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  • PHP 4.3以上
  • MySQL 4.0以上
  • mod_rewrite Apache モジュール











Host Gator – 200万以上のドメインをホスティングサービスし、業界で評判の高いウェブホストの一つとして知られています。すべてのニーズに合ったプランがあります。クーポン “WPBeginner “で初月$9.94割引。

Site5 – WordPressコミュニティのための特別プランを用意している最も人気のあるホスティングサービスの1つ。

Blue Host – 長い歴史を持つもう一つの信頼できるウェブホスティングサービスです。Blue Hostはユーザーにその価値を証明しており、Host Gatorの正当なライバルです。


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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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    • ArunNagarathanam says

      Except Hostgator all the famous unlimited shared hosting doesn’t provide quality and speed hosting.

      Try jaguarpc, stablehost, knownhost, , if you need cloud then you may opt for Eurovps

  2. ArunNagarathanam says

    For wordpress, you should also see, whether they support Litespeed or NginX server. APC or eAccelerator for superior performance

  3. KaloyanBanev says

    Reliable web hosting is always important not only for WordPress websites. It is good that WordPress system requirements are minimal and can be hosted at almost every shared hosting package.

  4. monalisa222 says is another reliable free web hosting company also provid free domain with paid hosting, I have been using their business hosting with free domain since 2008.I think they are pretty good.

  5. Kraft says

    I had some problem like this with Hostgator in 2007. Suspended my account due to excessive activity with the only way to get the site and my e-mail functional was to upgrade to a much more expensive plan.

    Their support could never tell me what activity on the site was excessive, only that my account was in that state. My website, on a great day, pulled in maybe 200 visits, but typically in the 75/day range, back then.

    I can’t in good faith direct people to Hostgator with the customer service they provided in that incident.

  6. Carlitos says

    Yeah but you need to move when you blog is bigger, I’ve a blog with 100k in daily hits, thats almost 3kk a month, I started with a small host then I had to purchase 2 servers for a better performance, im paying around $1700 a month to my host providers.

    • Editorial Staff says

      When the blog grows of course the shared hosting won’t last and the users will have to buy servers and so on. But how many new blogs do you know that gets 100k in daily hits? This article is to help beginners.


  7. Mari Lynch says

    Since the domain registrar and web host I’ve used from the beginning, Network Solutions, was one that you recommended for registrar, I was surprised to see that you didn’t likewise include them on list of recommended web hosts. Curious if there’s a reason why you don’t include them here, or if you’re just trying to spread the recommendations around to more companies that meet your criteria for the different roles. Thank you.

    • Editorial Staff says

      We have to keep our numbers limited, so it does not seem like that we are recommending just everything. We are only recommending services that we have used in the past and have worked with. We will also be updating this list in the near future, but Network Solutions will not be included regardless because we do not have enough experience with them in order to recommend them. The reason why we have them as domain registrar recommendation is because we have had plenty of experience with their registrar services.


  8. webBoi says

    Actually, I disagree that WordPress is a lightweight script. I am a HUGE advocate of WP, and have used it to build countless blogs for clients as well as several full-fledged content-management systems. I’m also a hosting provider, and I can tell you we’re not along in having lots of trouble with WordPress running too many inefficient queries too frequently. You MUST make sure your host is familiar with WordPress, has a very high end machine with tons of RAM (4GB minimum) if you’re in a shared hosting environment, and PLEASE discuss their policies for memory/MySQL usage “violations.” All these hosts offering “unlimited” everything obviously don’t mean that — they don’t expect you to be using any resources, which most sites don’t — but if you do, they’ll suspend your account. There are lots of horror stories of low-traffic blogs getting shut down by hosting providers because certain WP database queries are hogging precious server resources.

    I’m so glad to see this guide site up, though — I can’t wait to show it to several of my clients! Thanks for the terrific resource!

    • Darren Nickerson says

      I think hes just saying that the script itself doesn’t take up much server space, so if you just wanted it for simple blogging you wouldn’t need unlimited space and bandwidth, but if you wanted to host a lot of images and videos you may want unlimited everything.

