


最初に行う必要があるのは、無料のAll In One SEO Liteプラグインのインストールです。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。
All In One SEO (AIOSEO)は最高のWordPress SEOプラグインで、あなたのサイトのSEOを改善するのに役立ちます。リンク追加ポップアップに追加属性を追加するために無料版が必要なだけですが、AIOSEO Proは検索エンジンの結果ページでより良いランク付けを助けるためにさらに多くの機能を提供しています。
有効化した後、AIOSEOセットアップウィザードを使用してプラグインを設定する必要があります。詳細な手順については、All In One SEO for WordPressの設定方法に関する究極のガイドをご覧ください。

このチュートリアルで、WordPressのリンク挿入ポップアップにタイトルとnofollowオプションを追加する方法をご理解いただけたでしょうか。WordPress サイトでリンクを作成、追跡、修正する方法についてのベストガイドもご覧ください:
- 初心者向けWordPressリンクの貼り方ガイド
- SEOのための内部リンク:ベストプラクティスの究極ガイド
- WordPressのベスト内部リンクプラグイン(自動+手動)
- WordPressでリンククリックとボタンクリックをトラッキングする方法(簡単な方法)
- WordPressでリンク切れを見つけ、修正する方法(ステップバイステップ)
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Dennis Muthomi
Quick question….you mentioned that SEO experts recommend using a nofollow attribute to external links.
I have a slightly different approach – the only external links that I add nofollow attributes to are affiliate links. If I’m linking out to a helpful resource like a government site (.gov), or a statistics webpage, I always use a dofollow link.
my thinking is that for truly valuable and authoritative sources, I want to pass on some link juice rather than using a nofollow.
What’s your take on this? Should I just have nofollow on all external links like most SEOs recommend, or does my method of selectively applying nofollow make sense?
WPBeginner Comments
Generally, it’s recommended to set all external links to “nofollow” for safety, and then when you have a high quality resource, you can use “dofollow”. There is no one size fits all, it just depends on your needs.
Dennis Muthomi
thank you for the clarification!
makes sense to me to use nofollow as a default for external links, but allow some dofollow juice to flow to really authoritative sites when it adds value for readers.
appreciate you taking the time to clarify – solid advice as always from the WPBeginner team!
Jiří Vaněk
I would like to ask, within the scope of SEO, if I want only external links to have the nofollow attribute. Leave internal links as they are, but set nofollow indiscriminately for all external links. I want this in order for the robot on my website not to follow external links. How to solve it? Through a snippet of code or a plugin?
WPBeginner Support
We have a guide on how to nofollow external links that you should find helpful below
Hi there,
It’s worth noting this won’t work in the Gutenberg editor.
WPBeginner Support
We’ll be sure to look into updating this article
Editorial Staff
The article has been updated to reflect a new solution which works in both Gutenberg as well as classic editor.
can this plugin slow down over website speed ?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Kulwant,
No, it doesn’t affect site speed.
I have added link of some research journals, they are like authorities. Should I keep those link as nofollow link.
best regards
I read this article today and installed the plugin, but it hasn’t been updated for the last 2 years?
Is it still a safe and good plugin to use then? Or is there a better one by now?
I have seen quite some nofollow plugins but none that include the Title as well.
Any advice would be nice :).
Great article!
WPBeginner Support
Hi John,
We reached out to the plugin author and they have updated the plugin. You can now safely install it on your website.
Hi, great tutorial!!! Can you please tell me how you added the hyperlink to the “Editorial Staff” text beneath the title?
Theodore Nwangene
This is really a very awesome tutorial,
I understand how important it is to nofollow our external links especially when its an affiliate link and thats what made this post amazing.
A friend was just asking me the other day how to easily make a link nofollow now, which other way will be easier than what you just explained here?
I’m going to forward this post to him right away and will also download the plugin as soon as possible.
Thanks for sharing.
Isn’t that simpler to add rel=”nofollow” and title manually when adding the link in the TEXT mode? I usually do this with no bother
WPBeginner Support
Yes you can do that too if you find it more convenient.
Barry Richardson
Am I assuming correctly that each link on a blog would have to be individually set? After all, we might want to “do-follow” some outbound links and “no-follow” others – or we might want to link to a different post on the same site, which typically should be “do-follow”.
WPBeginner Support
Yes this is why this plugin is helpful. You can leave the nofollow box unchecked if you want to create a dofollow link.
John D
I’very never understood why WP by default has no title attribute to set in its link dialog. Blogger had it in 2008!
WPBeginner Support
WordPress had it too. It was removed in WordPress 4.2.
Olivia Smith
Do we have to change HTML setting individually for every blog we post ?
WPBeginner Support
No, unless you want to.
Connor Rickett
The real question is, Why isn’t this isn’t a default feature in WordPress?
I mean, all it needs is a little checkbox in the link section, follow/nofollow, and, poof, powerful new feature. No muss, no fuss, barely any tears.
Mark Corder
“but you don’t want to pass away any link authority to these websites.” …
What exactly is meant by that?
It means that you don’t want search engines to pick up that link while crawling. The link is there for reference or for whatever reason, and you are not giving him your PR juice. It would be bad to have a website full of dofollow outbound links, especially if they lead to poor content website. Only leave clean links to sites that you care of and are important.
Please make a list of Perfect plugin to manage all over SEO.