun die Sicherungsdatei überprüfen, indem Sie die Zielquelle besuchen (z. B. Dropbox oder die andere Speicheroption, die Sie zuvor ausgewählt haben).

Fehlersuche bei WordPress-Sicherungsaufträgen in BackWPup

Die Ausführung eines Sicherungsauftrags kann eine zusätzliche Belastung für Ihren Hosting-Server bedeuten. Dies kann zu unvollendeten Sicherungsaufträgen führen.

Außerdem gibt es bei den meisten Shared-Hosting-Diensten ein Limit für die Zeit oder den Speicher, den ein Skript verbrauchen kann. Wenn Ihr Server BackWPup anhält, weil es das Zeit- oder Speicherlimit überschritten hat, wartet es eine Weile und nimmt dann den Prozess wieder auf. In diesem Fall dauert es eine Weile, bis ein Sicherungsauftrag abgeschlossen ist.

Das erste, was Sie tun sollten, um dieses Problem zu beheben, ist, Ihr PHP-Speicherlimit zu erhöhen, dann gehen Sie zu BackWPup “ Einstellungen und klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte „Jobs“.

BackWPup troubleshooting

Erhöhen Sie die Option „Maximale Anzahl der Wiederholungsversuche für die Job-Steps“. Der Standardwert ist 3, Sie können ihn auf 5 erhöhen und sehen, ob dies für Sie funktioniert.

Danach müssen Sie bis zur Option „Serverlast reduzieren“ scrollen und entweder die Option „mittlere“ oder „minimale“ Serverlast auswählen.

Klicken Sie abschließend auf die Schaltfläche „Änderungen speichern“ am unteren Rand, um Ihre Einstellungen zu speichern.

Wiederherstellung Ihrer Website aus einem Backup

BackWPup bietet eine einfache Möglichkeit zur Wiederherstellung Ihrer Website.

Gehen Sie zunächst auf die Seite BackWPup “ Backups und klicken Sie unter dem Backup, das Sie wiederherstellen möchten, auf „Herunterladen“.

Download backup

Sobald Sie die Sicherungsdatei heruntergeladen haben, können Sie sie wiederherstellen.

Gehen Sie einfach auf die Seite BackWPup “ Wiederherstellen und klicken Sie auf den Button ‚Archiv auswählen‘, um die zuvor heruntergeladene Sicherungsdatei hochzuladen.

Restore BackWPup backup

Hinweis: BackWPup kann nur Backups wiederherstellen, die mit BackWPup Plugins erstellt wurden.

Sobald Sie die Backup-Datei hochgeladen haben, extrahiert das Plugin die Daten und stellt Ihre Website anhand des Backups wieder her.


Falls Ihre BackWPup-Wiederherstellung aus irgendeinem Grund fehlschlägt. Sie können Ihre Website immer noch manuell aus der Datenbank- und Dateisicherung wiederherstellen.

Detaillierte Anweisungen finden Sie in unserem Artikel über die Wiederherstellung von WordPress aus einem Backup, und folgen Sie den Anweisungen für die manuelle Wiederherstellung der Datenbank und der WordPress-Dateien.

Wenn Sie ein WordPress Backup Plugin mit einer einfacheren Option zur Wiederherstellung wünschen, empfehlen wir Duplicator. Es gibt auch eine kostenlose Version von Duplicator mit weniger Optionen für die Sicherung.

Zusätzliche Ressourcen für die Datensicherung:

Im Folgenden finden Sie einige weitere nützliche Ressourcen, die Ihnen bei der Verwaltung von Backups Ihrer WordPress-Website helfen:

Wir hoffen, dass dieser Artikel Ihnen geholfen hat, eine vollständige WordPress-Sicherung mit BackWPup zu erstellen. Vielleicht interessiert Sie auch unser WordPress-Sicherheitsleitfaden mit weiteren Tipps zum Schutz Ihrer Website oder unsere Expertenauswahl der besten WordPress-Sicherheits-Plugins zum Schutz Ihrer Website.

Wenn Ihnen dieser Artikel gefallen hat, dann abonnieren Sie bitte unseren YouTube-Kanal für WordPress-Videotutorials. Sie können uns auch auf Twitter und Facebook finden.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

132 KommentareLeave a Reply

  1. WPBeginner Staff

    1. The backups on your hosting service provider are sometimes not available. Also these backups could get compromised. Sometimes web hosting companies may even terminate your account without giving you enough time to get your files. In all these scenarios, and there are many others too, the user looses the access to their backup files.

    2. Saving backups on the same server as your website actually defeats the purpose of backing up in the first place. For example, if the security of your server is compromised then your backup files could get affected too. This would make it immensely difficult for you to restore your website.

    • Michael Einstein

      OK.. I understand and this makes sense.. So would the WordPress Backup to Dropbox be a good option as an alternate place to store the backups, or perhaps to my google drive? Although I do worry a bit that these sites aren’t totally secure either. Only other option is if I can configure a backup to go to an external drive I have on my home computer that gets backed up everynight to a cloud-based backup.. That way I would have it on my home computer AND on the cloud. But this won’t work if my home computer is turned-off, although it is „usually on“.

  2. Michael Einstein

    A few Newbie questions here:
    1) If I use Bluehost for a hosted WordPress site, that comes with daily backups of my entire site. Why would I also need a seperate wordpress backup solution? Couldn’t I always just restore my site if anything ever happened through my cPANEL in Bluehost?
    2) In this article, it says: „Whatever you do, DO NOT store the backups on your server.“ Why? Isn’t this a good/secure place to store your backup since it also will get backed-up? Where else would I store it? Dropbox?? That actually sounds less safe and secure then in a dedicated directory somewhere on my hosting server.
    Thanks for the help!

    • Duncan McCormack

      It’s redundancy surely.

      I think it’s a good idea to either use another backup technology (plugins) as well as your hosted provider method.

      I also think it’s a good idea to download your hosted provider backups and put ‚em elswhere (on your work/home PC?) – but I’m happy to trust cloud technology providers, particularly Google and Microsoft. I reckon Dropbox are pretty trustworth too, eh? Surely. :)

      • WPBeginner Support

        Correct, it is mainly for redundancy and so you have control over your backups :)


  3. tealady46

    I’ve followed the tutorial and am being told that it’s all backed up but when I’ve checked in my dropbox folder, I can’t see it. Any ideas??

    • Eloise

      There will be a separate BackWPup folder in your Dropbox – it’s not immediately obvious, so have a look around. Took me a couple of mins to find it when I first started doing using BackWPup too!

  4. Bala Chandar

    I got an error like „The HTTP response test get an error „connect() timed out!“

  5. Vitaliy Kolos

    OK, I’ve backed up my files, database, list of plugins, but now I’m sort of stuck because I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do next. I mean I know I’m supposed to restore certain files, but I’m afraid that I’ll override something that I actually need. Do I just leave wp-config.php alone and update the rest or what am I supposed to do next?

  6. harishchouhan

    I have been using BackWPup since a while, but the „This APP will have access to your entire DropBox“ scares me. With so many security issues being exploited every now and then, one wrong step, and I hope my DropBox data is not compromised.

  7. AV

    Dropbox is not active.. something is missing.. i installed this in local site.

  8. WhyBother

    Thank you for this very detailed tutorial.

  9. Abhishek Jain

    This is a real article to read about the v=backup of wordpress site… Thanks to author….

  10. Alan Santana

    Does this backup saves all options, configurations, seo, etc.?
    Or is there anything lost?

  11. Somesh

    it stuck at
    trying to create backup archive

    • WPBeginner Support

      Somesh, make sure your web host meets the minimum requirements to run the plugin. You would need PHP 5.2.6 at least. Also check out plugin’s FAQs section.


  12. Somesh

    Does it backup all the database files and all the stuff

  13. Carole

    If you do a daily backups to Dropbox, do the files with changes replace the existing files or is a complete new backup added each day? My ecomm website seems to be 5GB so that could quickly blow through even 100GB of Dropbox storage.

  14. Pali Madra

    As usual a great tutorial.

    I did want to point out that in the first tab, which is called General, under the job details section the option to optimize database tables is not there anymore. Is this the case with me only or is it the same for everyone?


  15. Aditya Shirodkar

    Thanks a lot for introducing me to this great plugin!… you guys are doing a great job!

  16. E.D Gasçon

    Hey Syed, Thanks for sharing this info. This is a great article. I’m using Updraftplus backup/restore. I have a question please. This may sound silly… sending daily backups to the cloud (Dropbox) as opposed to weekly backups, would that take more storage space? If earlier versions of files are deleted then why am I running out of space so quickly? I’m not really adding much content to my sites (I’m not a blogger). I’m such a newb! Thanks

  17. Alison Kirksey

    First, let me say that WPBeginner has been awesome to work with thus far and saved my bacon more than once as I navigate this tricky new world of
    I just followed this tutorial (I thought) to the letter. I keep getting a message that stops my back up. It says:
    ERROR: Could not generate a WordPress export file
    I’m such a newb, and don’t know what to do. What am I missing?

    • WPBeginner Support

      There could be several reasons for that. Please contact the plugin support thread for more help.

      1. Incorrect file permissions on your WordPress site will prevent the plugin from storing the backup file.
      2. Try changing the archive file type from zip to tar or tar.gzip
      3. Try creating a new backup job using different settings.


  18. Vibeke

    Thanks for a very user-friendly tutorial. It worked well when installing the plugin and scheduling the back-up frequency, but I see now that the BackWPup menu item is no longer visible in my WordPress admin sidebar, and I cannot see any other place to edit the scheduled back-ups etc.

    I would appreciate any help.

    Many thanks in advance!

  19. Haseeb Ahmad Ayazi

    Hello Guys, Like Your Tut.. I Want you to give me a solution for my Network .. I am using MU and Want to store Media Files , Database and such other things to backup from the Network Admin Panel.

  20. Tarun Soni

    Thanks for this great article! this is great alternative of BackupBuddy,

  21. Allie

    Hi and thanks so much for the great tutorial. I’ve installed BackWPup on your recommendation. My web designer set my blog up back in June and I’ve never backed it up. It’s been bugging me all along, I’m not so good with the techy stuff, and I didn’t know how to do it. This plugin seems really easy to use but unfortunately I’m running into problems. Every time I start a backup job, it gets stuck at 57%. I’ve clicked over to the php Memory Limit post you’ve linked to, but I am just not understanding… I can find the wp-config.php file in my c-panel, but when I click „edit,“ I don’t see anything there with regard to memory limit. I’d be so grateful if you could spell it out for me, I am truly a beginner so please talk to me like I’m a first-grader! Thanks so much in advance :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      wp-config.php file is located in your website’s root directory. You can access it by using a web based „File manager“ such as one located under Files in your cPanel dashboard. If you can not edit a file in the file manager, you can always download it to your computer and open it in a text editor like notepad. After that you can edit the file and upload it back to your website using the file manager.


  22. Darshan Gajara

    Does it works for sites as well?

  23. Nick

    Job destination only Backup to Folder & Backup sent by e-mail for me?
    Only these two options! Any idea for that issue?
    Thanks in advance!

  24. Nevis1

    Any chance this works with Google Drive? They offer more free storage, and are cheaper in the long run. Thanks, very interesting post.

  25. Mike

    Hi there, thanks for tutorial but as i use already this plugin, my question concerns its compatibility with Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions plugin. Can i use this one as well in complement to BackWPUP or does BackWPUP optimize as well ?

    Thank you very much


    • WPBeginner Support

      The plugin you mentioned deletes posts revisions stored in your database and optimizes it. We believe there is no reason these two plugins should have a conflict. However, if you create a backup before deleting post reivisions, BackWPup will obviously backup the post revisions which you are later going to delete. So when you restore your website those posts will be back. The solution to this problem is that you manually run BackWPUp after deleting your post revisions.


  26. Brittany Fichter

    Thank you for this article! I was wondering if I should delete old backup jobs to save space in my Dropbox (or if that’s even an option). Thanks again for the article!

    • Editorial Staff

      You can do that if you like. However just know that you can only go back as far as you have backups for :)


  27. Brittany Fichter

    Thank you for this article! I’ve only had my website up for a month, but I can’t imagine losing it! I was wondering if I should delete old backup jobs to save space in my Dropbox (or if that’s even an option). Thanks again for the article!

  28. kalyan

    Your tutorial was immensely helpful ,
    1. you helped me finalize one awesome plugin
    2. It was a cakewalk after reading your tutorial (you didn’t miss a thing :) )
    3. you wrote a restore tutorial ( If in case )

    just love your site . thank you .

  29. paul

    Ain’t BackUpWordPress plugin much simpler?

  30. Maggie

    Thank you for the article. I followed your instructions step-by-step and it worked out easily! I have successfully backed up my blog to S3.

    Just one more thing to curious about. During set up the back up job, you mentioned in the article that „We would recommend that you do not backup core WordPress files.“
    Could you also explain why? Because I am totally new to WordPress, and I need to make sure I had my whole site backed up. I was feeling nervous to un-tick those boxes without understanding why to do it.

    • Naren P

      Because you can always download the latest version of wordpress core files in zip format through this website keep in mind, the “database” and the “wp-content” are the two most important part to be backed up on a regular basis. With your wp-content and database file, you can restore or even migrate your site to any hosting.

  31. Ann Courtney

    Hi, can you tell me if this will backup galleries of photos on my site or only the Blog text?
    Thanks for all your great ideas :)

  32. Jaime Jay

    Thanks so much for this article… I found it very useful… However, I did encounter some challenges with Dropbox, so I just used my FTP for the backup. Now, the challenge of actually finding the backup in my http://FTP... lol… thanks again!

  33. Charlie Sasser

    Great tutorial! I’m currently using BackWPup but still picked up a few new things.

    …however you said: „Whatever you do, DO NOT store the backups on your server.“

    I understand why you are saying this but as long as the „one“ stored on your own server is not the „only“ backup, I actually think it is a good idea.

    I have daily backups created and sent to Drop Box, Gmail, and one to a backup folder on the web server. It is a lot easier to use the one in the backup folder on the server if needed. If the whole web server crashes and burns and I lose the local backup, I still have the backups at Drop Box and Gmail.

    If you store „a“ copy on your web server, you need to make sure your backup is not backing up your backups by excluding that directory. Nothing like learning the hard way. :-)

    If I’m using Wordfence Plugin is the fact that BackupBuddy and VaultPress do malware scanning still of value?

    • Editorial Staff


      If you are storing backups on your server, then make sure those directories are protected. Because if someone gets their hands on the backup and download it, then your site can be compromised because they can use the database to find necessary information to login.

      WordFence is nice, but we’d say that 2 layers of security is better than one :)


    • Peter

      My CPanel host included anti-virus software that could manually check for a virus within directories, but it’s a waste of time as it won’t scan for a virus deliberately hidden within compressed backup files stored on the server usually created prior to downloading. So, when my site was hacked, the “shell program” of the virus/trojan, had been stored in the compressed backup “tar” file. When I downloaded it onto my computer it too failed to detect it, as did most popular Antivirus programs. So unless you know the host antivirus program works, it’s not worth relying on, I found that out the hard way too, the virus turned out to be a popular “PHP Trojan”, hard to find for the novice.One “free” program that actually found it without decompressing the “tar” file was Avast V7, but sadly the current version causes my SCSI based system to crash almost instantly, hence I reverted to MES, it doesn’t scan compressed files, but neither does it crash my system.

  34. Tom Jamieson

    This is a great tutorial on how to use this plugin. Do you have any opinion on how it compares to the Backup to Dropbox plugin?

  35. Karan Singh Chauhan

    Now if our site gets deleted or hacked, the how to restore it with using backup gz file.

  36. Jesse Gardner

    This looks pretty interesting, I’ll have to give it a try!

  37. Marc Connor

    Excellent article guys, great and easy instructions.

    However, I must agree with Peter, the most crucial part of a backup is the restoration. No matter how nice and easy or fun the backup process of any tool is, if the restoration part of it is difficult and/or buggy, it’s a big bust.

    Any thoughts, comments and/or other feedback on the restoration part of the BackWPUp plugin?


    • Peter

      Exactly the point Marc, I agree, having backups are fine, I had several backup files compressed in an unfamiliar to me “tar” format (My host site did not give me a choice). It took some time to work out how to un-compress them, let alone how to transfer them back over to a compromised site and into their respective folders. Due to the frustration of not knowing how to do that, I gave up and totally rebuilt the site; luckily I copies of text and graphics files.
      Since then I learned how to use the free File Transfer Program “FileZilla” to transfer files and directories onto my host site and overwrite existing files. Initially that was a nervous learning exercise, but I now do it regularly and reliably.
      How many WP admins actually know how to backup and restore their sites in case of a major disaster? I had several backups, but did not know how to restore them successfully.
      Sure there are affordable paid services out there, but for a simple hobby blog site, that may not be viable. The aim is to make a blog site or website as cheap as possible for the novice. However, once many hours have been spent setting up a website, how many sysops are actually willing to risk using a “Restore” function in a plugin program just to prove that it actually works when needed? I did not, and when it came to the crunch where I had no choice, it failed to work. Based on that experience, I would not try a “Restore” via Plugin unless I also knew how to do that manually in case the automated process failed.
      There are viable alternatives, generally on the host site, but they all need to be mastered. My host used the popular CPanel hosting which has several programs capable of file transfer and backup, but the “restore process” is not as straight forward.
      In my humble opinion, the ideal time to try to “restore a site” is when it has just been setup, with the minimum work spent on it, just in case it doesn’t work and one needs to start over. This site is aptly named WPbeginner hence restoring a crashed site is just as important as setting it up in the first place.

        • Peter

          Thanks Editorial staff, had I known and tried out one of these methods before our site was hacked, it would have saved me many reconstruction hours.
          I used FileZilla as described in your tutorial, but I was forced to learn that the hard way.
          Sadly, most novices only do this after disaster has struck and are then forced to learn the hard way.
          On another note, and if not already done, I would like to see an easy way of changing the font size and background colour or shading of blogs and replies in the twenty ten theme, e.g. blogs light blue with replies light green etc., but without resorting to program changes in the style sheets.
          However, if that is the only practical way, then a detailed step by step tutorial on how to do that, without learning extensive programming, but including samples of typical results would also help.
          Great site, keep it up.

  38. Sidd

    The one service that always works in every scenario (but is not free) is VaultPress.

    Where BackWPup(free), Snapshot by WPMU(premium) and inbuilt backups of ManageWP(premium) failed, only VaultPress passed.

  39. Roy Hornsby

    Thanks for the article, currently I’m using WPB2D but after reading this I think I’ll try out BackWPup.

    It would be useful to read a tutorial on how to restore WordPress from a backup. Is there one on WPBeginner?


    • Editorial Staff

      Roy that is next in the list to do. Expect it coming out either tomorrow or next week.


      • Roy Hornsby

        ok thanks, I’m looking forward to reading it


  40. emerhana

    please do a tutorial on the breadcrumb on
    your toturial are always nice.

  41. Gerald Thulbourn

    All well and good if you can get BackWPup working. Past experience is that it dislikes running on many hosts and each update seems to bring in more problems, not fewer. Usually followed by a flury of bug fix subsequent updates. I live the idea, especially backup to drop box, but it just comes across as somewhat flaky.

    • Editorial Staff

      You are more than welcome to setup your S3 account and backup there. We showed Dropbox in the article due to its simplicity.


  42. Arsalan

    Nice article. I currently use WP Backup for this purpose but have found it to be limited in flexibility/functionality and have compatibility issues with newer versions of WordPress.

  43. mary

    I read that this plugin needs PHP 5.2.6.

    I have no understanding of what or where that is.

    Also, are the drop boxes free as well? Thanks Mary

    • Editorial Staff

      Mary, Dropbox is free up until a certain point. After that you have to pay. PHP 5.2.6 is something that your host will have to answer. It is just the version number of the script they have installed.


      • Mary

        Hey, Thank you for that information! I really like the idea of storing information away from my computer and the server.
        Great articles!!! Best wishes!!!!Mary

  44. David

    Nice to discover this. Sometimes a good plugin and go undetectable from the WP plugin search box. This one looks like it will meet my needs. Thanks, guys.

  45. Peter

    Great tutorial detailed and easily followed, unfortunately this is only half of what is needed.
    Reliable „Restoring“ is the crucial other half, a detailed tutorial (aimed at the novice) on how to do this, using the BackWPup files saved in Dropbox would be great, especially for a system that had been compromised. I spent many hours restoring my site, including using a plugin called UpdraftPlus-Backup/Restore created by David Anderson. When I needed to do a Restore it failed and just froze. Why I never found out, probably my fault, I still run it and allow it to generate backup files to Dropbox, just cannot seem to make the „Restore“ part work.

    However, since then I have learnt to use FileZilla FTP, that works every time and allows me to restore the site without problems including experimenting with different designs and trying out plugins, some that were found to be dodgy.
    Sadly it took several hackers to crash my site and then for me to realise that some backup and restore plugins are just too unreliable or too difficult for me to use with confidence.
    Thanks for WP, great program, used it since 2009, currently using the „twenty ten theme“.

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Peter,

      Reliable storing comes at a price. If you notice that VaultPress has a $5/mo. plan, and it is hassle-free. In order for you to setup a S3 environment and do all that, it would take time and money after a certain point. BackupBuddy has Stash which aims to ease things up, but again its a paid plugin.


  46. Daniel Chisu

    thanks for this free plugin. I am new with Word Press and I am just building my blog/website and I was wondering how can I backup accordingly.
    So this newsletter came at the perfect moment and actually all the tutorials are great indeed!

    Many thanks!

  47. t sambasivarao

    Great Info :) Thank you for Sharing….

  48. Manuel

    Thanks for this great article!
    It’s great to see how much you like our Plugin :)
    I just want to add the point that there is also a BackWPup Pro version in our market. With premium support and of course additional features like differential backup of changed directories to Dropbox, S3… and many more.
    And how Syed mentioned: “The most important backup is the one that has never been made!”


    • Editorial Staff

      I thought about mentioning the paid version but felt that it didn’t offer enough (i.e malware scanning etc) which is big if you are going paid.


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