私たちはWordPressを通して様々なオンラインストアを運営しているため、すでにWooCommerce、Easy Digital Downloads、WP Simple Payなどのプラグインを使用してきました。そして、すべてのWordPressユーザーに最適なPayPalプラグインを見つけるために、より人気のあるオプションを調査し、テストしました。
この投稿では、支払いを受け付けるためのWordPress PayPalプラグインをいくつか紹介します。

WordPress PayPalプラグインは、サイトとPayPalアカウントとの接続プロセスを非常に簡単にします。

WPForms PayPalアドオンを使えば、WordPressサイトから簡単に支払い、寄付、オンライン注文を受け付けることができます。


注: WPForms Liteという無料版があります。ただし、Stripe決済のみ可能です。

プラグインにはPayPalとのビルトインが付属しています。PayPal StandardとPayPal Digital Goodsを使用して簡単に支払いを受け入れることができます。

Easy Digital Downloadsは、WordPressでデジタルダウンロードを販売するための最も人気のあるWordPress eコマースプラグインです。
eBook、音楽ファイル、デジタルアート、ソフトウェア、その他どのようなデジタル商品を販売したい場合でも、Easy Digital Downloadsはあなたのためのプラグインです。
PayPal Standard、PayPal Express、PayPal Pro、さらに新規のPayPalコマースプラットフォームとの統合が可能です。
PayPalだけでなく、Stripe、Apple Pay、Google Payなど、他の決済ソリューションも利用できる。
4.Formidable Forms(Formidableフォームズ

Formidable Formsは先進的なWordPressフォームプラグインです。開発者を雇うことなく複雑なフォームを作成できます。
Formidable Formsがパワフルなのは、住宅ローン計算、ディレクトリ、求人掲示板リストなど、高度なフォームも作成できることです。
Formidable FormsはPayPalアドオンを提供しており、訪問者からのオンライン支払いを集めることができます。PayPalの設定をカスタマイズすることも可能で、異なる通貨を選択したり、1回限りまたは定期的な支払いタイプを設定することができます。
Formidable Formsでフォームを編集または新規作成し、フォームに新しいアクションとしてPayPalを追加するだけです。

WooCommerceは、PayPalを使用して支払いを受け付けることができる人気のWordPress eコマースプラグインです。数回クリックするだけで、WooCommerceストアにPayPal支払い方法を追加できます。

Quick PayPal Paymentsは、簡単にPayPalを使用して支払いを受け入れることができるシンプルで強力なプラグインです。
Quick PayPal Paymentsはまた、カスタマイズ可能な自動応答を提供しています。この機能を有効化すると、プラグインは自動的にあなたの顧客に支払いに関する確認メッセージを送信します。

Payment Button for PayPalは、今すぐ購入、カートに追加、寄付、購読ボタンを作成できるWordPressプラグインです。
PayPal Buttonプラグインを使用するもう一つの利点は、PayPal Sandboxでテストバイヤーとセラーアカウントを使用して購入をテストできることです。

Donations via PayPalは、WordPressのサイドバーに追加できるショートコードとすぐに使えるPayPal WordPressウィジェットを備えたシンプルなプラグインです。
9.WP Express購入手続き

WP Express Checkoutは、私たちのリストの次のWordPressのPayPalプラグインです。他のプラグインと同様に、WordPressサイトにPayPal決済ボタンを作成することができます。
WP Express Checkoutは、カスタマイザーが支払いを済ませると自動的にファイルをダウンロードできるようにします。また、自動的に期限切れになる暗号化されたダウンロードリンクを使用して、デジタルダウンロードを配信することもできます。

ボーナス:WP Charitable

WP Charitableは、10,000以上の非営利団体がオンラインで寄付を募るために使用している、WordPress用のフル機能の募金・寄付プラグインです。
この投稿が、あなたのサイトで支払いを受け付けるためのPayPal WordPressプラグインを見つけるのにお役に立てば幸いです。あなたのオンラインストアに役立つ他のガイドもチェックしてみてください。
- WordPressにPayPal決済フォームを追加する方法(ステップバイステップ)
- フリーランサーのためのPayPal代替支払い方法
- WordPressをPayPal Commerceに接続する方法
- WordPressサイトでクレジットカード決済を簡単に利用する方法
- WooCommerceで分割払いを設定する方法
- WordPressのフォームでユーザーに支払い方法を選択させる方法
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Ahmed Omar
I am working on my site to add some products.
I would try your recommendations about paypal plugins
thank you
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome
Robin M Buskirk
I have a form which is linked to the paypal account for payment via the standard paypal addon in WPforms. I want the customer to receive a receipt that they have made the payment, but I can’t find a way to do this.
WPBeginner Support
You may want to check with PayPal as that is who would normally send the receipt.
Scott Page
Great article! Just wanted to let you know “PayPal Payment” is no longer available. Maybe time for another round of PayPal plugin reviews?
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for letting us know, we’ll certainly take a look at alternatives
Dan Williams
So, are there no plugins that allow me to take the code from the hundreds of PayPal buttons that I’ve already created and use it on a WordPress Page and have the dropdowns work?
Why has no one written a conversion plugin that would take PayPal’s html button code and convert it to something WP can use?
I need a PayPal Button let me add to my wordpress page after making price calculation to my services (Editing).
Could you help me with that ?
I have a customer who represents a nonprofit. She would like to sell tickets to charitable event and also have the option for the customer to give an additional donation on top of buying a ticket to the event. Is there a plug-in that with allow for the creation of a form for a ticket purchase and a variable donation all at once?
David Gordon
Please advise where to acquire the 8. PayPal Payment plugin?
at airbnb, there is an option that customer’s deposit payment being charges when there’s damage condition.
looking to doing a group purchase website, when I refer to market player, customers click “commit price” to makes payment at paypal, but at paypal the payment not get charge immediately, which there’s a line at paypay payment page: your payment being processed later.
so when the group purchase quota reach, then the committed payment will be charge, or else the deal will be cancel.
any paypal plugin (website base is wordpress & woocommerce) with this “payment being processed later” plugin?
Ed Hobbs
Your site is a wealth of great info for all of us!!
I need a plugin for PayPal that allows me to collect a couple of more pieces of information from somebody joining our association such as spouse, who recommended you, etc. and have that returned to us. Was planning on using “Instructions to Seller” in PayPal to collect this but it looks like that is no longer available.
Am willing to add in code to make this work. Have Simple PayPal Shopping Cart installed and love it.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks Ed
WPBeginner Support
Hi Ed,
Please checkout WPForms, it is a WordPress form builder plugin with a PayPal addon. You will be able to build a form and integrate it with PayPal.
hossein taherloo
Witch one is better for downloadable file?
Wich one support more Gateway s ?
Georg Schardt
I am trying to use WPForms in my site but I can not understand settings. Is anybody here who can help me in this?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Georg,
Please see our step by step guide on how to create a contact form in WordPress.
Mary Ann
Thank you for your post – very helpful
I have a WordPress website that I installed PayPal onto – I did a test and it appear to be working – only now I realized after a few orders have been placed the payment has not been sent to my bank accounts – in fact when I went into my PayPal account looking for transactions there are no transactions listed – yet on the my WordPress website it shows customers have ordered products – I was sent an email stating that a new customer order – I shipped the order thinking that the payment was processed- only it has not been – so, customers has received their product & yet not paid for
Where do I start on the WordPress site to getting the processing working – ( in my business PayPal account a bank is listed and when you do place an order it takes your credit card and appears to process it) thank you for any help
WPBeginner Support
Hi Mary Ann,
Are you using a WordPress plugin or eCommerce platform to accept payments through PayPal? If so, can you please check that the plugin or payment settings is not in sandbox mode. PayPal’s API allows developers and site owners to test their applications using the sandbox mode. In this mode, transactions are not processed but your plugin will show that they did because it is in testing mode and was able to pass the test.
Gordon P
I am developing a WordPress website for a high school baseball team. I need a plug in to help manage player fees paid online and the accounting to be displayed on a secure webpage of each players account as payment are made (ie balances, amount owed. etc.). I know this page is directed towards payment gateways and plug ins but any additional input related to my needs is appreciated.
i am trying to take paypal off that someone installed as its going into someones elses bank account How do i take it off my web site Its a word press web site Where do I look to take it off ?
WPBeginner Support
Depends on where the paypal button or payment option appears on your site. You can start by disabling plugins one by one. Until the payment option is gone. If that doesn’t work then try editing posts or pages where the button appears. Lastly, look in Appearance » Widgets to see if there is a widget with paypal button code.
Andrew binks
I am trying to set up a recurring payment/ subscription button. The only code available on PayPal is to copy and paste to a website, but I understand the email html code is the correct one. Nothing enables this on the PayPal site. Is there a plugin for this feature? Cheers!
I am looking for a way to take payments, recurring monthly payments and be able to up sell on the checkout page as well as integrate with Aweber to capture the email details and add it to a list.
I am unsure which plugin to use is there one which does all?
Love your articles! So clear and easy to follow. Thanks!
WPBeginner Support
Glad you find them helpful.
Hi, does anyone know of a WP button that allows you to add postage costs to it please? I can only find ones that you put with the price of the article but not with a field for the postage costs.
I also have only one item to sell not multiples. Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
Can I add paypal to any wordpress theme?
yes ofcourse
Can you utilize both with PayPal – WooCommerce and Gravity forms on the same WP site. WooCommerce of course allows for more for visual presentation but gravity forms offers a different avenue of approach for conversion as well. Any insights or thoughts on this would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I have the same issue, how can I use the Australia post codes have different shipping rates?
Elaine Maul
Thank you for this post. It is really useful as I’ve just started trying to research Shopping Carts that work wih WordPress.
I do have a problem though that is probably more of an issue for someone (like me!) from the UK. If you are in the USA, Paypal has settings that allow you to set up local postage and international postage. However, for users of Paypal in the UK (for reasons that I can’t fathom?) don’t have access to this.
So ….. as someone in the UK, I need a plugin that itself allows me to set postage for local/international (and ideally weight!!!) before linking to Paypal to carry out the actual transaction. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thank you.
Elaine, did you ever find a solution? I have the exact same issue.