






列の内側をクリックし、’Change Column Alignment’ボタンをクリックすることで変更できます:



WordPressダッシュボードにTablePressメニュー項目が表示されます。TablePress ” 新規追加で新しいテーブルを作成します。

テーブル名、行、カラムを追加したら、「Add Table」ボタンをクリックしてテーブルを作成します。







TablePress では、スプレッドシートや CSV ファイルからデータをインポートすることもできます。同様に、TablePress のテーブルデータを CSV ファイルにエクスポートし、Microsoft Excel や Google Sheets などのスプレッドシートプログラムで開くことができます。
この投稿が、HTMLを使わずにWordPressの投稿やページに表を追加する方法を学ぶのに役立てば幸いです。WordPress で目次を作成する方法や、WordPress のエキスパートが選ぶ最高のテーブルプラグインもお勧めです。
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Cannot add table to latest version of WORDPRESS
There is no +
WPBeginner Support
The + is still in the current version of WordPress, if you are using a builder or similar tool instead of the block editor, that is the most common reason why you would not see it.
I use wordpress default tables and while they work great on desktop browser, on the phone everything is messed up. It only allow like 10 characters max and turn nice table into rubbish.
Is there a way to do something with it? Like not squish but scale? Table would be smaller but readable or the same size but we can swipe it?
WPBeginner Support
It heavily depends on how your table is organized, you may want to look into TablePress for more control over the tables.
Is there a way to show html without it being rendered in the front-end ? like i wanna show in the table cell, and i want the output as however, the table is treating it as if there’s an image. How do i solve that
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on the method used but in your toolbar when you have a cell selected you should have the option of setting it as inline code for what you’re wanting to do
Warren Contreras
The table is exactly what I need, but only if you can input number and display a column sum in the botom row,
WPBeginner Support
For what you are wanting, you would want to use TablePress
Is there a way to break the long table into pages whereby users can click next
WPBeginner Support
To separate the content in your tables into different pages, you want to use TablePress and its pagination options.
The background colors don’t work because you need to backspace the quotations and type in your own quotations. I found it by accident. If someone else has already figured that out my apologies but I wasn’t going to go through over 100 comments to check.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for sharing that should someone run into the background color not working for them
Andre Victor
Hi. I have an existing table with data of 6 columns and 750 rows. It would be difficult to re-type into blank table in WordPress page. Please advise how I can either import the entire table (can be Excel or Word) or copy and paste the cells’ contents into blank table.
WPBeginner Support
You would want to take a look at TablePress and the import options available to bring in your table.
Hi! I am wondering if it is possible to simply copy->paste a table from an existing document into WordPress? I have tried this and it doesn’t appear to work, but I am wondering if there is a trick to it that I am missing. Thanks!
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on the document but we would normally recommend recreating the table in WordPress
Hi! I want to learn more about WordPress!!
WPBeginner Support
Our site should be able to help you then
Jim Gharib
Classic editor does have table functionality and a plugin is not needed when using that editor. Check it out.
WPBeginner Support
You would need to use a plugin to enable the classic editor and normally that would require using HTML
Matthews Otalike
Oh my word, thanks for the guidance on creating tables on WordPress and other resources you have been availing to us. Kudos to you.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful
Helpful post that I can use in my personal finance and financial independence blog.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you
Monique Robinson
Great article and great plugin. Straight and to the point. Thanks very much.
WPBeginner Support
Glad you liked our article
Annapurna agrawal
I have installed the tablepress plugin.
i have issue for user capability. In the user role plugin, i haven’t granted permission to “edit_other_user_tables”. But my contributor user role can still edit other’s table and delete it as well.
How should i avoid access to other’s table?
WPBeginner Support
You would want to reach out to TablePress to see if there is a built-in or recommended method for preventing editing of other tables.
Nabil Nawaz
Great article.. how can we make parent child in this ? like 1st column’s 1st cell is parent cell and next to it we have information for it’s child info.. like three rows are need to be explained for that 1st cell next to it
sumit kumar gupta
Sir when we click on the TablePress option in Visual editor then only list of table is showing in front of me. No Table creation option is available in Visual Editor. What should I do for create a new table in Post editor?
Wyce Ghiacy
Thanks for the video.
What would you recommend to embed a formatted Excel sheet and collect data from registered WP users? (Like monthly usage reports, and the excel sheet also calculates the quarterly/yearly usage)
Louise Wooding
Thank you for the video. I have created my table and chose Insert Image in one of the cells. It did let me choose the image but it then entered the URL to it rather than the image itself. Have I missed out a step??
Thank you.
Tom Cullen
Awesome Share, thank you!
This is a nice article boss.
Thanks for sharing.
But I do have a question.
Is there no plugin I can install that can bring the insert table option into the icons on my wordpress post?
Thanks as I await a reply
Ravi Kanani
I want to add a table of specification in which first column is same for all post and second column is different.
How can I add this type of table in post??
Susan Hawthorne
It would be very nice if, in the article about TAblePress it said that you have to upgrade to a business plan to use a plugin!!!!!!!!!!!!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Susan,
You are probably using WordPress.com. Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted WordPress.org vs free WordPress.com blog.
Is there any way to bold some lines of text in the table? Its all plain text, wish there was an easy way to add bold text
just add an html text at the word
Michael Carter
Actually, you can use CSS if you are ok with it. Use The words you want to emphasize …
banks dada
Thanks a million for this plugin. All i needed was to prepare the list on excel and import it into wordpress.
Sweet and time saving tool.
Bless you guys for this piece
Hi, I would like to create links in the table that forward to another page and pass the row number through or any field from the row. How would I do this?
Options I can think of which are not straight forward
1) Use localStorage\sessionStorage
2) Pass the value in the URL but then the next page needs to read this on load – maybe not a bad idea ?
Molly Greger
Wow! such a fantastic tool!! BUT: the colors are so pale I cant see a thing?? How can I change the colors fo rows/columns?
Thank you……This is helpful to me up to some extent. I satisfied with your post.
Alex Nicholson
Think this only works for users of WordPress.org. Is there any similar guide for those like me who use WordPress.com especially where I can use a coloured background to the cells in a table?
I was trying to make an interactive table similar to this that would use a query picking data from a database.
I am using wordpress with a mysql/phpmyadmin database.
My query works in phpmyadmin but does not show values in wordpress?
SELECT * FROM `MyTablename` WHERE 1
Do i need to use a list or print command or database name?
Jhon Carl
I am having the same issue with you. Did you find a way to this already?
I would definitely recommend this plugin. A reminder to blogger when moving from one hosting service to another: don’t forget to back up the tables. There’s no way to recover the data. And if you know how can you share the info.
I recently was struggling to figure out how to add good-looking tables so this will be very helpful, thank you for publishing this.
WPBeginner Support
You are welcome
Omar Khan
How to create tables on tag/category page
Paco Gimenez
Hi guys,
Thank you very much for support.
This tablepress is interesting.
I was looking a system to do something like that:
In i have a table with some information and colums. table1 for example.
I want when i press some region in my map, i can load an url, like /map#section
Can i do something like load same table in another order? by some colum o something? instead of click in a column, click in a region and load the same url but with the “#” of this table in the order required.
Thank you very much for support.
Ben K
Thought about updating the screenshots on this article?
Thanks WP. You guys are the best! 4.5stars
Thanks for the info. I was wondering if the shortcode will have any SEO value. Is it likely that a table displayed with a shortcode will appear in Google Featured Snippet?
Harindu Perera
How to show grid lines in TablePress???
Many thanks. This made things so clear.
Can Erik
Great article. Thank you very much. Easy to install and understand to use. Cheers!
mangi khumakcham
Good table plugin but not mobile friendly.
The table right side get clipped in mobile view.
Can someone show me, how I can create dynamic table?
I am new to WordPress. I like to maintain a database of gadgets say phones. I want an interface for me as admin to enter the specs and a picture of the item. For users, they will have the option to filter by brand and also compare 2 or more of these gadgets in a table format. They should also query an item and see all the specs in a table format. Please advice as to how this can be easily managed or maybe you have an article already for this!?
Stephen Ainsworth
Amazing people don’t know how to use
and have to use a plugin. Sigh.
Noman S Baranian
That is nice thing to learn and gain.. nice blog
Thanks for this! Now, how do I...
Please, other readers, don’t be to harsh with me (especially using the R word). I am very new to all of this and feel successful in creating my first table. Now, how do I change the look and feel of the text in the table? I am using it to link to materials contained further on the page and highlight important pieces.
a guy
You need to use CSS. There’s a bit of a learning curve to all this (in your case, you might want to style the table, rows, table cells, paragraphs in table cells, links, hover effects etc etc), so only start if it’s really important.
Tablepress - warning
I just lost a Table that I created using Tablepress. I don’t know how it was deleted, but I also just found out that there is no way to recover a deleted table. Since I don’t know how the table was deleted, I am worried about relying on Tablepress.
WPBeginner Support
If you have a backup plugin in place then you can recover your table by restoring to an earlier backup.
We don’t think it is a plugin issue.
Great! Great! Just what I was looking for! Thanks a million
Is it me or WordPress is retarded? I mean any WYSIWYG editor can do a table on the fly these days, but the biggest CMS can’t? I must be missing something here, but using a plugin or iframes is so much trouble for a simple table… I’ll code it myself.
Vituz Andersen
David,- I am with you. I dont get it. My first HTML editor back in 1998 had tables…. how come it has become easy to make a CMS based website, but you cant make a table…. Hellooooooo!!
Hi David,
I initially wanted to code it in myself, but wordpress kept formatting my table all over the place. Is there a specific was to use HTML in a page?
Many Thanks
Sirje Koop Palmqvist
I copied a table from Word into WordPress and the code is neat and clean. It works well. Now I want to try the same table with the FooTable plugin to make it responsive, althought it already is responsive in a way. Thought that a webdesigner keeps the material on the local computer anyway and thus can make changes in Word and replace the table in WP. This might be cheating but it works. Sirje
TablePress is an amazing plugin.
Thank you for this post.
Actually today I downloaded it and already donated some money to their team.
Have a fantastic day everyone.
Use it with FooTable to make it Responsive. They both support each other. Perfect!
Is there any way to remove the table lines from showing?
The problems with plugins like this is that if you ever abandon the plugin the content linked to that plugin is busted across your entire site.
While very slick plugin I try to minimize my database dependency on them as much as possible.
WPBeginner Support
Neal, you are right about that. However, TablePress uses custom post types for tables. This means your tables are stored in the database even if you deactivate the plugin. You can still export the data.