Contact Form 7 のフォームをカスタマイズしてスタイルを変更したいですか?
Contact Form 7 は WordPress で最も人気のあるお問い合わせフォームプラグインのひとつですが、デフォルトのフォームはとても地味です。
そのため私たちはより柔軟でデザインオプションの豊富な WPForms のような強固なフォームビルダープラグインを推奨しています。しかしながら、多くのユーザーがお問い合わせフォーム 7 を好んで使っていることも理解しています。
この記事では、WordPress でお問い合わせフォーム 7 のフォームをスタイリングする方法を紹介します。

なぜ Contact Form 7 のフォームをスタイルするのですか?
お問い合わせフォーム 7 はWordPress で最も人気のあるお問い合わせフォームプラグインのひとつです。無料で使えて、ショートコードを使ってWordPress のフォームを追加できます。
しかし、お問い合わせフォーム 7 は機能がとても限られています。Contact Form 7 の問題のひとつは、フォームのスタイルが素っ気ないことです。さらに、このプラグインにはフォームのスタイルを変更するためのビルトインオプションがありません。
より高度な機能でカスタマイズ可能なフォームをお望みであれば、最も初心者に優しいお問い合わせフォームプラグインであるWPForms をお勧めします。ドラッグ&ドロップのフォームビルダー、2,000以上のビルトインフォームテンプレート、多数のカスタマイズオプションが付属しています。
WPForms には60 以上のテンプレート、条件ロジック、Stripe 支払いなどを含む無料版もあります。さらに詳しく知りたい方はContact Form 7 と WPForms の比較をご覧ください。
ということで、WordPress でお問い合わせフォーム 7 のスタイルを作る方法を見てみましょう。
お問い合わせフォーム 7 を始める
まず、あなたのサイトにContact Form 7プラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。もし助けが必要でしたら、WordPress プラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。
有効化した後、WordPressダッシュボードからContact ” Add Newにアクセスしてください。



その後、ショートコードブロックに Contact Form 7 フォームのショートコードを入力するだけです。このようになります:
[contact-form-7 id="117" title="Contact Form"]
さあ、WordPress ブログ投稿を公開してお問い合わせフォームの動きを見てみましょう。この投稿では初期設定のお問い合わせフォームを使い、WordPress のページに追加しました。これがテストサイトでのお問い合わせフォームの表示です。

さて、WordPress でお問い合わせフォーム 7 をカスタマイズする準備はできましたか?
カスタム CSS を使って WordPress のお問い合わせフォーム 7 をスタイリングする
Contact Form 7 にはビルトインのスタイルオプションがないので、CSS を使ってフォームのスタイルを設定する必要があります。
お問い合わせフォーム 7 は標準に準拠したフォームのコードを生成します。フォームの各要素には適切な ID と CSS クラスが関連づけられているので、CSS の知識があれば簡単にカスタマイズできます。
Contact Form 7 の各フォームは CSS クラス.wpcf7
div.wpcf7 {
background-color: #fbefde;
border: 1px solid #f28f27;
.wpcf7 input[type="text"],
.wpcf7 input[type="email"],
.wpcf7 textarea {
font-family:lora, sans-serif;
.wpcf7 input[type="submit"],
.wpcf7 input[type="button"] {

複数のお問い合わせフォーム 7 をスタイリングする
複数のお問い合わせフォームを使っていて、それぞれ異なるスタイルにしたい場合は、それぞれのフォームに Contact Form 7 が生成した ID を使う必要があります。上で使った CSS の問題点は、あなたのサイトのすべてのお問い合わせフォームに適用されてしまうことです。

<div role="form" class="wpcf7" id="wpcf7-f113-p114-o1" lang="en-US" dir="ltr">
ID 属性はお問い合わせフォーム 7 がこのフォームのために生成する一意な識別子です。これはフォーム ID とこのフォームが追加された投稿 ID の組み合わせです。
この ID を CSS で使用してお問い合わせフォームのスタイルを設定し、最初の CSS スニペットで .wpcf7 を#wpcf7-f113-p114-o1
background-color: #fbefde;
border: 1px solid #f28f27;
#wpcf7-f113-p114-o1 input[type="text"],
#wpcf7-f113-p114-o1 input[type="email"],
#wpcf7-f113-p114-o1 textarea {
font-family:lora, "Open Sans", sans-serif;
#wpcf7-f113-p114-o1 input[type="submit"],
#wpcf7-f113-p114-o1 input[type="button"] {
これですべてのフォームに対してこの手順を繰り返すことができ、カスタマイズしたい Contact Form 7 のフォームごとにフォーム ID を置き換えることができます。
CSS Hero でお問い合わせフォーム 7 をスタイリングする
Contact Form 7 のフォームのスタイルをより簡単に変更する方法はCSS Hero を使うことです。CSS Hero を使えば CSS を書かなくてもフォームを編集することができます。
あなたのサイトにCSS Heroプラグインをインストールして有効化するだけです。WordPressプラグインのインストール方法はこちらをご覧ください。
次に、フォームを含むページに行き、上部のツールバーにある’CSS Heroでカスタマイズ’オプションをクリックします。

CSS Heroは、コードを書かずにCSSを編集できる簡単なユーザーインターフェースを提供します。

この記事が WordPress でお問い合わせフォーム 7 のスタイルを作る方法を学ぶ助けになれば幸いです。メールマガジンの作り方や、WordPress のエキスパートが選ぶ最高の電卓プラグインもご覧ください。
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Your instructions were very useful.
Thanks for taking the time to share them!
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was helpful
Hi sir, where can I find the css code of fields ?
Thank you
WPBeginner Support
For finding the current CSS you would want to use inspect element:
Tony Tran
i can’t change color background css button submit….please help
WPBeginner Support
You may be targeting the wrong object, you may want to take a look at our article here:
Submit button in pdf no longer works since uploading form to WordPress website.
WPBeginner Support
The pdf embed we’re recommending is for viewing content. For filling out forms we recommend using a form plugin
zeeshan alam
Thanks for sharing Sir
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome
Hello is it possible to ad a message if i dont filled out one ore more “Required fields” to get a Message ? Because i Only get the “red arrows” on the “Required fields” that I don’t filled out. In I want additionally a error Message like
“One or more Required fields have an error. Please check and try again.”
But i Only have the red arrows, and the Problem is on mobile Phones the red arrows are not in the window and the Client don’t see it.
WPBeginner Support
You would need to reach out to contact form 7’s support for what they currently have available.
Thank you for this tutorial.
I would like to add a custom image at the right of the “send” label, in the button.
I’ve done it with a :before for the other buttons on my website, but i can’t find the element in the send form to put the CSS…
WPBeginner Support
Depending on your form ot would change what to target, if you use inspect element you should be able to see the ID or class of the object:
You could also use :after instead of :before as another option
Muhammad Tahir
How to change response text color of SPECIFIC contact form
Can we add a time field in contact form 7 without plugin?
Mary Lou Hoffman
I’m a novice, but determined to figure this out! So, please – give me baby steps if you answer.
I have a contact7 form on my website. The font is showing up as white on a white background for the labels (Your name, Your email, etc).
How do I change the color – where do I go to tell it to change color?
I tried copying and pasting some of the codes ya’all had in your answers above, but they just showed up on my page, but didn’t change the font.
Karu Price
You can target the lable area like this-
.wpcf7 form p label {
color: white;
background: black;
font-family: sans-serif;
Rita Accarpio
Hi there!
I’m here struggling with modal headings. I changed the form background to a darker color but now I want to change the heading’s color. Doesn’t seem to change at all with all the different options I tried so far.
Do you know anyway to do this? Help me please!
I want to reduce gap between name and email boxes…how to do it.
Thanks for a great post, was very helpful.
This helped heaps. Thanks!
Joel Desrosiers
My contact form has a dark image background so I need “your name”, “your email” and “your message” to be white. I can’t find a class or id for those elements, I tried with inspect element but I can’t find anything that works. This is the only contact form on this site. I’m using css on the stylesheet of my childtheme and I tried different options but can’t change the color. Can anyone help me?
Merriann Fu
I’m pretty new to WordPress and Plugins in general but have this Plugin installed and everything is working correctly but instead of seeing the person’s message, it just shows [your-message] in the body of the email. I have everything set up like above and spelled correctly so i’m not sure what the problem is. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Don Walley
I have the same problem. I’m only new to forms on WP but I’m stuck too. I’m trying to build a Registration page with business name, address, etc along with personal contact information and a drop down to make their choice and of course a comment field. After testing this numerous times I get the same as you; the content of the comment field.
Wish there had been an example or two on the Docs page of Contact 7; something besides only the default Contact Form.
Miguel Ceballos
I don’t think Contact Form 7 is the most popular. It comes pre-installed with many themes and wordpress instalations, that’s the reason they have so many users. It is so frustrating to edit anything in this plugin.
Osama Ali Khan
Hello if some one want contact form with transparent background or want to add contact form 7 on the big banner image with transparent background then add this code to your custom css.
.wpcf7 input[type=”text”],
.wpcf7 input[type=”email”],
.wpcf7 textarea
background-color: Transparent;
color: BLUE;
width: 100%;
div.wpcf7 {
color: white;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
You are an absolute life saver. I’ve been battling with this for hours.
One point I’d make that others might find it useful to know, is that I was trying to style the submit button, which was on a contact form 7 I’d put on my sidebar.
This worked for the first page it was on but then wouldn’t on subsequent pages. However, I then noticed that the f2 code on the second page had a suffix of ‘o2’, and when I added this to my css, the styling on this page worked too.
Thank you again.
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found it helpful.
Thanks for a great post, was very helpful. One thing still bothering me and it’s that i haven’t found a way to customize checkboxes. Have you found a way how it would be possible to change checkbox size for example so that it would work on every browser?
Seems like the input structure isn’t modified so no extra spans could be added to fake the checkboxes an i right?
Glad if you have time to help me out, cheers.
Oh my gosh! You have no idea how grateful I am for this post! THANK YOU!
I simply wanted to change the font used in the Submit button. I searched and searched for hours and tried various CSS code variations and nothing worked until I came across your code and then added a font element to it. Problem solved!
pranav shinde
contact-form-7/includes/css/styles.css (inactive) this appears above my css edit file,,by which none of changes are applied to website help me how to make it active
WPBeginner Support
You should not edit the core plugin files. Instead you should add your CSS to your theme’s stylesheet.
pranav shinde
ya i understood then can you please help me how can i do it..please help me in detail
pranav shinde
thanks a lot sir very much helpfull will suscribe your channel
pranav shinde
means i hould copy this code in my themes css file righht??
I am wondering if any one can help me fix the contact form for mobile. I am able to see the form but it is too wide and gets cut off.
Thank you.
puneet singh
this very helpful realy nice tutorial
I find your website very helpful.just a suggestion it would be great if u could launch an app for your website soon…apps are more convenient than following emails
WPBeginner Support
Sound like a good idea. Meanwhile, you can access WPBeginner using Feedly app on your mobile device.
Top most features in WordPress you can own style easily no need deeply knowledge for manage your site in WordPress. In Contact 7 form, you can your own structure that you have already design in HTML or other one.
Neil Murray
If working with CSS is a little beyond your current skill levels you might also consider using .
Contact Form 7 Skins which works right within the normal Contact Form 7 interface, making it easier for regular WordPress users to create professional looking Contact Form 7 forms using a range of compatible Templates and Styles – even if you don’t have HTML and CSS skills.
thanks Neil
Andrew Wilkerson
Thanks Neil, I think that’s just what I needed. I got excited and installed it then wiped out my existing form, so I had to restore a backup of my site to get it working again, I’ll look into it more when I have time, I guess i’ll have to copy my current form into it or start from scratch with a new one. Off to watch some tutorials. Hopefully this is still the best one to use. I know it’s an old post here but it does say it was recently updated on the plugin page.
Fantastic article. I will use this to style one my website.
Another good article where you do not end up using yet another plug in.