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WordPressカスタムログインページの作り方 (アルティメットガイド2025)





How to Create a Custom WordPress Login Page (Ultimate Guide)





Standard WordPress login screen example






WPBeginner WordPrss Training Videos website uses a custom login page


WordPress ログインページデザイン例





WPForms custom login page example





Jacquelynne Steves Custom Login Page

Jacquelynne Steevesは、投稿者が家の装飾、キルト作り、パターン、刺繍などのコンテンツを公開しているアートとクラフトのサイト。



Church Motion Graphics Custom Login Page




MITSloan Custom Login Page

MITSloan Management Reviewでは、ポップアップモーダルを使用してログインと登録フォームを表示します。



Theme My Login(無料)を使ってWordPressのログインページを作る

Theme My Loginは、ログインページをWordPressテーマと一致するように変更する無料のプラグインです。あまりカスタマイズはできませんが、初期設定のWordPressブランドのログインページを置き換え、よりプロフェッショナルに見せることができます。

まず最初に、Theme My Loginプラグインをインストールして有効化します。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。


Theme My Login ” Generalページにアクセスして、WordPressのログインURLをカスタマイズすることができます。ログインアクションにプラグインが使用するURLを変更するには、「スラッグ」セクションまでスクロールダウンしてください。

Theme My Login Pages

Theme My Loginでは、ショートコードを使ってカスタムのログインページや登録ページを作成することもできます。プラグインがユーザーを見つけて適切にリダイレクトできるように、それぞれのアクションのページを作成し、ここにページのスラッグを追加するだけです。


ページ ” 新規追加でWordPressの新規ページを作成します。次に、ページにタイトルを付け、次のショートコード [theme-my-login]を入力します。

Adding Theme My Login Shortcode to a Page



Theme My Login Preview


[theme-my-login action="register"]登録フォームの場合

[theme-my-login action="lostpassword"]パスワード紛失ページ用

[theme-my-login action="resetpass"]パスワード再設定ページ用





有効化した後、WPForms ” 設定ページにアクセスしてライセンスキーを入力する必要があります。この情報はWPFormsサイト上のアカウントにあります。

Enter Your WPForms License Key


WPForms ” Addonsページにアクセスし、ユーザー登録アドオンを探してください。

WPForms user registration addon


WPForms ” 新規追加ページに移動します。フォームの ‘テンプレートの選択’ を求められます。ユーザーログインフォーム’ テンプレートを探し、’テンプレートを使う’ ボタンをクリックして次に進みます。

User login form template

専門家のヒント WPFormsにはAIフォームビルダーもあります。欲しいフォームの説明を入力するだけで、WPFormsが作成してくれます!



WPForms Form Builder



Customizing the WPForms Button Text


設定 ” 確認タブに移動し、アクションを選択する必要があります。ユーザーを他のURLにリダイレクトさせたり、ホームページにリダイレクトさせたり、単にログイン中であるというメッセージを表示させたりすることができます。

Redirect Logged In Users





Add the WPForms Block to Any Post or Page and Select the User Login Form




WPForms login form preview





この投稿では、ログインページテンプレートとカスタマイザーのための高度なページブロックが含まれているため、SeedProd Proバージョンを使用します。




ここでは、SeedProdアカウントから簡単に取得できるライセンスキーを入力する必要があります。キーを入力したら、’Verify key’ボタンをクリックしてください。

SeedProd license key


まず、SeedProd ” ランディングページに向かい、「ログインページを設定する」ボタンをクリックして「ログインページ」オプションを選択します。

Select Login Page

次の画面では、ログインページのテンプレートを選択できます。Blank Templateを使って一からページを作成することもできます。


Choose a Template for Your SeedProd Login Page



Enter a Page Name and Page URL




Edit Your Login Page



Edit the Page Section


Constant Contactや Dripなど、さまざまなメールマーケティングサービスと連携できるようになりました。

Connect Email Marketing Services



SeedProd Page Settings

ログインページを検索エンジンに最適化したい場合は、SEO設定に進んでください。ここに、All In One SEOプラグインをインストールするボタンがあります。

All In One SEO for WordPress(AIOSEO)は、検索エンジンとソーシャルメディアプラットフォームのためにWordPressサイトを最適化することができる最高のWordPress SEOプラグインです。

All In One SEO for WordPressを正しく設定する方法については、こちらのガイドをご覧ください。

SeedProd SEO Page Settings



Add Scripts to Your SeedProd Login Page


次に、ログインページを有効化する必要があります。そのためには、ランディングページビルダーを終了し、SeedProd ” ランディングページに移動します。


Make Your SeedProd Login Page Active



SeedProd Login Page Preview

別の方法 Thrive Architectを使って魅力的なログインページをデザインすることもできます。Thrive Architectもカスタムページを作成するのにおすすめのドラッグアンドドロップページビルダープラグインです。


Preview login page





まず最初にColorlib Login Customizerプラグインをインストールして有効化します。詳しくはWordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。

プラグインを有効化すると、WordPressテーマのカスタマイザーに新しいメニュー項目が追加されます。外観 ” カスタマイズに移動し、新しい ‘Colorlib ログインカスタマイザー’ 項目をクリックするだけで、ログインカスタマイザーが起動します。


The Colorlib Login Customizer Plugin Adds a New Item to the Theme Customizer



Colorlib Login Customizer



Upload Custom Logo to Login Page



完了したら、’公開する’ボタンをクリックして変更を保存します。これで WordPress のログインページにアクセスし、カスタムログインフォームの動作を確認することができます。

Colorlib Login Customizer Preview



まず、カスタムロゴをメディアライブラリにアップロードする必要があります。メディア ” 新規追加ページでカスタムロゴをアップロードしてください。



function wpb_login_logo() { ?>
    <style type="text/css">
        #login h1 a, .login h1 a {
            background-image: url(http://path/to/your/custom-logo.png);
        background-size: 300px 100px;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        padding-bottom: 10px;
<?php }
add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', 'wpb_login_logo' );



WordPress Login Page With Custom Logo




function wpb_login_logo_url() {
    return home_url();
add_filter( 'login_headerurl', 'wpb_login_logo_url' );
function wpb_login_logo_url_title() {
    return 'Your Site Name and Info';
add_filter( 'login_headertitle', 'wpb_login_logo_url_title' );



WordPress 5.9のリリースでは、ユーザーがサイトにログインする際に新しい言語を選択できるドロップダウンログインオプションが導入されました。


Login screen language switcher example




必要なことはすべて、Disable Login Language Switcherプラグインをインストールして有効化するだけです。有効化した時点で、言語切り替えオプションは自動的に削除されます。追加の設定は必要ありません。


Standard WordPress login screen example




add_filter( 'login_display_language_dropdown', '__return_false' );



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Reader Interactions

95件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Hasibul Islam

    Hello there, How can I edit the login page without any plugin!??? With HTML and CSS…and in theme file..where is the login file… which I have to edit!!! Please help me.. thanks

  2. S.kamal

    My problem is when a user login, he or she will be directed to WP admin dashboard.. How do I fixed that?

  3. David DLima

    I do not see the screens as shown in the article. Is there a paid version of this plugin?
    All I can see is the Settings and Extensions options in the TYL admin menu.


    • WPBeginner Support

      The Theme My Login plugin had a large overhaul after we created this article, we will certainly look into updating this article.


  4. David DLima


    This is an awesome article. I have one doubt in this whole process. How do I validate the username and password ? I do not see anything on that in the article.

    For e,g, how does the form know whether the username and password is valid?

    David DLima

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would check your WordPress database to see if the user is valid


  5. kris

    I’m new to WordPress and am trying to set up a small blog on my own.
    I’m toying with the idea of having readers ‘sign or log in’ to be able to gain access to extra features.

    From what I understand in this thread is how to create the log in form and apply it to your site, but how do you adjust the access to features or essentially what the are logging in for?

  6. Ahsan

    This plugin is not available in this time. So, how can i create login page?

    • WPBeginner Support

      While theme my login was updated after this article was created, both plugins should still be available to use to create a login page.


  7. suresh

    Hi ,

    Thanks for all your replies and videos. Great help! I have three questions, would highly appreciate, if you answer.

    (i)I am also puzzled what could be the use of “login widget”, if it does not include an option for sign-up. So the users, who are not registered, will have to be directed to some other page.

    (ii) How to integrate social login, with the “elementor login wigdget”?

    (iii) Is there no way for creating ” registration form” using elementor.



  8. Josh

    I’m blown away!

    I’m not a “tech” guy, but I own 6 or 7 badly, barely managed websites. I have huge aspirations, but not the talent or team to go with it. I may take me until I’m 100, but eventually I’ll build out my vision. I working on it. Regardless, that’s not the point of this post. It’s just to describe me.

    I’m looking for more automation, and specifically was looking for a way to create/buy/obtain a pop-up with social logins (FB & Google) to build my list, which, if you can recommend one, I’d be most appreciative.

    I read one of your articles and as I was leaving, saw you Ultimate toolkit. In just briefly skimming through it, I found answers to several things I’ve wanted to know about and 2 or 3 questions I didn’t even know I had. I know a truly valuable lead magnet when I see one, and I just wanted to take a second to commend you on this one. FREE VALUE!

    Thank you
    Joshua Houston

  9. Martin

    A really great article, easy to understand and Implemented on my site in minutes. Thank you.

  10. TJ

    Theme My Login is no longer an option. They went to an all paid model and rewrote their entire plugin.

  11. Kareem

    When users try to register through TML they don’t receive activation e-mail .. how can i solve that !?

  12. Mukesh Patel

    Can I customise my default WordPress login page without any plugin. Actually I need only to change WordPress logo on /wp-login page.

  13. Eymiel

    Can I use these forms for a modal? Because im trying to make a modal log in.

  14. Karrie Daze

    Is there a way to send members to a login specific page after they have logged in? TIA

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Karrie,

      Yes both Theme My Login and WPForms allow you to choose where to send users after they have logged in.


  15. BricABrac

    What I would actually like to do is get users to land on a certain page on my website no matter where they come from or which link they use – even if ti is to one of the other pages on my site.

    Once they have landed, i want to redirect them to the page they chose to visit.

    Can we do this and how?

  16. Nick

    I want a section where staff can log in to a single page where there will be a form for them to log in their daily work.

    Is this possible and if so which plugin would best suit my needs?

  17. Sierra


    I’ve created a free resource library for my website and I want to collect emails in exchange for the password in order to grow my email list. I am having such a hard time finding a way to customize a password-entry page because I don’t want anyone to have their own account or anything, I just want them to enter a password that I’ve set so they can gain access to the library. I don’t like the WP password protection feature because I want to be able to collect emails on the same page that they enter the password on so it’s like “If you have the password, enter it here. If you don’t have the password, enter your email and I’ll send it to you.” Would I be able to do something like that here? Do you have any suggestions? I would so greatly appreciate it because I’ve been stuck on this issue for like 3 days now!

    Thanks so much,


    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Sierra,

      If you are using WPForms, then you can redirect users to the download page. You can also send them an email notification with the download link or password. Another solution could be sending the link or the password in an auto reply using your email marketing software. This way you will also be able to verify their email address.

      Hope this helps


    • Robert

      Hi Sierra, I have come across your post. I have just started building my blog, and I am facing the same issue as you have had. Would you mind sharing your advice on how to create a password protected page for users and obtain their email address for the newsletter? Thank you in advance, Rob

  18. Rahul Tyagi

    Thanks for the tutorial really its an awesome plugin..

  19. solomon

    I have one customized page for specific user, do you have any plugin for that ?

  20. Mridul

    how to add social media login ? i want to add social media login but i cant use any thirdparty plugin. how to do

  21. Alex

    This is a great article but how can we do what you currently have at

    It asks for a password before loading the page. How can we achieve this?

    • Arize

      That’s some bullet proof sh*t going on there.

  22. mike

    need to pay $ 199/yeart for having login form addon in WP forms!!!!!!

  23. dean wilson

    I am using plugin ‘Admin Custom Login’ and would like this page for normal subscriber login/register. Can I make a menu page in WP with this address?
    Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Dean,

      Yes you can add it to the navigation menu and your users will be able to login through this page.


  24. Chaz H


    I’d just like to create a login page and link so users can upload posts and photo’s. I tried TML but nothing seems to happen when I refresh my home page. And my version of WPForms is lite. I don’t have money to purchase the full version if thats what is necessary. Just want my users to have a log in page! And tips

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Chaz,

      Please check your theme my login settings. You can also try updating WordPress permalinks. Simply visit Settings » Permalinks and then click on the save changes button without changing anything.


  25. numan malik

    i’m trying to find the coding for customize the wrodpress login page using my own custom fields. can u help me what is the code for it?

  26. kris

    I need help, so I need to be able to add a client login to my website but just for a few pages, I can’t remember how to do this. I don’t build site all the time. I want the site to be free so everyone can look at it I just need a few pages to be for my clients and agents.

  27. siri

    the username and password for the login page, is that the same for accessing the admin area, or do we need to create a new username and password for the custom login area?

  28. Roger Thomas

    TML is a nice plugins that’s we are using on our website. However, login page sometimes redirected to home page on our travel website, but whenever cache are deleted, it’s working fine…
    Thanks for your suggestions..

  29. Nishant

    I was looking for creating own login page template with all the functionalities. Is there any way of creating our own login page template without plugin. Or codex section where we can learn and create our own login template.

  30. clever ubiagege


    I tried implementing the theme my login plugin to my website, but now I can not even login as an admin. What could be the problem?

    • Saurabh Saneja


      just you can open from yousite/wp-login.php
      Replace yoursite with whatever is the name of your website.

      If you want to remove the plugin change it name to something else by accessing the plugin through filezilla/winscp or from your cpanel .

  31. Adi Prabhune

    Hello, just wanted to know if when you create a login like this, if the members of the site are redirected to their own account. I run a tax company and I want my clients to be able to access their account and then upload files through there, as well as see the status of their specific tax return. Their account would have to be linked to their login IDs that way they can see what is specific to them. Please let me know, thank you.

  32. veer choudhary

    Good wordpress theme for developing

  33. RUPESh

    Plug-in is amazing,but i it is showing RERGISTRATION NOT ALLOWED

    • Saurabh Saneja

      Same here!! I wish I could find a solution to this!! :(

    • Saurabh Saneja

      From wordpress backend settings ->general

      allow users registration. It will be something like that:

      Registration Settings

      Allow new registrations New registrations settings Registration is disabled.
      User accounts may be registered.
      Logged in users may register new sites.
      Both sites and user accounts can be registered.

  34. Prasad

    Hi, I have installed the TML plugin but I couldn’t find any shortcodes for ‘Registration’ & ‘Login’ pages to show them on the front-end. Please help me. Thanks.

  35. Ewan

    Installed TML but no Login showing on the website. ( Latest update of WP

    No Page ID available in General settings. so TML does not work.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We tested it with the latest version of WordPress, and we were unable to confirm your report. The plugin works fine at our test sites.


      • Tom

        You might want to edit the article. TML no longer appears in ‘settings’ but in the main dashboard menu as ‘TML’… Took me ages to realise as there are old issues around it needing you to disable other plugins etc. So I’d gone through a lot of troubleshooting, when it was staring me in the face!

  36. Steven Denger

    I have been trying for god knows how many days and today several hours installing and uninstalling login/registration plugins. I have followed every lesson along the way and followed yours closely. But – another total failure. This did not work. It created all the pages but put the profile/registration form on all of them. I give up! How do all of these sites get logins? Because nothing what-so-ever works for me. I can write a book on all the plugins and programs that I have tried. I am not going to hire a web developer to put one in because this task should not be that hard. But I can tell you it must be .

    I will just have to do without like a lot of things in wordpress that are just not accessable to all – just web developers. It is too bad that one cannot have a decent normal site like the web developers can. Doing without a lot of functions is getting to be a real problem with me and wordpress. When the forums do not help – and the plugins don’t work – I just just have to give up and do without.

    • kris

      it is not hard nor did I use a plugin last time, it is on the menu page but I forgot how to do this, a guy wanted to charge me $80 to do this and I won’t pay either. it is easy I can’t remember how to do it, I have been looking for days.

  37. kathy

    Go t fed up trying with this., I’m sure it’s a great plugin but it is inconsistent. I cannot find the login page – it appears intermittently and then I cannot get a registration page to work properly.
    Pfft! Tired

  38. Joe Barrett

    Is there a way/ any documentation to do this with out a plugin? Please help.

  39. Anna

    waw, thanks for the video, very helpful.

    one further question: I am building a site with a paid membership. I want to customize not only the login page but also the WP default page you get when your are logged in (i.e. with the dashboard on the left etc,…) is there a plugin for that?or coding is necessary?


  40. jonny

    Does anybody know how to move a site that has this plugin installed? When I try to move the site, the login page completely stops working.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    • Raina

      Custom login form is the best of all the plugins that i have tried.

    • Martin

      Hi, there could be a few reasons why this could happen.

      Try disabling the plugin, then move the site,

      Refresh your permalinks, then enable it again.

  41. kkramer2195

    I came across this plugin recently and LOVE IT!!!! I am trying to figure out how to verify a person is logged in prior to allowing them to write a post using Gravity Forms.

    All forms work properly, I found generic code to redirect to wp-login.php but since I am using the plugin, I want it to redirect to the same as the theme my login screen does.

    Here is sample code: (setup as page_loggedin.php)

    <?php else:
    wp_die('Sorry, you must first log in to view this page. You can register free here.');
    endif; ?>

    I don’t want hard coded site references, so any help with the PHP code will be appreciated! Preferred choice would be if user not logged in the redirect like the plugin does (but I can’t find how it does it yet)


  42. DiscreteComponent

    I just got Theme My Login, version 6.3.9, and installed it into my wordpress theme (wp version 3.9). I activated the plugin but I see no Theme My Loging inside (under) the Setting what I do see is a TML following under Settings that does show the modules & general but no tabs. Help!

  43. chen

    how can i create a platform where visitors to the site can create a profile and edit it.

  44. FRBL

    Like this plugin
    How do you remove the bullets for ‘lost password’ and ‘register’ if on the login page? And remove ‘lost password’ if on the register page?
    I want to keep these options but remove the bullets.

  45. J

    Do i need to upgrade my wordpress to enterprise version in order to have the plugin feature for my website and install your custom login feautre?

  46. Joyce Evans

    Can this log-in page be used to log into a specific page of a website? I don’t want people logging into the admin section, but when they click on the link for a particular page, I want people to be able to log in with a username and password for just the one page. They need to be able to set up an account and create their own password, thus the reason I can’t use the password-protected option offered per page by WordPress. All members’ usernames and passwords need to be unique.

  47. Ruchi Agrawal

    Its very good plugin to login. But if we want to disable the header and footer using this plugin then how we can do this. If anyone knows this then please upload your answer and give me it on ly email id.

  48. LaShunna R.

    This plug-in is fine except if someone loses their password. I don’t know if it’s me, but the plug-in doesn’t seem to communicate with WordPress very well. For instance, James loses his password to my site. He requests that a new password be sent to him. James receives an email saying that he lost his password, but he should go to *blank* website to reset it. Unfortunately, there’s nowhere for James to go to retrieve/reset his password. Now, I could be wrong about this, but so far, I’ve found no way around this problem

  49. subbareddy

    It worked for me its nice plugin

  50. Pete

    The plugin isn’t compatible with the latest version of wordpress

    • Editorial Staff

      It is compatible. The only reason why the plugin author hasn’t updated the plugin’s readme file is because they haven’t come out with new features yet. It works just fine.


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