Behöver du deactivate alla WordPress tillägg, men du kan inte komma åt WordPress admin area?
Under WordPress felsökning kommer du ofta att få rådet att deactivate alla tillägg och sedan reactivate dem en efter en. Men vad händer om du inte kan komma åt wp-admin för att deactivate dem?
I den här artikeln visar vi dig hur du enkelt deaktiverar alla tillägg till WordPress när du ej har tillgång till wp-admin area.
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Det finns två vanliga metoder för att deactivate tillägg utan att gå in i admin area på din WordPress website. Du kan välja den metod som ser enklast ut:
Metod 1: Deactivate alla tillägg till WordPress med FTP
För den här metoden måste du antingen använda en FTP-klient eller filhanteringsappen i din panel för kontroll av webbhotell WordPress.
Om du inte har använt FTP tidigare kan du läsa vår guide om hur du använder FTP för att uploada filer till WordPress.
Först måste du ansluta till din website med hjälp av en FTP-klient eller filhanteraren i cPanel. När du är ansluten måste du navigera till mappen /wp-content/
I mappen wp-content
ser du en folder som heter plugins
. Det är här WordPress lagrar alla tillägg som installerats på din website.
You need to right-click the plugins
folder and select ’Rename’.
Ändra sedan namnet på foldern till något som du gillar. I vårt exempel kommer vi att anropa den tillägg .deactivated
När du har gjort detta kommer alla dina tillägg att deaktiveras.
Det beror på att WordPress letar efter en folder som heter ”plugins” för att hämta plugin-filerna. När den inte hittar denna folder inaktiveras automatiskt de aktiva tilläggen i databasen.
Vanligtvis används den här metoden när you är utelåst från admin area. Om issue var med dina plugins, då bör du kunna logga in på din WordPress admin area.
Om du besöker sidan Plugins ” Installed Plug ins i WordPress admin area, kommer du att se notifications för alla tillägg som har deaktiverats.
You will also notice that all your plugins have disappeared now. Oroa dig inte; de är all säkra och du kan enkelt återställa dem.
Byt bara tillbaka till din FTP-klient och gå till mappen /wp-content/
. Härifrån måste du byta namn på plugins.deactivate
folder tillbaka till plugins
Nu kan du gå tillbaka till Plugins ” Installed Plug ins page inside the WordPress admin area and activate one plugin at a time until your site breaks again.
Kl. 12.00 vet du exakt vilket plugin som orsakade issue. You can then delete that plugin’s folder from your site using FTP or ask the plugin author for support.
Metod 2: Deactivate alla tillägg med hjälp av phpMyAdmin
FTP-metoden är definitivt enklare, enligt vår mening. Men du kan också deactivate alla WordPress tillägg med hjälp av phpMyAdmin.
Import: Innan du gör något, vänligen gör en komplett backup av databasen. Detta kommer att vara till stor nytta om något går fel.
Därefter måste du logga in på din dashboard på webbhotellet. I det här exemplet visar vi dig en dashboard för cPanel. Dashboarden för ditt webbhotell account kan se annorlunda ut.
You will need to click the ’phpMyAdmin’ icon under the Databases section.
Detta kommer att starta phpMyAdmin i ett nytt fönster i webbläsaren.
You will need to select your WordPress database om den ej redan är vald. Efter det kommer du att kunna se WordPress Database Tables.
Som du kan se har alla tabeller i databasen prefixet wp_
före tabellnamnet. Your tables may have a different database prefix.
Du måste clicka på wp_options-tabellen
. I tabellen wp_options
kommer du att se row med olika alternativ. Hitta alternativet ”active_plugins” och klicka sedan på länken ”Edit” bredvid det.
På nästa vy måste du ändra fältet option_value
till a:0:{}
Klicka sedan på knappen ”Go” för att save your changes.
Du har utan problem deaktiverat alla tillägg till WordPress med hjälp av phpMyAdmin. Om ett plugin hindrade dig från att komma åt WordPress-admin, bör du kunna logga in nu.
Expertguider om tillägg till WordPress
Nu när du vet hur du deaktiverar tillägg när du inte kan komma åt wp-admin kanske du gillar att se några andra guider relaterade till WordPress-tillägg:
- Vad är WordPress tillägg? Och hur fungerar de?
- Så här deaktiverar du enkelt WordPress tillägg (Beginner’s Guide)
- Så här aktiverar / aktiverar du WordPress tillägg från databasen
- Gör inaktiverade tillägg WordPress långsammare? Bör du ta bort dem?
- Hur många tillägg till WordPress bör du installera? Vad är för många?
- Är det säkert att använda outdated WordPress tillägg? (Förklarat)
- Ska du installera tillägg som ej testats med din WordPress version?
- Så här uppdaterar du WordPress tillägg på rätt sätt (Step-by-Step)
- Ska jag uppdatera WordPress eller tillägg först? (Korrekt order för update)
Vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälpte dig att deactivate alla tillägg i WordPress. Du kanske också vill lära dig hur du ställer in mål för Google Analytics eller kontrollera vår lista över de bästa tilläggen för backup av WordPress för att hålla dina WordPress-data säkra.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Syed Balkhi says
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phills.B says
THANK YOU! tonight wpbeginner saved my life
you have no idea how long i’ve been looking for a fix and never would have thought it’s that simple …
Sanjay Rath says
Awesome articles. Just followed the steps and removed WP-Optimize which I had just upgraded
miraben says
Solved a problem just following this article. A BIG Thanks.
Martyn says
THANK YOU!! This article got me out of an issue that I had suffered for months. I thought a WordPress update would solve the issue – but when the next update came – I couldn’t access it as it was also suffering the ’white screen of death’
Followed the instructions – sorted!
Thank you again
MM says
I had the white screen throughout my entire site after updating some plugins. I did this and I was able to access admin panel, but still had white screen on front in. Wouldn’t making all them inactive bring the site back all together? Not sure why deactivating them let me access admin panel but nothing else.
WPBeginner Support says
Please check out the article how to fix white screen of death in WordPress.
Peter says
Wow! I owe the author of this article some doughnuts from McDonalds
The procedure works like charm \m/
Yannick says
Thanks! This article saved me twice already using the phpMyAdmin option
Dragan Avramovic says
Thank you!
Max William says
This really helped. Thanks!
Dorian says
This post saved all my work. Thank you.
Ayda says
Thank you so much.
Elias Obeid says
This solved my problem. An update for the [NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati] plugin was available, and the update messed things up. Maybe it ran out of memory, I don’t know. I was unable to acces my plugin site.
I increased the memory limit as described in a post from this site, by editing the wp-config.php file on the site. After this I deactivated the plugins, logged in and reactivated them. Thanks a lot.
OK! I managed to find the htaccess_old file, rename it to htaccess and my site is back online with no more problems. I was able to identify the bad plugin (Front End Users) and now the site is allllllllll good! Thanks so much for this extremely useful post.
zippy says
deactivate plugins – thank you so much
bibhuti says
After I renamed the plugins folder, I am able to login but….as soon as i rename the plugins folder to default ,,,i am again getting a blank page………… please help………….how should i resolve this problem
WPBeginner Support says
One of the plugins you had installed is causing the issue. Install and activate plugins one by one to figure out which plugin is causing the issue.
Laura says
I am very new to wordpress, which we use at work to manage all the sites we do (I am not the web designer, so I don’t know how anything other than the basic wordpress dashboard works. I do not know how to access either of the things you mention in this post. I know it was a plug-in that caused the problem because I was trying to add plug-ins when this happened. Since we host a lot of wordpress sites, all with different plug-ins, I don’t know how to only fix the problem on the site that has the issue. Also, it’s not just the admin panel with the white screen, I also get that if I try to visit the actual site. Help!
WPBeginner Support says
If you have FTP access to your site then you can try deactivating all plugins. Otherwise, we would suggest that you contact your network administrator, or web host.
olivier percheron says
Thanks for this precious post. I’ve managed to restart my admin console with the plug-ins deactivation.
Thanks a lot for the help !!!
Mark Klinefelter says
Your article saved my day!! Thank you so much! Had the white screen of death after I installed uber menu plugin…..Your advice got me back to the admin again to retest plugins!! Superb!
Mike says
Just saved me some time, but in my case I had to activate plugins to get in.
kristine says
Thanks a lot sir. I was able to fix it. Really grateful for this post. <3
Chad Ritchie says
Thanks Syed, quick and simple solution got our site back up in less than a minute.
Taylor says
Thank you very much! Quick and easy!
Didi Zaharieva says
Thank you my web host could not figure it out but you helped me solve the issue
mhmd says
Thanks for this info i found it very helpful
Stephanie says
I’ve spent an hour trying to get back into my site, and you solved my problem within minutes. You directions were simple and easy to follow. Thanks so much for what you do!
Namit kapoor says
Sir you and your ideas are really great and awesome.. always work for me…
ana says
Hi! I ’m having this trouble. I Know that is a plugin who is crashing my website bc it is failing since I installed it. But my problem is that even my wp-content is white so I cannot change the plugin folder name. I haven’t been able to enter trough ftp either. What should I do next? Thank you very much in advance
WPBeginner Support says
Most good WordPress hosting providers offer cPanel dashboard or other similar web based interface to manage your hosting account. Log in to your hosting account and find File Manager on your cPanel dashboard. Navigate to your wp-content/plugins directory. Now you can either rename only the plugin that is causing the problem or you can rename the entire plugins directory. This should deactivate all your plugins.
ana says
Thank you! I’ll definitively try that!
Brian Dollin says
I went in through the file manager and deleted the conflicting plugin. You have a new follower now. Thanks for the advice!
Michael Price says
Thank you for this. I’m very new to wordpress and my own blog. Panicked with all of a sudden it didn’t work. I use HostLatte and they are of zero help to me (I need to switch). Your suggestion worked! Thank you soooo much
Natasha says
This has been beyond helpful! Actually your whole site is a goldmine of useful info for WordPress newbies like me!
Many thanks!
Renate Hoornstra says
thanks for this, i was locked out and this helped me get back in. thank you so much
Baker says
This was really helpful, thanks. I couldn’t access my wp-admin page. I have just deactivated all plugins.
stephanie says
Hello! I can’t access my admin site. I’m also not sure how to FPT? How can I do this?
WPBeginner Support says
take a look at how to upload files to WordPress using FTP
Dani Perkins says
Oh wow, you just saved me so many hours of freaking out! I love you. Seriously, thanks! When I had the white screen of death just now, I followed your directions and re-did the plugins to no avail, but when I restored my theme all was right with the world.
Shaneel says
I tried using this but as soon as i enter my wp_options table i cannot find the active plugins tab..
Could you please help me out with this?
Thank You
sally says
thank you for the easy to follow solution….
A plug in provider had suspended my access to WP admin with a big red screen after I asked to change from annual payments to monthly payments for the plug in.
Carlos Escórcio says
It worked after renaming the plugins folder, thanks.
David says
This advice, like many of your other ones, worked like a charm. The first time I switched back ”on” the file, it crashed, then I deactivated again and it said no plugins files exist, then it worked.
So some of you may have to do it twice (perhaps a cache thing, I don’t know), but it worked.
In my case, the plug in that seemed to do it, wouldn’t reactivate as WP returned it would cause fatal error.
So I am thrilled to know what to do going forward.
thanks, WPBeginner!
Editorial Staff says
It’s always our pleasure to help. Thanks for the comment.
Natalie Proffitt says
Disabling the plugins has resolved the white screen on the front end but I’m still getting white screen on /wp-admin. Any ideas how to fix this as i can’t log in to the admin panel now
Edwin Lynch says
Great post. Naturally, if you are using a security plug (that rewrites your .htaccess file for example) you might want to keep a bare WordPress .htaccess file handy, too – and upload that to the root dir. You can get a copy of the standard .htaccess file from the root of any virgin WP install. Just keep it handy for lockouts generally… As you were.
David says
I held my breath longer than a deepsea diver as I followed your instructions. It requires a degree of confidence and trust. For others, my problem was a plug-in which froze on activation, before getting the white screen treatment. I followed teh instructions about looking for wp-content, then to deactivate plug-ins. However, I decided just to delete the last plug-in only, and that did the trick! Thanks for providing such a ’saver’!
Hari Babu says
It worked thanks a lot.
Jordi says
It works !!
THANK YOU my WordPress risen.
Maria says
I deactivated all my plugins and themes except WP default theme, but the screen is still white and I cannot get to wp-admin.
Editorial Staff says
Not sure why that is happening then.
Chetan Sharma says
It worked!! Thanks a lot friend!! It worked and you have saved me!!
Roger Kamena says
Your post SAVED ME….
Thanks so much for writing this you don’t know how many hours of pain you saved me. Both times I had the problem I was able to resolve it in 10 minutes using your post instructions.
Lee Miller says
Thank you for your articles on how to fix WordPress when something goes wrong.
I’m somewhat new to WordPress and so far i have been not able to access my admin panel twice and both times it took me months to fix. The last time I couldn’t fix it so I just removed WordPress from my domain and started all over. I had to have my domain host help me get everything off so that I could start over. Extreme way to correct a problem but with low tech knowledge it was what I had to do. Good thing that I’m persistant as I would have given up blogging a long time ago. It’s my joy in writing that keeps me going.
Thanks again for your site.
You are helping people worldwide. USA for me. Lee
Brad Dalton says
Very handy tip if you get the white screen of death and not sure what caused it. Thanks
karthik says
Recently i also suffered from a problem caused from a newly activated plugin and i think this post should have come before few days
Muhammad Yaqoob says
Very informative and a must known thing!!
Thanks for the Post