
- Pricing and Costs
- Ease of Use Comparison
- Design and Layout in Wix vs. WordPress
- Plugins and Apps
- Wix vs. WordPress – Which One is Better for Blogging?
- Wix vs. WordPress eCommerce Comparison
- Data Portability Options in Wix vs. WordPress
- Final Verdict: Wix vs. WordPress – Which One is Better?
- Frequently Asked Questions – Wix vs. WordPress


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例えば、SeedProdや Diviのようなページビルダーを使えば、コードを書くことなく完全にカスタムサイトを構築することができる。






Wix vs WordPress – ブログを書くならどっち?



Wix Storesでは、独自のネイティブ決済システムを使用して支払いを受け入れることも、サードパーティのアプリを使用してPayPal、Authorize.Netなどのさまざまな決済ゲートウェイに接続することもできます。
Wix Paymentsを使用する場合、取引額の2.9% + アメリカ地域の0.30 USDが請求されます。より多くの商品を販売するにつれ、この処理手数料はかなりの金額となります。

また、WordPressのプラグインEasy Digital Downloadsを使って、eBook、音楽、ソフトウェアライセンスなどのデジタルダウンロードを販売することもできます。
適切なオンラインストアを構築し、成長に備えたいのであれば、WordPress + WooCommerceは、Wixと比較して、より多くの柔軟性、自由度、選択肢を提供します。

最終結論:Wix vs WordPress – どちらが優れているか?
よくある質問 – WixとWordPressの比較
- Wixにソフトウェアをインストールしたり、更新を管理する必要はありません。
- よりシンプルで使いやすいインターフェースでサイトを編集できる。
- Wixはホスティングサービスなので、バックアップやセキュリティを心配する必要はありません。
- Wixは長期的に見ればWordPressより高い。
- WordPressと比較すると、機能的には非常に限られている。
- デザインの選択肢が少なく、サードパーティとの統合もできない。
- eコマースとビジネス機能は、Shopifyや WooCommerceのような他のプラットフォームが提供するものには到底及ばない。
5.どちらがSEOに優れているか:Wix vs. WordPress?
WordPressのランキングを向上させるには、All In One SEO(AIOSEO) プラグインの使用をお勧めします。
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Moinuddin Waheed
I have used wix free plan and can say that it offers very flexibility when to comes to drag and drop page building.
But it comes with a cost, one can not run a blog or buisness website on the free plan. there are much limitations and free ads which will ruin visitors peace of mind.
whereas wordpress comes tons of options with minimal investment.
one can start a blog or website with just a pocket money and scale into a huge business.
Thanks wpbeginner for bringing this comparison. it helps a lot knowing different platforms.
Wonderfully detailed article on pros and cons. It is obvious you took the time to reseach and lay it out for the average reader like myself. Thank you!
WPBeginner Support
Glad you felt our comparison was helpful!
What if I’m looking for a solution that is simple to write articles only.
I don’t have time for updating and other technical work. I just want to write an article, upload a photo and not be interested in the rest. What will be better?
WPBeginner Support
That would depend on your comfort level with each, both can handle what you are asking about roughly the same as a WordPress tutorial site we prefer and normally recommend WordPress.
Well, after reading these various comments, I consider returning to WordPress. I’ve tried both. I am left with the same feeling that someone writes. Wix is easy to use but has major shortcomings. And not to mention hidden expenses that pop up that are really annoying. WordPress is more demanding to get acquainted with, but I think it pays off in the long run.
WPBeginner Support
If you do decide to return, we hope you find our guides helpful!
But which one you used for this site ????
WPBeginner Support
We use WordPress, you can learn about our site on our blueprint page below:
Just moved over from wix to WP.
Wix was visually appealing, however, WP functions at a superior level.
I have a lot to learn, but the speed of the WP loading time is way better by far.
Looking to learn the ins and outs of WP.
WPBeginner Support
Glad you’re enjoying WordPress, we hope our tutorials are able to help you learn anything you’re having trouble with
WordPress is much better then Wix, but, can you create a business intranet (collaboration tool for employees only) using WordPress?
WPBeginner Support
We have a guide on how to do that below:
I was actually looking for it , thanks.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome
now i was looking for this
WPBeginner Support
Glad our article was what you were looking for
I love this site, ty for this informative post
P.S keep up the good work!
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad you found our posts helpful
Mike Keiser
Very informative article. It contained a great deal of clear information and answered some questions for me. Well done!
WPBeginner Support
Thank you, glad you found our article informative
Martin Ruskov
Very good content kept me engaged until the very end without skipping a single sentence.
Thank you for the amazing comparison. I now do feel a lot more confident to start my second website with WordPress again. I am looking to build something like an online magazine.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad you like our content
The Indian Nomad
I have a Wix site and I am ok with it. I had purchased a WordPress account as well but the learning curve was really high. So shifted to a Wix site and it is solving my requirements. Only downside is that the entire webpage loads at once, so the website may seem a little slow compared to wordpress sites.
WPBeginner Support
Learning a new method to create a site can be difficult once you know one method already. Hopefully in the future you’re willing to try WordPress again
A few probably really stupid questions:
1) Is there any way to build a wordpress site before you actually invest in getting a server to just try it out without publishing or going live or what have ya? See how it would look a test the possibilities?
2) These services and cheap plans you mention that you have struck deals with to get good prices for WP creators, I am assuming those are shared servers with also limited control over many things you can do with your site being on their shared server. What kind of server does WP require?
WPBeginner Support
1. You could create a local installation using the method from our article here:
2. Shared servers don’t limit what you can do other than how large the site can be before needing to upgrade your plan to handle the load of the site. For the WordPress requirements, you would want to take a look at our page here:
One of your “really stupid questions” is my favourite question and the one I’ve been wanting to ask for awhile now! Thank you for asking it!
WordPress wins all the time with me. Not an IT geek, but I can easily use and create a half decent site using WordPress.com. The problem is deciding what theme to use as there are so many good ones.
WPBeginner Support
Glad you’ve been enjoying using WordPress
I have used both Wix and WordPress and there is no comparison between the two. If you need a flexible and scalable platform , then WordPress is the platform. With tons of free plugins and themes in WordPress repository, you will be able to make your website look the way you want.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for sharing your opinion
Jo Far
Just beginning research on making a small business webpage. This was very helpful, especially the comments from those who’ve used both….able to compare both in a way that seemed more objective.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our article and the recommendations from the community could help
Wix is waaaaay easier to use. Sure, WordPress has more plugins, but they’re confusing to use, not all of them work together, and the price adds up as you need more an more plugins to do what you need.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for your feedback, not all WordPress plugins require a purchase but it is an understandable concern
Mark Harris
For photographers, for example, Wix is a LOT easier to setup and get fantastic looking portfolios.
WordPress all they way.
Maybe if Wix tones down on their annoying ads I may have a look, but its very of putting.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for sharing your opinion
I have used both but wordpress if far better and flexible compare to redefine formats of wix.
Also coding flexibility and customization where wix in many corners fails. This is the reason i switch to wordpress from wix
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for your added input on this
Lex Dunn
I have used both wordpress and wix. My feeling is that I would choose wordpress again only if I was threatened to have bamboo shoots imbedded under my fingernails. It is beyond awkward to use, virtually impossible to design it the way you want and looked totally different on Safari than it did on Chrome. It’s clunky and ugly. Wix is easy, elegant and, yes Virginia, you can have your own URL if you select to host your site with them. You have to pay to host your site with somebody, anyway. For me, there is no comparison. Just because something is more popular doesn’t make it better – Madonna had bigger sales than Aretha Franklyn … I rest my case.
Thank you for sharing this. It was a great help.
Looking at the comparison between Wix and wordpress, wordpress is the outstanding platform to build a website because the interface is user friendly. An d it enable its user to customize their website with the help of plugins and widgets on like Wix it does not provide these features.
Fairly unfair to compare Wix vs WordPress dot org, and just assume more is better (themes & plugins). Would be a much better comparison with WordPress dot com as surely that is what Wix is comparable to?
Sutalesia John
After endlessly reading about blogging I decided to go with wordpress dot com and will gradually transfer to wordpress dot org when i have enough money to do so. So many thing to ponder and to do but i think by making this decision i will help me grow seamlessl6y without any major hassle in the future. Thank you for the post. It really is a major help for me.
Hi, I understand the advantages of wordpress – which is the default platform chosen by most bloggers. Still, I’m surprised by some comments, as I tried free workpress and found it ugly and hardwork, not user-friendly at all (I’m used to customise platforms for private communities) and I tried Wix and loved the templates, found it super-easy to customise them, to supervise its mobile version (someone said here that it’s not developed when it’s really easy to manage both versions and spot what doesn’t work on mobile), and reasonable in price by comparison (I have an ecommerce platform with a limit on how many products I can sell for £10 a month). I am aware that I couldn’t move my site to another platform and I did buy a domain as well – a year ago it was far cheaper for me to buy these features here than in squarespace, which I don’t recommend either. I see the potential for growth that wordpress offers but you have to get there first and pay for it while you grow too. I don’t know whether different people find different platform designs easier, to me wordpress was hard work and it looked ugly, while wix templates were much nicer and flexible. The only thing I’d say is that I choose the manual option over the AI one, which I found a nightmare in Wix. I had my website there for a year, people like it and I had never had server problems.
I am very disillusioned with wix and am thinking of cancelling after reading all these glowing reviews on various sites I chose them, it took me ages to work out how to do the site in the first place, there were several reviews saying no hidden costs, utter rubbish when I signed up it came up with different options I chose ecommerce and paid for the month when I had almost finished it they contacted me to say I had to upgrade if I wanted to sell anything on it even though that is what I paid for in the first place, and then you have to buy a domain separately because the domain name they gave me was my email address which is a ridiculous thing, they charge quite a bit for their domain name usage, then there is the fee for having the payment option with them which does work out quite a lot if added up, wix I think is a bit of a rip off and not very good, this is the English site I am referring to and the prices are a lot dearer than the American site
Stan Moore
Word press is far superior and deiivers much better solutions than Wix. Wix has many hidden charges which do not become evident until you actually subscribe to designing a website with them… the third party developers charge over the top prices for poorly designed plug ins. Wix should monitor these designers more closely and and only allow well designed apps at more realistic prices.
I do NOT know code nor am tech savvy… after reading the article, I decided to go with WIX; but after reading all the comments, I decided to go with WordPress… and hope i can do what I need there without having to pay smart-tech people for endless help.
George Websst
You have probably already seen that WP.org environment it’s not much different than the one you described for Wix
Daniel Russell
ONE thing that wasn’t mentioned here is that with Wix your site is NOT mobile friendly. You have to adjust each and every page you build in their “mobile editor ” which is a pain in the ass. I own a construction company and have been using Wix for several years now for our company website. After doing the research on WordPress I am making the switch. Basically having to start from scratch because Wix sites CANNOT be transferred to WordPress.
Michael Bryner
Another downside to Wix is you still pay high price of their top price of almost $30 a month and total of 50gb space, which today is very low, especially when using images on a website or doing a blog. For big sites, that is a little pricey for shared hosting. You can do a heck of a lot better and cheaper else where. WordPress and on hosting site is even cheaper and more flexible too. Hell, there is even hosting for WordPress and more space and bandwidth, than what Wix offers. Wix to me is very limited for almost $30 a month premium.
Good job, you saved me time with your article
Cheryl Haynes
Thanks for the article, I had wondered at this when I signed up with Wix. I will more than likely go ahead and switch to WordPress… Wix is really easy to use but since I have just started playing with it to get an idea of how I want my page laid out, with all this advice and advice from a friend of mine that uses WordPress, I think I will go ahead and make that change.
I have tried both and I think wix is better, but now I made my personal page very easy, quickly and for free with site pro
I realy enjoyed creating my website and recomend to try it.
Most reviews you find about how fabulous WIX is, are fake.
WIX also pays bloggers to endorse their product. So when you go on a tech site doing a review on WIX, it is normally pro WIX.
Just keep in mind that you DO NOT have ownership of your website when using WIX.
You have 100% ownership of your website on wordpress
Hi Tara, does it mean I would not have the ownership on the contents I publish on my website as well?
Chris McElroy
Make sure you back up all of your content if you’re using Wix. Violate their terms of service and they can close it down and you won’t have access.
With WordPress and your own domain, you own everything and you write your own terms of service.
There are 0 upsides to running your business through Wix vs WordPress on your own domain.
Dia Patatoukos
Wix code base is not optimal for SEO and does not allow the control necessary for ongoing search engine marketing. So regardless of the inability to scale the website, even a small business needs to be competitive in search results. If your business can not be found in search then there is no point in building a website at all. Wix haven’t gotten any better either. For less cost than a premium Wix plan, you can have a WordPress website, self hosted that will perform in search results and will also grow with your business.
I thought this as well. But there is information out there dispelling this myth. Google search “wix vs wordpress seo” and notice that within the top 3-4 results they give clear indication as to how little significance a particular website builder has on search engine rankings.
No Google does not favor what type of website builder you use.
However, the search engine factors in everything – including speed, the type of content whether its relevant to your industry, keywords and description, your domain authority, headlines, pictures, headlines, categories, tags, etc.
WordPress also have many great tools and plugins to insure your site is fully optimized for SEO.
Wix doesn’t offer such tools to what WordPress has available. There is a reason why the top bloggers recommend and use WordPress. Google just loves WordPress because of integrated, supported and premium features thats dedicated to ranking on Google. Wix is lacking in this regard.
Thus WordPress wins hands down in this regard.
Im a graphic designer that makes easy sites that dont need huge SEOs and sing ins. For example, To make a site for a restaurant or a freelance photographer that needs only pictures and text, WIX wins by far. Simple and neat.
Its like comparing apples and oranges or better yet APPLE and PCs.
Sameer Panda
I was using Wix previously, I shifted to WordPress last year. WordPress is much more cheaper and featured than Wix.
Hi Sameer, Thanks for your comment! When you shift your website from Wix to WordPress, did you take your domain over too? I am curious because I am just in an middle of creating a site using Wix, but looks like in the long run, I will be better off with WordPress
I don’t need a feature to accommodate E-commerce, just something people can book my coaching sessions. Thanks for any help or suggestions.
Michael Bryner
You are right about WordPress cheaper and I never used Wix even once. Just seeing their prices is obvious. Just look for a hosting for WordPress and you will be paying a lot less. Your site will also expand to heck of a lot bigger too for cheaper.
Greg Schudel
What about WordPress Vs. SquareSpace? Or The Grid? That would be an interesting comparison, yes?
WPBeginner Support
See our comparison of WordPress vs SquareSpace.
Michael Bryner
Just looking at the pricing for Squarespace is enticing for a personal or business site. Unlimited space is a catcher there. The only problem or thing to worry about is shared hosting is there plans, and if your site gets really busy, then probably start upping the price. Same goes for WordPress on web hosting companies. I never used Squarespace but with using WordPress, and not on paid hosting. WordPress is still my first choice, even when I do have money to pay for a website. WordPress is so universal to all coding, it is that nice. Anything that has their own built site builder, more likely is not as easy as WordPress.
Brian Loebig
Another element that was not addressed in the article is about security. WP is the most hacked platform on earth. Wix wins on that front and the thousands of plugins available for WP are a very mixed bag. Some will bring your site crashing to its knees, not function as advertised, or end up not being supported by the original developer over time. Wix apps are more likely to be safe and supported since they are integrated into the CMS. That being said, I still think a thoughtfully designed WP site with careful consideration of the webhost, apps and theme is often a better solution, but at a significantly higher cost and learning curve than Wix. (my 2 cents).
This maybe the case because its also the most popular platform in the world by far. If you are a hacker why would you concentrate on small fish?
Wix is limited – you cant make your wix site any faster. You cant change many things because it breaks the back end. Its hard to make your website with custom functions. You cant run multiple logins to modify different parts of your site from different users. You cant create accounts. As a small time user of websites you might not think it significant.
But when you need your site to perform, to allow multiple levels of security for editing, to be able to fine tune SEO and to make your site run like a freight train through tuned hosting and actually create custom databases and functions – then wordpress and other opensource cms kill wix
Michael Bryner
There is so many things you can do to protect WordPress, it is just so many people make a big deal about the security.
If you don’t need security than Wix is the way to go. Because its nothing more than a simple website that really doesn’t need to be secured.
However, if you really need security because your running an online store and accept online payments, then WordPress is the way to go. Thats because you can add so many different ways to protect your website that it also hacker proof.
Many WordPress sites get hacked because someone didn’t protect their site and its their fault. Its not the fault of WordPress.
A very important feature is that you have the design WP “always”, whereas with Wix, you lose if you do not continue with the hosting.
I think wordpress is easier than wix as throgh wordpress we can create websites manually.
A somewhat superficial article and, though containing fair conclusions, hardly subjective since you guys are in the WordPress business and not in the Wix business.
Agreed Gerard.
Bud Hines
This is good information to know for those of us who are not familiar with either of these products. Further, it provides us with the true cost and limitations of Wix and the strengths of WP.
Thank you for providing this comparison.
Well said there. I’ve been curious to know what is Wix all about. I’ve seen its adds all around adsense and wonder those it superior to WordPress? Or blogspot?
For beginner, yes it will be the best. But wordpress learning curve isn’t that hard. The beginner just need a real teacher teaching them the real way of handling wordpress.
Michael Bryner
You don’t need a teacher for WordPress, it is that easy to use. If you need a teacher for it, then something is wrong with that person. I started without even asking questions or anything and it was installed and ran just perfectly. WordPress to me is the easiest platform and looks awesome with any theme.
Mohsin Alam
Wix is easy drag & drop system but has limited feature, where WP has unlimited possibility! It better not compare between Wix & WordPress.
It’s better to compare Wix with other platform like Weebly, Webs, Webdone Etc
I was hoping to see something on Wix security.
I just cancelled my Wix account because all my products disappeared. I contacted them and they said it looks like I deleted them. More importantly, they couldn’t get them back. I started adding products again just to see those disappear a couple days later. What I found really strange was that I lost the product app. I compared my site to a template I downloaded and I lost quite a few tools. They did an update on November 1st and this started happening on the 2nd. Again, they couldn’t help and said it looked like it was the fault of the user. I thought, maybe I did delete weeks of work accidentally but when it happened again and I lost access to their tools, I knew it wasn’t me. I don’t feel secure using them anymore.
I looked at Wix for a minute, but it’s just doesn’t have the power of WordPress, and dismissed it.
Kheti Nada
“While Wix offers an easy to use website builder …” You said it all and I guess that’s what almost all WordPress users and newbies are looking for. It’s not everyone who can code. Please hurry, WordPress!
Thanks for the comparison.
Jowett Go
This comparison really just make me laugh… wordpress is far superior than wix.
In my opinion, Wix is for those non-developers or people who really don’t have any background of how the web works and how one can put up a site. There are a lot of PAID APPS/PLUGINS in WIx that you can get for free in wordpress. Plus, highly customizable. Almost every steps you do in wix to put your site up live needs to be paid. meh.
And oh, I hate how wix restricts people to add codes in any webpage you create in wix. Codes such as google verification, and some scripts such as abandonaid and such.