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Beginner's guide to pasting snippets from the web into WordPress










WordPressにスニペットを追加する際、index.phpや single.phpなどのWordPressテーマのテンプレートファイルに追加するよう指示がある場合があります。








WPCode - Best WordPress Code Snippets Plugin





WPCodeの無料版は、WordPressでカスタムコードを追加するために必要なすべてのものが付属しています。WPCode Proは、プライベートクラウドスニペットライブラリ、変換ピクセル、スケジュールスニペットなどの高度な機能を提供しています。





有効化したら、WordPress管理ダッシュボードのCode Snippets ” + Add Snippetにアクセスするだけです。そして、「新規追加」ボタンをクリックします。

Click 'Add New Snippet' in WPCode



Add custom code in WPCode



Select the PHP snippet option



Paste custom snippet into box


Choose insertion option for code snippet



Auto insert locations in WPCode


WPCode Smart Conditional Logic



Save and activate code snippet




テーマのheader.phpや footer.phpファイルにコードを追加するだけでよい場合もあります。WPCodeプラグインは、これを簡単に行うのにも役立ちます。

Google アナリティクスGoogle AdsenseFacebook PixelTikTok Pixelなどのトラッキングコードをサイトに追加する必要がある場合に便利です。



Code Snippets ” Header & Footerにアクセスし、あなたのサイトのヘッダー、ボディ、またはフッターセクションにコードスニペットを入力してください。

Add code to header and footer with WPCode




Create site specific plugin





まず、プラグイン ” プラグインエディターに行き、’Select plugin to edit:’と書かれたドロップダウン・メニューからプラグインを選択する必要があります。


Add code to site specific plugin





Edit site-specific WordPress plugin using FTP




Add code to functions.php example





テーマのfunctions.phpファイルやその他のページテンプレートに直接コードスニペットを追加する場合は、WordPress管理画面の外観 ” テーマエディターからコードを追加できます。


Add code to functions.php and other templates



FTPクライアントでサイトに接続し、wp-content ” themes ” your-theme-folderに行き、編集が必要なファイルを右クリックするだけです。

Edit theme files via FTP







// PHP Begin Tag
// Rest of the code goes here
// PHP End Tag

PHPコードはすべて<?phpと ?>タグの中に記述する必要があります。



// Some pre-existing code
// your custom code


// Some pre-existing code
// Your custom code snippet

すべてのエラーのほぼ 90% は、PHP の開始タグや終了タグの配置が正しくないことが原因です。コードを見れば、カスタム・コード・スニペットに PHP の開始タグや終了タグを追加する必要があるかどうかがわかります。



// Lots of code in your theme's functions.php file
// Your custom code
function custom_loginlogo() {
echo '<style type="text/css">
h1 a {background-image: url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/login_logo.png) !important; }
add_action('login_head', 'custom_loginlogo');


function custom_loginlogo() {
echo '<style type="text/css">
h1 a {background-image: url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/login_logo.png) !important; }
add_action('login_head', 'custom_loginlogo');






function wpbeginner_tutorial() {
echo "Hello World!";


// Pre-existing code in your theme file
function wpbeginner_tutorial() {
echo "Hello World!";
// Your custom code
function custom_loginlogo() {
echo '<style type="text/css">
h1 a {background-image: url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/login_logo.png) !important; }





PHP error code example




WPCode error reporting











この投稿が、ウェブ上のコードスニペットをWordPressに貼り付ける方法を学ぶのにお役に立てば幸いです。WordPress サイトにコードを簡単に表示する方法や、WordPress 開発ツールのベストセレクションもご覧ください。

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

39件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. prabhat kumar biswal

    why image uploading option was not mention

  2. Max

    Thanks for the article but it’s really thrown my understanding of the functions.php file. Is a closing tag really required on every theme’ s Functions file. For example, looking at a clean, untouched installation of the popular Divi theme, there is no closing php tag: ?>
    Divi works perfectly without this closing tag so I am assuming that some themes’ Functions.php files don’t require it?

    Another point – many people giving out snippets (yourself included) include line numbers as part of the code. When the code snippets are pasted into the functions.php file you then need to go through each line deleting the line numbers, and only the line numbers. If you don’t do this the code breaks and won’t work. I expect this is a very common mistake too. So it would be preferable to avoid these potential problems by posting the code in your tutorials without the line numbers so we don’t have to tediously edit the line numbers out after pasting and risk corrupting the code.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Max,

      Good questions. You are right, it is not necessary to add the closing php tag at the end of the functions file.

      As for line numbers in code snippets, you will notice a tiny menu when you take your mouse over to a code snippet on WPBeginner. This menu contains a view source or copy button. Clicking on it will open a popup window where you can copy the raw code without line numbers.

      Hope this helps.


  3. Mayaprakash Pant

    I read this article and it is really nice. Just to know one thing, what are the sentences written in green in above tutorial? Are they comments or something else? Help me with this.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Mayaprakash,

      Yes those are comments to help users understand whats happening in the code.


  4. Charlesdeeds

    Thank you my dear for your support. you have saved a brother from loosing he’s job appointment… Thanks and Best regards

  5. Waqar Ahmed

    A very easy to understand article and explained a great topic.

  6. Dylan Cornelius

    You’ve done a wonderful job describing a somewhat technical topic in an easy-to-understand, straightforward way. Your examples are simple and really help. Kudos!

  7. Md. Mohiuddin Faisal Bhuiyan

    Very common mistake also for me. We always have to aware of this.

  8. Asanka Ranjeewa

    It is really help full, even i am knowing a little codding. it is really help full and now i know it even better. thanks.

  9. Anna

    I’m laughing out loud because it’s as if you’d written the article based on the mistakes I just made! Thank you so much for spelling out the little details as I was quickly back up and running thanks to this article.

  10. wonntann

    Thanks for this easy to follow article!

  11. Aashi

    Whenever i comment and uncomment the codes it creates an error sometimes of “;” or sometimes of “/”.
    I again uploaded the file in which there were no changes but still the same error occurs.
    Stuck badly.. What to do next.

  12. Keli

    Help! I just made one of the mistakes mentioned above and my site is broken. I saw your reply to Amy but can’t figure out how to change my function php. Please help!

    • Keli

      I have a child theme installed and activated, and I added google analytics code to ‘Appearance> Editor> Theme Functions (functions.php) which was empty and now my site is broken? its a huge issue as there si currently facebook promo running driving people to a broken site.

  13. Amy

    Syed can you please help me!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Amy,

      You will need access to cPanel dashboard for your web hosting account or FTP credentials. Once you have those, you can connect to your WordPress site using FTP or you can use File Manager from your hosting account dashboard. Locate your theme’s functions.php file and edit it. You will need to go to line 14 to remove the unexpected code or remove the code that you entered earlier causing the issue.


  14. isi

    hi i tried to paste a font on php, im newbie on this below is the code can anyone see which is my mistake….

    <html >

    <link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="/images/favicon.ico ” type=”image/x-icon” />
    <link rel="pingback" href="” />

  15. Jessica

    So using the example above, please could you advise which tags would be stripped from your code snippet below, if you were to paste the code into an existing functions.php file that already had an opening and closing tag?

    // Paste your Google Analytics code from Step 4 here

  16. Jeffrey

    I pasted the code to update the date and time of when a post was updated rather than it displaying the “original” date of the post. I posted right after the Google authorship in my Genesis Child Theme. It’s displaying the updated date but it doesn’t say “Updated. . . “, it just shows the original date and underneath shows the updated date. The file starts with in the file, so my thinking is I have too many “php” in the code. I’m sure it is not placed inside another function. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the code:

    add_action(‘genesis_before_post_content’, ‘add_last_modified_date’);
    function add_last_modified_date() {
    if (is_single()) { ?>
    <time datetime="”>
    <?php }

    This is the code BEFORE where I placed the above code:

    960, ‘height’ => 80 ) ); ** commented out by payam 09-06-11 to add my own logo and header bg

    /** Add support for 3-column footer widgets **/
    add_theme_support( ‘genesis-footer-widgets’, 3 );

    /* ACF Options page */
    if(function_exists(‘acf_add_options_page’)) {

    acf_add_options_page( ‘Site Options’ );
    // acf_add_options_sub_page(‘Header’);
    // acf_add_options_sub_page(‘Footer’);


    /* payam add google publisher authorship info to home page only */
    add_action(‘genesis_meta’, ‘child_google_publisher_authorship’);
    function child_google_publisher_authorship() {
    if ( is_front_page() ) {
    $ED_google_publisher_authorship_link = ” ;
    echo $ED_google_publisher_authorship_link;

  17. James

    Thanks so much!! Saved me from pulling my hair out!

  18. Sinan İŞLER

    Haha noob friendly article nice :D

  19. Barbara

    Am I the only one wondering if my google analitics information can be pasted into my site??? In the past I’ve come across things suggested to be added to WordPress only to find out it does not work for my .com. So tell me. Did I go through all of the analitics set up for nothing? I hope not. Where could you paste the information in There no place to be found.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Barbara, this guide is for self hosted sites. As for blogs, you can not add Google Analytics code or try to pass any unauthorized code into a free blog. Please see our guide on vs


  20. Louis Sahagun

    I was informed that I have to add script to the beggining of: /google_analytics_auto.js’/script/head> in order to change this from relative url to absolute url. This will fix many broken links since I recently changed the IDX to my site. After reading the above instructions, it sounds like I need to use a FTP client like Filezilla to perform this. Is this correct?

  21. Anthony


    I found your tutorial unfortunately after I broke my site. I am getting this error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in /home/content/45/7334345/html/wp-content/themes/Magazine110613/functions.php on line 31

    But I cannot access the admin panel to fix the code. Any suggestions?


    • WPBeginner Support

      You can fix this by accessing your site using an FTP client like Filezilla. Download a fresh copy of your theme and extract it on your computer, then you need to upload the new functions.php file from your computer to to your theme directory using the FTP client.


  22. Dwight B

    Hi I was referred to your article from this link:

    I have a question, since I have my child theme installed and activated, is adding the PHP code as simple as going to ‘Appearance> Editor> Theme Functions (functions.php) [which is empty]’ and pasting it?

    Or are there other files that need to be edited?

    Thanks, hope you can help.

    • Editorial Staff

      It is that simple, but you have to be very careful with the proper syntax that we have highlighted in the article above. If you paste the code incorrectly, then you can potentially lock yourself out of your WordPress admin. This is why we highly recommend that you know how to use FTP before modifying code through WordPress admin.


  23. Sean

    Wow, this is the 1st ever article I have seen on the web which acknowledges the fact that newbies who want to get things done with adding code do not necessarily know the assumptions that tutorial writers often have.

    This is a very thoughtful and great gesture on your part. Thank You.

    I do not blame the experts since they are writing form another level, but seriously, it wouldn’t hurt them or take any extra time to just add the 1 or 2 lines to make sure their code is understood by everyone.

    Right now I am looking around for the explanation of another basic thing that must be obvious to all the PHP pros but is totally lost on me, which is, what do they mean when they say “Paste the code below within the single.php within the loop” . . .

    What’s “within the loop” here and where should I paste the code snippet in my single.php file ?

    Any ideas please ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Sean, in WordPress terminology, the loop refers to the WordPress Loop. It is the code that runs a loop, generating HTML for posts fetched by the SQL query run by WordPress. It starts like this:

      <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

      and ends like this:

      <?php endwhile; else: ?>
      <p><?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.'); ?></p>
      <?php endif; ?>

      When you are asked to paste a snippet inside the loop you need to paste it between the start and end of the loop.


  24. Michael

    Nice, thoughtful article. There are many little things a beginner must know, like these simple errors, that are quickly taken for granted once we learn them. It’s these little things that often cause people to just give up. But that keeps some of us in business :-).

  25. Greg

    Thanks for this – the one questions that I have is that often I have seen that there are ‘code snippets’ that are offered, but I have NO idea which file they are to be pasted into!

    Others, like the one that talks about Displaying Custom Fields here:

    The links to “The Loop” quickly get very unclear when they make statements like:
    The Loop should be placed in index.php
    …… any other Templates used to display post information.<=== they must be kidding, right?

    This is where I get very frustrated. How am I supposed to know what "Any of the OTHER Templates used to display post information" is supposed to mean.

    Any guidance you could give on this would be greatly appreciated.

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Greg,

      It is definitely a tough question as to where to paste the code because the answer varies based on the situation. If it is a theme based function, then you would use functions.php file (or another theme file). If it is a site based function, then you probably want to use a site-specific plugin.

      The Loop is used by WordPress to display posts. Using The Loop, WordPress processes each post to be displayed on the current page, and formats it according to how it matches specified criteria within The Loop tags. Any HTML or PHP code contained in the Loop will be processed on each post. You read more about it here:

      As for template files, you can get a better overview here:

      Not all themes have all these template files. The most basic theme only needs style.css file and an index.php file. But the more customization you want, the more options you have available for you. The visual overview in the link above should explain that.

      “The loop should be placed in index.php” is the very bare bone example. Some themes have separate loop files altogether (i.e loop.php or loop-content.php, loop-quote.php etc). Then the theme author would call those loop files into other template files like single.php where they can say get_template_part( ‘loop’, ‘single’ ); which will include the loop-single.php file. Theme authors have different practices to make things work. It also depends on whether you are using a parent theme or a child theme. Because in child themes, you are mainly just working with the functions.php file and hooks available in the theme framework. Yes it gets pretty tricky when it comes to the child themes.


  26. Felipe

    In your very first example:

    //This is the opening tag of a PHP Code

    the comment *before* the opening tag of a PHP Code won't run very well ;) Not a big deal as few people will paste that anywhere but as the whole guide is about learning how to mix PHP code correctly with HTML and other PHP code …

  27. scottwyden

    I used to make these mistakes and there was never an article like this to help me learn. Thanks for writing this up for newbies!

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