Probabilmente sapete già che WordPress alimenta oltre il 43% di tutti i siti web presenti su Internet. È un dato impressionante, ma non è l’unico sistema di gestione dei contenuti (CMS) open-source in circolazione. Ci sono altre opzioni che vale la pena esplorare.
Quando abbiamo iniziato a costruire siti web, abbiamo fatto un’immersione profonda in altre piattaforme popolari come Joomla e Drupal. Anche se abbiamo sempre preferito usare WordPress per tutti i nostri progetti, capiamo che alcuni di voi potrebbero essere alla ricerca di qualcosa di diverso.
In questo articolo confronteremo WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal. Vi spiegheremo cosa ci piace e cosa no per aiutarvi a decidere quale potrebbe essere il più adatto alle vostre esigenze specifiche.

Nota: stiamo confrontando e non il servizio di host NON SI TRADUCE la nostra guida sulla differenza tra e
Cosa c’è di comune in WordPress, Joomla e Drupal
Tutti e tre i CMS più popolari del web hanno molto in comune in termini di tecnologia, filosofia e Community.

- WordPress, Joomla e Drupal sono tutti software liberi e open source con licenza GPL. Per approfondire chi è il software libero, consultate il nostro articolo sul perché WordPress è gratuito.
- Tutti e tre sono scritti principalmente in PHP.
- Tutti supportano MySQL come sistema di gestione dei database. WordPress supporta esclusivamente MySQL, mentre Joomla e Drupal supportano altri sistemi di gestione di database.
- Tutti e tre utilizzano temi e modelli per l’aspetto visivo dei siti e plugin, moduli o estensioni per estendere le funzionalità.
- In quanto software open-source, sono tutti progetti guidati dalla Community.
Sebbene ci siano molte somiglianze, sono diversi per molti aspetti.
Ad esempio, hanno politiche diverse su cosa includere nel software di base, su come gestire moduli e modelli, su come gestire la sicurezza, ecc.
Queste differenze hanno un grande impatto sugli utenti e sul modo in cui costruiscono i loro siti web.
Detto questo, diamo un’occhiata a come WordPress, Joomla e Drupal si confrontano tra loro, in modo da poter scegliere la migliore piattaforma di costruzione di siti web per la vostra attività.
Facilità d’uso e facilità di utilizzo per i principianti
La maggior parte delle persone che creano siti web non sono sviluppatori web, designer o programmatori. Sono utenti medi che vogliono semplicemente creare un sito web. La facilità d’uso è il fattore che più importa alla maggioranza degli utenti.
WordPress viene fornito con la famosa installazione in cinque minuti. La maggior parte dei provider di hosting WordPress offre anche l’installazione di WordPress con un solo clic. Questo rende abbastanza facile per un nuovo utente avviare un blog o un sito web WordPress in pochi minuti, non ore.

L’esperienza utente di WordPress dopo l’installazione è molto migliore di quella di Joomla o Drupal. L’utente vede un’interfaccia utente semplice e pulita, con menu per creare pagine e post o per iniziare a personalizzare aspetto e temi.
L’installazione di Joomla può non sembrare rapida come quella di WordPress, ma i passaggi sono molto simili. Inoltre, molti fornitori di hosting condiviso offrono pacchetti di installazione con un solo clic anche per Joomla.

Dopo l’installazione, l’utente si trova su un pannello di controllo che non è così semplice come quello di WordPress. Ci sono troppi menu su cui cliccare per personalizzare il sito.
I fan di Joomla direbbero che è perché Joomla è molto più potente di WordPress, ma noi non lo crediamo.
L’installazione di Drupal è simile a quella di Joomla e WordPress. È sufficiente scaricare e caricare il pacchetto ed eseguire lo script di installazione.

Drupal offre anche distribuzioni. Si tratta di pacchetti Drupal preconfezionati con moduli e configurazioni per creare tipi specifici di siti web.
L’esperienza post-installazione per i principianti assoluti è un po’ complicata. Gli utenti troveranno difficile capire come cambiare le cose nel loro sito. Drupal rende molto chiaro come aggiungere i contenuti, ma la modifica dell’aspetto e l’aggiunta di elementi non contenutistici non sono molto evidenti.
Vincitore: WordPress
Temi e componenti aggiuntivi
Tutti e tre questi popolari CMS sono dotati di temi e plugin/moduli per estendere le caratteristiche e l’aspetto del software.
I temi controllano l’aspetto del vostro sito web e il modo in cui appare agli utenti. I plugin o moduli sono come applicazioni per il vostro CMS.
Vediamo come si comportano i tre principali software CMS in questa categoria.
WordPress consente agli utenti di modificare l’aspetto del proprio sito utilizzando i temi. WordPress viene fornito con alcuni temi predefiniti preinstallati.
In qualsiasi momento, è possibile fare clic sul pulsante Aggiungi nuovo dalla pagina Aspetto e installare temi WordPress gratuiti dalla directory ufficiale dei temi di

Oltre ai temi gratuiti, troverete molti altri temi WordPress premium sviluppati da negozi di temi di terze parti come StudioPress, Elegant Themes e altri. Questi temi sono a pagamento e sono dotati di opzioni di supporto premium.
La vera potenza di WordPress risiede nei plugin. Ci sono più di 59.000 plugin di WordPress disponibili gratuitamente nella directory ufficiale dei plugin di WordPress. È anche possibile acquistare plugin premium con supporto a pagamento fornito dagli sviluppatori dei plugin. Date un’occhiata al nostro elenco di plugin WordPress indispensabili per capire come i plugin rendono WordPress fantastico.
Come WordPress, Joomla è dotato di template ed estensioni. Queste grandi estensioni possono fare chi siamo, dalla creazione di un negozio di e-commerce alla gestione delle email.

Tuttavia, la quantità di questi modelli ed estensioni non è così elevata come quella di WordPress. Questo potrebbe rendere un po’ difficile trovare il template perfetto e le estensioni perfette.
Di default, Joomla non ha una caratteristica che permetta agli utenti di cercare e installare estensioni o template dall’area di amministrazione. Esiste un’estensione che permette di aggiungere una caratteristica “installa dal web” per le estensioni. Per i template, invece, gli utenti dovranno ancora cercarli manualmente e poi installarli aggiungendo il loro URL.
Drupal ha lo stesso problema con la disponibilità di temi e moduli. Gli utenti devono lasciare il loro sito, cercare il modulo e il tema che vogliono aggiungere e poi individuare l’URL del file zip del progetto. Infine, possono inserire l’URL nella pagina dei moduli o dei temi per installarli.

Ci sono moduli per chi siamo e ne vengono aggiunti di nuovi regolarmente. Tuttavia, la quantità complessiva di moduli è carente rispetto a WordPress.
Vincitore: WordPress.
Opzioni di supporto
La disponibilità di opzioni di aiuto e supporto è molto importante per gli utenti principianti. Ci saranno sicuramente degli ostacoli quando si prova un nuovo software. Non c’è problema, purché si possa ottenere aiuto.
WordPress ha una forte comunità di utenti. È possibile trovare assistenza su WordPress nei forum di supporto ufficiali, nei documenti, nei manuali, nel codex, nei canali Slack, in Stack Exchange, nel gruppo Facebook WPBeginner Engage e in quasi tutti i forum su Internet dedicati al web design e allo sviluppo.

Esistono siti come WPBeginner, che contengono centinaia di tutorial, video tutorial e articoli dedicati agli utenti WordPress di livello principiante. Ci sono molti modi per chiedere e ottenere assistenza gratuita per WordPress.
Oltre alle opzioni di assistenza gratuita, esistono anche modi per ottenere assistenza a pagamento per WordPress.
Piattaforme online come WPBeginner Pro Services, Seahawk, Codeable, Upwork, Fiverr, ecc. sono solo alcuni dei luoghi in cui potete assumere professionisti di WordPress per aiutarvi.
Grazie all’immensa popolarità di WordPress, trovare sviluppatori WordPress è facile e conveniente per le piccole imprese e i privati.
Joomla, come WordPress, ha una Community numerosa e molto disponibile. Il sito web di Joomla offre un’ampia documentazione, che è una risorsa preziosa per i principianti. Per un supporto più interattivo, gli utenti possono iscriversi a forum, mailing list, gruppi di utenti, ecc.

Oltre al sostegno della Community, ci sono risorse di terzi, formazione a pagamento e agenzie di sviluppo che possono essere utili.
A differenza di WordPress, trovare un aiuto esperto a prezzi accessibili è piuttosto difficile per Joomla. Assumere uno sviluppatore o un esperto per lo sviluppo, la risoluzione dei problemi o l’assistenza di Joomla può costare molto più di WordPress.
Drupal ha una Community di fan e utenti molto attiva. Come per WordPress e Joomla, anche per Drupal troverete tutte le opzioni di supporto della Community. C’è un’ampia documentazione, un forum di supporto, mailing list, gruppi di utenti e chat irc, tutti luoghi ideali per ottenere consigli e aiuto gratuito.

Drupal cerca di mettere in contatto gli utenti con sviluppatori e aziende che offrono servizi Drupal professionali. È possibile trovarli in Drupal Marketplace.
Tuttavia, gli sviluppatori di Drupal, come quelli di Joomla, sono molto costosi rispetto a quelli di WordPress.
Vincitore: WordPress
Localizzazione e supporto multilingue
Una grande percentuale di siti web creati ogni giorno sono siti non in inglese o multilingue. È molto più probabile che molti principianti cerchino un CMS in grado di gestire più lingue o di supportare diverse località e lingue.
WordPress fa un ottimo lavoro offrendo una buona piattaforma per costruire un sito multilingue. Non supporta più lingue, ma esistono ottimi plugin che consentono di creare facilmente un sito multilingue su WordPress.
WordPress è disponibile in oltre 57 lingue. È possibile installare nuove lingue con un semplice clic dall’area di amministrazione di WordPress.

La maggior parte dei temi e dei plugin più diffusi sono disponibili anche in più lingue e gli sviluppatori di temi e plugin cercano attivamente aiuto per tradurre i loro pacchetti in altre lingue.
Tutti questi sforzi rendono WordPress un’ottima piattaforma per costruire un sito web non inglese o multilingue.
Joomla è in grado di gestire un sito web multilingue senza installare alcuna estensione. Basta andare nel gestore delle lingue, aggiungere una lingua per i contenuti e iniziare a creare contenuti multilingue sul proprio sito web.

Per l’interfaccia di amministrazione sono disponibili anche traduzioni in molte lingue, che possono essere facilmente installate dall’area di amministrazione.
Drupal è dotato di un supporto integrato per gestire siti non inglesi o multilingue. È necessario abilitare i moduli di traduzione dei locali e dei contenuti. Dopodiché, è possibile aggiungere le lingue del sito e dell’interfaccia di amministrazione dalla sezione di configurazione di Drupal.

Vincitore: Pareggio – Tutti e tre supportano siti multilingue e sono disponibili in più lingue.
La sicurezza è un fattore molto importante quando si sceglie un CMS per il proprio sito web. Quasi tutti i siti web su Internet sono vulnerabili alle minacce alla sicurezza.
Essendo il CMS più popolare al mondo, i siti web basati su WordPress sono spesso presi di mira dagli hacker. Tuttavia, WordPress è costruito su un codice molto sicuro e risponde molto rapidamente alle vulnerabilità di sicurezza.
WordPress dispone anche di un meccanismo di aggiornamento automatico che consente ai siti web di WordPress di aggiornarsi automaticamente quando viene rilasciata una nuova patch di sicurezza.
I siti WordPress possono essere ulteriormente protetti con backup automatici, autenticazione a due fattori e altre best practice di sicurezza di WordPress.
Esiste anche un meccanismo integrato per mostrare gli aggiornamenti dei temi e dei plugin di WordPress. Ciò consente agli sviluppatori di temi e plugin di rispondere rapidamente a qualsiasi vulnerabilità di sicurezza.
Joomla è molto simile a WordPress per quanto riguarda la sicurezza. Rispondono attivamente a qualsiasi vulnerabilità di sicurezza e sono molto veloci nel correggerla. Tuttavia, la manutenzione di un sito web e l’installazione degli aggiornamenti sono ancora a carico dell’utente.
Sono disponibili estensioni per il backup del sito Joomla. Potete anche rafforzare la sicurezza del vostro sito Joomla seguendo le stesse best practice di WordPress.
Drupal ha un approccio molto serio alla sicurezza. Pubblica le vulnerabilità di sicurezza sul proprio sito, man mano che vengono scoperte e corrette. Si ha la percezione che Drupal sia più sicuro perché non si sente parlare di siti Drupal violati così spesso, ma questo potrebbe essere dovuto al fatto che non è così popolare come Joomla o WordPress.
Vincitore: Pareggio – Tutti e tre seguono standard di sicurezza adeguati.
Drupal, Joomla e WordPress sono tutti fantastici sistemi di gestione dei contenuti. Drupal e Joomla dispongono di molte più funzioni integrate rispetto a WordPress.
Tuttavia, WordPress li batte con la sua facilità d’uso, l’enorme Community globale, i plugin e i temi. Riteniamo che per la maggior parte degli utenti non sviluppatori sia molto più facile costruire con WordPress che con Joomla o Drupal.
Con oltre 59.000 plugin di WordPress, potete aggiungere praticamente qualsiasi funzione o costruire qualsiasi tipo di sito web che vi piace (senza scrivere codice).
Vincitore assoluto: WordPress
Come iniziare con il vostro CMS preferito
Che si scelga WordPress, Joomla o Drupal, per creare un sito web è necessario un nome di dominio e un hosting.
Fortunatamente, tutti e tre i principali software CMS hanno requisiti abbastanza simili, il che significa che tutte le migliori società di web hosting li supportano.
Consigliamo di utilizzare Bluehost o SiteGround. Entrambe sono tra le più grandi società di hosting al mondo e sono specializzate nell’hosting di siti web WordPress, Joomla e Drupal.
Per ulteriori consigli, consultate la nostra guida completa al web hosting per principianti.
Se state iniziando con WordPress, consultate la nostra guida per principianti su come creare un sito web con istruzioni passo-passo.
Speriamo che questo articolo vi abbia aiutato a confrontare WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal, per scoprire il miglior CMS per il vostro sito. Potreste anche voler vedere il nostro confronto tra WordPress e Blogger o la nostra vetrina di siti popolari che utilizzano WordPress come CMS.
Se questo articolo vi è piaciuto, iscrivetevi al nostro canale YouTube per le esercitazioni video su WordPress. Potete trovarci anche su Twitter e Facebook.
mohadese esmaeeli
Certainly, I have no intention of getting involved in any CMS war. However, based on my experience (as I worked with Joomla for 3 years), WordPress can provide better feedback in any field for large websites. Typically, and proven, more than 60% of websites worldwide use WordPress, while less than 15% use Joomla. In general, WordPress has a beautiful world for itself. Of course, before choosing a content management system, we must consider the nature of the website. Still, given the amazing advancements that WordPress has made and the plugins developed by major global companies, WordPress can now be used for any type of website.
Jiří Vaněk
I tried all three editorial systems and from my own experience wordpress is good especially for beginners to learn how to work with the website and understand the basic principles. WordPress seems to me to be the most versatile and most importantly, in the event of a problem, it has a huge user base who are happy to help solve the problem for free.
Priya Sinha
Thanks for the post, nice information about WordPress vs. Joomla vs drupal which one is better… it is really helpful. I will recommend it to others.
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found our comparison article helpful!
Tom Hardy
Great information! Based on my experience, in my opinion, WordPress is the easiest content management system that is highly customizable. On the other hand, Drupal is complex, but it is best for creating advanced websites; it is also a very secure CMS. Joomla lies in between these two CMSs on customizability, ease of use, and security fronts.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for sharing your opinion
Duane Hamann
I think this article is right. For the unskilled guy looking to set up a respectable managed website, WordPress is the best option. But it has limits that Joomla have overcome. For someone skilled in CMS development, Joomla rates #1 for it’s flexibility with custom developed components, it’s far more technical so to the guy looking for something decent and easy to understand, WordPress win. That however, doesn’t shine light on WordPress when compared to Joomla. All it says, for those with no developing skills, WordPress is the best. For those who develop PHP applications, Joomla is more adaptive and flexible, so it all depends on the individual skills.
I have created numerous sites and have used all three contenders. I find Joomla the most versatile and agile to use especially for larger complex sites.
But even for small sites, Joomla is super easy to use.
I think WordPress is more suitable for blogging and for commenting and it’s fine for smaller sites. It’s just not as easy to fine-tune as Joomla.
if you want something not complex and limited for a web page use wordpress.
If you want something complex and not limited to developing websites use Drupal.
Drupal is better!
How to know a guy “good with computers” posing as a web designer – when he tells you he will build your site with a wordpress CMS. If you find Joomla hard to use or maintain, seriously you should stop using any form of electronic device. It is your obligation to do us all that solid.
A website about WordPress says that WordPress is the best … What a surprise…
I was using WordPress since 2010. Being a web designer I always design and deliver website in WP but some years before some wabsites got hacked. Remember once your website hacked there is only one solution to remove infection completely “DELETE EVERYTHING” because once you attacked then no plugin will clear everything.
Now I’m switching from WP to Joomla.
Joomla is beautiful. I don’t understand why it gets a bad rap. Joomla 3.x is now miles better than WordPress in every aspect.
Comparing Drupal and WordPress is like comparing a car to a boat, or apples with onions. They both best in their own scope. Depending on various factors you should use one or another but this should be for another article.
I use both and for me one thing that WP is not so good are the plug-ins. It’s true that WP has thousands of great plug-ins, but most of them are repeated in functionality and others are fremmium, meaning you have to pay if you want the full product. Also they tend to be turnkey solutions with no scalability in mind. And the same happens with themes.
Drupal has a strict policy of non repeated contributed modules and they are all free (Open Source), no fremium modules or themes are allowed. The modules in Drupal are more like bases so you can develop your functionalities with your own code or with other modules. A good part of drupal modules don’t have visible outputs they only serve as backend connections between functionalities.
Can’t talk about Joomla. No experience in it.
While WP may have by far the biggest range of themes and plugins, most of their themes are pure repetitions and duplications, boring in general and created with very little creativity used.
The same goes with WP plugins. To make this even worse, you have to argue with an army of ross-blaming plugin developers, each of them assuring your broken website is the result of “another’ plugin installed, nothing to do with them.
Ever heard of the saying; “too many cooks destroy the dish”?
That applies a 100% to WP.
I’d never use WP, not even if it was the last remaining CMS on the planet. Full of bugs, incompatible plugins, huge security vulnerabilities, lifeless designs, and a million of incompetent code hackers all pretending they are “professional web-programmers”.
I totally agree with you.
I’ve never had any security issues with WordPress, and regarding “lifeless designs” – if you have the relevant skills (or hire a competent designer) the only limit to how your WordPress site looks is your imagination.
Stick with well established (and supported) themes and plugins, and you can’t really go wrong.
You can make a fairly nice looking website with WordPress, however what becomes evident fairly quick is that it’s a blog and it’s nearly impossible to get past that. If you want a blog, great! If not, it will take an enourmous amount of time and energy to tailor it to be something other than a typical blog.
By the way, someone mentioned WNBA being wordpress. Note, is Drupal.
I can agree that WordPress is most popular than Joomla, but not that is better.
The popularity of WordPress is due to negative campaign being waged against Joomla.
The internet is overflowed with articles like this one where some people talking absolutely lies and nonsense’s about Joomla.
For those who want to migrate from Drupal to WordPress, they can use the free tool FG Drupal to WordPress
WordPress offers more use interface than Drupal and Joomla
Niels Klint
Absolutely wrong
I agree.
Not for a client. We always develop custom themes using different CMSs and the clients always prefer WordPress to edit their site. Because it’s easier for them to understand due to the user interface.
Frank Yusuf
Wp is a good content management system it simplifies web design with it’s diverse themes and pluggins. in the past web design used to be a herculean task but with the coming of wordpress code became poetry.
WordPress does an excellent job at offering a GOOD PLATFORM to build a MULTILINGUAL site. It does NOT SUPPORT multiple languages out of the box, but… Yes, awesome platform!
wow… after reading this tutorial i should set up wordpress for my blog
i am using joomla and then yt frame works in joomla. i think for advance sites joomla is better due to ease in creating new module positions and other customizations with themes and modules as well. although for small blogs wordpress is better. but in joomla if you are pro i think you can create even more good blogs in joomla
I agree, thousand more options for many different blog types on one site without any coding. Try that in wordpress and you need to create multiple themes or use pagebuilders.
For wordpress you need allot more knowledge for customizing settings in blogs.
Out of the box and media is wordpress i winner. Multilingual is not in wordpress and WPML is a pain in the ass
I’ve used a number of CMS’s over time and by far the worst one I ever found was WordPress. I’m very surprised that it came up top and even more surprised that it came up high for security.
I’ve found a number of stupid security issues with wordpress – for example if you don’t know what your doing and build a site someone can easily add some GET variables to the end of WordPress sites and easily use that to retrieve the username of the site owner – ok the password is still hidden but any hacker is half-way there.
I normally use Joomla for web design as I find it easy, but then again I spent many years learning C++ at University and have converted that knowledge into PHP.
As for Drupal, I’m just learning bits of Drupal at the moment and I have to admit some bits of it look really good. The only bad thing I find is the cache when trying to design a template the cache does get in the way a bit. Also it seems strange to have sub-themes off from main themes.
I recently came across a nightmare with the adaptive theme as I wanted to modify the menu code slightly, so I copied what I thought was the menu code (it was adaptivetheme_menu_tree and adaptivetheme_menu_tree (you’d guess that is what makes the menu seeing as it’s title contains the word MENU!!)), it turned out to do nothing – I don’t even know what that section of code does. Instead I found it mixes the primary menu up with adaptivetheme_links which is also used by multiple other functions – and there wasn’t even any proper way to split them so I had to figure it out by querying what the heading ID is and if it’s primary_menu it must be the menu I’m after.
Unfortunately though I’m in a company that has a website based on Drupal and thinks Drupal is the best thing since sliced bread so I have to try and work with it. Hopefully the more I use Drupal the more I’ll figure it out – I’ve already created a shortcut link to the sites/all folder as that was bugging me having to go through all those directories just to get to where I can edit (in Joomla it’s just straight in, into the templates folder and you’ve got all your themes and overrides waiting there for you!)
Hi Darren. It sounds like you’ve got a great deal of Joomla experience and this is a bit off-topic… However, I’ve got a Joomla 1.5 site that needs to be updated to a responsive theme for a nearby non-profit. I’m more of designer than a web programmer. Any suggestions on the best way to do this — or any suggested do’s and fonts before I get started?
Thank you.
Syahir Roslan
As far as my experienced with Joomla, it’s really hard if you’re upgrading from Joomla 1.5 or 2.5, it’s not impossible but it will succeed with many errors so i’m suggesting that it’s best to migrate the content and use the latest Joomla as its support more responsive themes and modules. And also WordPress is the worst and didn’t try out Drupal yet.
Hi Heidi
I’ve not used Joomla 1.5 in many years, most of my sites are based on Joomla 3.x as that is possibly the most responsive of them.
Your best bet if you want to make a site more responsive is to look into the Boostrap API and include Bootstrap CSS as quite a lot of responsive menus and columns can be created with bootstrap and they automatically convert to look good on both mobile phones and desktop screens.
As for going from one to the other – I would strongly suggest making a backup of your entire site before starting (including the SQL database), and maybe building the new site in a test location first before over writing the existing site (for example create it in a temporary folder first, make sure it all works and then move the site to the main folder – and don’t forget to change configuration.php with the new location details – and if you’ve used a different SQL server change the SQL server details too in configuration.php although if you just built it in a separate folder on the same host the SQL settings shouldn’t need altering).
Also look at using the latest edition of Joomla – at present that is 3.6.2 – as that gives you the latest version with the latest security issues fixed and future upgrades should be easier, as of Joomla 3 they have made the upgrading process quite simple and easy to retain existing data, but going from 1 to 3 may mean you’ll have to copy and paste most of the original site if you want it to have the same data.
Of course WordPress came out on top, its a WordPress beginner site, you didn’t really expect the review to be objective. It’s basically a sales pitch where only the good points are elaborated.
I use both WordPress and Joomla for a long time now and Joomla, while having some nice features over WordPress, suffers heavily from the lack of good extentions (esp. free ones). Sometimes it takes me hours to find the right one and make it work which never happens in WordPress where I can search and when I find, there is a good support and documentation for it. Not to speak that some features don’t work so well in Joomla, like uploading pictures to gallery can be a real pain. Therefore, making a Joomla site look and work the way you want is more a matter of luck than effort, however, when you get there, it works well, even a bilingual support is great. Also, using publishing extentions like K2 can complicate things, a lot. I’d definitely recommend WordPress to beginners and Joomla to more advanced users and experienced website designers.
Niels Klint
“Therefore, making a Joomla site look and work the way you want is more a matter of luck than effort, however”
Absolutely wrong – but the more opportunities there are in a system, the more you must be able to exploit the opportunities
I use to build sites with WordPress and Joomla! but mostly when I finished website built with WordPress, client asked for some new specific feature which was not easily implemented in WordPress (sometimes it was not possible) so then I reworked the site in Joomla!. Even WordPress is popular, simple and easy I mostly use Joomla! because of its complexity and option to easily and powerfully customize the code (as there are great and modern code techniques which can be easily extended). But I like them both – WordPress for really simple websites (blogs) and Joomla! for complex websites.
You said “Almost every website on the internet is vulnerable to security threats.”. I would say you should revise that statement and say EVERY website is vulnerable to security threats. If it has an IP address, than it’s vulnerable.
I’ve used all big three systems (WP, Drupal and Joomla) in a corporate (big) environment.
From a *user* point of view, I hated Drupal with the heat of a thousand suns. I found it clunky, restrictive (and not in a good way) and just plain bewildering at times. Of course, I admit I was biased coming to it because I’d already used J! and WP extensively and also another “real” enterprise CMS and was expecting a similar experience.
And, as a someone who used to work for a govt dept that adopted Drupal – it wasn’t because it was secure, it was because “the White House uses it” and it was “free”, and both those reasons are so flawed they are silly. *eye roll*.
After my experience using Drupal on big internet and intranet sites, I would never consider using it seriously again. Out of the box and even after extensive modifications and add-ons, it couldn’t do timed publication, you couldn’t work on a draft version of a page (and save the draft) and so many other niggly user end problems that it just made my website life miserable.
After using WP for the last few years though, it’s my go-to system for publishing sites, mainly because it is so easy to teach other (non-technical) users how to use it and security can largely be addressed if a bit of care is taken from the beginning.
Hi, I’ve been a front/backend programmer for for personal projects for years -and I’m now thinking of starting to create websites for clients. Allowing ‘non techies’ the ability to update the websites after delivery is all a bit new to me. It only really started to sink in after making a website for a friend and her casually saying ‘how do I update it?’. I am right in assuming that WP, J! and Drupal are suitable for professional website delivery for clients? If it’s partly a case of them being free, are there any others that you would recommend to use, albeit at a cost?
K Johnson
Hmm… a site called wordpress beginner declaring wordpress the winner in every category except one. Not very objective IMO.
When you look at functional scalability and the architecture of each of the reviewed products, there is no comparison. None.
WP was initially designed as a simple blogging tool, and was then revised to handle CMS-like features:
– The various popular plugins to handle basic editing, structure and extended CMS features frequently overlap and conflict with each other.
– The structural scalabiity of WP pages and blogs is a function of plugins, not the underlying WP architecture.
– It is painfully apparent that a lot of the admin, design, etc. features of WP were added after-th-fact. The underlying blog-centric architecture makes it very difficult to add CMS capabilities in a way that is intuitive.
Drupal, on the other hand, was designed from the bottom up to scale functionally. The obvious trade-off is the learning curve.
But, in my experience, the lost productivity working with WP’s weak architecture (esp when attempting to implement more complex functionality) or dealing with conflicting 3rd party components, exceeds the Drupal learning curve.
So, perhaps a better qualifier when doing this comparison would be:
– If you need a simple blogging tool, WP is probably the most appropriate.
– If you need a robust CMS tool, then Drupal is the most appropriate.
IMO, Joomla is a compromise solution – not the easiest for basic blogging and web design, but not the most robust for CMS functions.
Just sayin…
The problem I’ve too often experienced with WordPress is that, while it clearly has more plugins than the others, so many of them, even premium ones, are developed with a ‘yeah, this sort of meets the requirement’ mindset, and ‘If they want something to do what they really want, they’ll have to pay us more money.’ I see this time and again with a current WordPress/WooCommerce solution I’m working on for a client. They want it in WordPress. I’m going to give it to them in WordPress, but it shouldn’t be this frustrating.
Thanks for this comparison very useful.
I think WP is better than three.
Thanks for the article.
I really forced to add this comment, WordPress is WORSE in terms of security and clearly Drupal is the winner there.
Vladus Wizard
Hello. This article is subjective opinion of author. All of that CMS have pluses and minuses. I noone can answer this question of what CMS to use. It depends on specific case.
For professional purpose, must be Joomla. I was so disappointed when I first install wordpress. Actually wordpress is NOT good for commercial site.
Interesting, why would you say it’s not good for commercial use, I mean, A lot of digital agencies would prefer working in WP, despite the security factor I really don’t mind using it for commercial purposes
If I may, although I am not the most experienced user, I’ve done my research and, as had been pointed out in other comments, WordPress was designed to be a blogging tool and nothing more. It was NOT intended for commerce. They now have plugins to make up for that lack of functionality, but to compare that to a CMS that has that functionality right out of the box, such as Drupal or Duda, WordPress is obviously going to lose. Of it requires an extension, it is nearly a guarantee that it simply won’t work as well as if it were part of the base coding. There are indeed a lot of commercial sites that use WordPress, but as another commenter is experiencing, that is often because it was requested by a business owner who doesn’t know any better and it makes life considerably harder than it needs to be for the developer. Will the developer be ABLE to make a commercial site with WordPress? Certainly. Will it be as easy as it should be? Probably not (though, once you’re used to it, it likely won’t seem like a big deal, especially if you haven’t used another CMS for the purpose). And they will typically charge their client more money for their trouble.
Mickaël andrieu
Hi, nice article.
Also, I don’t think we should consider only the three major CMS when we have to build a website: there is a CMS for each specific need.
For instance, I work with a new CMS based on Symfony components and a powerful on page editing system: BackBee
So, don’t be shy and check all theses new “next gen” CMSes
Allan Philip
Thanks for the enlightenment about the 3 CMS platforms. I’ve always used WordPress because of the ease in setting up, editing and installing plugins on a blog. To me, WordPress is the King of blogging platforms for the simplicity of ease to install and create blogs.
I began my web development career using Dreamweaver/HTML.. WordPress at the time was a great blogging platform, but to make a website with it was very difficult. I first tried Joomla out of all 3, but it was so unintuitive, I couldn’t get the grasp of CMS and how it worked. Then a friend suggested Drupal, which I used exclusively for more than 3 years. I loved the flexibility and power of Drupal, and the control I had over content types, views, permissions, etc… Customizing and updating are the two banes of my existence, however, when it comes to Drupal. If those two items were as easy as WordPress, I would probably never leave Drupal because I can do so much more with it.
Then about 3 years ago I was hired to work on some WordPress sites – kicking & screaming, I should add – but once I saw that it had come a long way, I have started using it for most of the websites I build, because of the ease of updating and customizing. I still think security is a bit sketchy, but in reality, no CMS appears to be 100% secure.
I do like Drupal better, but end up using WP because of the items I mentioned above.
Shannon McNaron
I think you forgot to consider which can actually handle large amounts of content. If a site is small and stagnant maybe WordPress is best but when it grows I think they will move to the bigger guys, so why not start learning and working with the right CMS from the start?
I guess no one told and that WordPress can’t handle large amounts of content.
Those are just 2 examples of large content, high traffic websites using WordPress successfully
edvard eidem
As a professione webdeveloper for many years. let me vioce my opinion.
I agree thet WP is the most easy CMS of the three, but a very important aspect is totally missing: SECURITY. If you have a large business which depend on your website 100% you really need to tighten the security by all possible ways. Even then, WP is not more than 95% tight.
Security is one of my main concernes and for my largest client (a large mediahouse) I will never ever concider WP. I use less known CMS’es wich are not on the hackers lists.
One of my previous clients just got hacked even with a PRO firewall and a 13 string generated password.. It was done through a plugin. The plugins and templates are very often to blame.
Joomla by the way is not safe either. FInd something else. My vote for security goes to CMS Made Simple. Never I have even heard of a CMS Made SImple site getting hacked.
Also, a voting by a WP-site such as this is highly biased so really you need to search reviews from a non-biased site.
Regards E, Norway
edvard eidem
I can not edit the post, so I will have to add a comment by myself.
Security is not totally missing, my bad.
My point is, that WP is not safe enough out of the box. Joomla neither.
E. Norway
I have over 100 joomla sites to manage, 2 times i was hacked. 1 was not on my server and outdated, other was outdated for 7 years.
Joomla is secure but using plugins can cause problems (:
With wordpress i have had a few hacked sites to fix and they where always outdated (:
wordpresss is best ever My best cms we can create a website like blogs,download sites’s,shopping carts,social media website’s with custom our coding plugins and themes
Rikáryo Mourão
Use the 3 CMS and that always gives me trouble is WordPress, including the upgrade process is always complex in the WP and customers have asked me Crackers opinion to solve problems and Joomla! today this intact as it says security breaches.
Just think the result was biased.
Zaki Honey
thanks for the great comparison, i have a question, why almost all company’s want to use joomla instead of wordpress ? i see that a lot when they look for programmer or someone to make a website for them they want joomla ?
I think because in Workdpress you can not manage policy settings, you can’t have different access rights for group of users. I use both WP and Joomla 3. For small easy sites WP is better as it is much faster. However if you need to manage access rights different groups and create policy then Joomla is the answer.
In my opinion, these are two different products. WP is for blogging and Joomla is the proper CMS system. They are different and you can’t compare. On both you can get some commons but they are different and in my opinion you can’t sa this one is better then that one.
WPBeginner Support
WordPress comes with a robust user role management system. It can be easily extended using a plugin and developers can create any combination of permissions they need.
Silvio Jesus
Heh, I’ve obviously expected that a wp dedicated website would make wp the winner of such comparison.
Although I do agree with almost on the article, there isn’t a tie on the multilingual aspect. Wp, out of the box, does not give the user a multilingual platform, and just the aspect that you have to get a plugin to do so makes it a loser on that category.
So… The article was pretty spot-on until you got your “wp-fanboy feelings” cloud your judgement.
PS: I do think wp is the better of the three, but that doesn’t excuse biased articles.
Best regards,
What about scalability? I had WordPress sites that couldn’t handle well lots of traffic. Can you tell which one is best for scalability and make a ultra video tutorial with all steps to make a really really scalable WordPress site, one that we can put on a TV ad and get thousands of click at once?
nero of Intuitive Design
I am with Fernando about scalability. Also, I like the review as it is focused on non-developers and is very clear. However, I would have loved a section on advantages of each. WordPress wins in the sections you choose; however, as a developer (and I have installed and played with all platforms; but have not actively used them all for development – mainly wp development right now), I would love to know the advantages and the strengths of the other two platforms of when they would be worth looking into for development of specific websites.
A site that can’t handle lots of traffic is experiencing a hosting issues, not a WordPress issue. Examples of WordPress sites that get tons of traffic: WNBA site, Mashable, The San Francisco Examiner, Garth Brooks website, Mercedes Benz, lots more here:
John Lewis
I agree…. Or it’s a local issue. i.e. you internet connection.
Fernando, scalability is largely a product of the hosting environment (server resources, bandwidth, load balancing, etc…) and not the web site software itself. I doubt that’s all going to get covered in one video.