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How to add a PDF viewer in WordPress







方法 1 : ブ ロ ッ ク エデ ィ タ を使っ て PDF ビ ュ ーアを追加 (簡単)





The WordPress built-in File block



Uploading a PDF file to WordPress



How to add a PDF viewer in WordPress



Changing the height of an embedded PDF




How to allow visitors to download a PDF in WordPress


この点を考慮すると、「ダウンロード」ボタンは有効化したままにしておいた方がよいでしょう。しかし、このDuplicatorコンテンツを含めたくない場合は、’Show Download Button’トグルをクリックして無効化することができます。

Hiding the Download button in a PDF viewer



A PDF viewer, created with the built-in WordPress File block



WP PDF Embedderは 最高のWordPress PDFビューアープラグインの一つです。PDFファイルのサイズを自動的に調整したり、幅を指定するとプラグインが自動的に高さを計算してくれます。


PDF viewer with toolbar example

まず、WP PDF Embedderプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。WordPressプラグインのインストール方法については、ステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。


有効化した後、WordPressダッシュボードから設定” PDF Embedder ページにアクセスし、プラグインの設定を行います。



The WP PDF Embedder plugin settings

PDF Embedderは、訪問者が文書の上にマウスオーバーすると、ツールバーを上部に表示します。


PDF viewer toolbar settings



Configure other PDF viewer settings like PDF downloads




PDF Embedder」と入力し、適切なブロックが表示されたら選択します。

Adding a PDF to your WordPress website using a plugin


Click to select a PDF to embed



Customizing the PDF embed block using a WordPress plugin


A PDF, embedded directly on a WordPress blog or website






Make money by selling PDFs online


また、Easy Digital Downloadsを使ってPDFドキュメンテーションを管理し、サイトで販売することをお勧めします。あらゆる種類のデジタル商品を簡単に販売でき、商品ページにもプレビューとしてPDFを埋め込むことができます。


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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Dennis Muthomi says

    Great guide!
    one question though – is there any notable impact on page load times when embedding larger PDF files using the plugin method?
    For sites with many embedded PDFs, especially if some of those PDFs have huge file sizes, it would be good to know if there are any performance considerations to keep in mind.

    sometimes serving up large PDF files could potentially slow down page loading.

    • WPBeginner Comments says

      If the PDF has a large file size, then it may take a bit for the PDF to load on the page. However, in many cases this won’t be a problem.

  3. Mrteesurez says

    Good, helpful post.
    But is it possible to embed a PDF and earn income while people read it online, something like Amazon KDP. Can this plugin be used to achieve this ?? or any custom way, let me know, thanks.

  4. Ian says

    I see that PDF Viewer has not been updated in 3 years, and has not been tested with my current version of WordPress (v4.9.1). Is this still the suggested plugin to use? It’s looking like no one is maintaining it, perhaps?

  5. Manoj jidugu says

    if am clicking print for my word press web page i am getting the page which is not properly aligned.
    I am getting all the urls and content combined

  6. Marek says

    On the plugin page it says:
    “This plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.”

    Maybe that’s why it does not work for some.

  7. rajesh says

    hi i want to publish a book in my wordpress site and people only read the book so can u refer me any easy pdf reader plugin

  8. Omar says

    This is not working for me on the last version of WP. Someone know a workaround? Or another option that works?

  9. fred says

    Hi guys,

    the problem with PDF plugins like this ones, is that you cannot remove sibar(s) when generating your PDF, an that changes style a lot !

    If ever I find one that has this so useful feature, I come back here to tell you ! Or maybe someone found one somewhere ?

  10. Piet Marisael says

    Is it possible to set the viewer by opening a file to 110% view automaticly and how i gonna do that?

    It’s a perfect plugin used by WordPress 4.4.2 and twenty-eleven theme

  11. Darron says

    Hi Syed,
    Many thanks for the ‘heads up’ on this issue.

    I’ve been using the following free version of this plugin for the last two years, though have just upgraded to the premium due to the high number of fPDF’s held on my clients site:

    So far I’ve had no issues at all with the premium version, I’m also able to ‘unbrand’ the document, plus track the number of download/views.

  12. Rita says

    I read the info that you indicated. Looks like the pdf viewer is not available for Too bad. I understand the issue that readers who click on my url for a pdf will go to a separate page, and may not return to my blog. That is a problem. I didn’t know that I would have this a need to display pdfs when I started with, or I may have made a different choice.

    • Rita says

      Am I correct that is the required application for the embedding plugin? If so, I suggest that information be clearly stated as a requirement. All references that I saw are to the generic WordPress, so it’s not possible (Did I miss it?) to determine whether there is a specific application requirement. It would help us newbies to avoid mistakes, and direct us to potentially making different decisions.

  13. Dan says

    I really appreciate your posts that identify a DIY (do it yourself) issue in wordpress, and then provide some alternate solutions, usually involving plug ins.

    “But”, am wondering if you take the time to read some of the reviews posted by users on the plugin page in directory, and also the LAST UPDATED info.

    For example, this PDF VIEWER plugin was last updated “8 months” ago, and is compatible up to WP 4.2.6

    Also, per one reviewer….

    “November 4, 2015 for WP 4.3.1
    This plugin was precisely what I needed. Thanks!

    ******Only concerns are:
    (1) This plugin leverages Mozilla PDF.JS framework. As of 2015-NOV, this plugin is significantly behind the present version of that framework:

    Plugin Settings page states:
    PDF.js Version Date
    Stable 1.1.1 18 Mar 2015
    Beta 1.1.114 7 May 2015
    PDF.JS page states as of 2015-NOV:
    Stable 1.1.366
    Beta 1.1.469

    SUMMARY > Don’t you think it’s good practice to use plugins with good ratings, but that are also consistently updated and highly rated ? If you do, please include some info in your posts that acknowledge a suggested plugin hasn’t been updated in a while, but appears to be the best solution among the ones currently available.

  14. Rita says

    I use, not .org. Can I embed pdfs and other documents using a plug-in? I have found varying references, and want to be certain, before experimenting and possibly damaging m existing blog. edit page does have a location labeled plugins. That also leads me to believe that I can use them, yet, references say “no”. I’ll appreciate an explanation.


  15. Md Riyaz Alam says

    Hey Syed,
    I think this is the first of its kind pots on wordpress. I did not see a post on PDF for WordPpress, but many of SEO and bloggers are looking for this pluging. So thanks to introduce this to the WP industry. This could be very helpful for tutorials as well.

  16. Rita says

    I am using (not .org). I want viewers to see my pdf documents on the same page as the rest of my blog post. Can I install the pdf viewer that is described here, in my blog?

  17. Prince says

    Thanks for this article. For SEO purpose, is it better to add the pdf content in text and add a button to download the link, or to display the pdf only using this viewer plugin ?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Like we said, a download link forces users to view the PDF separately. This decreases the time they spend on your page and their chances of coming back to resume browsing your website. You will get the same SEO benefit as adding a download link. Since it is written in JavaScript and compatible with HTML5 search engines can still index your PDF contents if the PDF file has text in it and not just images.


