より簡単にするために、プラグインを使うことをお勧めします。いくつかのオプションをテストした結果、BestWebSoftのLike & ShareとWPCodeが優れた選択肢として際立っていました。どちらもプロセスを簡素化し、コーディングの頭痛の種や潜在的な互換性の問題を避けるのに役立ちます。

まず最初にBestWebSoftのLike & Shareプラグインをインストールして有効化します。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。
有効化した後、WordPressの管理画面から「いいね!&シェア ” 設定」にアクセスできます。

次に、Facebookの「App ID」と「App Secret」を追加する必要があります。これらの情報をお持ちでない場合は、以下の手順に従ってください。
設定」パネルで、Like & Shareプラグインの「App ID」または「App Secret」フィールドの下にある「新規作成」リンクをクリックします。
Meta for Developersのサイトに移動します。アプリIDとシークレットを入力するために、WordPressダッシュボードのいいね!&シェア設定ページを開く必要がありますので、新しいタブまたはウィンドウでサイトを開くことをお勧めします。

アプリの表示名を入力し、「App contact email」フィールドに正しいメールアドレスが表示されていることを確認してください。Facebookは、あなたが現在ログイン中のアカウントのメールアドレスを自動的に選択します。


ここから、左側のメニューから「設定 ” 基本」に進むことができます。

ここで、「設定」ドロップダウンを展開し、「基本」をクリックします。ここで、「App ID」と「App Secret」が表示されます。

まず、「アプリID」をコピーし、「いいね!&シェア」の設定 ページを開いているタブまたはウィンドウに戻ります。そして、「アプリID」をそれぞれのフィールドに入力します。




プレビューに満足したら、「Get Code」ボタンをクリックしてください。ポップアップ・ウィンドウが表示され、「JavaScript SDK」タブの下に2つのコード・スニペットが表示されます。


注:WPCodeの無料版では、カスタムコードスニペットを追加することができます。しかし、WPCode Proにアップグレードすると、完全なリビジョン履歴やコードのスケジュール機能などの追加機能がアンロックされます。
有効化した後、WordPressダッシュボードからCode Snippets ” Header and Footerにアクセスできます。

これを行うには、WordPress管理画面からCode Snippets ” + Add Snippetに移動します。または、WPCodeダッシュボードの「新規追加」ボタンをクリックしてください。





オープングラフは、FacebookがWordPressサイトのページや投稿に関する 情報を収集するのに役立つメタデータです。このデータには、投稿サムネイル画像、投稿/ページのタイトル、説明、投稿者が含まれます。
All In One SEO (AIOSEO)プラグインをすでに使用している場合、これは簡単に修正できます。
これを行うには、まずAll In One SEO ” ソーシャルネットワークにアクセスし、Facebookタブに切り替えます。
次に、投稿記事にオープングラフ画像がない場合は、「Upload or Select Image」ボタンをクリックして、「Default Post Facebook Image」を設定します。


次に、「Image Source(画像ソース)」設定までスクロールダウンします。そして、投稿用のオープングラフ画像を選択します。

この投稿が、WordPressにFacebookの「いいね!」ボタンを追加する方法のお役に立てば幸いです。次は、WordPressでFacebookページのレビューを表示 する方法や、WordPressで使えるソーシャルメディアプラグインをご紹介します。
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Earl Jones
I’ve added the wp-like-button to my blog pages and configured it according to directions. The like counter goes up, so I know that readers are clicking the button, but where do I find the names of these readers so that I can follow-up with them?
WPBeginner Support
At this time the plugin does not track that information.
Hi Wp Beginner
Just wanna say thank you for all the great articles!
They allready have helped me a lot, easy to understand…..Love it!
Cheers guys, keep on doing like you do
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our articles have been helpful
Hi, all.
I am using Blog Bank WordPress theme which has nicely built Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn buttons but I cannot seem to make them work as intended (refer to my respective social sites). I would like to know if there is a way to do it.
Thank you for the continual great work you are doing for us, beginners.
WPBeginner Support
You would want to reach out to your theme’s support for this issue and they should be able to let you know if it is an error with the theme itself or a method to resolve the issue.
stephen Mgbemena
Please admin, I’m using the header and footer plugin on my wordpress blog. I added the code on the footer and it’s showing the like button on the down end of my blog. Please how can I add it so it can show right after every single post. Thanks
The WordPress plugin worked perfect. Thanks for tutorial.
soshail akash
I am unable to make the plugin work on Archives
It works perfectly fine on Single Posts.
Your help would mean a lot
You said “You can leave the URL field empty, as we will dynamically fill in the URL in WordPress.”
I was expecting to article to then say what code to put in in order to dynamically fill the URL.
Does the URL fill dynamically if we leave the data-href blank, with no further action needed?
How do I show facebook like counts in the post meta.
Like this: Posted by Admin in Technology on Date | 2 comments | 5 Likes
Sandeep kumar
Jetpack plugin also offers like button.
i want change size of button to be more big
So far so good, this works.
But how can I get rid of that popup window as soon as you hit the button.
Len Vanderlinde
Have set up a personal web site (not for profit) rather then a blog using WordPress. Very impressed that I was able to do it with my very limited web knowledge. Would like to add a Facebook like button but your instructions do not work for my home page?
Thanks Len
THANK YOU. This worked like a charm. Any ideas how to do this on a page instead of just a post? Thanks!!! This is my new favorite site!
This tutorial sounds like chinese to me. You use vocabulary which assumes certain knowledge that beginners do not have.
” First open your single.php file in your theme’s folder. Then paste the following code inside your post loop:”
What does that mean?
I understand that you keep your posts short, but very often they are really too short !
question, how do i inline FB like with Google +1 and other buttons, pretty much as you did here?
Thank you,
Vishwas anand
This is my single.php file. Please tell me where to add the code.
” . __( ‘Next’, ‘twentyfifteen’ ) . ‘ ‘ .
” . __( ‘Next post:’, ‘twentyfifteen’ ) . ‘ ‘ .
‘prev_text’ => ” . __( ‘Previous’, ‘twentyfifteen’ ) . ‘ ‘ .
” . __( ‘Previous post:’, ‘twentyfifteen’ ) . ‘ ‘ .
) );
// End the loop.
Thanks so much for the tutorial! However I couldn’t seem to get the Like button to show up on post.
I’ve been pasting the iframe code in between
and (iframe code paste here)
and some other locations before the end loop but still not coming out. Please help!
Here’s the single.php file for my theme (Eryn)
Thank you!!
Sorry just realized the php didn’t come out… here it is:
Works but it is not responsive. Are there any other options for a responsive design?
Manu Raj
Thank you
I get an Error 404 page when i use the share button. Can you help me please?
Thank you to the people who asked ‘the dumb questions.’ The answers helped me sooo much. Very happy! Thanks guys.
cathal butler
Can’t get code to work…..below is copy of code from me single.php page. Where should the code be pasted
<div class="post" id="post-“>
<?php the_content('Read the rest of this entry »’); ?>
‘Pages: ‘, ‘after’ => ”, ‘next_or_number’ => ‘number’)); ?>
<?php the_tags( 'Tags: ‘, ‘, ‘, ”); ?>
WPBeginner Support
just above or below the_content() line.
Emmeline Jane
I’m currently tying to get the facebook insights to work through your code and plugin, however I can’t for the life of me figure out how to put this ‘proper’ facebook like code in…..!!
This is the code for my ‘singular.php’.. the theme I’m using is Hatch.
<div id="post-” class=””>
<?php echo apply_atomic_shortcode( 'byline', '’ . __( ‘By [entry-author] on [entry-published] [entry-edit-link before=” | “]’, ‘hatch’ ) . ” ); ?>
<?php the_content( __( 'Continue reading →’, ‘hatch’ ) ); ?>
” . __( ‘Pages:’, ‘hatch’ ), ‘after’ => ” ) ); ?>
Please let me know where to put the code! I’ve tried it every where, around the ( have_posts) etc…
WPBeginner Support
Try putting the code between post title and the_content.
How do I add a facebook “like my page” button on my posts? I saw the configuration and I have the two codes but I have no idea about Javascript, etc?? Thanks!!
Hi thanks for the tutorial! I got it to work on my site but for some reason when I “like” a post it doesn’t show up in my FB feed. Any idea if I did something wrong?
Editorial Staff
Sometimes if you excessively like posts from one site, then FB tends to temporarily block it. On the other hand, look in your activity feed to see if it is going there.
Hi, WPBeginner,
Can I ask your help. I am new of WordPress. I have a big problem on my website. Please help me how to resolve. I’m begging you. This is my website http://www.mymovietube.com and it was broken.
This is the error I received:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in /home/mymovie/public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-social-plugins/widgets/like-button.php on line 2
Please let me know how to fix this.
Thank you.
Need Help,
Editorial Staff
You need to look at this article:
Is Facebook Insigts also working with the html5 version of the like button or just with the xfbml version? Both versions are working with the same javascript.
Great article by the way. I’m going to implement that into my website. Thanks.
Editorial Staff
It should work with the HTML5 version as well.
I was wondering if you could tell me how to customize the image and description that shows on Facebook when you like the site or possibly point me to a article that discusses this, I am having the hardest time trying to figure that part out. Thanks!
Editorial Staff
Use the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin. It adds og: (Open Graph) tags in your theme. The meta description you specify for your post will then end up being the description. The post thumbnail you attach will end up functioning as the thumbnail. Hope this helps.
YES!!! This site rocks!!
Where does one find the single.php file? Sorry I know that sounds pretty dumb, but I am (sometimes)
@garrick1234 No such thing as a dumb question. You will find it in your FTP folder /wp-content/themes/yourthemename/Or in your WP-Admin go to Appearance > Editor and find it there.
How can you enable users to add their own comments to their recommendation at the time of posting?
When the user clicks, a comment box should just open. Specially if you are using the FBML version.
thank you for the layout=”button_count”!!! i’ve been looking for that everywhere!
Editorial Staff
Use WordPress SEO by Yoast and enable the social section. Or just install and activate Simple Facebook Connect… don’t have to do anything else, and it will work.
Thanks. One problem that I have is that the button doesn’t align with the Google+ and Pinterest buttons. It’s just two pixels too low compared to the other buttons. Any idea how to make them align to the same horizontal alignment?
@tingmike You can add CSS classes to make sure that it works.
Thanks this is brilliant!
Fran Dorf
Where do I find the “post loop” in the single.php file? I’ve tried pasting your code in various places and nothing happens!!!
Editorial Staff
Post loop is the code which says while have posts, the post etc. You want to post this code before the endwhile;
@Fran Dorf You have to look at while have_post, the_post
While these instructions appear straightforward, they are of no use to someone who does not know how to “open your single.php file in your theme’s folder.” While I am on the internet all the time, I have next to zero knowledge of html. I have added code before, but I need instructions on how to get to the code in the first place. I cannot find anything anywhere on wordpress about a “single.php” file. Please help. I really want readers to be able to share my posts on Facebook, Twitter, and through e-mail.
If you are unaware of how to open your single.php file, then perhaps you should utilize one of the many free plugins that add a facebook like button to your site.
Hi, I posted the code on my site and it worked. However, the friend icon is not staying. When i refresh the page, the friend icon disappears. I want all of the friend that clicked the like button to remain so I would know who clicked the like button. I need their names for the prize drawing. Can you help? Here is my code:<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=ID)); ?>&layout=standard&show_faces=true;width=450&action=like&colorscheme=light” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”20″ allowTransparency=”true” style=”border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:60px”>
sorry. I tried posting my code but showed up as that WP beginner. My apologies
your code is right… it seems like that its some sort of FB glitch that its not recording your likes.
Megan at Fiterature
Hi – this is not working for me. I copy and pasted exactly what is above into my single.php section. I am using the Twenty Eleven theme. When I Update File and then check my website…no Like button. What am I missing?
I’ve been having some headaches with this thing, all I want is a facebook like button on the homepage, I got that but the problem is that when the button is clicked it will like the most recent post and not the main page, after many attempts at the moment I have the code outside the loop, in the header so it displays pretty much everywhere, it seems that even this way when I’m on a single page the button work as supposed and likes go to the single post, my concern is the main page, I need it to like mydomain.com and not the latest post when I’m on the homepage.
@papayacansada where it says href in the code. Replace the php code with your site domain.
This worked great – thanks! I’m just having 3 issues. (1) When I like a post, it shows the following text next to the thumbnail:You may use these HTML tags and attributes: (2) I would like to have the comment box drop down when someone clicks the like button, as it does on this site and I can’t seem to find any documentation on that.
(3) I tried to access insights after installing the Open Graph plugin, but I get this error message when I try to add insights for the blog:No admin data found at root webpage http://www.firelilyphotography.com/. Insights requires admin data at this root webpage for the specified URL http://www.firelilyphotography.com/blogWhat admin data do I have to add for insights to work?
Thank you!
@jenniferdoser Ok first, you need to follow the XFBML way if you want insights, and the dropdown message box on the like buttons.Then follow this tutorial:https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-get-facebook-insights-for-your-wordpress-site/
I’m using the XFBML way and I’m still not quite there. I think the main issue is that when I first activated the plugin, I used my business page Facebook ID instead of my personal ID. I’ve since updated the ID, but I still get an error when I like a post:The app ID “73464248836” specified within the “fb:app_id” meta tag was invalid.This is my business page ID. I tried deleting the plugin and starting from scratch, but that’s not working. How can I get WP to recognize the new ID?
@wpbeginner thanks for that
For some reason i was thinking it wouldnt work. My college placed the codes for share buttons there before but when clicked they would ‘like’ all of the posts together. Maybe he didnt use the get_permalink function. Although i am sure i told him to use it. but it is working now so thank you so much…
Are you aware of a plugin or even the possibility for this… you have a blog post with the like button on it. Currently has 15 ‘likes’. Let’s say you edit your blog post with updated information. Can you force facebook to repost the blog link to the wall of the users who already ‘liked’ the post previously? (So they know it’s been updated). Hope that makes sense. Requested by a client today and I’ve never heard of such a thing!
@robolist Are you using a theme framework?? If not then it shouldn’t be very hard. Place the code above inside your loop on the index.php or loop.php or your archive.php file…
Fantastic tutorial guys… Just like all of your tutorials throughout this website, they are all very easy to follow. Great stuff
I have been developing a new blog for some time now and am working on a customised theme. We have placed several social share buttons on each post very similar to how you have suggested here. I chose to do it manually rather than using a plugin because i dont seem to be able to get exactly what i want from the plugins whether it be the correct share buttons i want or the lack of styling options with the plugin.
Placing the buttons manually allow me to use what i want and style them how i want. The only problem is, for the life of me i just cant figure out how to get the buttons to appear in the loop with the excerpt.
I would be extremely grateful if you could point me in the right direction.
Many thanks in advance.
when i add the code to single.php it only shows the like button on the new posts and not the old ones. can i add it to the old ones too?
@JustinElia This tutorial is for adding the like button for each WordPress post… if you want it to link to your facebook page, then simply change the href to facebook.com/yourfanpage
This may be a very stupid question. I am using like buttons on my site and have tried various plugins and everything,however, how does one link the facebook like button with your page on your posts? Example : I go to like a certain post on facebook on my site and it says “So and So liked http://www.bigbackpacker.com post about blah blah blah” It doesn’t link to my facebook page for my blog. I hope this isn’t too confusing and any help would be appreciated, thank you.
I uploaded the facebook like button plugin. It is on the bottom of my posts. I want it at the top of all posts. How do I change it to be at the top of post. Can’t figure that out. I hope that you haven’t answered already. I need very plain instruction. Thanks.
@seocatalysts Use the facebook like box plugin…
Thanks for inform me about how to add like facebook button? and I did it but still My confusion is that how can i show that how many people like my blog? For this problem solve any script available….Any help would be appreciate…..