
ステップ1: WordPressホスティングサービスに申し込む
ボーナス無料オファー: WordPressブログの無料セットアップサービスの一環として、BloggerからWordPressへの移行サービスを無料でご提供しています。これは、私たちの専門家チームメンバーの一人があなたのためにすべての移行を行うことを意味します(100%無料)。そう、文字通りリスクなしでBloggerからWordPressへ移行できるのです。
ステップ1: Bloggerブログのエクスポート


BloggerサイトのWordPressへのインポートを開始するには、WordPress管理エリアにログインし、ツール ” インポート.

WordPressがBlogger Importerプラグインをダウンロードしてインストールします。
インストーラのインストールが完了したら、’Run Importer’リンクをクリックして続行する必要があります。



WordPressは、BloggerエクスポートファイルからWordPressサイトにすべてのコンテンツをインポートします。コンテンツを表示するには、投稿 ” すべての投稿ページをご覧ください。

パーマリンクを設定するには、WordPressダッシュボードの設定 ” パーマリンクに移動し、’カスタム構造’オプションを選択する必要があります。

add_action( 'init', 'wpb_update_slug' );
function wpb_update_slug() {
global $wpdb;
$result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'blogger_permalink' ");
foreach ($result as $row){
$slug = explode("/",$row->meta_value);
$slug = explode(".",$slug[3]);
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_name ='$slug[0]' WHERE ID = '$row->post_id' ");
echo "DONE";
そのためには、Blogger to WordPress Redirectionプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。
有効化した後、ツール ” Blogger to WordPress Redirectionページにアクセスし、’Start Configuration’ ボタンをクリックする必要があります。

プラグインがあなたのBloggerブログのURLを検出し、リダイレクトコードを取得するオプションを表示します。先に進み、あなたのBlogger URLの横にある「コードを取得」ボタンをクリックしてください。



するとポップアップが表示されるので、「No. Show desktop theme on mobile devices(モバイル端末にデスクトップテーマを表示しない)」オプションを設定する。

また、All In One SEO (AIOSEO)を使って、投稿やページをBloggerからWordPressにリダイレクトすることもできる。このプラグインは、新しいサイトへの完全なサイトリダイレクトを設定できる強力なリダイレクトマネージャー機能を提供しています。
これを修正するには、All In One SEO(AIOSEO)プラグインを使用する必要があります。手順については、WordPressでリダイレクトを作成するための初心者ガイドをご覧ください。
ウィジェットを追加するには、WordPressダッシュボードの外観 ” ウィジェットページにアクセスし、サイドバーにウィジェットをドラッグ&ドロップするだけです。詳細な手順については、WordPressでウィジェットを追加して使用する方法のガイドを参照してください。


- WPBeginner Blog– WordPressのチュートリアルとガイドのすべての中心的な場所です。
- WPBeginner Dictionary– WordPress用語集は、WordPressの用語に慣れるのに最適な場所です。
- WPBeginner動画– 新規WordPressユーザーは、WordPressをマスターするためのステップバイステップの動画から始めることができます。
- WPBeginner on YouTube– もっと動画説明が必要ですか?購読者数291,000人以上、表示回数5,000万回以上のYouTubeチャンネルを購読してください。
- WPBeginner Blueprint– WPBeginnerで使用しているプラグイン、ツール、サービスをご覧ください。
- WPBeginner Deals– WPBeginnerユーザーのためのWordPress製品とサービスの限定割引。
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Marco Dickert
Hi there,
I just tried to migrate my blogger-blog to my self-hosted wordpress. Almost all things work as expected, but not the redirection from blogger. I inserted a logging function in the template code for the wordpress-sided interface and recognized that this page does not get any parameters from the blogger redirection. That means I simply get redirected to my home page.
Is it possible that blogger changed variable names or something? Does anyone has an idea how I could fix that problem?
Cheers, Marco
WPBeginner Support
Marco, we have just updated the post with a completely new re-written version. Please follow it now, hopefully it will resolve your issue.
Marco Dickert
First of all: It’s really nice that you’ve updated this article! I guess you help many users with that.
Meanwhile I solved my problem, and wrote my solution in an email to Amit Agarwal, but he seems to be very busy.
Since I come from Germany I don’t get “blogspot.com”-Domains in my Google search results, but “blogspot.de”. Others in German-speaking Europe get also different TLDs like “blogspot.at” or “blogspot.ch”. That is a problem for the template code. I could fix that simply by changing these lines:
With this fix it should work all around the world. Maybe you can implement it in your post; it might be useful for some people.
Cheers, Marco
WPBeginner Support
Thanks Marco for this really useful fix. We have updated the article to include this.
I have the same problem. Tried your script but when I go to an old posting I just get redirected to my first page, not to the post.
Liza Pritz
Wouldn’t it be easier to use a plugin? Something like “CMS2CMS Blogger to WordPress Converter” ? With this plugin, it is posible to migreta the content, the set up 301 redirect and keep all the visitors and ranking on a new WordPress site?
Does anyone knows something about that?
Saad Ansari
Nice efforts. One shop stop guide for Blogger to WordPress migration.
Is there any way of importing all images from blogger and put them all together in WordPress? I’ve a huge number of images with me. Uploading each of them MANUALLY would be a nightmare, isn’t it? So do let me know if there is any smart and efficient plan B for it. Thanks!
Xuhair Raxa
great post !!! but i have a question.. that is after the conversion,will the domain be .com or blogspot.com ? As i have a blog http://tricksnsolutions.com which is wp blog after making it a blogger blog shall it remain to tricksnsolutions.com or tricksnsolutions.blogspot.com ? please solve my confusion
WPBeginner Support
This guide is for switching from Blogger to WordPress not the other way around.
Briana M
My old website is with Blogger, but I am switching over to WordPress and using a new domain name. I already have hundreds of business cards with my old domain name listed (###.blogspot.com) and I want that old domain name through Blogger to redirect to my new domain name and WordPress website. How can I go about doing this?
WPBeginner Support
You can do so following the steps mentioned in the article above.
thanks ,,,
Hi there,
I am a newbie.
I just wanted to ask a quick question:
When I import my blogger posts into wordpress, will they be deleted from blogger or will they still be there with no changes?
WPBeginner Support
They will still be there if you don’t explicitly delete them.
The Blogger code doesn’t work today. I think the markup is obsolete because Blogger says the following by submitting the code from WP Beginner:
“The value of attribute “dir” associated with an element type “html” must not contain the ‘<' character."
I just replaced simple and double quotes and other ways to solve this, but is completely impossible. Does anyone know if Blogger has made related to the markup?
Thank you all.
Very well explained…will try it..hope so it may work…
Kapil Dev Singh
I have moved from blogger to WordPress and carried out all the steps. I am encountering two problems-
1. The blogger link for specific blogs is not taking me to the wordpress
2. When someone wants to come to wordpress following a specific blog link, it shows – the file could not be found and give a list of all the published blogs. Once clicked on the specific blog for which the link was followed, it opens up.
I keep getting this message in blogger
Error parsing XML, line 2, column 73: The value of attribute “dir” associated with an element type “html” must not contain the ‘<' character.
anyone else?
(Previous comment did not include code… how can I do that?)
Not sure if something has fundamentally changed with the blogger importer or how posts info is stored in the database; But the code above for the wpbeginner-blogger.php failed for almost all my links. I ended up changing it to this:
Anyone see any reason this is bad? It seems to work perfectly, I’m still trying to figure out why it was done any other way to begin with… As long as you fix the permalinks to match the old blogger ones
Hi, hopefully someone will be able to help. Whenever I click one of my old blogger posts it just sends me to my new wordpress site’s homepage not to the correct blog post? any ideas how to fix this. thanks.
Raj Amal
My old blogger posts it just sends me to my new wordpress site’s homepage not to the correct blog post. Plese help me
I’m having the same issues. How did you fix this?
I am stuck with the infinite loop. The website keeps refreshing and never loads. I am not sure how to fix it.
OK, I am sorry about the previous comment. I was using Switch hosts firefox plugin and I was browsing on my local copy. My website has not gone live yet. Though I have clicked on Go live button on Godaddy, and looks like DNS settings are updated, but my website has gone in an infinite loop and never loads. It loads the title, loads the favicon and I also see it loading chrome extensions like alexa and adblock, but then it refreshes and starts loading again. This never stops.
Do you think it is the problem with DNS? or that I did not follow the tutorial properly? It has been already 11 hours since I updated the DNS. Both my domain and hosting is bought from Godaddy.
WPBeginner Support
Using an FTP client, connect to your website and download .htaccess file to your computer. Then delete the one on your live site. See if this resolves the issue. If it does, then this means there is nothing wrong with DNS settings of your website and it was probably a redirection issue. You may also contact your web host for support if this does not solve your issue.
Gari Anne
Everything worked perfectly! Thanks! How Long do I have to leave the Published “Blogger” page on my new word press blog? Or is there a way to hide that page?
I’m still having the same problems but none of my comments have been published or answered. Did the guy who wrote this post give up on it? I’ve noticed a few people had the same problem – is it something that can be fixed? It would be great to get a response.
ok – I’ve been reuploading the text doc over and over and one thing that has changed is – I’m using a Mac and my doc is .rtf. When I take the .rtf off after the .php I get the line 16 error code but if I keep the.rtf on after the .php and I clink on any of my blogger posts it redirects to the Blogger page that I created for the redirect on my new website. Does that make sense? I don’t understand any of this php stuff so I don’t have any idea why it would do that just by adding or deleting the .rtf extension – but that’s what happens.
I hope you have some idea of how I can fix this. It seems like it’s something pretty simple – I just don’t know what.
i just redid all the the cpanel installation part and now the syntax error says line 16
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home4/craftyc/public_html/wp-content/themes/suffusion/wpbeginner-blogger.php on line 16
I just went through the whole process and when I click on “View Blog” on my Blogger page it redirects perfectly to my website (yay!), but if I click on any of the individual posts I get this error message:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home4/craftyc/public_html/wp-content/themes/suffusion/wpbeginner-blogger.php on line 15
I saw some people here getting syntax errors on different lines but I didn’t see anything to fix it.
Besplatne Knjige
I have this blogger blog, and I would like to build some backlinks on worpress blog. Is there any way to create some wordpress blog and automatically post parts of my original post from blogger with my link. Something like auto post on social networks…
I hope you understand what I want (my English is not so good)
Thank you
hi, i am about to carry out this process but i have one concern. my blogger address doesnt have the blogspot.com attached to it. i paid to have the domain showing just my blog name. however i still edit my blog with blogger. now i want to switch and im wondering if theres any step i need to do differently so as not to run into problems.
I have the same situation. I already bought my domain but still hosting it on blogger and I want to switch but I don’t know if I should follow the same steps as discussed here on this post. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Jackie Montalvo
I have the same issue so I’d love to hear what my options are because I’ve wanted to switch ove but I wasn’t sure I could since I bought the domain name already. Please let me know!
WPBeginner Support
You can manage your custom domain from the registrar website. Currently Blogger has stopped offering custom domain registration from the Blogger interface so most users need to purchase a domain from another registrar and then setup the domain to point to the Google servers. When moving this domain to a new web host you need to remove these settings from your domain control panel on the registrar’s website.
1. First find out your domain registrar.
2. Login to your domain registrar control panel.
3. Remove CNAME and A record settings pointing to Google servers.
4. Enter your new webhost’s settings into domain control panel.
Most WordPress hosting providers offer detailed guides on how to move a domain name to point to their servers.
Holt Johnson
I found the Blogger To WordPress plugin to be much simpler to use.
Thank you SO much for posting that plugin …. I was going crazy trying different tutorials with none of them working!
Naomi Madelin
I tried this, but get the message from WordPress that I can’t access Content nor fiddle with Themes in any way. So I’m now stuck!
I want to migrate a blog on Blogger to WordPress which just has 15 pages, no posts, so I can do it manually, but I want to know about 301 redirect, how do I do it? Please can you help me with this?
Elaine Griffin
I’m very confused, because when I go to tools -> import, I am prompted to download a plugin. Any thoughts?
Editorial Staff
Yes you have to do that.
Does anyone know if you can import from 2 different blogger blogs into one wp?
Jan Bear
Thanks for a useful post.
When you’ve finished this process, will you be able to do future blog posts in WordPress, or do you have to continue using Blogger as your blog platform?
Does this integrate the WordPress and Blogger blog posts? Or will they be on separate pages of the new site?
Editorial Staff
You would have to use WordPress for all new posts.
Wendi Gratz
Never mind – I figured it out. For those who run into the same problem. . .
When you copy and paste the PHP coding make sure there isn’t a blank line above the start of the <?php.
I don't know if mine snuck in during copying or pasting – but I removed it and everything works perfectly now.
For some users, all the blogspot posts might be redirected to the new blog homepage (and not the individual new post URL). This is because the original link is blogspot.in and not blogspot.com
To fix this issue, add the following line of code after the link $permalink = explode(“blogspot.com”, $old_url);
if(count($permalink) == 1) //we cant find blogspot.com in the URL lets try for blogspot.in
$permalink = explode(“blogspot.in”, $old_url);
Great post. Unfortunately after doing this Google marked my old Blogger blog as a spam blog! I’m going through the process to get it unlocked, so hopefully that will solve it. Great tutorial though and very simple to follow – thanks!
John Pile
This is a really great step-by-step tutorial. Unfortunately, I missed one of the wpbeginner.com links in the replacement template for my blogger site. It resulted in redirecting to your website, which then prompted Blogger to immediately mark my blog as SPAM.
I fixed the template and now everything redirects correctly, but I had to request that my blog be reviewed or else it will be deleted in 22 days.
I’m wondering if anyone else has ran into this issue and how the review process went? I used one of my test websites for this, so I won’t be incredibly disappointed if the original blogger site is deleted, but I did want to offer this warning to others. I recommend using CTRL-F to replace all occurrences of wpbeginner.com in the template.
I replaced all instances and it still marked my old blog as spam. It must just be the fact that it’s doing a complete redirect that makes them think it could be spam. I’ve just kicked off the review process, so I’ll have to see how it goes. Did yours come back ok in the end?
R. endymion
Hello, I’ve also replaced all instances but it is still marked as SPAM. Has anybody found a solution for this ?
Thank you.
R. endymion
I report to google and they change it in only one day. We just need to be patient.
jose morales
I just downloaded all my site in Blogger however it is not showing the whole article… any ideas?
i’v done all of this THANK YOU
was wondering 1 thing can i delete the blogger page that i made ? because its showing in the menu bar like next to about me
zed kosnar
Hello again! managed to fix the other error, and now i get redirected from Blogger to wordpress, but if I click on an old post, of blogger I get his message “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER in /nfs/c09/h01/mnt/127155/domains/desdeabajo.net/html/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/WPBeginner-Blogger.php on line 5” hope you can guide me here… Thanx in advance!
zed kosnar
I followed the instructions but when I posted the HTML (step 5) try to check “a preview” I get this message “Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: Comment must start with “<!–".
Error 500 " I double checked data and still getting this message, doesn't save if I click try to go ahead… Any thoughts what I could be doing wrong? Thank you!
Hi, on step 5 I get this message:
Error parsing XML, line 3, column 73: The value of attribute “dir” associated with an element type “null” must not contain the ‘<' character.
Can you help?
solve this issue? im experiencing the same error
The problem occurs if you do not press “Revert to classic template”. Even if you did not changed the template at the beginning you have to revert to classic template, then it should work.
Joanna Mecina
Hello, i have a blogger template, how ca i convert it to wordpress? Thanks
Linda Leyble
Hi – very good post. I switched last month from Blogger and I am very happy. But, since Feedburner is going away – do you recommend that we use FeedBlitz instead? Very confused about this.
And also – when I left Blogger – I lost many of my followers on GoogleFriend Connect. I emailed my followers there and alerted them to my new site. Slowly but surely I am gaining them back on my new site. I also emailed the RSS followers on Feedburner and also on Bloglovin. Do you recommend any other ways for people to follow your blog?
Editorial Staff
We haven’t seen any public press release by Google that says FeedBurner is going away. Sure there are some speculations around the industry that it is, but only time will tell. We are sticking with feedburner for now.
Everything looked great, but now that I’m clicking past links (posted to facebook) to check if the redirect is working properly, I’m getting this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/content/81/9774981/html/wp-content/themes/simple-catch/WPBeginner-Blogger.php on line 3
Editorial Staff
Line 3 is the name of the template. There has to be another error.
I just migrated a blog from blogger to WordPress but used a plugin to perform a similar task as above. I don’t like plugins and am thinking of deactivating it and doing this instead.
Question though: One thing I found that did NOT work when I did this was that pages did not redirect. Posts redirected just fine with no problems at all (well, I did have to have my hosting provider whitelist mod security) but PAGES would not redirect at all (and, worse, not only would they not redirect, links pointing to old blogger pages would return a “page not found” error).
Before I deactivate the plugin I’m using, and go this route, I’m curious if this will work for pages….Any comment?
Gretchen Louise
I’m not seeing the “Revert to Classic Template” anywhere. Have they removed that option?
Dave Morrow
Agreed, I am having the same problem, the newest Blogger does not seem to have that option… Anyone else have an answer for this?
Tom G
Go to templates…
Scroll to the bottom of the page.
It says something like “Classic Template” or something like that. I can;t get to it now that I have done it.
Then scroll to the bottom of that refreshed page. It’s at the bottom.
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense. It was not as cut and dry as listed above.
Nice Post. I was wondering if moving from blogspot to wordpress is possible if I have a custom domain hosted on blogger?
Look forward to your reply.
Hi, Great tutorial thank you.
Does this work with any wordpress theme?
I am very new to WordPress. So apologies if this is an ignorant question.
Editorial Staff
Yes this should work with any WordPress theme.
Ahmad Awais
Nice tutorial Faizan Bro, Finally you are using WordPress
I hope you are not quite aware of the fact that WP is much strong than Blogger platform.
Keep up your great work.
I would rather say that instead of page template you can slowly move on to each post and use 301 redirect plugin for redirecting and making your blog independent of the old blogger’s template.
Syed Faizan Ali
Thanks Bro, Yeah After going through lots of Articles and Tutorials I discovered WordPress is the best Blogging Platform I have converted few of my Blogger Blog to The Self-Hosted WordPress Blog.
Your Idea is Cool but if we have tons of Posts like 4000 posts, then redirecting would become stressful. This method is quite good, takes less time and gives perfect results.
Hi Stephen,
For step 4 how do you write “blogger” in the URL? Click on change permalinks? I did that and change the permalink to end with /blogger but still revert back to previous URL that end with ?page_id=149.
Syed Faizan Ali
Brother Create a New Page and Write The Title blogger, Choose WPbeginner from the Template Menu don’t Worry About the URL And Publish it, Now Open the Published Page Again From Your WordPress ADMIN PANEL and you will be able to See the URL beneath the Page Title, Just Click EDIT and rename it to /blogger and don’t Forget to UPDATE THE POST.
Also Update your WordPress Permalink Go to WordPress Dashboard >> Settings >> Permalinks >> Custom Structure >> /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%.html.
Gautam Doddamani
i was using blogger earlier but changed to wordpress since it is the best cms around and also i get full control over my site…and there are a ton of tutorials for wordpress which makes blogging more easier and fixing site less time consuming
Syed Faizan Ali
Yes, indeed WordPress has the most powerful Blogging Platform. Keep it up on Good Things Peace and Blessing.
Guppu Boss
Nice Tutorial Faizan. I have just purchased hosting and after my exams i am going to transfer my blogger blog to wordpress. You explained all steps very well. Will follow this tutorial again while transfering my blog.
Syed Faizan Ali
Thanks For Sharing Nice Views, Yes Brother Feel Free To Apply This Tutorial Any Time You Like. Its Great That you are thinking to move from Blogger to WordPress, it will give more power to you. Peace Mate
Mairaj Pirzada
Great Post, well done Syed Brother! You did a Nice Work! Keep it up but I don’t need this post as My site is now setup on WordPress!
Syed Faizan Ali
Oh it’s Splendid, that you are already using WordPress. Thanks Buddy. Peace and Blessings
Stephen Cronin
Hi. Have you tested that PageRank is preserved?
The 301 is happening on your WordPress site, not your Blogger site. It is merely telling Google to use one of your WordPress pages instead of another one of your WordPress pages (and transfer PageRank between these).
The 301 is not telling Google to use your WordPress site instead of your Blogger site, or to transfer any PageRank from your Blogger site to your WordPress one.
You’re using JavaScript to move *users* from the Blogger site to the WordPress one, but there is no evidence that Google will treat this as a 301 and transfer any pagerank.
A few years ago, the prevailing SEO wisdom would have been that Google couldn’t even crawl the JavaScript, so the Googlebot wouldn’t even go to the WordPress site. Googlebot can now execute some JavaScript, but still – what makes you think it will treat it as a 301?
I’m not having a go at you personally, but this is the first I’ve heard of this (I can’t find anyone else in SEO circlet talking about this) and I’d be really interested in seeing the evidence that this works. Thanks.
Editorial Staff
Hey Stephen,
This is a guest post. However from the looks of the code, the canonical tags are the ones that should do the work.
Stephen Cronin
Okay, I missed that. That will probably work as well as anything. #mybad.