Google PageSpeed insightsでサイトをテストすると、レンダリングをブロックするスクリプトやCSSを削除するよう提案されることが多い。しかし、それはあなたのWordPressサイトでそれを行う方法についての詳細を提供していません.
この投稿では、Google PageSpeedのスコアを向上させるために、WordPressでレンダリングをブロックするJavaScriptとCSSを簡単に修正する方法を紹介します。
WordPressサイトには必ずテーマとプラグインがあり、JavaScriptや CSSファイルをサイトのフロントエンドに追加します。
Google PageSpeedスコア100を目指すWordPressサイトオーナーは、この問題を解決して満点を目指す必要がある。
Google PageSpeed Scoreとは?
Google PageSpeed Insightsは、ウェブサイトの所有者が自分のウェブサイトを最適化し、テストするためにGoogleによって作成されたWebサイトのスピードテストツールです。このツールは、速度のためのGoogleのガイドラインに対してあなたのサイトをテストし、あなたのページのロード時間を改善するための提案を提供しています.
Google PageSpeed Scoreの完璧な “100 “は本当に必要か?
Google PageSpeed insightsの目的は、サイトのスピードとパフォーマンスを向上させるためのガイドラインを提供することです。あなたは厳密にこれらのルールに従う必要はありません.
Google PageSpeedのルールを提案として利用することをお勧めします。ユーザーエクスペリエンスを損なうことなく簡単に実装できるのであれば、それは素晴らしいことだ。そうでなければ、できる限りのことをやってみて、あとは気にしないことだ。
方法1:WP RocketでレンダリングブロックスクリプトとCSSを修正する
この方法では、WP Rocketプラグインを使用します。WP Rocketプラグインは、技術的なスキルや複雑なセットアップを必要とせず、素早くサイトのパフォーマンスを向上させることができる、市場で最高のWordPressキャッシュおよび最適化プラグインです。
まず、WP Rocketプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。
WP Rocketはすぐに動作し、サイトに最適な設定でキャッシュを有効にします。さらに詳しくは、WordPressにWP Rocketを正しくインストールしてセットアップする方法についての完全ガイドをご覧ください。
これを行うには、設定 ” WP Rocketページにアクセスし、’ファイル最適化’タブに切り替える必要があります。
ここから、CSS Filesセクションまでスクロールし、’Minify CSS’、’Combine CSS Files’、’Optimize CSS Delivery’にチェックを入れる。
CSS配信の最適化」設定について、WP Rocketは「未使用のCSSを削除する」方法を選択することを推奨します。
注意:WP Rocketキャッシュプラグインは、CSSファイルをすべて最小化して結合し、サイトの表示部分に必要なCSSだけをロードしようとします。
次に、JavaScript Filesセクションまでスクロールする必要があります。ここから、パフォーマンスを最大限に向上させるためのオプションをすべてチェックすることができます。
次に、もう少し下にスクロールして、「Load JavaScript Defered」と「Safe Mode for jQuery」オプションの横にあるボックスにチェックを入れる。
その後、Google PageSpeed Insightsであなたのサイトを再度テストする前に、WP Rocketのキャッシュをクリアすることもできます。
この方法では、サイトのCSSとJSファイルの配信を改善するために特別に作られた区切りのプラグインを使用します。このプラグインは仕事はこなしますが、WP Rocketのような強力な機能はありません。
有効化した後、Settings ” Autoptimizeページにアクセスしてプラグイン設定を行う必要があります。
まず、JavaScriptオプションブロックの「JavaScriptコードを最適化する」にチェックを入れます。Aggregate JS-files’オプションのチェックが外れていることを確認してください。
Aggregate CSS-files’オプションのチェックが外れていることを確認してください。
Save Changes and Empty Cache(変更を保存してキャッシュを空にする)」ボタンをクリックして、設定を保存することができます。
PageSpeed Insightsツールであなたのサイトをテストしてください。私たちのデモサイトでは、我々はこれらの基本的な設定でレンダリングブロックの問題を修正することができました.
完了したら、先に進み、PageSpeed Insightsツールでもう一度サイトをチェックする.
Autoptimizeは、キューに入れられたすべてのJavaScriptとCSSを集約します。その後、最小化された CSS と JavaScriptファイルを作成し、キャッシュされたコピーを非同期または遅延としてサイトに提供します。
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Syed Balkhi says
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Jiří Vaněk says
I use autoptimize and also wp-rocket. It helped me tremendously. However, it is necessary to be very careful with some changes. One setting and the entire website can immediately stop working correctly.
Amina says
Hello there, your site and tips have really been helpful. Thank you wpbeginner!
My AMP says customize JavaScript script not allowed. I have tried using and followed your instructions for autoptimize but it didn’t solve the problem. The amp shows the error is in line 12:10 and 18:2.
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our article was helpful, for AMP specific questions like that we would recommend reaching out to AMP’s support and they should be able to assist.
Fahad Khan says
Is there any other way to get this thing done except wp rocket and autopitmize?
WPBeginner Support says
There are likely other tools but these are the current ones we recommend for beginners.
Rizz says
For W3 Total cache users
Dont add jquery Script (/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp) It will work otherwise your site will not load properly.
Css will not through any error
If Revolution silder will post an error after it –> go to revslider global settings and turn on Insert scripts in footer.
WPBeginner Support says
Thanks for sharing some recommendations you’ve found through editing your site.
Muhammad Farhan says
I don’t remember when ever i find myself struck in a difficult position, you are always there to help me when no body is around i don’t know of any best site of wordpress guide than wpbeginners, thank you so much
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our guides continue to be helpful to you
Lu says
Great info as always!
I’m with Siteground so have SG Optimizer on my site. I’ve gone through the settings as much as I understand, but still getting the Eliminate render-blocking resources.
Can I use Autoptimize as well, or will it clash with SG? Thanks
WPBeginner Support says
You should be able to use Autoptimize with SG Optimizer but if you have any concerns if you reach out to the plugin’s support they should be able to let you know if there are currently any conflicts between the two
subin says
how can i Fix Render-Blocking JavaScript and CSS in WordPress without a plugin.
WPBeginner Support says
You would need to manually go through the code and set the CSS and JS files to load after the content is added to the page.
Ben says
Thank you for this! Autoptimize just helped me get a better page score!
WPBeginner Support says
You’re welcome, glad our recommendation could help
MoneyManch says
Hi WP Beginner Team,
Thanks a lot for sharing such a useful article. Autoptimize is an awesome plugin.
I was looking for a plugin to boost the speed of my wp blog. After reading this post, I installed and activated “Autoptimize” on my blog. And to my surprise it increased the speed of my blog from 39 to 61 for mobile and 76 to 95 for desktop checked on PageSpeed Insights.
Thank once again for guiding new bloggers like me.
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our recommendation could be helpful
sachin says
How to identify the script URL and CSS URL?
WPBeginner Support says
If you use Google Page insights then there is a dropdown arrow which will show you the URLs that are causing the problem with a learn more link for how to find the url without their tool.
Raksh says
The new google page speed insights doesn’t showing the link what should I do.
WPBeginner Support says
There should be a dropdown arrow and when you click that it should show the links to the files
Monika says
I am not sure how many times this website has helped me!!! Thank you SOOO MUCH!
Mr Jatt Poonam says
how can i Optimize images, which i had been add in my website in the past?
Love Goel says
Thanks dude, Really appreciate your tutorial. I used Autoptimize Plugin and worked for me really well.
Deeksha says
When I use all these plugins suddenly my website go slow down & it shows inappropriate content…
What Can I Do ?? Please Help
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Deeksha,
Both plugins are quite safe. If you are seeing inappropriate content on your website, then please make sure that your website is not hacked. You can disable both plugins at any time.
sumit kumar gupta says
Sir When we install Autoptimize plugin in our WordPress blog then our blog is not opening it says this page is not working. What should I do Sir?
Sir I would like to know when we add javascript link to eliminate render blocking code following by your steps then any affect is occuring on my blog ranking. please help
Tim Helmer says
The plugin is not working so you need to rename the plugin folder to turn it off. You need ftp or a file manager plugin. Can you access the dashboard via your wp-login.php location? Like domain/wp-login.php
Henry Ramirez says
I use wordpress.com, any plugin to do the same thing here on wordpress.com since this plugins are no supported here? Thanks
ben says
Autoptimize works for me. it nicely condenses my scripts, bit I do still see the render-blocking script warning
Ismail says
Currently I am using WP Rocket, is it possible to use Autoptimize plugin together? Thanks for sharing this valuable information.
Gaurav Areng Chakraverti says
Hi there. I’ve tried the W3 method and as soon as I turn on Minify (using Disk) I get this:
Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on line 0
How does one fix that?
Great tutorial though overall! Thanks for this.
Gaurav Areng Chakraverti says
EDIT: This problem goes away when I deactivate Autoptimize, however, so does the rest of the site. Only the bare bones remain with no actual content.
David says
The settings for Autoptimize has changed. The only JavaScript Options available is Optimise JavaScript Code? The rest of the options in your screenshot is not available, at least not on the one I have. Last time I tried W3 Total Cache, nobody could access the site. I am still looking for a way of solving the load time of the page, which for some reason stand at anything from 10 – 17 seconds.
Chris says
David, try Gmetrix web speed tool. On the results list there is a waterfall chart showing how the site loads and what the largest files and scripts slowing the page load.
I find the slowest scripts are googles cdn scripts like google fonts! The very same company insisting, forcing users to their demands have to scripts taking an age to load. You couldn’t make it up.
Divij says
Can you use minify on w3 total cache simultaneously with cloudflare? We are using minify in cloudflare and left it disabled in w3cache. But we still keep getting the message- Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content.
Rana Jayant says
The plugin 23 cache UI has been changed and it doesn’t have any option where we can put our .js URL for optmization.
I am talking about “Now head over to your WordPress admin area and go to Performance » Minify page.”
MATTY says
Great tutorial. However is W3 Total cache safe to use now due to an issue earlier in the year? I’ve stopped using it since but it was the best plugin out there.
Mohamed says
Thanks for sharing this article but you said (please keep in mind that it can also affect the performance or appearance of your website)
Please clarify if this effect will be good or bad for the website google ranking?
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Mohamed,
A faster website is certainly good for SEO rankings. However, when fixing render blocking issues you may end up changing appearance of your theme or get even a lower page speed score than before.
Angie says
Ha, funny.
I was looking for help here.
then I did the google speed tool for YOUR post here.
Google result
mobile Poor
54 / 100
Needs Work
66 / 100
Do you have any clue at all?
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Angie,
Often people obsess about getting a perfect 100 with Google PageSpeed which is nearly impossible for most functional websites. If you have any sort of social media buttons, retargeting scripts, or ads, then your site will never get a perfect score.
Chances are that you’ll be far from it. But that’s why you have other tools like Pingdom to verify your speed results.
For example: WPBeginner.com homepage loads in 508 ms (which is insanely fast) –
But has a Google Pagespeed score of 74 on desktop (which those who don’t know any better will consider it to be bad). –
If you look through all popular websites like ESPN, NYTimes, TechCrunch, etc you’d notice that none of them have a perfect score .. actually far from it.
Here’s an example of ESPN score – 62 on desktop –
Here’s an example of NYTimes – 68 on desktop –
Here’s an example of TechCrunch – 49 on desktop –
Our advice is to focus on making your website as fast as possible by following our guide on how to speed up WordPress and use tools like Pingdom as a reference point for what your users will see when they load your website.
Kat says
This has actually made my render blocking worse. How do we remove it?
Chris Daly says
Every single time I use Autoptimize or W# Total Cache my site explodes. The mobile web view gets trashed into an html menu list and parts of the site stop working. I have tried each of these on 4 different sites and dropped both of them.
Chris says
Chris I suggest you read and adhere to the W3 Cache warning on the minify section. Minify html and css only and again be wary not all css should be mini-fied due to the reasons stated in the post above.
I use W3 Cache selectively, tinyjpg for image optimisation, and set OpCache in the .htaccess file. Templaters love to use Sliders…but they bloat the page with images screen width at 1920pxs. Ditch the sliders, smaller images (with a modal box if greater detail required) and icons instead.
Mary Cahalane says
I just installed and it broke my homepage. All the images are gone.
Any idea how to fix this?
Bruno Ayres Martinez says
Hey guys! I’ve loved the W3 tutorial. There’s just one information missing: The Embed Location for the JS File Management.
Is it “Embed before Body”? Or “embed in Head”? Or “Embed after Body”?
Dev thapa says
I am new to Blogging, however, I have been following Wpbeginner.com for quite sometime and whatever they are writing I found them very useful and don’t hesitate to say that, today if my blog page is Live…30% credit goes to Wpbeginner.com team and Sayed Balkhi for creating such a wonderful and useful webpage.
I am thankful to Wpbeginner.
Keep it up, all the best.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Dev,
Thanks you for the kind words. We are glad you find WPBeginner helpful
steve says
I just put this site in google page-speed test and only got 66 for mobile and 77 for desktop!?
Digember says
Plugins increase loads on our website which makes our site slow. At wpbeginner, I haven’t seen a single method of speed optimization without the use of plugins. Teach us something useful, these methods don’t work for everyone.
Patricia Lynn says
Great detailed information on using Autoptimize plugin dealing with Java-scrip, CSS and plugin w3 Total Cashe to fix render blocking while enhancing website speed performance
Sumit yadav says
Thanks a lot for this information. Earlier my page loading load time speed was 63 and after installing Autoptimize plugin it increases to 81.
Yoseph says
I am not very sure what happen, I installed autoptimize in one of my site, then the page size increase from 2.8mb to 4mb
Shaye says
YIKES! This made the performance of my site drop drastically! Help!
Erez Elias says
Thanks for sharing.
Overall the speed of the site increased by very little. But the issue with render blocking is not resolved.
Comment if you have other suggestions.
almbrouk idris says
I trying to reach 100% but impossible
John Bolhano says
I am trying to get 70+ but still nowhere near.
Mayank says
Haha, great, google sucks but after all i am at 80+
David says
I got 3 new websites down to almost 500 ms, faster than 96% of sites on Pingdom. Similar for other speed testers.
Thought great, till Google brought me back down to earth with their page insights. Mainly low score for mobile, but thought these modern themes are meant to be responsive? Obviously not!
I squeezed every image down to next to nothing before uploading as well, so it is frustrating.
Also, none of the apps work for me with Browser Cache, etc.
I’d say the same three problems I have – once the basics are done – are:
1. Render blocking Javascript.
2. Browser caching.
3. Images wrong size for mobile.
Muthukrishnan says
I have used all the plugins..But still the page speed is bad.
Michael says
I’m a bit confused. I just ran a Google speed test on wpbeginner and if didn’t score well at at all. What am I missing?
Yasser says
My Website is an RTL one after i saved the settings of the “Autoptimize” plugin my website turn into LTR !
Manohar Rao says
Both Autoptimize and W3 Total cache plugins have damaged my website. These plugins works with certain themes only. One has to be very careful to use these two plugins.
Toby Forage says
When I installed Autoptimize, as suggested in this article, it completely screwed up my website. Maybe I set it up wrong, but after removing it entirely, I reached a Google PageSpeed score of 92 for desktop. Mobile is at 67, so I’m working on improving that, but won’t be using Autoptimize again, that’s for sure!
Nik says
Thanks. It works for my blog.
Fued says
Hi WP beginner,
Very helpful article!
Thank you!
Just a random question?
Can I set it back minified mode from manual to auto and delete the minified files without harm? And what do you recommend: manual or auto?
Mayank says
Just do it auto
Nirmal Kumar says
Both these methods did not work. Is there any other better way to do this?
ibraheem Warriach says
Hi i Liked article butt em not getting option to add scripts in W3 Total cache plugin kindly let me know how to get that?
MASI says
Thank you very much for your great article, it’s really helped me.
Just i have an small problem, i’m confused now!
I added all .js and .css manually on W3TC, but still one .css has problem on google page checker:
Consider Fixing:
None of the above-the-fold content on your page could be rendered without waiting for the following resources to load. Try to defer or asynchronously load blocking resources, or inline the critical portions of those resources directly in the HTML.
Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:
26952.default.include.c9d602.css is available currently on .css list, but i see this error. How can i fix this problem?
Christian says
I don’t see the option to “Add a stylesheet”, any ideas why?