Hostinger è un popolare fornitore di hosting web con una potente piattaforma per il lancio di siti web. Offre una varietà di piani di hosting condiviso per tutti, dai principianti alle grandi aziende. I prezzi sono accessibili e i piani includono molte caratteristiche utili. Consultate la nostra recensione di Hostinger per decidere se è la scelta giusta per voi.
La maggior parte delle aziende di web hosting promette caratteristiche e vantaggi simili. In questa recensione dettagliata di Hostinger, condivideremo le nostre intuizioni e metteremo alla prova le loro affermazioni in queste aree chiave:
- Velocità e prestazioni: Abbiamo verificato la velocità di caricamento dei siti web ospitati su Hostinger e il loro impatto sull’esperienza utente e sulla SEO.
- Affidabilità: Abbiamo valutato i tempi di attività e la disponibilità per vedere se Hostinger è in grado di mantenere il vostro sito web accessibile in modo costante.
- Assistenza clienti: Abbiamo testato il team di assistenza per determinare se è possibile ottenere un’assistenza rapida e utile in caso di necessità.
- Caratteristiche: Abbiamo esaminato cosa includono i piani di hosting di Ospitato e come queste caratteristiche si confrontano con quelle della concorrenza.
- Prezzi: Abbiamo valutato la struttura dei costi di Hostinger per vedere se offre un buon rapporto qualità-prezzo e modi per massimizzare i risparmi.
In questa recensione completa di Hostinger, forniamo un’analisi basata sull’esperienza diretta con i loro servizi.
Se avete poco tempo, ecco un rapido riassunto dei nostri risultati e del punteggio complessivo delle recensioni di Hostinger.
Hostinger Review Summary | |
Performance grade | A |
Average load time | 935 ms |
Average response time | 72.4 ms |
Free domain | Yes |
Free SSL | Yes |
1-click WordPress | Yes |
Support | Live Chat / Knowledge base |
Start with Hostinger |
In conclusione, abbiamo trovato Hostinger un buon provider di hosting con un’assistenza affidabile e un’eccellente serie di funzionalità: Nella nostra recensione, abbiamo trovato Hostinger un buon provider di hosting con un supporto affidabile e un’eccellente serie di funzionalità.
Detto questo, entriamo nel dettaglio di come siamo arrivati a questa conclusione.
Informazioni su Hostinger
Hostinger è stata fondata nel 2011, ma la sua storia risale al 2004. Nata come piccola società di web hosting a Kaunas, in Lituania, la gente dietro Hostinger ha lanciato diversi marchi di web hosting nel corso degli anni.

In questo modo hanno acquisito l’esperienza necessaria per costruire la tecnologia e la competenza che oggi utilizzano su Con oltre 3 milioni di clienti in 150 paesi, Hostinger è una delle aziende di web hosting in più rapida crescita.
Test delle prestazioni di Hostinger
I nostri lettori si fidano delle recensioni di WPBeginner perché raccomandiamo solo prodotti e servizi che abbiamo testato personalmente.
Per ogni recensione di un ospitato WordPress, registriamo gli account e testiamo le loro affermazioni attraverso verifiche complete delle prestazioni.
Per questa recensione di Hostinger, abbiamo sottoscritto un account di hosting e installato WordPress (website builder). Abbiamo utilizzato il tema predefinito e popolato il sito con dati fittizi realistici, compresi media e immagini.
Questo approccio ha garantito che il nostro sito di prova rispecchiasse il comportamento e la struttura di un sito web WordPress reale.
Risultati del test di velocità di Hostinger
Un sito web veloce è fondamentale per il successo dei nostri utenti. Crea una buona esperienza utente e migliora anche la SEO. Ecco perché il primo test che abbiamo eseguito è stato quello di misurare la velocità del sito web utilizzando Pingdom.
Ecco i risultati:

La velocità di caricamento del nostro sito di prova è stata di una frazione di secondo, il che è ottimo. Tuttavia, questo tempo di caricamento della pagina da solo non mostra l’immagine completa perché il nostro sito di prova non ha traffico.
Risultati dello stress test di Hostinger
Poi abbiamo voluto vedere come Hostinger gestisce il traffico del sito web durante le ore di punta. Per misurarlo, abbiamo utilizzato uno strumento chiamato K6 di Grafana Labs.
Abbiamo gradualmente raggiunto i 50 visitatori unici per vedere come il server avrebbe gestito l’aumento delle richieste da più connessioni contemporaneamente.
Ecco i risultati:

La linea verde rappresenta il tempo di risposta della richiesta, mentre la linea grigia rappresenta il numero di utenti virtuali sul sito.
Come si può vedere, Hostinger si è comportato molto bene in questo test. Con l’aumento degli utenti virtuali, il tempo di risposta è rimasto costante anche nei picchi di traffico.
Ciò significa che se avete un sito web di una piccola impresa, un negozio online o un blog in crescita, il vostro sito può facilmente gestire picchi di traffico improvvisi.
Test del tempo di risposta di Hostinger
Poi abbiamo voluto verificare come il nostro sito di prova di Hostinger risponde alle richieste provenienti da diverse località geografiche. Per misurarlo, abbiamo utilizzato uno strumento chiamato Bitcatcha.
Ecco i risultati:

Come potete vedere, i tempi di risposta sono stati eccellenti in tutti i settori, in particolare in Europa e in Nord America.
Test sul tempo di attività di Hostinger
È inoltre importante notare che il nostro sito web non è andato giù durante i test e non ha registrato alcun tempo di inattività. Abbiamo attivato il tracker dei tempi di attività perché a volte, durante gli stress test, alcuni server ospitati si bloccano.
Questo è un altro segno che Hostinger è una piattaforma di hosting affidabile.

Piani di hosting e caratteristiche di Hostinger
Hostinger offre vari piani di hosting con caratteristiche diverse. Questi includono piani condivisi, hosting eCommerce, hosting VPS, cloud hosting, un website builder e altro ancora.

Tuttavia, la loro offerta principale è costituita da piani di hosting condivisi. I prezzi di Hostinger sono altamente competitivi, il che lo rende una scelta eccellente per i siti web di partenza.
Diamo un’occhiata ai piani offerti da Hostinger.
Ripartizione dei piani di hosting condivisi di Hostinger
I piani di hosting condiviso di Hostinger sono disponibili in tre diversi livelli. Tutti i piani differiscono per spazio su disco, larghezza di banda e numero di siti web installabili:
Premium: Questo piano entry-level include 100 GB di storage SSD, la possibilità di installare più siti web WordPress, un dominio gratuito, account email gratuiti e protezione DDoS standard.
Business: Questo piano di livello medio include tutte le caratteristiche di “Premium” e offre una maggiore protezione DDoS, siti di staging a 1 clic, strumenti di intelligenza artificiale di WordPress e altro ancora.
Cloud Startup: Questo piano è adatto alle aziende di medie dimensioni e alle agenzie WordPress. Include tutte le caratteristiche del piano Business, più spazio di archiviazione aggiuntivo, backup giornalieri e assistenza prioritaria.
Il piano Premium ha risorse limitate e Hostinger non lo consiglia per siti web di e-commerce con più di dieci prodotti.
Oltre ai piani condivisi, Host offre anche piani di hosting Cloud e piani di hosting VPS con risorse dedicate come core CPU, RAM e storage SSD.
Caratteristiche del piano di hosting di Hostinger
Dovreste anche confrontare le caratteristiche offerte da ogni piano di host. Oltre alle limitazioni di ogni piano, ecco cosa è incluso in ogni piano di hosting offerto da Host.
- Installatore automatico di WordPress in 1 clic
- Accelerazione del sito WordPress
- Certificato SSL gratuito
- Accesso a Git
- Hostinger CDN (non incluso nel piano Premium)
- Assistenza via chat 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
Inoltre, ogni piano vi dà accesso al loro pannello di controllo personalizzato. Questa alternativa a cPanel si chiama hPanel e offre tutte le funzionalità standard dei provider di hosting cPanel, compresa la possibilità di installare altre applicazioni e software CMS popolari come WordPress, WooCommerce, Joomla e altri ancora.
Host offre una serie di applicazioni e strumenti avanzati con il suo hosting condiviso premium. Questi includono un gestore PHP, caratteristiche di sicurezza, un gestore di file trascina e rilascia e l’ottimizzazione della cache.

Hostinger offre una garanzia di uptime del 99,9% e una garanzia di rimborso di 30 giorni.
Ciò significa che entro i primi 30 giorni dall’iscrizione, potete cancellare il vostro account per qualsiasi motivo e ottenere il rimborso completo delle spese di hosting. Il rimborso non include le spese di registrazione del dominio; potrete tenere il vostro dominio.
Supporto e assistenza clienti di Hostinger
Hostinger fornisce assistenza clienti 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, tramite chat dal vivo. Attualmente non offre assistenza telefonica. Il team di assistenza tecnica è ben addestrato ed è disponibile ad aiutare in caso di necessità.

Il team di assistenza clienti fornisce supporto in inglese ai clienti globali. Tuttavia, se avete acquistato il vostro hosting tramite uno dei loro siti web locali, come “”, avete l’opzione di ottenere l’assistenza clienti anche in quella lingua locale.
Abbiamo trovato il team di assistenza clienti molto reattivo, con tempi di risposta quasi immediati. Anche altre recensioni di utenti hanno riportato una buona esperienza di interazione con il team di supporto.
Oltre alla chat dal vivo, Hostinger dispone di un’ampia base di conoscenze che contiene tutorial dettagliati passo-passo per rispondere alle domande più frequenti dei clienti.
Pro e contro di Hostinger
Host è una società di web hosting molto popolare, ma potrebbe non essere la scelta giusta per tutti. Prima di scegliere un piano, considerate questi pro e contro.
I vantaggi di scegliere l’hosting di Hostinger
- Piani a basso prezzo: Offrono piani di hosting a prezzi molto bassi per gli utenti che vogliono solo testare un’idea.
- Prestazioni eccellenti: Considerando i prezzi di Hostinger, le prestazioni e la velocità sono eccellenti.
- Buona assistenza clienti: Offrono un’eccellente assistenza clienti per tutti i piani, il che è di grande aiuto per i principianti.
Contro della scelta dell’hosting di Hostinger
- Limitazioni del piano: Per mantenere l’hosting a basso costo, Hostinger pone dei limiti ai piani di hosting entry-level e di basso livello. Tuttavia, man mano che il vostro sito web cresce, potete sempre passare a piani cloud o VPS per liberarvi di queste limitazioni.
- Nessun backup giornaliero: Il piano Premium offre backup settimanali anziché giornalieri. Tuttavia, consigliamo agli utenti di impostare sempre la propria soluzione di backup indipendentemente dalla richiesta di backup giornaliero del proprio provider di hosting.
Conclusione: Hostinger fa al caso vostro?
Ora che avete letto tutta la nostra recensione di Hostinger, vi starete chiedendo se Hostinger è l’host web giusto per voi.
Raccomandiamo Hostinger ai principianti che vogliono avviare un sito web senza spendere troppo. Le opzioni di hosting condiviso a basso prezzo di Hostinger offrono un buon rapporto qualità-prezzo, con ottime prestazioni e un pannello di controllo estremamente facile da usare.
Essendo un servizio di hosting condiviso a basso costo, deve porre alcuni limiti agli account per garantire un modello di business sostenibile. Quando il vostro sito raggiunge i limiti di traffico, vi verrà chiesto di passare al piano successivo.
Inoltre, avrete a disposizione una facile installazione di WordPress in un clic, la migrazione gratuita del sito web, il caching LiteSpeed, il supporto CDN di Hostinger, la protezione del nameserver Cloudflare e altre caratteristiche interessanti.
È anche dotato di potenti strumenti AI per WordPress, tra cui un creatore di contenuti AI, un builder di siti web AI, un assistente AI e un risolutore di problemi AI per WordPress. È inoltre possibile installare qualsiasi plugin WordPress, template, trascina e rilascia builder e altro ancora.
Sei pronto a iniziare con Hostinger? Cliccate qui per selezionare il vostro piano Hostinger.
Coupon Hostinger
Gli utenti di WPBeginner possono usufruire di uno sconto fino all’82% sul loro web hosting e di un dominio gratuito (tranne che per il piano Single) con il nostro codice coupon Hostinger.
Per acquistare basta cliccare su questo link. Lo sconto verrà applicato automaticamente.
Domande frequenti su Hostinger
Ecco le risposte ad alcune delle domande più frequenti sul servizio di hosting di Hostinger.
1. Dove si trova Hostinger?
La sede centrale di Hostinger è a Kaunas, in Lituania, ma ha sedi in diversi paesi, tra cui Brasile, Indonesia e Singapore.
I server di Hostinger si trovano negli Stati Uniti, in Europa (Francia, Germania, Paesi Bassi, Lituania, Regno Unito), in Asia (Indonesia e Singapore) e in Sud America (Brasile).
2. Perché Hostinger è così economico?
Hostinger offre piani di hosting economici limitando le risorse del server CPU disponibili per i clienti in base al loro piano di hosting. È così che la maggior parte delle società di hosting condiviso è in grado di offrire servizi di web hosting a prezzi accessibili.
Quando il vostro sito web cresce e raggiunge un limite, potete passare ai loro piani VPS o cloud. In questo modo i clienti possono pagare in base alla loro crescita.
3. Hostinger è una buona società di hosting?
Sì, Hostinger è una società di hosting affidabile con anni di esperienza nel settore dell’hosting condiviso. Offre una piattaforma robusta a prezzi accessibili, che consente a milioni di clienti di creare il loro primo sito web o di avviare una nuova attività.
4. Hostinger offre un nome di dominio gratuito?
Sì, Hostinger offre un dominio gratuito con i piani condivisi (Premium, Business e Cloud Startup).
5. Hostinger è migliore di Bluehost?
Hostinger e Bluehost offrono servizi leggermente diversi e sono entrambi ottimi fornitori di servizi di hosting. Hostinger è migliore per gli utenti che cercano un hosting di siti web più economico con alcune limitazioni. D’altra parte, Bluehost è migliore per gli utenti che desiderano avere tutto illimitato pagando un po’ di più.
6. Come si colloca Hostinger rispetto ad altre società di hosting?
Spesso ci viene chiesto come Hostinger si collochi rispetto ad altre società di hosting condiviso come GoDaddy, HostGator o SiteGround.
Riteniamo che Hostinger batta GoDaddy in termini di prezzi e di esperienza utente. È in competizione con HostGator in molti aspetti.
SiteGround offre un servizio di hosting leggermente diverso ed è più costoso di Hostinger. Se il prezzo basso importa di più, Hostinger è la scelta perfetta per iniziare.
Sei pronto a iniziare con Hostinger? Ottenete l’82% di sconto sul vostro piano Hostinger facendo clic qui per iscrivervi a Hostinger. Lo sconto verrà applicato automaticamente.
Really disappointed with Hostinger. They’re great until you have an issue that’s slightly complex.
At that point, the contradictions begin. The support bot gives out incorrect information, different human support reps give different answers to the same question and then lead you round and round in circles instead of actually trying to help.
My most frustrating experience with a web hosting company in a 16 year career. Avoid these guys if you have anything more than the most basic of websites.
Hi, David,
At Hostinger, we’re constantly perfecting the services we offer, and our customer’s feedback is our stepping stone. Thanks for sharing yours.
The Customer Success Team will receive your feedback as they’re focused on avoiding such situations in the future. We invite you to let us know of any other details via — we’re eager to hear from you!
Best wishes,
Team Hostinger
Terrible hosting. My entire site was blocked only because one of the visitors posted a comment under one of the posts that violated the hosting policy. Imagine an analogy: the New York Times website is blocked entirely because one of the thousands of comments contains information that, in the opinion of the hosting company, violates their internal policies. This is what I encountered. I have used many hosting services, but this only happened to me with hostinger. I advise them to change the system of notifications about violations of their policies; it is not always possible to read one notification by email. I don’t recommend hosting
Hello, George,
Our customers’ trust is essential to us. For this reason, we thank you for sharing your experience with us. We hope to ensure everything’s clear!
At Hostinger, we are committed to a safe internet and have a dedicated Abuse team that follows rigid procedures and investigates every report we receive to ensure complete fairness during the process. When the content is in a comment, we notify the customer before suspending via the email they registered in their account. As stated in our Terms of Service (available here:, the website’s owners are responsible for all content within them, and we reserve the right to suspend them if necessary.
We’ll forward your feedback to the responsible team, and invite you to reach out to the Customer Success Team if any other questions remain.
Team Hostinger
Hello, George,
Our customers’ trust is essential to us. For this reason, we thank you for sharing your experience with us. We hope to ensure everything’s clear!
At Hostinger, we are committed to a safe internet and have a dedicated Abuse team that follows rigid procedures and investigates every report we receive to ensure complete fairness during the process. When the content is in a comment, we notify the customer before suspending via the email they registered in their account. As stated in our Terms of Service (available here:, the website’s owners are responsible for all content within them, and we reserve the right to suspend them if necessary.
We’ll forward your feedback to the responsible team, and invite you to reach out to the Customer Success Team if any other questions remain.
Team Hostinger
Tanya Burgwin
Terrible and disappointed with con business Hostinger. I have consistently raised this issue multiple times in the past. Each time, I was given assurances that the technical team was actively addressing the matter and that a prompt resolution was imminent. I was also informed that I would receive an email notification once the issue had been successfully resolved. Regrettably, despite these assurances, I find myself still awaiting a resolution. This persistent delay is becoming increasingly frustrating and raises concerns about the commitment to customer service. It appears that there is a significant discrepancy between the promptness in taking payments and the lack of action and communication regarding the actual service provided. This ongoing situation has led me to question the value of further communication, as it seems that my concerns have fallen on deaf ears. It is disheartening to experience a situation where clear promises are repeatedly made but not fulfilled. It is my sincere hope that this matter can be rectified promptly and professionally, in line with the standards that should be expected in a business relationship.
Dear Tanya,
We appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us. Although we’re sorry that it didn’t meet the standards we have established for ourselves, your input will help us improve as a service provider.
Our team investigated your account and noticed the recent interactions with our Customer Success Team. If any questions remain, please let us know — and don’t hesitate to share via if you have any other feedback points for us.
Best regards,
Team Hostinger
Tracy L Smith
I thought Hostinger was a good company until I inadvertantly followed their prompts to enable MFA without a Mobile Authenticator app – course instructions weren’t there. It’s now week 3, can only work through email with support, chat isn’t available unless you are logged in. They have requested my bank statement displaying payment, my ID and after that now they want my credit card displaying 10 numbers. I am locked out and they keep asking for more to release stating ‘security’ issue. My bank has less process than this. I am so angry right now and want people to know that if you get locked out – good luck.
Dear T.Smith,
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We are grateful for the opportunity to learn more about your concerns and work on them.
As security is paramount to us, we have a specific account recovery process. After providing the required documentation, we noticed your account email was changed — so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have further questions. We’re here for you, right?
All the best,
Team Hostinger
Hostinger service is good. I my opinion their renewal prices is high, maybe they come up with better renewal prices.
Hi, Juan,
We’re glad you took a few minutes to share your experience with us! Listening to our customers is always great; this suggestion will be sent to the team.
Team Hostinger
I have recently moved from bluehost to hostinger. I am impressed with their chat support. Quick response and friendly support staff. I tried to migrate my site manually but I faced many problems. So I decided to go for their free migration service; they did it quickly and perfectly. Also, they helped me with redirecting mx records.
Excellent job. Keep up the good work.
Dear Khaled,
Thanks for reaching out and sharing a bit of your experience. Your insights help us grow and improve.
Best regards,
Team Hostinger
It is a good hosting provider!!
Hello, Dhruv,
That’s exactly the experience we want to offer our customers! Thanks for the review, and let us know if you ever need a hand.
Best wishes,
Team Hostinger
santosh kumar
Great service fully technical support
Hi, Santosh,
What a great thing to hear — count on our Customer Success Team whenever you need a hand!
Team Hostinger
Hostinger hosting is best, cheap and their custom support is on another PRO level. I recently hosted my site on it and it is performing very well.
Hello there,
Your feedback is always welcomed, Samran, as we believe our customer’s opinions are the best tool for our improvement. Thanks for bringing it to us!
All the best,
Team Hostinger
They’re the best Hostinger Service provider period
Hey there, Loudberg,
It’s lovely to know your feedback of our service — we’ll let the team know.
Thanks for sharing,
Team Hostinger
Omkar Dewangan
Best Service in the all hosting provider market
Hi there, Omkar,
Only the best for our beloved customers! Thanks for sharing.
Kind regards,
Team Hostinger
Aniruddh Bhat
Really great service and articulation by the live specialist.
Hi, Aniruddh,
That’s great to hear! Let us know if you have any suggestions to improve our services even further.
See you around,
Team Hostinger
Like It Great support from Hostinger team.
Hello, Bharat,
Our whole team is pleased to receive your feedback! Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences with the community.
Let’s keep in touch!
Soumya Ghorai
Very good co-operation and great service …
Hey, Soumya,
We are blushing. The feeling is indeed mutual; it is lovely to have the best customers in the World!
Roshan Vishwas
Amazing service. Did help with my issues. You saved my hours of work from getting ruined.
Hello, Roshan,
It is a pleasure to be a part of your projects’ success Hostinger team is looking forward to our long-lasting and joyful partnership! If you need any advice, we are always here for you.
mayur patil
Best Performace
Quick Support
Cheap Hosting as compare to other providers
Amazing H Panel
Just Amazing
Hello, Mayur,
Thank you for your recognition! Our team is glad to know that you are enjoying our services. Keep going with your online projects!
Kamaljeet Singh
The Support Agent was well experienced and quite helpful in solving my issue…
Hello, Kamaljeet,
Thank you! We truly appreciate your shared insight. Our team is ready to assist you at any time of the day.
Their service is simply Awesome!!!
Hi, Alex,
Thank you! We want nothing more but your happiness and success. Let’s keep reaching for the stars!
Shantanu Singh
After I moved my hosting to Hostinger, my life has really become so easier. Their customer service is top notch and they take care of your website and everything like it’s their own. I’m really impressed by the professionalism and patience that their team presents. Kudos and keep up the good work.
Hello, Shantanu,
Thank you for letting us know that you are delighted to be on board with us! The feeling is mutual as we are extremely glad to offer hosting services for you.
Our team is ready to assist you at any time and ensure that you enjoy our services to the maximum.
Srimoyi Banik
I am really glad, how the customer serrvice agent – Gytis, helped me to solve my problem. I am grateful to hostinger
Hey, Srimoyi,
Happy to help at any time! Please always feel free to contact us when you have even a tiny question. Good luck!
immediate issue was resolved by support team, I’ll really appreciate it.
Hey, Barada,
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback! We will do everything to maintain this high level of excellence.
Please allow yourself to count on us, and let’s conquer the Internet together!
Lina was very helpful. Thank you for your support.
Hi, Krishan,
Your success is our success! We are happy to assist you 24/7, so let’s keep in touch and continue growing your online project to the maximum.
Mohit Makkar
Hey Hostinger Team,
It was really a great experience with your executive to chat with. All the problems were solved by your executive. I totally understand everything. There is just one thing I want to ask that can you shift my hosting plan and domain which I have purchased on this email id onto another e-mail.
Hello, Mohit,
Our team is glad to know that your questions were answered! Would you be able to contact us once again, and let’s talk about shifting your hosting? Let’s stay in touch!
Nice customer support, I really appreciate.
Hi, Zahid,
It is a pleasure to assist you! Our team is ready to help you whenever you need us. Take care!
Ashish Mehta
Changing the hosting provider come along with host of confusion, queries and concerns. This was true for me as well, changing my hosting provider after many years. But the process was smoothened by wonderful support that I got from customer service team of Hostinger, right from handling all my queries with clarity, knowledge and promptness to being ever ready to help me with all the steps, the experience was wonderful.
Hello, Ashish,
Our team is delighted to welcome you on board! It is a joy to receive your feedback and ensure your happiness.
Please allow yourself to count on us for the further development of your online projects. Good luck!
Vinay raj
Wonderful customer support by Annisa.
Hi, Vinay,
Thank you for these kind words – we are doing, and we will do our best to impress you! Our Customer Success Team is ready to assist you whenever you need us.
Vaibhav Shukla
Awesome response from customer support team. Ask them for support and sit relax..
Hello, Vaibhav,
Yes, you are completely right! Our goal is to ensure your smooth and joyful online journey. Thank you very much for trusting us!
shaik mustaf
good service grate response from team
Hey, Shaik,
Thank you for sharing this with us. We want to let you know that we will always be here for you whenever you need us!
I am really happy that the support team of hostinger was really helpful and sorted my queries. I would recommend hostinger for friends , though hostinger doesnt have voice call support the chat support was really helpful.
Hello, Abhiranjan,
Thank you for sharing your experience and recommending our services.
We strive to ensure your online success 24/7. To reach this goal, we use Live Chat, which allows you to receive visual information such as screenshots and video tutorials instantly. On top of that, all of the assistance will stay recorded for you to use anytime again.
It is thrilling to know you can work on your projects with peace of mind. We wish you all the best!
I was experiencing long time issue on installing wordpress.I was given chat support and the person fixed the issue within 15 minutes.Am getting great support from hostinger.
Hi, Shiju,
It is a pleasure to assist you at any time! Thank you for choosing us.
Bharath Bhat
I have hosted my websites on many other Hosting providers, but Hostinger is my Best because they are Honest, they provide great customer support, you can find FAQ questions if you didn’t got the answer you can go for live chat. While purchasing Hosting packages they provide Complete details like SSD storage space and other things, many other hosting companies hide these things from us, & their servers are extremely Fast so this will help your website to Rank, These people helped me Karolis, Rokas, Živilė, Ni, Lina. Hostinger is the Best. Thank You.
Hello, Bharath,
Thank you for this comprehensive and valuable feedback! Our team is pleased to know that your needs are completely fulfilled, and you trust us as your hosting provider!
Our team will do everything to maintain and even upscale your hosting experiences with us. Let’s stay in touch and continue our cheery partnership!
firoz alam
They are very professional and helpful. Hostinger and Teams help you to achieve your personal digital journey. They are cost-effective too.
Hey, Firoz,
We are delighted to be a part of your online success. Our mission is to offer a stable, fast, and simple website hosting solution at a price so low that nobody can beat it – it is fabulous to see that our mission has been completed!
Sunny Singh
Rokas Was very helpful and it was a fantastic Customer service experience
Hi, Suuny,
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback about our fantastic team! We will do everything to maintain this high level of excellence
Hugo is great at his work.
he understood my concern and then he resolved very wisely. Although he took a lil extra time to respond but that dosent matter in the end because he has done a great job.
I ‘ll give 9.9 out 10.
Hello, Ami,
Thank you for your feedback – our team is thrilled to assist you!
Please rest assured that our team is constantly growing to eliminate any extra waiting! We wish you the best of luck while continuing to build up your online projects.
Cheers to our cooperation!
The response from help team was quicker than expected. Awesome experience.
Hello, Abhay,
It is delightful to hear your success story!
Our whole team is happily ready to assist you as many times as needed, so please know that you are in good hands.
We wish you the best of luck with the further development of your online project!
Afroze eqbal
Very helpful and friendly smart team
Hey, Afroze,
Wonderful to know that you feel this way! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We wish you a fantastic day!
Chandra Nishant
Yes the help provide by Amalia H, proved to be amazing,I am not facing any issues with SSL for now and I hope Iwont be facing it again.She really helped me ,she was sincere and polite,gave her time and understood my issue.
Hello, Chandra,
It is excellent to know that! Please count on us at any time – it is our pleasure to ensure your online happiness.
Deepak Kerkar
A reliable hosting provider with an amazing customer support!
Hey, Deepak,
Thank you for your review; we truly appreciate it. Your success is our success, so let’s take the Internet by storm together.
Shivendra Chaurasia
Very Nice. Really loved the support. Keep supporting and helping us and thanks for giving the pinpoint information. Thank you
Hello, Shivendra,
Thank you very much for your trust! Your feedback makes us even more motivated to continue surpassing the market standards.
Our team wishes you the best of luck while continuing to build up your online projects. Cheers to our cooperation!
Ritu Mehra
It is very good experience to take support. I was able to solve all the problems with your help.
Hi, Ritu,
Thank you for your evaluation. We are pleased to know that we can be part of your online success!
Subhendu Dutta
It was a great experience. If support team was not there I could lost everything. They helped a lot.
Hello, Subhendu,
You will always be our priority, and we are ready to help you 24/7. Thank you for choosing us, and let’s keep in touch to ensure your smooth and joyful online adventure!
Sayed Fahad
I’m experience with Hostinger is really great. The customer support I really appreciate, whenever you go to them they help you by going out of the way. I am using Hostinger from a long time and never had issues I am thankful for the service.
Hello, Sayed,
It is bliss to receive applauses from a loyal customer like you. Thanks a lot for sharing, and cheers to our long-lasting partnership!
Farukh shaikh
The person who talked to me was very informative and patient. I need a bit more help with cloudfare and stuff. Thank you to the amazing staff
Hey, Farukh,
Thank you for letting us know about your experiences! Our team is more than happy to assist you and make sure that you can enjoy our services to the maximum.
This amazing hosting platform and their customer support is excellent. I AM very happy with its services
Hi, Chetna,
Thanks a lot for your lovely comment! It is good to know that you trust us as your hosting provider and your expectations are fulfilled!
Hostinger provides Great service at a very reasonable price. My WordPress website is loading pretty fast because of the lite speed server. I recommend hostinger for WordPress site. Load times are good. I am using business wordpress hosting.
Thank you for choosing us and recommending our services! It is an absolute pleasure to be a part of your online success, Ejas!
Suryakant Tripathi
I have great experience with hostinger Customer Service team – this really warms my heart.
I’m extremely happy with Hostinger quality service, support and with professional team.
Hello, Suryakant,
You cannot imagine how important your satisfaction is to us. Knowing that we are doing a good job and that our customers feel safe and well-received is priceless.
Thank you for letting us know about this and don’t hesitate to count on us for whatever you need. We are always here for you!
Mohsen Azimi, Azimi Legal Services
I recently moved my domain name from GODADDY to Hostinger.
I am extremely impressed with the Hostinger’s customer service and I would not hesitate to recommend Hostinger.
Thank you Hostinger, keep up with your good services.
Hello, Mohsen,
Welcome on board, and thank you for your excellent recommendations! Our team is ready to help you whenever you need us.
Arnab Paul
Very good service. All the time they help you and guide you. They are like Family who take care of you and make you understand Things. Thanks!
Hi, Arnab,
Oh, it is truly fantastic to receive such warm feedback from you! Thank you for letting us know about this, and let’s continue our online journey together.
David Jonathan
Things was fast & smooth. All the stuff here are more than pro & fast
Hey, David,
Thank you very much. We promise to work hard each day not only to keep it this way but ensure you with even better services in the future to come.
Response was quick and concise. Also my work was done within a few steps.
Hello, Vijay,
Wonderful to know that – thank you very much for sharing! We strive to keep it this way, and we are delighted to have you on board.