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How to Create a WordPress Child Theme





  • 子テーマはテーマ更新時にカスタマイザーを保護し、上書きされないようにします。親テーマを直接変更した場合、その調整は更新時に消えてしまうかもしれません。
  • 子テーマは、ステージング環境と同様に、サイトのオリジナルテーマを台無しにすることなく、安全に新しいデザインや機能を試すことができます。
  • もしあなたがコードの書き方を知っているなら、子テーマは開発プロセスをより効率的にすることができます。子テーマのファイルは親テーマのファイルよりもずっとシンプルです。親テーマの変更または拡張したい部分だけを修正することに集中できます。




  1. コードを扱うことを意識してください。最低限、HTML、CSS、PHP、オプションとしてJavaScriptの基本的な知識があれば、どのような変更が必要かを理解することができます。これについてはWordPressテーマハンドブックで詳しく説明されています。
  2. 希望のサイトデザインと機能を備えた親テーマを選びましょう。可能であれば、ほんの少しの変更で済むものを探しましょう。必要であれば、WordPressテーマを変更する前にやるべきことのチェックリストに従ってください。
  3. テーマ開発には、ローカルサイトまたはステージングサイトを使用してください。本番サイトで意図しないエラーを発生させたくないからです。
  4. まずサイトをバックアップしましょう。初めての場合は、Duplicatorのようなバックアッププラグインを使用することをお勧めします。



プロのヒント 子テーマを作成せずにテーマをカスタマイズしたいですか?WPCodeを使えば、サイトを壊すことなく、カスタムコードスニペットで安全に新機能を有効化できます。





あなたがBluehostのクライアントであれば、ホスティングアカウントのダッシュボードにログインし、’ウェブサイト’タブに移動することができます。その後、 ‘設定’をクリックします。

Bluehost site settings



Bluehost File Manager button



Creating a new folder in Bluehost file manager


このチュートリアルでは、Twenty Twenty-Oneを親テーマとして使用するため、twentytwentyone-childというフォルダー名を使用します。完了したら、「新規フォルダーを作成」をクリックします。

Naming a new child theme file in Bluehost file manager

次に、先ほど作成したフォルダーを開き、「+ File」をクリックして、子テーマの最初のファイルを作成します。


Creating a new file in Bluehost file manager



Creating a new stylesheet file in Bluehost file manager



Editing a style.css file in Bluehost file manager


Theme Name:   Twenty Twenty-One Child
Theme URI:
Description:  Twenty Twenty-One child theme
Author URI:
Template:     twentytwentyone
Version:      1.0.0
Text Domain:  twentytwentyonechild


Saving a stylesheet file in Bluehost file manager



add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_theme_enqueue_styles' );
function my_theme_enqueue_styles() {
    $parenthandle = 'twenty-twenty-one-style'; // This is 'twenty-twenty-one-style' for the Twenty Twenty-one theme.
    $theme = wp_get_theme();
    wp_enqueue_style( $parenthandle, get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css', 
        array(), // if the parent theme code has a dependency, copy it to here
    wp_enqueue_style( 'custom-style', get_stylesheet_uri(),
        array( $parenthandle ),
        $theme->get('Version') // this only works if you have Version in the style header


注: この方法では、子テーマのスタイルシートが正しく読み込まれるように、公式の「Child ThemesandIncluding Assets」のドキュメンテーションを読むことをお勧めします。

これでとても基本的な子テーマができました。WordPress管理画面の外観 ” テーマを 開くと、Twenty Twenty-One子テーマの設定があるはずです。


Activating a child theme in WordPress admin


次の方法では、Child Theme Configuratorプラグインを使用します。この使いやすいWordPressプラグインを使うと、コードを使わずにWordPressの子テーマを素早く作成・カスタマイズできますが、クラシックな(ブロックではない)テーマでしかうまく動作しません。

最初に行う必要があるのは、WordPressプラグインをインストールして有効化することです。有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードのツール ” 子テーマに移動する必要があります。

親/子タブで、アクションを選択するよう求められます。CREATE a new Child Theme “を選択してください。

Creating a new child theme with Child Theme Configurator



Choosing a parent theme in Child Theme Configurator






Choosing where to save the stylesheet in Child Theme Configurator


プラグインが自動的に適切なアクションを決定するので、初期設定の「Use the WordPress style queue」にします。

Choosing the parent theme stylesheet handling in Child Theme Configurator

ステップ7に進んだら、「Click to Edit Child Theme Attributes」と書かれたボタンをクリックします。


Filling out the child theme details in Child Theme Configurator

手動で子テーマを作成すると、親テーマのメニューやウィジェットが失われます。Child Theme Configuratorはそれらを親テーマから子テーマにコピーすることができます。これを行いたい場合は、ステップ8のボックスにチェックを入れてください。


Clicking the Create New Child Theme button in Child Theme Configurator



Previewing a child theme in Child Theme Configurator




Activating a child theme after it was made with Child Theme Configurator


ブロックテーマを使用している場合、WordPressはCreate Block Themeプラグインで簡単に子テーマを作成できます。

まず、WordPressプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。その後、外観 ” ブロックテーマを作成する。

ここで、’Create a Child of [現在のテーマ名]’を選択するだけです。

Creating a child theme with Create Block Theme plugin

次に、子テーマの情報を入力します。この例ではTwenty Twenty-Fourを使っているので、Twenty Twenty-Four Childという名前にします。


Inserting the child block theme's information in the Create Block Theme plugin


完了すると、あなたのサイトは自動的にこの新しく作成された子テーマを有効化します。外観 ” テーマで確認できます。

Seeing the newly created child theme made with the Create Block Theme plugin



例えば、Astraを使用している場合、Astra Child Theme Generatorのサイトに行くことができます。その後、子テーマ名を記入して「Generate」ボタンをクリックするだけです。

Astra Child Theme Generator website




注: このセクションはクラシックWordPressテーマユーザー向けです。ブロックテーマをお使いの場合は、次のセクションに進んでください。







修正が必要なCSSコードを発見する最も簡単な方法は、Google ChromeやFirefoxに付属しているインスペクター・ツールを使うことです。これらのツールを使えば、ウェブページのあらゆる要素の背後にあるHTMLとCSSを見ることができます。




Demonstrating how the Chrome inspect tool works

そこでCSSを編集して、どのように見えるか試してみることができる。例えば、テーマのボディの背景色を#fdf8efに変更してみましょう。body {と書かれたコードの行を探し、その中にcolor:.




Theme Name:   Twenty Twenty-One Child
Theme URI:
Description:  Twenty Twenty-One child theme
Author URI:
Template:     twentytwentyone
Version:      1.0.0
Text Domain:  twentytwentyonechild

body {
    background-color: #fdf8ef

WordPressのエディターから外観 テーマファイルエディターを開くと、以下のようになります:

Adding custom CSS in a child theme's stylesheet in the theme file editor



Theme Name:   Twenty Twenty-One Child
Theme URI:
Description:  Twenty Twenty-One child theme
Author URI:
Template:     twentytwentyone
Version:      1.0.0
Text Domain:  twentytwentyonechild

.site-title {
color: #7d7b77;
.site-description {
color: #aba8a2;
body {
background-color: #fdf8ef;
color: #7d7b77;
.entry-footer {
color: #aba8a2;
.entry-title {
color: #aba8a2;
font-weight: bold;
.widget-area {
color: #7d7b77;




Twenty Twenty-Oneの親テーマのスタイルシートから実際の例を使ってみよう。WordPressインストールフォルダの/wp-content/themes/twentytwentyoneに移動し、ファイルマネージャー、FTP、またはテーマファイルエディターでstyle.cssファイルを開く必要があります。


:root {
/* Colors */
--global--color-black: #000;
--global--color-dark-gray: #28303d;
--global--color-gray: #39414d;
--global--color-light-gray: #f0f0f0;
--global--color-green: #d1e4dd;
--global--color-blue: #d1dfe4;
--global--color-purple: #d1d1e4;
--global--color-red: #e4d1d1;
--global--color-orange: #e4dad1;
--global--color-yellow: #eeeadd;
--global--color-white: #fff;
--global--color-white-50: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
--global--color-white-90: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);
--global--color-primary: var(--global--color-dark-gray); /* Body text color, site title, footer text color. */
--global--color-secondary: var(--global--color-gray); /* Headings */
--global--color-primary-hover: var(--global--color-primary);
--global--color-background: var(--global--color-green); /* Mint, default body background */
--global--color-border: var(--global--color-primary); /* Used for borders (separators) */




/* Buttons */
--button--color-text: var(--global--color-background);

これは基本的に、すべてのボタンテキストが--global--color-background:で宣言されたのと同じ色、ミントグリーン(--global--color-green: #d1e4dd)を使うことを意味する。もし–global–color-green:のHEXを変更したら、ボタンのテキストも違って見えるでしょう。

注: Twenty Twenty-One子テーマを使用していて変更が見られない場合、style.cssファイルを更新するたびに、テーマファイル情報の「バージョン」部分を更新(例えば、1.0から2.0へ)する必要があるかもしれません。





とはいえ、私たちはCreate Block Themeプラグインを使うことで、もっと簡単な代替手段を見つけた。このツールは、WordPressフルサイトエディターで行った変更を、子テーマ.jsonファイルに記録することができる。そのため、プラグインがあなたの代わりに処理してくれるので、コードをすべて触る必要はない。

例をお見せしましょう。まず、外観 ” エディターから WordPressフルサイトエディターを開きます。

Selecting the Full-Site Editor from the WordPress admin panel



Opening the Styles menu in Full Site Editor



Clicking the Edit Styles button in the Full Site Editor



Clicking the Typography menu in Full Site Editor



Clicking Headings in the Full Site Editor



Styling headings in the Full Site Editor

完了したら、「保存」をクリックするだけです。その後、’Save’の隣にあるCreate Block Themeボタン(レンチのアイコン)をクリックします。


Saving changes made to a child theme with the Create Block Theme plugin



Selecting what changes to save to the child theme with the Create Block Theme plugin



Clicking on the Save Changes button in the Create Block Theme plugin



Clicking to view the theme.json file in the Create Block Theme plugin



Viewing the theme.json file in the Create Block Theme plugin




WordPressテーマもそれぞれレイアウトが異なる。例えば、Twenty Twenty-Oneテーマには、ヘッダー、コンテンツループ、フッターウィジェットエリア、フッターがある。


例えば、Bluehostを使用していて、親テーマがTwenty Twenty-Oneの場合、ファイルマネージャーで/wp-content/themes/twentytwentyoneに移動します。そして、footer.phpのようなテンプレートファイルを右クリックし、「コピー」を選択する。

Copying footer.php in Bluehost file manager



Entering the child theme's file path to copy and paste the footer.php into inside Bluehost file manager



Editing footer.php in Bluehost file manager

例として、フッターエリアから「Proudly powered by WordPress」リンクを削除し、そこに著作権表示を追加します。

そのためには、<div class= "powered-by">タグの間をすべて削除する必要がある:

<div class="powered-by">
					/* translators: %s: WordPress. */
					esc_html__( 'Proudly powered by %s.', 'twentytwentyone' ),
					'<a href="' . esc_url( __( '', 'twentytwentyone' ) ) . '">WordPress</a>'
			</div><!-- .powered-by -->


<div class="powered-by">
<p>© Copyright <?php echo date("Y"); ?>. All rights reserved.</p>
</div><!-- .powered-by -->


Replacing the WordPress footer links in footer.php inside Bluehost file manager



Adding a dynamic copyright notice in footer.php








// Register Sidebars
function custom_sidebars() {

$args = array(
'id'            => 'custom_sidebar',
'name'          => __( 'Custom Widget Area', 'text_domain' ),
'description'   => __( 'A custom widget area', 'text_domain' ),
'before_title'  => '<h3 class="widget-title">',
'after_title'   => '</h3>',
'before_widget' => '<aside id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget'  => '</aside>',
register_sidebar( $args );

add_action( 'widgets_init', 'custom_sidebars' );

ファイルを保存したら、WordPressダッシュボードの外観 ” ウィジェットページにアクセスしてください。


Creating a custom widget area for a child theme









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Reader Interactions

98件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Jiří Vaněk

    A child theme is always the first thing I create on a newly installed site. Although I try to use WP Code a lot and avoid problems, but the child theme is an absolutely brilliant thing when updating a template and can save a lot of trouble with lost code that disappears from the main template after an update.

  2. Asad

    Sir, what should I write in function.php to call the Parent theme?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to use the code from our article below the text /* enqueue scripts and style from parent theme */ :)


  3. Yogesh Sambare

    Hi, Team wpbeginner,
    Thanks for this awesome guide, now I think I’m able to make my themes child theme, and it’s really helpful for me .

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you found our guide helpful! :)


  4. Ricardo

    The line:
    “wp_get_theme()->get(‘Version’) )”

    Should be:
    “wp_get_theme()->get(‘Version’) )”


    • WPBeginner Support

      While our comments automatically changed that in your message, we see the issue, thank you for letting us know :)


  5. Rubb

    Can I delete the plugin after I create the child theme?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Currently, you can do that with the plugin :)


  6. Eitan

    You need to add quotation marks to the Y = (“Y”) at the echo date, or you’ll get an error. – echo date(“Y”)

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for pointing out the typo :)


  7. Bomo

    So now that we have created a child theme, how do we update the parent theme when the child theme is activated?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would update the parent theme as you normally would. For safety, you may want to create a backup before you update the parent theme in case there is a conflict somewhere.


      • RYAD

        But do we have to activate the parent theme before we update and them desactivate it and reactivate the child theme ?

        • WPBeginner Support

          No, you can update the theme without it being active

  8. Mahesh Yadav

    One thing I want to know, if we make a child theme then we have 2 CSS files to load one parent theme CSS and second child them CSS. Wouldn’t it increase the site load time and It added one more CSS to load?

    • WPBeginner Support

      While the load time would technically increase, it shouldn’t be by a noticeable amount.


  9. Nadia Shaheen

    Great work!
    stay blessed and keep sharing awesome content.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad you liked our content :)


  10. Fahad

    Great Work !
    This site is super helpful :)
    Keep it up !!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad our article was helpful :)


  11. Daniel Waduka

    I am just starting to use child themes, and this article has been of so much help to me.

    Thanks so much.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could be helpful :)


  12. Marcos Flores

    Hi! i’ve been reading this article and it works! but i also read wordpress documentation about this and they say this

    “Note that the previous method was to import the parent theme stylesheet using @import: this is no longer best practice, as it increases the amount of time it takes style sheets to load. The correct method of enqueuing the parent theme stylesheet is to add a wp_enqueue_scripts action and use wp_enqueue_style() in your child theme’s functions.php ”

    Should i use both method? or if i user the function.php i dont need to write import function inside style.css (located in my child-theme folder)

  13. Khema

    Your instructions are missing a step with the functions.php creation. It should mention that needs to wrap the whole file. In this case I didn’t want to add the example you used and to another piece of code from the article you linked to. Naturally those codes didn’t include the php tag.

    Thanks for the article. It’s very very helpful.

  14. rReons

    So question. I was using my wordpress theme without any child theme and was doing all the changes in to it. I have created a child theme thanks to your guide and I’m using that now as the website theme.

    My question is both themes have the same modifications changes. If I update the main theme from now on, will the changes affect the child theme also?

  15. balu

    He! wpbeginner. WordPress official site saying this. You need to update the post. Thank You!

    Note that the previous method was to import the parent theme stylesheet using @import: this is no longer best practice, as it increases the amount of time it takes style sheets to load. The correct method of enqueuing the parent theme stylesheet is to add a wp_enqueue_scripts action and use wp_enqueue_style() in your child theme’s functions.php. You will therefore need to create a functions.php in your child theme directory. The first line of your child theme’s functions.php will be an opening PHP tag (<?php), after which you can enqueue your parent and child theme stylesheets. The following example function will only work if your Parent Theme uses only one main style.css to hold all of the css. If your child theme has more than one .css file (eg. ie.css, style.css, main.css) then you will have to make sure to maintain all of the Parent Theme dependencies.

  16. Pat

    Great info…you made it to my save list!! Thanks!

  17. Alfonso de Garay

    I have a Child theme with the theme latest version installed in my site. WP version 4.7.5. Received a notice that says WP version is available please update now.
    1. Do I have to backup my site again before updating?
    2. Do I have to create another Child theme using Child version 1 one?
    2. How can I change the Name, email and URL to Chile version 1

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Alfonso,

      WordPress updates normally do not affect your themes so you do not need to create another child theme. You should always backup your website before updating WordPress.


  18. Lisa Bruce

    Hi, I can see that this video/post is a few years old, so I’m a little late to the party, but I have a questions I was hoping you could help me with.
    I am a relatively new to WP and just came to realize the importance of child themes. I have been working on developing a site for a friend and have made several changes to the theme that I am using. I found a bug in the theme and contacted the theme developer and they said that the bug had been fixed in a recent update.
    If I install the update I believe I will loose all my customizations. Is it too late to create a child them? Is it possible to do it now and then install the update? I prefer not to have to start from scratch.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Lisa,

      If you know what changes you made and to which files, then first download a backup of your existing theme to your computer. After that, install the updated version. You can now create a child theme and then copy and paste the code from your customized version to the child theme.


  19. Nell Yang

    Thank you for this helpful post. I have always been looking for a video to show me how exactly should I use child theme. It is quite time consuming that each time after I updated my theme, all my styles just went away. It is frustrating to do everything over again. I tried to read the documents from wordpress but still don’t know how to proceed after activate the child theme. Keep up the good work! Thank you again!

  20. Tony Agee

    Good instructional video. Most tutorials I have watched tell you to paste the code in the file but they neglect to tell you what medium to paste the code to. I was going to use Notepad++ but I guess you can use regular notepad.

  21. JP

    Hello, i just want to say that you are a very good writer, very clear and simple. I past a long time on your article for learn WP.

    Thank you!

  22. Rob Brooks

    Hi. Thank you for being a great WP resource. I am new to WP and really appreciate your guidance. I have followed the article to the letter but when I go to enable the child template on the site, I get the error “The parent theme is missing. Please install the “Real Estate Lite” parent theme. As you see I am using a free template called Real Estate light. it is located in the ../real-estate-lite/ directory of wp-content/themes. My code is below… did I do something wrong?

    Theme Name:   Real Estate Lite Child Theme
    Theme URI:
    Description:  Real Estate Lite child theme
    Author:       me
    Author URI:
    Template:     Real Estate Lite
    Version:      1.0.0
    @import url("../real-estate-lite/style.css");

    In addition, I will mention the theme was free and is running on WP version 4.7.2 (Running on Plesk). I created style.css file directly on the server so no FTP issues.

    I have already made significant changes to the parent style.css file as well as functions.php … I am not sure if this would affect this, but going to test on an unedited dummy domain to see if I get the same results

    Any guidance/assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Rob,

      You will need parent theme to be installed on your site and Template value should match parent theme’s actual name which you can see in it’s style.css file.


  23. Carrie

    Hi! Great article! I am finally starting to understand how to edit css so that I get the result I want, thanks to this article.

    Thanks much for the simplified explanation!

  24. Nalin

    I created a child theme & Using @import for the “style.css” on a child theme. Now I want to change in another css file of parent theme’s folder ….. /font_awesome/css/fontawesome.css
    Now, I want to know that where I will put my new fontawesome.css in child theme & how to use @import command.
    or any other process to use more css file in child theme.

  25. Rebecca

    So, I don’t have the wp content folder on my computer. What should I do?
    Should I have downloaded this at some point?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Rebecca,

      The wp-content file is hosted on your hosting account not on your computer. You will need an FTP client to connect to your server.


  26. Brad

    Using @ import is no longer best practice

    • SAppa

      Then what is the best practice now? You should be able to back up your comment.

  27. Jual beli rumah


  28. Jean-philippe

    I am learning so much since a few hours on your website. Everytime I search something in google related to “how to” in wordpress I find that the best information is here at WPbeginner. It is always well explained and easy to understand. I will always come back for information here without a doubt.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Jean-philippe,

      Thanks for the kind words, we are glad you find WPBeginner helpful :) Don’t forget to join us on Twitter for more WordPress tips and tutorials.


  29. Smart Rashed

    This is the article ,which i am looking for,thanks man.

  30. Kevin

    I know this will be a stupid question. I’m so new to this and have no skills at all. If I am creating a file, style sheet, etc. on my wp installation file on my local pc, how does that get onto my website? I guess I’m missing that? I use like 3 different PCs to work on my website and those local files aren’t on all of them. Again, I am sure I am missing something really dumb. Not seeing the connection.

      • Kevin

        Ok, I got that and made a child theme, but when I activate it, the formatting on the site is all off from the parent theme. What did I do wrong?

  31. Francesco

    Hi there,
    I’m following your tutorial but WordPress (4.5.3) doesn’t recognise the new folder on my online server. How can I work around this?

  32. Muhammad Moosa

    Helpful article indeed, I followed it and created a child theme. Thanks.

  33. Carolina

    Hi, thanks for the tutorial, very helpfull. But I have a question. Can I create a child theme from an already established website? I have a client who designed his own website but did not create a child theme. How to go about it?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If their current theme follows WordPress coding standards and best practices then you should have no trouble creating a child theme.


  34. Mike

    Thank you so much for the article and video. Apparently since these were created WordPress has new best practices listed in their codex which is confusing me.

    “The final step is to enqueue the parent and child theme stylesheets. Note that the previous method was to import the parent theme stylesheet using @import: this is no longer best practice.”

    Do I stick with the steps you outlined herein verbosely, or do I omit the import function and create the PHP file, or do I implement both?

    My theme’s style.css file only contains a header so importing that file seems irrelevant, and there are multiple CSS files like main.css located elsewhere in the parent’s file structure. Not knowing any better as a beginner I have already made changes to main.css to achieve some of my goals and only now I realize the child theme is necessary.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Best regards,


    • WPBeginner Support

      You will need to import at least your style.css file it should be in your parent themes main directory. It should automatically import other CSS files.


      • Mike

        Even if the style.css has nothing but the header?

        • Jack

          If your style.css file do not have imports to other css styles, you can import them directly, just like style.css.

  35. Olamide

    Good day. When I did a live preview of the child theme, I noticed that it didn’t have the css of the parent theme. Maybe this is as a result of an error in the way I inserted the code?
    This is the code that I inserted:
    Theme Name: sparkling child
    Theme URI:
    Description: sparkling child theme
    Author: djetlawyer
    Author URI:
    Template: sparkling
    Version: 1.0.0
    @import url(“../sparkling/style.css”);

    The parent theme is “sparkling”. If there is any error, please correct me.
    Thank you.

  36. lucia

    Hi there,
    I am trying to set up a child theme to activate my footer on twenty twelve, but I don’t know what code to use to set it up.
    I tried this webpage

    with various suggestions , and I have tried to change your suggestion as given on twenty thirteen , but I don’t succeed.
    Could you please give me the right working code for setting up a child them for twelve twelve.

  37. Leigh

    This was incredibly helpful – especially your HTML for us to copy. I’ve never been so excited to see colors change on a website before. This is easily the best “how-to” out there for this theme!

  38. Bhautik Andhariya

    Hello, I have tried same example that you shown. But my child theme is replacing all the style of its parent theme.
    It doesn’t have any style of it’s parent. What is the solution? Can you please help me? I am new in wordpress and i am learning it.

  39. Angelo

    Hi there!

    I’ve just installed the Bose template and also created a child theme for it. However, the following error message appears on the center of my website:

    Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /home/hello582/public_html/teste/wp-content/themes/bose/featured.php on line 12

    I’m a very beginner at websites creation, so I haven’t got any clue about what the problem is. Could anyone help me?

    Thanks a lot!

  40. Djamila


    Thanks for the article! I could not get my child theme to ‘appear’ in the template section and it turned out I indeed misspelled the way the original template was named. What a difference a capital makes, huh?
    However, now that I have my child theme I was able to update the parent theme and when I did all of a sudden I got an issue with a super important plugin ( I am building a review blog on a local database, for now and it’s the wrap up/grading plugin belong to the template designers).
    In the parent template they ‘upgraded’ this plugin. I personally prefer the old one, but okay…anyway…underneath my review you now see *both*, the old wrap up with grades and the new one, which looks out of whack too. I have de-activated and re-activated but it stays like that. Super annoying and I don’t know where to look to either keep the old one (prettier) or only the new one and outlines as should.

    Where should I start? Thanks for any help you can give me.

  41. Amanda

    Thanks for a great article!

    If I use a child theme, will I still be able to customize it using the Appearance> Theme Options that comes with my theme in the admin panel such as font size, background colors etc. or do I have to go the code route?

    If I have activated the Child theme and I use the Appearance tab to update the styling instead of using code, is it essentially still updating the parent theme because the related files are not in the child theme folder?

      • Amanda

        Thanks for your reply.

        So if I activate the Child Theme and use the settings in the Appearance tab of my admin panel to change the styling (instead of writing css code), my changes won’t be overwritten when I do a theme or WordPress update on the parent theme?

        Would I still need to copy the stylesheet, header, footer files etc. to the child theme folder to make the scenario above work?

  42. Laura

    I’ve been following these (and other) steps to create a child theme based on twentytwelve. The issue I’m running into is that wordpress seems to ignore only some of the css I’ve changed from the original theme and it’s driving me nuts. For example, I’ve successfully changed the background colour of the menu, but it simply won’t let me change the text colours of anything. I’ve used your approach of editing it in chrome’s code inspector thing (which worked great, the colour got changed, suggesting my code was correct) and pasting the changed code into the style.css of the child theme, but it doesn’t seem to get picked up at all. I don’t know what to do about this, any insights would be very welcome!

  43. Boyet

    Thank you very much for this tutorial. I don’t have problem editing my child theme’s stylesheet, header, and footer files.

    My question is, what will I do if I wanted to change something in a file located in my mother theme’s folder like: public_html/wp-content/themes/shopera/woocommerce?

    Do I need to create the same path in my child theme?

    Thanks in advance…

  44. Tony Arnold

    Very helpful and largely understood and executed.
    I am trying to make my header image full width.My theme doesn’t ‘allow’ this as standard so do i change the file?
    Thank you

  45. Sohail Farooq

    Love this article I tried and got it worked at once.

  46. Xander

    Hi, there!

    It seems I have got stuck a little bit. I have already made some changes in the some .php-files (e.g. header.php, footer.php and so on) of my parent theme without having a child theme installed.
    Now I want to create a child theme because updates of the parent one have been coming. What should I do with all those already modified files? Should I copy them in the child theme’s directory? What are folder I need to have it it? Should I create the same folders that the parent theme has got for the child theme?

    Thank you,

    • WPBeginner Support

      You don’t need all the folders of your parent theme. You just need to recreate the files where you have made changes. We have a tutorial on how update themes without losing changes. It has a section where you can find out which files you have modified in your theme and what changes you have made to them.

      Download a fresh copy of your parent theme on your computer. Download the old theme to your computer and then upload the fresh copy. After that create a new child theme. Copy the files where you have made changes from the fresh theme to your child theme. Copy the changes you have made in the old theme files into the files of your new child theme.

      It would take some troubleshooting before you get it right. So we strongly recommend you to backup your site first. If possible test your changes on a local WordPress install first.


      • Xander

        Thank you. Could you please give me a link on the tutorial mentioned?
        There is another obstacle – I have changed functions.php file, how can I reconcile both of them in the parent and child themes?

  47. Chris

    Can I load and install my new child theme on another site? If so how?


    • WPBeginner Support

      Download your child theme to your computer. Create a zip file containing the theme folder. Go to the admin area of another site and then visit Appearance » Themes. Click on the add new theme button and then click on the upload button. Upload the zip file you created earlier. WordPress will extract and install your child theme.

      You will also need to install the parent theme as well.


  48. Daniel Garneau


    I find this tutorial very useful to learn how to create a child theme. But in the process I made the following ajustments. There needs to be two files in the child-theme directory. They have to be named style.css and functions.php.

    style.css must contain at least (supposing one is using the TwentyTen theme):
    @import url(“../twentyten/style.css”);
    Template: twentyten

    When I consulted the turorial on 2015-05-12, the “template: twentyten” line was in the comment block. It must be a command that can be read by WordPress.

    Also, there must be a functions.php file, and it has to have minimally the following line of command :

    Your tutorial along with the wp codex, helped me creating my first child theme. Thank you.

  49. Maria

    Is it safe to say that the changes I made in the custom css field can be placed into my child’s theme style.css?

  50. Louise Mason

    I am falling at the first fence – how do i find /wp-content/themes/? Actually where is the WordPress installation folder? In the video i can’t see what you click on or how you open it, the file manager just appears by magic!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can access File Manager by visiting your web hosting dashboard. Login to your web hosting account and locate File Manager.


      • Sonam

        when I select the file manager of my web hosting account , I get four options :
        1)home directory
        2)web root
        3)public ftp root
        4)Document root

        which one should I select to work on.

        • Kylee

          Hi – I go with Home Directory. That takes me to all the files. I click on Public HTML on the left to access my various sites. You probably figured it out at some stage but just in case you didn’t…

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