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Wie man den benutzerdefinierten Hintergrund in WordPress 3.0 Themes aktiviert

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WordPress 3.0 führt eine neue Funktion namens benutzerdefinierte Hintergründe für WordPress-Themes ein. Diese Funktion gibt dem Benutzer die Möglichkeit, benutzerdefinierte Hintergründe zu seiner Website hinzuzufügen, die seinen Blogs/Sites eine einzigartige Note verleihen. Auch wenn diese Funktion zum Kern hinzugefügt wurde, wird sie nur aktiviert, wenn Ihr Theme sie unterstützt. In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie Custom Background in WordPress-Themes für WordPress 3.0 aktivieren können.

Hinweis: Dieser Artikel ist ein Artikel für Fortgeschrittene und richtet sich speziell an Theme-Designer.

Update: Der im Video add_custom_background verwendete Code ist veraltet. Sehen Sie sich den Code unten in diesem Artikel an.



Öffnen Sie einfach Ihre Datei functions.php und fügen Sie die folgende Zeile ein:


Dann sollten Sie unter Erscheinungsbild eine Option für benutzerdefinierte Hintergründe sehen können.

Custom Background in WordPress 3.0

Das Standard-Theme twenty ten für WordPress 3.0 hat diese Funktion bereits aktiviert.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
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  2. Abhimanyu says

    There seems to be a problem. Just as I select the image file and click upload, it refreshes the page with no result. The ‚color‘ thing works. And, I have tried many browsers.

    Any help? Can we do it manually? As in, by some codes?

  3. John says

    What is the default size for wordpress backgrounds? i.e. what size should images be for them to fit properly in the background.

    • Editorial Staff says

      The best image is the one that can be repeated, so you keep the page load time small. WordPress will only show the background image that fits the screen resolution of the user.


  4. aleksander says

    Same situation here:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_custom_background() in /mnt/data/www/sinya/ on line 34

    what to do?
    haven’t upgrade yet to 3.0.0

  5. Lane says

    Hey I did what you said but i got this message

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_custom_background() in /home/patina/ on line 2

    And now it won’t let me sign in at all to even go into the admin.
    Any advice? I need help bad…

  6. Ed says

    Hey… that was cool. After my first comment, I am taken to a different page with more information about your website and commenting… how did you make that happen? Plugin?
    I’d love to know more.

  7. Ed says

    It is important to note that for this to work within a theme, you must add the wp_head() after your theme stylesheet link in the theme header. This new function adds blocks with the added color/background from within the wp_head() section, and if you call your stylesheet after the wp_head(), your stylesheet will override the custom background function.

    I am torn, as I tend to call my stylesheet after the wp_head() call so that I can override styles added by plugins. May need to make a separate stylesheet for plugin overrides to be called later in the header.

  8. Pete says

    So how does WordPress know how to change the background? What if my current theme already has some background css attributes? Which one over-rides the other?

    • Editorial Staff says

      Your current theme would have to be made compatible with this feature. This is article is for theme designers who are creating themes and want to get WordPress 3.0 features in it. You would have to add the function for body class. If WordPress see that someone has updated the Custom Backgrounds page in the admin panel, then it will be prioritized. Otherwise the default background that you specify in the css file prevails.


    • Editorial Staff says

      With the default function NO. For that you are better of using a plugin (several exist). The way this function works is it adds styling to the overall body class, so it will be the same for the entire site.


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