Czy jesteś początkującym użytkownikiem WordPressa i zastanawiasz się, czym jest zarządzany hosting WordPress?
Podczas twoich poszukiwań prawdopodobnie natknąłeś się na wiele zarządzanych firm hostingowych WordPress i odkryłeś, że cena zarządzanego hostingu WordPress jest dość wyższa niż przeciętnego hostingu współdzielonego, który można uzyskać już za 1,99 USD miesięcznie.
Jeśli jesteś jak większość ludzi, to prawdopodobnie pomyślałeś: Dlaczego jest tak duża różnica w cenie? Czy zarządzany hosting WordPress jest naprawdę o wiele lepszy? Czy potrzebuję zarządzanego planu WordPress dla mojej witryny? Czy zarządzany hosting WordPress jest wart swojej ceny? Jeśli tak, to która firma oferująca zarządzany hosting WordPress jest najlepsza?
Jeśli masz którekolwiek z tych pytań, to jesteś we właściwym miejscu.
W tym artykule podkreślimy zalety i wady zarządzanego hostingu WordPress. Porównamy również najlepsze zarządzane firmy hostingowe WordPress, przeprowadzając testy wydajności. Możesz skorzystać z naszych badań, wiedzy i doświadczenia, aby zdecydować, która zarządzana firma hostingowa WordPress jest dla Ciebie odpowiednia.
Po dokładnym przejrzeniu i porównaniu dziesiątek dostawców, ręcznie wybraliśmy również najlepiej zarządzane firmy hostingowe WordPress w 2024 roku.
Thanks for the explanation and an in-depth review on each hosting.
I hope managed hosting is different from dedicated hosting, and the latter can accommodate any plugin with full control of your website.
Is there anything like Cpanel in a managed hosting ?
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on the specific host as some have different interfaces.
Cody Wheeler
Mostly a great list. You should consider removing Bluehost from this list. They have undergone some major changes recently and are no longer a good hosting option IMO.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for your feedback and we will look into the hosts on our list as we update our content![:)](
Moinuddin Waheed
Till now I have used only the shared hosting plan and am planning to upgrade to vps to manage high traffic.
But I have been confused with these terms many times.
Does having a managed wordpress hosting ensures that they would develop your website from scratch and you need to do nothing?
or they takes care of one’s a website is build and they just looks after it and gives support whenever needed?
Also what is the main difference between managed and dedicated wordpress hosting?
WPBeginner Support
You would need to check with the hosting for specifics but they normally would not develop the site for you, they would handle the maintenance tasks involved with your site.
The simplest method to explain the difference between managed and dedicated is a dedicated server where only you are on the server while managed hosting is there to help you manage a site on their hosting.
Moinuddin Waheed
Thanks for making the difference clear.
I would check my hosting provider and ask if they would build website from scratch with some additional charges or just manage the website once build in terms of performance, speed and other such issues.
It’s true your list is really genuine. These sites offer good managed hosting aomeone could need. However, is a new to me.
What managed WordPress hosting plans allow Amazon ad insertion?
WPBeginner Support
Unless the hosting provider disallows it, all managed hosting providers should allow you to include Amazon ads.
I am planning to move to Managed WordPress but before that have 2 doubts:
1. Do the Managed WordPress companies also provide a dedicated IP and a dedicated server for our site, if required?
2. Else do we have to pay separately or buy a cloud hosting or VPS?
WPBeginner Support
Managed WordPress hosts would be your hosting provider, you would need to check with the specific host for if that would include a dedicated IP and server or if that host handles it differently.
Detailed post. Thanks for sharing.
Which hosting are you using on WP Beginner
WPBeginner Support
We are currently using SiteGround.
A2 Hosting should be a consideration
WPBeginner Support
While they are a good hosting provider, if we include too many options the list would start to lose value as a short list![:)](
I agree, managed wordpress hosting is all about good support.
WPBeginner Support
Glad you feel that way![:)](
Niall Flynn
WPE are well worth the spend, the others have good service. Seen 20 sites on each too so this is not one site only. The rest will let you down too imo compared to WPE. The saving of a few dollars a month is not worth it. Plus WPE have UK servers as well as US, dedicated IPs, security is far better. Anyone using GoDaddy do a little research too, not a great track record.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for sharing your recommendation for WP Engine
IS Managed & Dedicated Hosting are same thing?
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on the host and how they have their branding but normally they are different.
Martha Doolittle
Curious how far down the list is GoDaddy? They handle the hosting for the email server we use and changing hosts seems complicated. They give us very good service, but they quoted me $150 to make the change from Cpanel to Managed Word Press, so we can create a test site to update all plugins and incorporate Gutenberg.
WPBeginner Support
Unless I hear otherwise, for the moment they are not one of our recommended managed hosts.
How about Amazon Lightsail at only USD3,5 per month you even get 1000GB data transfer. Is it on par with those websites?
WPBeginner Support
Managed hosting is more about support than how much data you can transfer.
WPEngine now costs $35/month, LiquidWeb $29/month. You should update your pricing table.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for letting us know about the pricing updates, we’ll certainly update the table and page as needed![:)](
Chaz DeSimone
What a great breakdown. I appreciate both the in-depth benefits of each host, and your own recommendations. I was trying to decide between WPEngine and Bluehost, and you have confirmed my plan. I’m still not sure which of those two (as I already have an account with BlueHost) but I feel inclined to get a feel for WPEngine. Thank you for such a thorough article.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for the kind words, glad our article could help with your decision![:)](