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Wie man das Problem des Bild-Uploads in WordPress behebt (Schritt für Schritt)

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Haben Sie Probleme beim Hochladen von Bildern auf Ihrer WordPress-Website?

Für die meisten Anfänger können Fehler beim Hochladen von Bildern ziemlich verwirrend sein, da sie auftreten können, ohne dass Sie etwas anderes tun. Tatsächlich ist das Versagen beim Hochladen von Bildern eines der häufigsten Bildprobleme in WordPress. Zum Glück ist es recht einfach zu beheben, und Sie können es selbst tun.

In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie das Problem des Bild-Uploads in WordPress beheben können.

Fixing image upload issues in WordPress


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Was verursacht das Problem des Bild-Uploads in WordPress?

Das Problem beim Hochladen von Bildern in WordPress wird in der Regel durch falsche Dateiberechtigungen verursacht. Ihre WordPress-Dateien werden auf Ihrem Webhosting-Server gespeichert und benötigen bestimmte Datei- und Verzeichnisberechtigungen, um zu funktionieren.

Falsche Dateiberechtigungen hindern WordPress daran, Dateien auf dem Hosting-Server zu lesen oder hochzuladen. Sie können den folgenden WordPress-Fehler erhalten, wenn Sie eine Bilddatei hochladen:

Das Verzeichnis wp-content/uploads/2019/04 kann nicht erstellt werden. Ist das übergeordnete Verzeichnis vom Server beschreibbar?‘

Unable to create directory error

Oder Sie sehen den Fehler:

Die hochgeladene Datei konnte nicht nach wp-content/uploads/‘ verschoben werden.

Ein weiteres Anzeichen für dieses Problem ist, dass Ihre Bilder aus der WordPress-Mediathek verschwinden.

Missing images in media library

Meine Website hat vorher gut funktioniert. Wer hat die Dateiberechtigungen geändert?

Dies kann aus verschiedenen Gründen geschehen. Eine Fehlkonfiguration auf Ihrem Shared-Hosting-Server kann manchmal diese Berechtigungen ändern, ohne dass Sie etwas tun.

Ihr Webhosting-Anbieter hat beispielsweise ein Upgrade durchgeführt, bei dem die Dateiberechtigungen unerwartet geändert wurden.

Wenn alles andere auf Ihrer WordPress-Website einwandfrei funktioniert, können Sie einfach die richtigen Dateiberechtigungen anwenden, um das Problem mit dem Bild-Upload zu beheben.

Sehen wir uns also an, wie man die richtigen Dateiberechtigungen einstellt, um Probleme beim Hochladen von Bildern auf Ihrer WordPress-Website zu beheben.

Behebung des Bild-Upload-Problems in WordPress

Um die Dateiberechtigungen zu ändern, müssen Sie einen FTP-Client verwenden.

Verbinden Sie sich zunächst per FTP mit Ihrer Website und wechseln Sie dann zum Ordner /wp-content/. Darin finden Sie den Ordner uploads, in dem WordPress alle Ihre Medien-Uploads, einschließlich Bilder, speichert.

Klicken Sie nun mit der rechten Maustaste auf das Uploads-Verzeichnis und wählen Sie „Dateiberechtigungen“.

Opening file permissions dialog box for uploads folder

Daraufhin wird das Dialogfeld für die Dateiberechtigungen angezeigt.

Zunächst müssen Sie die Dateiberechtigungen für das Uploads-Verzeichnis und alle darin enthaltenen Unterverzeichnisse auf „744“ setzen.

Change folder permissions

Geben Sie dazu in das Feld für den numerischen Wert 744 ein und aktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen neben „In Unterverzeichnissen rekursieren“. Klicken Sie nun auf das Optionsfeld Nur auf Verzeichnisse anwenden.

Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche „OK“, um diese Änderungen zu übernehmen. Ihr FTP-Client wendet nun die Dateiberechtigungen auf die Verzeichnisse an.

Hinweis: Wenn die Einstellung der Verzeichnisberechtigungen auf 744 Ihr Problem nicht zu lösen scheint, versuchen Sie 755.

Im nächsten Schritt müssen Sie die Dateiberechtigungen für alle Dateien im Uploads-Verzeichnis festlegen.

Klicken Sie dazu mit der rechten Maustaste auf das Uploads-Verzeichnis und wählen Sie Dateiberechtigungen. Ändern Sie im Dialogfeld für die Dateiberechtigungen den numerischen Wert auf „644“.

Aktivieren Sie das Kästchen neben „In Unterverzeichnissen rekursieren“. Als nächstes müssen Sie auf das Optionsfeld Nur auf Dateien anwenden“ klicken.

Klicken Sie abschließend einfach auf die Schaltfläche „OK“, um die Änderungen zu übernehmen.

File permissions

Der FTP-Client ändert nun die Berechtigungen für alle Dateien im Ordner uploads. Sobald dies geschehen ist, können Sie zurück in den WordPress-Administrationsbereich gehen und erneut versuchen, Bilder hochzuladen.

Wenn Sie auf Ihrer Website Formulare zum Hochladen von Dateien haben, sollten Sie auch diese testen.

Hinweis: Wenn Sie nicht wissen, wie man einen FTP-Client benutzt, können Sie auch den Dateimanager Ihres WordPress-Hosters verwenden. Da die Screenshots bei jedem Hoster unterschiedlich sind, müssen Sie sich an den Support wenden, um Anweisungen zu erhalten.

Wir hoffen, dass dieser Artikel Ihnen geholfen hat, das Problem mit dem Hochladen von Bildern in WordPress zu lösen. Vielleicht interessiert Sie auch unser Artikel über die Auswahl des besten WordPress-Hostings oder unser Vergleich der besten GoDaddy-Alternativen.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Didier says

    Let’s add the fact that WordPress creates a new folder each month, in wp-content/uploads.
    Probably, when the new folder is automaticaly created, it hasn’t the correct permissions :

    We have to modify the permissions each month.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      That should not normally be the case, we would recommend checking with your hosting provider to ensure they don’t have a security setting that could be the root of that issue.


  3. Zoe says

    I am trying to upload several photos to my website page, and keep getting the message below:
    „The server cannot process the image. This can happen if the server is busy or does not have enough resources to complete the task. Uploading a smaller image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2560 pixels.“
    I have compressed the image multiple times, shrinking the size and optimizing it, yet I continue to receive this message even after shutting down the browser and starting again. Can you please advise me on how to upload these files? Thank you!

  4. Paul says

    Please I am trying to upload images from my computer for my blog it is telling me( „The server cannot process the image. This can happen if the server is busy or does not have enough resources to complete the task. Uploading a smaller image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2560 pixels. „).. please what can I do

  5. Michelle says

    Yes!!! This was absolutely helpfuul and helped me fix the problem! Thank you so much! I am not a hard core computer person. I have just started my blog on WordPress so at the end of the day, I know it is me that has to handle any issues with it! Thannk you so much!!! This was awesome!

  6. Vinay Golchha says

    when i upload image nmy form it say „something wentwrong, please try again“ .

    can u please help how to fix this issue?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If none of our methods are working for you, we would recommend reaching out to your hosting provider to ensure there isn’t an error on their end.


  7. Mary says

    I’m encountering the same issue only the fix that is suggested is not working. Is there something else that can be done?

  8. Matthew says

    First try to check PHP interpreter version on your server. If it 7.4 – this may cause problems. Change it to 7.3.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Thank you for sharing that for some users who may be stuck with this error, for beginners we recommend reaching out to their hosting provider for checking if that is an issue. :)


  9. Moni says

    Images to my wordpress site seem to upload correctly but then then disappear and an icon for broken image link appears. In the media library the image shows as a gray block. If I try to edit the image then I can see the image but when I save it again it’s gray again. I checked my permissions and the are set to 755.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You may want to try updating to 744 and if that does not work, reach out to your hosting provider and they can normally assist.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      Some hosting providers have a file manager that acts as an FTP but it would depend on your host for what is available.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      For local installations, you would right-click the folder and go under Properties>Security to change the permissions.


  10. Lucas says

    FTP permissions are fine, when I try to upload, the original file goes to the FTP Uploads folder, but WordPress does not recognize it and displays error on upload, try again later

    Any tips?

  11. Adams says

    “Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.“

    I keep getting the above error whenever I try to upload an image to my newly installed WordPress.

    Please advise on how to solve it. Thank you.

  12. Anita Hiltz says

    I’m not sure this will solve my problem. I have an educational website and we give away free books and educational materials. Recently I uploaded a PDF document (a chart) into my library, put it in 2 of my web pages, and created the link to open it. That was fine, but later, I decided to improve the document, took it off, recreated it and uploaded it again to the library. The original document was deleted completely from my own files, but when I upload it to my website it comes up with the OLD document. Somehow the „delete permanently“ feature within the library is NOT actually deleting it. HELP!

  13. Evie says

    I just wanted to say, thank you so much for all the help you provide. I sometimes experience odd occurrences on my website, and when I Google the problem, your website always seems to simply answer my concerns.

    Keep up the excellent work!

  14. Kyree H says

    What URL do I type in when connecting via the FTP client? The actual domain that visitors use or my wordpress URL?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      That can vary based on your host, if your normal domain does not work you would want to check with your hosting provider


  15. Muhammad Adil says

    Hurray, I did it just change URL from Setting-General than change „WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL)“ set both http to https and the issue has been resolved.

  16. Kristina says

    Hello anybody know how to fix getting your images to load the the Media Library? the files are located in the correct place on my server wp content / uploads. and i know my permissions are correcgt 755 and 0644 for the individual files.
    if i try to drag or load files from scratch into the Media Library Add New loader I always get this error- “ could not insert post into the database“ thanks.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You may want to ensure there are no special characters in your file name and you’ve tried increasing the maximum upload size for possible reasons.


  17. Nicole says

    My photo’s that I am trying to upload are not even uploading. It is currently stuck on the download bar and I don’t know how to up the uploading process or how to stop it and try again. Please help. We are on a time crunch.

    Thank you.

  18. James Howlett says

    New image uploaded always has 640 permission. And if I access image with 640 permission, it will return 404. But if I change it to 644, I can access the image.

    Is 640 the correct permission for image uploaded? Or is it 644?

  19. sandra willie says

    I’m having a problem sizing my photos for a wordpress site and getting them to display correctly. I’ve resized the images several times to smaller, but they still appear showing only portion of the image and not the full image – even though I have also tried resizing in the edit section of the gallery! How do I get them to load in the full size if the image is a suitable size and resolution!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      When adding the image to a post/page you may want to check for the dropdown in the bottom right stating the size and set it to the full size for your image.


  20. Jessica says

    Hi. When I upload a rectangular photo it uploads as a square cutting off most of the image. Any suggestions? Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Your theme may be generating a new image size, you may want to check under Settings>Media to see if you’ve enabled image cropping there.


  21. Alexandru says

    I’m having an issue when in editing mode upon uploading product images in gallery. I uploaded some images for a product gallery with no issues then I went to upload new ones for another product. I select the images/upload into gallery but instead of uploading the new ones I selected it uploads the ones from the previous upload.. Ctrl+F5, delete cookies, system restart… nothing. Still the same issue.
    Any ideas?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It sounds like you would want to reach out to the support for the plugin you are using for your products to ensure that it is not a hiccup with the plugin itself.


  22. Duong Nguyen says

    Hi everyone,

    I am scratching my head on this current issue with WordPress 5.0 logo uploading. The image file (59K) will upload to media no problem, but it WILL NOT show on the page, instead it would show my icon file instead. I don’t understand. I’ve tried resizing the size to 100px to no prevail.

    Could this be the theme fault? I am using OceanWP. I tried contacting my host and they recommend getting my logo designer to optimise it for WP5.0. Which doesn’t make sense. if anyone could please give me any leads to this issue. Thank you!

  23. Famous Onyemah says

    I am still struggling to come to terms with WP.
    Please if I want my readers to …Read More » on a page, what widget do I use?

  24. Opirite says

    Thank you, i tried many things on how to fix the problem but none worked until i tried your solution by changing the file permission as shown. Your solution to the problem worked for me. Again, a big thank you.

  25. Michiel says

    Hi all,

    Thanks for all your information and suggestions.
    I tried everything:
    – the 755,744,744 and 655 in filezilla. Nothing worked.
    – Media, upload etc. Also nothing.

    All of a sudden I could upload two images. And afterwards I tried the upload a 3rd image and now I am stuck with the same problem again. Every time I try to upload any image i get ‚ http-error‘.

    Does anybody have some last advice?
    Help a no-knowledge-of-websitebuilding-person out!

    Thanks in advance! :)

  26. Anais says

    I have an issue that doesn’t seem to be addressed anywhere – there is no „Media“ folder in my WordPress menu and I just can not figure out why and how to access it.

    I am just starting my blog and not even uploaded my theme yet. Any idea what could be the reason behind that?

    Thank you!

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