GreenGeeks si distingue come fornitore di hosting web attento all’ambiente. Dopo anni di esperienza nel testare i servizi di host, abbiamo scoperto che GreenGeeks si rivolge a un’ampia gamma di utenti, dai principianti che lanciano il loro primo sito alle aziende che necessitano di soluzioni più potenti. I loro piani sono economici e ricchi di caratteristiche pensate per semplificare l’ospitato. Verificate la nostra recensione approfondita di GreenGeeks per capire se soddisfa le vostre esigenze.
Le società di host fanno spesso dichiarazioni grassette, ma sono poche quelle che le mantengono. In questa recensione completa di GreenGeeks, valuteremo le loro prestazioni in aree chiave in modo che possiate prendere una decisione informata.
- Velocità e prestazioni: Quanto sarà veloce il caricamento del vostro sito web su GreenGeeks?
- Affidabilità: Potete contare su GreenGeeks per garantire che il vostro sito web sia sempre accessibile?
- Assistenza clienti: Sarete in grado di ottenere un’assistenza rapida quando ne avrete bisogno?
- Caratteristiche: Cosa è incluso nei piani host di GreenGeeks?
- Prezzi: Quanto costa GreenGeeks e si può fare un buon affare per risparmiare?
Condivideremo molti dettagli in questa approfondita recensione di GreenGeeks. Se non volete leggere tutto questo, ecco un rapido riassunto del punteggio della nostra recensione di GreenGeeks.
GreenGeeks Review Summary | |
Performance grade | A+ |
Average load time | 527 ms |
Average response time | 119.7 ms |
Free domain | Yes |
Free SSL | Yes |
1-click WordPress | Yes |
Support | Phone / Live Chat / Knowledge base |
Start with GreenGeeks |
In conclusione, abbiamo trovato GreenGeeks un buon provider di hosting: Nella nostra recensione, abbiamo trovato GreenGeeks un buon provider di hosting. Tuttavia, c’è un margine di miglioramento in termini di prestazioni e velocità.
Detto questo, entriamo nel dettaglio di come siamo arrivati a questa conclusione.
Informazioni su GreenGeeks
GreenGeeks è stata fondata nel 2007 da Trey Gardner. Con sede a Los Angeles, in California, l’azienda alimenta oltre 600.000 siti web e offre una soluzione di hosting ecologica.
Che cos’è il Green Hosting?
L’hosting verde è un servizio di hosting rispettoso dell’ambiente che utilizza diverse tecnologie e processi per ridurre l’impronta di carbonio.
L’industria del web hosting utilizza una quantità enorme di energia e ha un impatto ambientale significativo. GreenGeeks mira a mitigare questo aspetto acquistando crediti di energia eolica. Acquistano tre volte la quantità di energia che utilizzano. È anche un partner EPA Green Power.

Test delle prestazioni di GreenGeeks
Noi di WPBeginner consigliamo i fornitori di hosting solo dopo averli rigorosamente testati. Per ogni recensione, creiamo ambienti di test reali per valutare le affermazioni e le prestazioni del fornitore di hosting.
Per questa recensione di GreenGeeks, abbiamo sottoscritto un account di hosting e vi abbiamo installato WordPress. Utilizzando il tema predefinito, abbiamo popolato il sito con dati di esempio, compresi file multimediali e immagini, per garantire che imitasse un sito WordPress dal vivo. Questo approccio ci aiuta a fornire risultati affidabili.
Risultati del test di velocità di GreenGeeks
La velocità del sito web ha un ruolo importante nell’esperienza dell’utente e nelle classifiche di ricerca. Per valutare le prestazioni di GreenGeeks, abbiamo eseguito un test di velocità utilizzando Pingdom, uno degli strumenti più affidabili disponibili.
Ecco i risultati:

Il nostro sito di prova è stato caricato in meno di un secondo, un tempo eccellente per un fornitore di hosting condiviso. Tuttavia, i test di velocità su un sito inattivo non mostrano l’immagine completa. Per questo motivo abbiamo condotto ulteriori stress test per simulare il traffico del mondo reale.
Risultati dello stress test di GreenGeeks
Per capire come GreenGeeks gestisce i picchi di traffico, abbiamo utilizzato K6 (ex Load Impact) per simulare fino a 50 utenti simultanei che accedono al sito. Questo test misura la stabilità del server e i tempi di risposta sotto carico.
Ecco i risultati:

La linea verde chiaro mostra il tempo di risposta della pagina, mentre la linea viola indica il numero di utenti attivati. GreenGeeks ha gestito il carico in modo eccezionale, mantenendo tempi di risposta costanti con fluttuazioni minime all’aumentare del numero di utenti.
Di default, GreenGeeks installa il plugin LiteSpeed cache durante l’impostazione di WordPress. Per questi test lo abbiamo disabilitato per garantire risultati imparziali. Per ottimizzare ulteriormente il sito, è possibile abilitare il plugin o utilizzare un plugin per la cache di WordPress.
Durante il periodo di test abbiamo anche effettuato un monitoraggio dei tempi di attività e GreenGeeks ha garantito il 100% dei tempi di attività, confermando la sua affidabilità.

Test sul tempo di risposta di GreenGeeks
Abbiamo utilizzato Bitcatcha per misurare il tempo di risposta di GreenGeeks da varie località del mondo. Questo strumento verifica la velocità dei server da più regioni, fornendo una panoramica completa delle prestazioni globali.
Ecco i risultati:

Come si è visto sopra, GreenGeeks ha fornito tempi di risposta rapidi in Nord America, mentre le velocità in India e nell’area Asia-Pacifico sono state leggermente più lente, ma comunque inferiori al secondo. Queste prestazioni sono in linea con le aspettative dei servizi di host condiviso.
Piani e caratteristiche dell’hosting GreenGeeks
GreenGeeks ha un’ampia gamma di piani di hosting per clienti di ogni dimensione. Offre hosting condiviso di base, hosting per rivenditori, hosting VPS e hosting per server dedicati.
Tuttavia, la loro offerta principale è costituita dai piani di host condiviso. Questi piani includono:
- Storage e larghezza di banda illimitati
- Un dominio gratuito per il primo anno
- Hosting per siti web illimitati (tranne il piano Lite)
- Storage SSD (spazio web per unità a stato solido) con backup notturno
- Account di posta elettronica gratuiti
- Installazione di WordPress in 1 clic
- Softaculous con un solo clic per applicazioni come Joomla e Drupal tramite cPanel
Forniscono anche un servizio gratuito di migrazione del sito web come componente aggiuntivo, in modo da poter passare facilmente dalla vostra attuale società di hosting.
GreenGeeks utilizza tecnologie avanzate come LiteSpeed, LSCache, MariaDB e database MySQL illimitati. Ci sono anche alcune funzioni avanzate per gli utenti e gli sviluppatori più tecnici:
- Git preinstallato
- Selezione della versione PHP
- WP-CLI per l’accesso diretto alla riga di comando
Piani di hosting
Il loro servizio primario di host condiviso / hosting WordPress è disponibile in 3 livelli:
- Lite – Limitato a 1 installazione di WordPress
- Pro – Il piano Pro include un numero illimitato di siti web con prestazioni 2x.
- Premium – Il piano Premium include anche un indirizzo IP dedicato gratuito.
Ogni piano di web hosting di GreenGeeks è inoltre dotato di supporto per l’e-commerce, spazio su disco generoso, aggiornamenti automatici di WordPress, trasferimento dati senza limiti e molto altro ancora.
Inoltre, potete facilmente passare ai piani VPS o all’hosting WordPress man mano che il vostro sito cresce.
GreenGeeks offre una garanzia di rimborso di 30 giorni, senza domande. Ciò significa che entro 30 giorni dall’iscrizione, è possibile cancellare il proprio account per qualsiasi motivo e ottenere il rimborso completo delle spese di hosting.
Nota: il rimborso non include le spese di registrazione del dominio e il cliente potrà mantenere il proprio dominio.
Assistenza e servizio clienti
GreenGeeks fornisce assistenza 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, tramite chat dal vivo e biglietti di assistenza via email. Offre inoltre assistenza telefonica dal lunedì alla domenica dalle 9.00 alle 12.00 EST.
Per i clienti dell’hosting WordPress gestito, sono disponibili specialisti dell’assistenza WordPress per aiutarvi a configurare il vostro sito o a gestire qualsiasi problema specifico di WordPress.
Molte recensioni dei clienti di GreenGeeks parlano di un’assistenza di prim’ordine. Hanno la reputazione di rispondere rapidamente alle richieste e di fornire un aiuto esperto, indipendentemente dal problema.

Pro e contro di GreenGeeks
GreenGeeks è una società di web hosting molto popolare, ma potrebbe non essere adatta a tutti. Considerate questi pro e contro prima di scegliere un piano.
I vantaggi di scegliere l’hosting di GreenGeeks
- Meglio per l’ambiente – GreenGeeks è un’azienda di web hosting dai valori forti, che ha a cuore l’ambiente. Ospitando con GreenGeeks, potete contribuire a sostenere le energie rinnovabili.
- Ricco di funzionalità – I piani di hosting di GreenGeeks includono tutte le funzionalità necessarie per aiutarvi a creare un sito web.
- Conveniente – GreenGeeks offre prezzi molto competitivi per tutte le funzionalità fornite.
- Assistenza di alto livello – I clienti sono entusiasti dell’assistenza di alto livello fornita da GreenGeeks.
Contro della scelta dell’hosting GreenGeeks
- L’assistenza telefonica non è disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 – L’assistenza telefonica non viene fornita da mezzanotte alle 9 del mattino. Se avete un problema nelle prime ore del mattino, dovete utilizzare la chat dal vivo o l’assistenza via e-mail.
- Costo di configurazione per la fatturazione mensile – Se si sceglie la fatturazione mensile, è previsto un costo di 15 dollari per la configurazione. Il costo non viene addebitato se si paga per un anno o più.
GreenGeeks è adatto a voi?
Ora che avete letto l’intera recensione di GreenGeeks, vi starete chiedendo se GreenGeeks è l’host web giusto per voi.
Dopo aver esaminato in dettaglio i servizi di GreenGeeks, abbiamo assegnato il titolo di “Host più ecologico”.
L’industria del web hosting ha un enorme impatto sull’ambiente. Ogni server di web hosting produce 1390 libbre di CO2 all’anno, superando l’industria aerea in termini di inquinamento ambientale.
Come clienti di GreenGeeks, potete sostenere le energie rinnovabili scegliendo un web hosting ecologico. GreenGeeks acquista crediti per l’energia eolica ed è un partner riconosciuto dall’EPA Green Power degli Stati Uniti. L’azienda immette nella rete tre volte la quantità di energia che consuma, contribuendo a ridurre l’impatto del vostro web hosting sull’ambiente in modo efficiente dal punto di vista energetico.
GreenGeeks è una buona soluzione di host per i principianti. Per volumi di traffico più elevati, potrebbe essere necessario passare a un piano ad alte prestazioni o a un fornitore di hosting WordPress gestito.
Siete pronti a iniziare con GreenGeeks? Fate clic qui per selezionare il vostro piano GreenGeeks oggi stesso.
Domande frequenti sui servizi di hosting web di GreenGeeks
Di seguito sono riportate alcune delle domande che ci sono state poste sui servizi di hosting di siti web di GreenGeeks.
1. L’hosting GreenGeeks è buono?
Se siete alla ricerca di servizi di web hosting ecologici per una piccola impresa, l’hosting di GreenGeeks è tra le migliori opzioni.
Hanno un pannello di controllo facile da usare per i principianti, una garanzia di uptime del 99,9%, un team di assistenza amichevole e utili tutorial sulla documentazione.
2. Dove si trovano i centri dati di GreekGeeks?
Secondo il sito web di GreenGeeks, i suoi centri dati sono situati a Chicago, Phoenix, Canada (Toronto e Montreal) ed Europa (Amsterdam). Sono alimentati da energia verde e dotati di array Raid-10 basati su SSD di alta qualità.
3. Come si colloca rispetto ad altre società di host?
Spesso ci viene chiesto di confrontare GreenGeeks con altre società di hosting, come Bluehost, GoDaddy, SiteGround, HostGator, Hostinger e altre ancora.
Riteniamo che Bluehost e Hostinger siano migliori di GreenGeeks in termini di prestazioni e di esperienza utente. GreenGeeks sarà un’opzione migliore di GoDaddy grazie al miglior supporto clienti. SiteGround è più costoso ma di gran lunga superiore in termini di tecnologia, assistenza clienti ed esperienza utente.
Coupon GreenGeeks
Gli utenti di WPBeginner ottengono un nuovo dominio gratuito e l’85% di sconto sul loro host web con il nostro codice coupon GreenGeeks.
Per acquistare basta cliccare su questo link. Lo sconto verrà applicato automaticamente.
David Kuoppamaki
I’ve been with Greengeeks since 2013. For whatever reason last week – the week before Thanksgiving 2023 they decided I can only keep my emails archived for 90 days. I literally have 10 year old emails with this company on their ftp. Well fast forward to 1 week after they threatened to delete my emails, what did they do…. delete all my email. This company is rude, non responsive and most likely going through ownership issues and I would highly recommend staying away from them.
Ron Martin-Adkins
I managed a GreenGeeks account on behalf of the now defunct Transition Asheville. TA discontinued in 2020 and I terminated the account, I thought. Yet, I still get billed for renewals. I’m not impressed with the billing department, and find the GG website less than user friendly for an older guy. When the service was working, it was fine. Now the bill comes for a site that cannot be reached online, quite appropriately…
Dima R
This is almost unbelievable, but my business email has been working 99.99% perfectly well with Green Geeks. For any issues I had to chat with their support a few times, and they seem to be very knowledgeable about their products and services.
Shlomo Skinner
I’ve been happy with the service, the price, and the tech support that I’ve received from GreenGeeks.
Belinda Roozemond
I usually don’t leave feedback for web hosting services, but I’m so pleased to do this for GreenGeeks. I was a bit out of practice in setting up websites, and when I initially signed up, customer service patiently and quickly answered ALL of the questions (so many!!!) I had. Competent, fast, and friendly. They also followed up later to ensure I had everything I needed to move forward. I did, thanks to their help.
The user interface is super easy to navigate, and I can find everything I need without searching. The addons are great too!
Very satisfied customer here
Noellie Garand
Thank you for hosting my email address.
Your service is most reliable and the only time there was an interruption for hardware failure (overt he past six months) you informed us very quickly. Excellent customer service.
Kind regards,
Amy Claxton
Green Geeks hosting is by far the epitome of what a hosting company should strive to be. They offer top notch customer service as well as top notch hosting environments. I have contacted support many times since I have been with Green Geeks and have always felt that my questions were not only actually read but responded to in a timely and correct fashion. So many companies use form replies that make it look like they did not even read your question. This is not true here. I have never had any site downtime. I have had as many as 30 sites hosted here at once some are higher traffic and I have never had an issue. I use WordPress to build all websites and this has been the best experience I have had with any company. I have been with many companies in 25 years and GreeGeeks has beat them at every level. I have a permanent hosting home here. My only negative feedback is that the affiliate program only pays out via PayPal and I do not do business with Paypal so it leaves me out of maybe making a few bucks in promoting the hosting.
Larissa McCollin
I have been using Green Geeks for over a year now, and they have been so helpful getting me set up and heading in the right direction. Whenever I have needed assistance wading through the steps, terminology and options with a website, they have been patient and make me feel well advised in the decisions I make. I would highly recommend them.
Liz Martin
GreenGeeks offers green web hosting and as someone who’s trying to make an effort to reduce her carbon footprint, the site’s selling point really got me! I like that GreenGeeks is easy to use and when I had trouble migrating my site from Blogger to WordPress for self hosting, I was guided patiently by GreenGeeks’ customer service agent.
Always ready to help!
Gerardo Cantu
Green Geeks y’all are awesome! It’s so easy working with you and you have excellent customer service, not to mention your prices, which are very reasonable! I am a fan!! Thank you all for all your help so far.
Michele Delgado
Customer service is spot on. Response time is quick and for a solopreneur it is important to keep things moving and to have clear results.
Green Geeks provides all of this.
Ngozi Chijioke-Agina
When I signed up for GreenGeeks hosting, I was an online newbie, but with their patience and support, I have come a long way in my online business. I am always amazed at their prompt 24/7 response to queries; their professionalism; the team of smart experts and their added services all at the customer’s disposal.
They further gained my respect when my site was under attack. the team took over the challenge and got me sorted till I was satisfied and comfortable with the outcome. They simply exceeded my expectations. Thank you once more GreenGeeks.
Maciek Hrybowicz
Excellent service at a very good price. I love the ‘green’ aspect of their hosting, though to be honest, I have to trust Green Geeks on this. I like their clear and fast customer portal. My few queries were met with a knowledgeable answer from their support team in less than an hour – this is important, since I live in New Zealand. otherwise nothing else to say, which is exactly how it should be.
I’ve been a Greengeeks hosting customer for many years, because of their great customer service and reliable hosting. The customer service techs are kind, knowledgeable, patient, and prompt, help me fix things and never make me feel like an idiot. I’m an artist, not a coder, but they make it easy to have my own website.
Dave Maino
I started using GreenGeeks awhile ago and have had nothing but good experiences so far. They have pretty good pricing and great support, and they have a good suite of tools that are easy to use. Plus I get to feel good about my money going to support a sustainable business.
Cassandra Brennan
You geeks are the best. Patient and well versed in all things website. Your hosting plan is amazing and your intent to lower your carbon footprint with a portion of the fee is beyond. But most of all, you truly have the most secure and constant improvements to your hosting platform. Thank you GreenGeeks!!!
Peter V
I only work with GreenGeeks. The registration/setup is easy and should you run into trouble, the sales/tech support is really 24/7 available.
They saved my sites several times (1 hijack, 3 updates/upgrades that went wrong) and every time, the sites were back up in 10 minutes.
Neil Hodgkiss
I’ve been a Green Geeks customer for around a year and a half. I am very impressed. Customer service is amazing. I set up a media wiki, accessed through a link on the main page of the site. I had a couple of technical difficulties – not in the implementation or installation of Media Wiki, but a couple of background security bits that were not allowing wiki users to edit their personal page. Green Geeks solved this for me in an instant. I’d thoroughly recommend.
Love the service of Green Geeks. They are caring, quick, and fun.
Paul Martin
Excellent services, fast / responsive tech support as needed and an easy to navigate site through the dashboard & control panel. I’ve used many hosting services throughout my career. Green Geeks quite possibly is the best one of them all. I am so glad I found GG and have sites hosted here. Over time I will likely migrate everything I have here but with over thirty active domains it will take me a while to transfer them all.
Chris Stevens
I would highly recommend GREEN GEEKS. Having used several other providers in the past, I have now moved multiple domains and to say I’m happy with the service would be an understatement. I have always received quick, prompt, responses when opening a ticket and the interactions with their staff have been professional and pleasant.
If you are looking for an affordable hosting for your site or sites – look no further!
Scott Gorrell
The team at Green Geeks is great. Not only are their products easy to use but when you do have a problem or a question they are quick to respond with easy to understand explanations AND documentation that is easy to follow.
They are no doubt one of the best examples of quality customer service that I have seen in my lifetime. On top of that, their rates are reasonable and their efforts to be environmentally responsible won me over at day one.
Thank you Green Geeks for doing hosting the right way!
I used the service due to statistics involving server speed. Things seem good in that regard. They have good explainer articles on how to use the service and fix issues and their client service department is quite good and helpful.
Anil Kumar Kapoor
GreenGeeks is one of the most customer friendly company I am associated with. Their telecallers, from picking up the phone, to understanding the problem, to explaining the issue, to helping me correct it and most amazing, going out of their way to solve my issue are truly a customer delight.
Till the next connect..
Thank you for such a great service, am always looking chatting online when I need assistance and that really works well. Thanks for the after service support.
Kegesa Danvas Abdullah
I signed for a 36 month plan of Green Geeks about 8 months ago. With all due honesty, I am here to say that all of my websites have been up and running and I am glad I did.
GreenGeeks have been amazing for me since I joined, about 6 months ago.. I have had to ask their help desk to fix things I broke on a few occasions – I am always installing different themes and plugins and sometime I need to help to remove them or restore them to the way it was before – GreenGeeks always respond in minutes, and I am honestly just so pleased with them. Well done team!!!
Rod Minns
Support makes the difference in Webhosting. I’ve been with Greengeeks for about a year and their help is quick and superb. I’m never left stranded in the tech desert wondering what to do. Rarely do I need support, not because I’m a tech champion. Everything just keeps working smoothly. They’re my fourth and final in five years, providing the best help moving my domain. There wasn’t an issue moving it and they did all the work. Also, their tutorials are superbly written with excellent visuals. Finally, they keep me informed and they care about security. Such a great team working for me.
Robert Leaper
I joined GreenGeeks because they were reasonably priced and I needed a site for my travel blog. I created a WordPress site, learning as I went and hit inevitable snags and bumps along the way. The GreenGeek’s support staff always responded quickly with suggestions or jumping in to fix the problem. As a former IT Manager I realize how important it is to have responsive, intelligent support when you need it. These guys get it!
I’m super happy with greengeeks so far. It’s been a year with them and they quickly became my favourite hosting provider. I never had a single issue and if there is something I need help with I can rely on their great support service.
Ryan Millner
GreenGeeks gives you as much, or as little support as you need. The few times I’ve need to help getting something configured the support has been quick, helpful, and incredibly friendly. I like the environmental aspect, the prices are reasonable, and the servers are fast and powerful on even the cheapest plan. I am a completely satisfied customer.
Mark Thompson
I’ve been with GreenGeeks hosting since Nov. 2019 and now have moved several clients here. In each case the sites; performance metrics significantly improved – from page-load to email delivery speeds.
I’ve needed GG tech support’s help several times. They have responded quickly with the correct info that helped me correct the issues. (the problems were not with GG).
All considered I am very happy with GreenGeeks and would recommend them to anyone looking for affordable, hassle-free web hosting.
Sonia May
Amazing customer service. I have worked with other hosters before, but none of them had such a good support. Green Geeks always impresses me with their timely and professional response. As someone with a tech background, it is a relieve to chat with customer support who have excellent knowledge about the service and go above and beyond to fix issues.
The service at Green Geeks is beyond compare. I have a website for baskets that I create. As a non technical person website building is daunting.
As one might expect, I have come across many things I don’t understand, as well as problems that I can’t begin to figure out how to fix.
The technicians at Green Geeks have gone out of their way to help solve my problems. Yesterday, a very helpful person named Vitality fixed a problem that I didn’t even know I had. He checked out a few things for me and he “found triggered mod_security rule. So I have disabled this rule for your account.” …. ha ha what ever that is??? He fixed it. My website is running so much better today. Thank you so much for the great service. I have recommended Green Geeks to a few of my friends.
Raine Gould
Fast and friendly customer service. They helped walk me through set up and migration. Plus, the green label has been a hit with clients!
Lucy Pruvost
I originally chose Greengeeks because of their environmental credentials. I would still like to see more evidence of their work in reducing their carbon footprint rather than just purchasing RECs, but for their support, cpanel and overall approach, I still think they’re the best!
I’ve never waited to access help on the online chat and the team are really friendly.
I would 100% recommend them.
Michael Glyngsdal
I want to thank Greengeeks for all their support in developing my web site. It can be a bit overwhelming when you are making a career change, starting a new business and creating a new web site all at the same time. Greengeeks makes the process of creating a new web site easy, they have so many tools to use and were always ready to answer any questions that I had. My customers also love the fact that even my web site is green.
Too good customer service., they reply too quick!!, in minutes!!! and solve any concern or issue. They are fast, and thats the reason I want to be with them.
Petru Vornicu
I like this web hosting. They have a good price for what they offer: performance, support, friendly UI/UX. If you compare with other web hostings you will see that. A good place where you can start to learn about WordPress and other plugins.
The first thing I was impressed by is how fast every single one of my tech questions were answered and how accurate and knowledgeable the support staff were. The CPanel has all the wonderful tools and software addons needed for novice and pro web developers and designers. The speed at which my pages and site is served is really great. I have had no downtime issues whatsoever. Even with a heavy load of backend builders at times in wordpress the speed still remains great. Overall I would highly recommend this hosting company to others.
Darrin K
I’ve used so many hosts over the year, from all of the major ones, to the cost-saving ones. GreenGeeks really stands out from the bunch. Great great service, great pricing, amazing uptime and just a wonderful experience. Highly recommend!
David Carson
Support has been great. I’m probably pretty needy, and you’ve done a great job of tolerating me, and making things quick and painless!
As a computer technician I know a bit about everything. When a business asked me to quickly move them to a better email provider, oh and while I am at it, move their existing website, I got a little nervous. I did days of research and found prices ranging from crazy high to crazy cheap. I learned about greengeeks from a service provider whose brain I was picking. The more I learned about this Canadian based and hosted company the more I felt comfortable. I must have jumped on their website 20 times to start a free chat and pick their brains about the process I was about to embark on. Long story short I am so glad I chose this company. I still cannot believe how cheap it was, I mean I cannot figure out how they are able to provide the individual help and get me setup moved and many many questions though chat and email along the way, for the price I paid. Greengeeks made me look good and I have never looked back. So if you are on the fence about choosing a website provider with great features for the best price you have found the right place. Thanks again for everything Greengeeks you Rock!
Jacqueline Alderking
I am very happy with GreenGeeks as the new web domain as It is easy to set up a website, it is not expensive, they are very helpful, and they keep their clients up to date with all changes and lets you know when your subscription is about to expire.
I highly recommend GreenGeeks for your web page.
Denise Membreno
Green Geeks has been a great hosting service for my three websites. They are quick to respond with any issues that arise and customer service has been patient in answering all my technical questions.
I’ve been with GreenGeeks for almost a year. Solid, very affordable service when bought as a 3-year package, and I hope I will have similar affordability when I renew in 2 years. We shall see!
My website needs are very simple, so I can’t attest to anyone who has a complex website. However, the few issues I’ve had were resolved very quickly. As well, anytime I’ve needed advice or help to accomplish something new or difficult, there’s loads of articles to help me do what I need on their website and CS is quick to help if there’s no written article on the topic.
Walter Brandt
I’ve grown with Green Geek as the scalability makes it easy to grow. Tech support chat works on a level of expertise from pros to average Joes they really make thing easy when needed and always there. 24:7 365.316
I have used GreenGeeks since 2014 and love their customer service. (even when I messed things up royally)
Used GreenGeeks and am very satisfied – hosting speeds are very fast, services included are excellent – but most important the support they provide as absolutely phenomenal and they’re incredibly fast to respond.
I’ve been with a handful of hosting services and I can say that GreenGeeks offers far better value for money than what they charge and they are worth every penny, and the nicest part is that their hosting service is technically sound and has all the features you need to create fantastic websites.