WordPress web sitesi güncellemelerinizde gecikmeler yaşamak sinir bozucu olabilir. Değişiklikler hemen görünmediğinde, iş akışınızı ve ziyaretçi deneyiminizi bozar. Bu sorun yaygındır ve çeşitli nedenlerden kaynaklanabilir.
Önbelleğe alma sorunları, tarayıcı sorunları ve sunucu tarafı gecikmeleri tipik suçlulardır. Bu nedenleri anlamak, sorunu hızla çözmenize yardımcı olabilir.
Bu kılavuz, WordPress sitenizin hemen güncellenmesini engelleyen yaygın sorunları gidermenize ve düzeltmenize yardımcı olacaktır. Güncellemelerinizin sitenize hemen yansıtılmasını sağlamak için bu adımları izleyin.
WordPress Sitem Neden Hemen Güncellenmiyor?
Bir WordPress web sitesinin hemen güncellenmemesinin en yaygın nedeni önbelleklemedir.
Varsayılan olarak, birçok WordPress barındırma şirketi, web sitesi hızını artırmak ve sunucu yükünü azaltmak için sayfalarınızın geçici bir kopyasını depolayan kendi önbellekleme sistemlerini etkinleştirir.
Bunun dışında, kendi başınıza bir WordPress önbellekleme eklentisi kullanıyor olabilirsiniz ve bu eklenti doğru yapılandırılmamış olabilir.
Son olarak, tarayıcınız sayfalarınızın önbelleğe alınmış bir sürümünü de geçici depolama alanında saklayabilir.
Genellikle, WordPress web sitenizde herhangi bir değişiklik yaptığınızda, bu önbelleğe alınmış sürümlerin süresi dolar ve değişikliklerinizi hemen görürsünüz.
Ancak, bazı yapılandırma hataları nedeniyle bu hemen gerçekleşmeyebilir. Bu durumda, bir süre için o sayfanın eski sürümünü göreceksiniz.
Bu sorunun en yaygın belirtisi, WordPress web sitenizin ana sayfasında yeni gönderilerin görünmemesidir.
WordPress yönetici alanından yazıyı görüntüle bağlantısına tıklayarak tek bir yazıyı görüntülemeye devam edebilirsiniz, ancak ana sayfada göremezsiniz.
Bununla birlikte, bu sorunu nasıl kolayca çözebileceğimize bakalım.
İpucu: Web siteniz için uzman WordPress yardımına mı ihtiyacınız var? Profesyonel WordPress Hizmetlerimize bir göz atın. Küçük bir ücret karşılığında WordPress uzmanlarımız web sitenizin bakımını yapsın ve yaygın hataları sizin için düzeltsin.
WordPress Web Sitesinin Güncellenmemesi Sorununu Giderme
İlk olarak tarayıcı önbelleğini temizleyerek başlayacaksınız. Aşağıdaki talimatlar size nasıl yapılacağı konusunda yol gösterecektir.
Çoğu kullanıcı için bu işlem sorunu çözecektir ve 2. adıma geçmenize gerek kalmayacaktır.
Video Eğitimi
Eğer yazılı talimatları tercih ediyorsanız, okumaya devam edin.
1. Adım. Tarayıcıyı Yeniden Yüklemeye veya Önbelleği Temizlemeye Zorlayın
Bazen tarayıcınız (özellikle Google Chrome) web sitenizin yenisini göstermek yerine önbelleğe alınmış bir kopyasını gösterir.
Bu sorunu çözmek için, sayfayı yeniden yüklemek üzere klavyenizdeki F5 veya Windows’ta Ctrl+R (veya Mac’te Cmd + R) tuşlarına basmanız yeterlidir.
Bu, tarayıcıdan yeni bir sürüm getirerek sayfayı yeniden yüklemesini isteyecektir. Çoğu durumda bu, birçok kullanıcı için sorunu çözecektir.
Ancak bu işe yaramazsa, bir sonraki adım tarayıcı önbelleğinizi temizlemektir. Google Chrome’da sağ üst köşedeki üç noktalı menüye tıklayın. Menüden Diğer Araçlar ” Tarama Verilerini Temizle seçeneğine gitmeniz gerekir.
Daha fazla ayrıntı için, tüm büyük tarayıcılarda önbelleğin nasıl temizleneceğine ilişkin kılavuzumuza bakın.
Adım 2. Web Siteniz için WordPress Önbelleğini Temizleyin
Bu sorunun ikinci ve en olası nedeni kötü yapılandırılmış bir WordPress önbellek eklentisidir. Çoğu önbellek eklentisi, bir düğmeye tıklayarak önbelleğinizi temizlemeyi çok kolay hale getirir.
Web sitenizde WP Rocket kullanıyorsanız, Ayarlar “ WP Rocket sayfasına gidin ve gösterge tablosu sekmesinin altındaki ‘Önbelleği Temizle’ düğmesine tıklayın.
WP Super Cache eklentisini kullanıyorsanız, Ayarlar ” WP Super Cache sayfasına gidin.
Kolay sekmesi altında, ‘Önbelleğe Alınmış Sayfaları Sil’ bölümüne gidin ve ‘Önbelleği Sil’ düğmesine tıklayın.
Web sitenizde bir WordPress önbellekleme eklentisi yüklü olmasa bile, birçok WordPress barındırma şirketi önbellekleme sistemini varsayılan olarak kullanır.
Örneğin, Bluehost barındırma platformundaysanız, yönetici araç çubuğunda bir ‘Önbelleğe Alma’ düğmesi göreceksiniz.
Farenizi ‘Önbellekleme’ üzerine getirirseniz, ‘Tümünü Temizle’ seçeneğini görürsünüz. Bu, web sitenizdeki tüm önbelleğe alınmış dosyaları silecektir.
SiteGround, kendi yerleşik önbellekleme sistemini sunan bir başka üst düzey WordPress barındırma şirketidir.
SG Speed Optimizer eklentisini yükleyip etkinleştirerek SiteGround önbelleğini yönetebilirsiniz. Daha fazla ayrıntı için, bir WordPress eklentisinin nasıl kurulacağına ilişkin adım adım kılavuzumuza bakın.
Etkinleştirmenin ardından, WordPress yönetici araç çubuğundaki SG Önbelleğini Temiz le düğmesine tıklamanız gerekir.
Bu, web siteniz için SiteGround önbelleğini temizleyecektir.
Daha fazla hosting şirketi ve önbellek eklentisi için WordPress önbelleğini temizleme hakkındaki eksiksiz kılavuzumuza bakın.
Umarız bu makale WordPress web sitesinin hemen güncellenmemesi sorununu çözmenize yardımcı olmuştur. En yaygın WordPress hataları ve bunların nasıl düzeltileceği hakkındaki rehberimize de göz atmak isteyebilirsiniz.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Syed Balkhi says
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Afif Khaja says
Solution for me was to update cdn cache on hostinger.com (that was my web-hosting site): hpanel.hostinger.com/websites//performance/cdn?redirectLocation=side_menu -> flush cache
WPBeginner Support says
Thank you for sharing how to do this on hostinger
Jiří Vaněk says
Deleting all cache may not update WordPress as expected. If the issue persists, check if you’re using any CDN. CDNs often have their own cache that’s separate from WordPress administration. For instance, CloudFlare clears cache on its own platform.
WPBeginner Support says
That is something to keep in mind for those using CDNs
Afrasiab Sajid says
I’ve tried everything even different internet connection and devices but still nothing seems to work.
WPBeginner Support says
If none of the methods work, please check with your hosting provider to ensure there are no caching issues on your host’s end that could be the problem.
terra says
Thank you! This post helped me so much. I installed the Siteground Optimizer plugin and did the Purge SG cache, and this helped fix my situation. Phew. I was so frustrated and you saved me! Thank you!!!!!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad to hear our post was helpful!
Alita Pacio says
Hello, thank you so much for the post. However, I have already done these but still, my site is not updating. Are there any possible other reasons for my site not updating?
WPBeginner Support says
If none of the methods from our guide are working for you, we would recommend reaching out to your hosting provider to ensure they do not have server side caching that is causing a conflict.
Talha says
WP Rocket clear cache helped, phewww!!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad the recommendation was able to help!
Mike B says
Thank you! Didn’t realize SiteGrounds was doing that, and that installing the plugin would help!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our guide could help!
Bri says
Thanks so much! The SG Optimizer fix did it!!!!!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our guide could help
JAMES says
Wow I’m so relieved. The SG OPTIMIZER worked for me . Great work guys, thanks alot!!!
MikeP says
Wow thank you for this great & concise information! W3 purge & Google Chrome were both not doing it for me, so I tried the Siteground Optimizer and all problems went away! Thank you!!
Cristian says
You are best of the best. The cache plugin is the problem.
Anjum Alden says
It is rare to find a solution to a problem so quickly and with such great instructions. The Site Ground plugin was what we needed and it worked perfectly. Thank you, so much!!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our guide was helpful
Rachel says
The SG Optimizer plugin immediately fixed the problem. Thank you!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our recommendation was helpful
kate says
SG plugin was a winner – thanks!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our guide could help
Ruben says
The SiteGround plug in worked for me. Thank you so much for the tips!! Cheers!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad the recommendation helped
Cheryl Strachan says
I had this problem and clearing the cache fixed it. Will still need to figure out WHY it happened in the first place, but allowed me to get a time sensitive post out there. Thank you!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our recommendation was able to help
Douglas Kempf says
I’ve tried all of the above fixes. Some of them more than once. And none of them worked.
WPBeginner Support says
If none of these recommendations are working, we would recommend reaching out to your hosting provider for assistance and they should be able to take a look at the reason.
Donna F says
I have had the issue twice now, where my PC shows the changes I made to the site immediately but my Apple devices still did not show any changes 8 hours or more later. What I noticed was that both times this happened there was a plugin that needed to be updated on my WordPress site. This time it was the Backup plug in. When I updated the plugin, the information showed up on my Apple devices very shortly afterward.
WPBeginner Support says
While it could be that, you may want to ensure you do not have a caching plugin on your site that could also be part of your issue.
Jessie says
None of these options worked for me.
WPBeginner Support says
If none of our recommendations are able to assist, you would want to reach out to your hosting provider to ensure they do not have a caching or are seeing an error on your site.
Oliver says
Hello! Firstly, always amazing guides! you are 100% my goto!
I have this issue, the changes i am making aren’t updating (partially)
layout changes aren’t updating. i have tested to see if its just a delay, by slightly changing some text. The text updates instantly, but the layout remains unchanged.
WPBeginner Support says
If it is not your caching then you would likely want to reach out to your theme’s support to ensure the theme changes aren’t being overridden by a setting in the theme.
Jack says
After i update wordpress version i also update yoast. Then the site won´t load. it just keeping processing and does not show anything but a orange layer that is the main color of the website. Now the same thing is happening when i try to update different plugins but not all of them. I don´t receive any error msg from wordpress or the site. I also clear the cache etc…
WPBeginner Support says
It is hard to say the specific cause, for a starting point we would recommend going through our troubleshooting guide below:
Kathi says
Hi, I have updated my entire website’s design but for some reason, it will always show me the wrong front page.
It’s always the front page, also on different devices, as well on my phone. The other pages will be shown completely right.
WPBeginner Support says
You may want to try our general troubleshooting steps to see if this is a plugin/theme conflict possibly:
Javed Iqbal says
I have updated my WordPress Version 5.5.I have created a posts after that but my post now showing completely on my site. plz how can I resolved this issue.I used above mentioned method but same result.plz guide me how can i fix this issue.
WPBeginner Support says
You would want to reach out to the support for your specific theme and they would be able to assist.
Junaid says
I was the same issue in my WordPress website. But I solved this issue Through Reading This Post.. Thanks Buddy…..
WPBeginner Support says
You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful
Abhishek Gupta says
I have updated the payment method (COD) in my wordpress panel but it is not updating in the website. I don’t know why??
WPBeginner Support says
As this article states, you would want to clear any caching on your site, and should that not work you may need to reach out to your ecommerce plugin’s support to ensure that there isn’t an issue with the plugin itself.
Marelize says
Thank you! CTRL + F5 worked perfectly! This was on Chrome.
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our recommendation was able to help
Gman says
Great, thanks for the article. ctrl+F5 worked for me.
I had previously tried clearing the cache, but still it didn’t work, but ctrl+F5 worked right away for some reason.
Thanks again
WPBeginner Support says
Good to know to check your browser cache as well as the website cache as it sounds like that was your issue
Octopus says
How come all of the WordPress “solutions” never work?
WPBeginner Support says
Our recommended solutions should work unless you have an odd niche error. Feel free to reach out to us using our contact form should none of our recommendations help you
Archit says
Hi, I have updated php version on my host but its not reflecting on wordpress . What to do ??
WPBeginner Support says
You would want to reach out to your host to ensure you changed the PHP in the correct location and if you did you may want to try deleting your htaccess file and resaving your permalinks to recreate the file.
Zeeshan Alam says
Thank you for sharing this post, its really Cached plugin I remove the cache and my post update text showing on Homepage
Thanks a lot
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our recommendations could help
Colton says
You’re a lifesaver, seriously. Couldn’t figure out why my pages weren’t updating but once I deleted and deactivated my cache, they all appeared. I’m so relieved!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our article could help
Judith says
Thank you, this helped tremendously!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our article could help
Robin says
I have done everything suggested several times and my updates are still not showing on my front page. What else can I do?
Thank you.
WPBeginner Support says
You would likely want to reach out to your hosting provider to ensure there are no errors or caching from your host’s end
Peter says
I don’t understand. When I’m on the homepage its empty, then I click “Customise” in the bottom right and it takes me to the version I’ve worked on, but when I go back to the homepge it’s still empty. I can’t see anything anywhere about plugins apart from the download page but it says I need to be on the business plan (I’m on premium).
Is my webpage stuck like this until I upgrade to business? Do I need to install a plugin or does the premium plan come with one already? Clearing the cache on my computer does nothing unfortunately.
WPBeginner Support says
From the sound of it you are on WordPress.com: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/self-hosted-wordpress-org-vs-free-wordpress-com-infograph/
our tutorials and workarounds are for WordPress.org sites. You would sadly need to reach out to the WordPress.com support for the problem but you shouldn’t need to upgrade to their business plan to have it display properly.
Rahul says
Really it is a very helpful article.
WPBeginner Support says
Thank you
Arfaan says
Great video! however, I do not have any cache plugins of any sort. I have cleared my brower cache and still no luck Any other suggestions? im using Chrome.
WPBeginner Support says
Have you checked with your hosting provider to ensure they don’t have caching for your site?
Adam says
I had a problem with my website today and found this solution and it worked perfectly. Thank-you very much. WPBeginner is always the first place that I look whenever I have a problem with my WordPress website and so far I have always been able to resolve it with the material that I find here. Very helpful. Thank-you very much.
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our article could help solve the issue
chinweike onwuchekwa says
thank you very much for this. being having problem with my website not updating immediately. after this video. I uninstalled the wp super cache and my website updated immediately. thank you so much.
Kevin says
Hello! Great article. Unfortunately it didn’t help me, and I don’t have a caching plugin. Any other solutions? I have cleared cache in Chrome as well.
Bailey says
I am also having the same issue. Do you have any solutions?
Heather says
I made a few minor changes to our website content. When I test it on my computer using chrome, the updates are there. If I use IE on my computer I do not see the changes and co-workers using IE, chrome or Mozilla do not see the changes. I made the changes and then clicked update on the page in the dashboard. Please help.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Heather,
This could be a caching issue, please see our guide on how to clear cache in WordPress.
Ashley says
Any suggestions for this issue? WordPress says ‘All themes are up to date’ but my theme is not up to date therefore I can’t install the latest version. My site is broken because the developer says I need the lastest version but I am stuck because WordPress says all themes up to date. Ever heard of this? My site has been down for 13 months because of this and the developer offers no support once you pay for the theme.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Ashley,
You can use FTP to upload theme files to your server.
robiul islam says
thanks for this post i benefited from it
Christopher says
I am having a devilish problem. I changed an image on my home page… (woocommerce storefont) — and also a product image. I have done every variation of purging possible… but the home page keeps reverting to the previous form. I have changed it other times… had a some problems but managed to get it to work. IN fact these times… I purge and reload, etc… and get the correct page. Then I immediately purge everything again… including browser of course… then it seems to work. Then I close and open and it is the wrong page again…. OR I press the top icon which takes you back to the front page and it is the old one. The mobiles show the previous home page… and the old images in other locations. ?? – totally feel like I wasting huge amounts of time over something shouldn’t even happen. I disabled super cache… got it right right… and then boom it reverted again… reenables super cache… purged everything… got it right… one click… back to the old home page… ANY IDEAS??
Raj Trivedi says
Hey Team,
I do not have any WordPress caching plugin and the posts do not get updated for at least 2 hours or less. We have cloudfare cdn. We have tried everything in the books to resolve the problem This problem persists with posts and category listing where all the posts are shown of its category, This happens randomly, sometimes it will get updated and sometimes not. When logged in to WordPress we are able to see the updated content but not when we are logged out or as a visitor visiting the website.
Ideally, after 2 hours everything gets updated at once.
WPBeginner Support says
Hey Raj,
Have you tried disabling Cloudflare temporarily to see if this resolves your issue. We will also suggest contacting your WordPress hosting provider particularly if they have their own caching solutions in place.
Vince says
No good. I have tried everything and suddenly today NO changes of menus, widgtes, logo ect are reflected on the site, unless I’m logged in to wordpress admin panel.
Lucy says
I’ve had so many problems with my updates not showing, and after following every piece of advice I could find online was at my wits end.
However, I think I have solved it – for me, at least.
My hosting is done through Bluehost and there is an automatically installed plugin called Endurance Cache (I’ve since learned this through Googling), which I think defaults to Level 2 setting. In a last ditch attempt, I set this to Level 0 and low and behold my updates appear.
Sommer Arruda says
Im have a strange issue. The WordPress has updated… But only on certain computers. 3 computers have the updated version of my website, where the other 2 do not.
I had a small problem with text randomly fading away and never coming back on my front page, I went to fix it and now Im having the issue with different computers seeing different things. I am not sure if this is a wordpress problem, a plugin problem, or something else.
Anyone else had this problem? And have you fixed it?
Mohamed atef says
I don’t have any cache plugin and i have this problem what is should do ?
Please help me
Alex Legard says
Unfortunately, I still have this issue even though I never had any caching plugin installed in the first place. The web page isn’t updating even after using ctrl-F5. I installed W3 Total Cache and followed the steps in this article. I don’t know what the issue could possibly be.
mohit says
nothing works for me.
this is my website, plz help me out.