この投稿では、ウェブホスティングによる PHP の更新が WordPress サイトにどのような影響を与えるかを説明します。また、サイトの競合やダウンタイムを避けるためにできることについても説明します。

あなたのサイトが使用しているPHPのバージョンは、ツール ” サイトの健全性 ページに行き、「情報」タブに切り替えることで確認できます。


注意:このセクションにPHP 7.4以下と表示されている場合は、PHPのバージョンを更新する必要があります。
しかし、彼らはまた、大きく遅れを取りたくないと考えている。現在、PHP 7.4.+が最低必要バージョンであり、PHP 8.0+が一般的に推奨されている。


このガイドで、ウェブホスティングサービスによる PHP の更新が WordPress サイトにどのような影響を与えるかをご理解いただけたと思います。また、WordPress サイトの健全性ガイドやWordPress サイトのセキュリティを維持するためのチュートリアルもご覧ください。
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Moinuddin Waheed
updating to the latest version of php may cause to break the website and cause several other problems.
I have faced this issue and asked my hosting provider to update it for me. This solved the issue .
Thanks wpbeginner for bringing this to our attention. This is really a very serious cause of concern for many who gets in trouble by updating php version without taking backup or other considerations.
Rosemary Lafferty
Excellent explanation, thank you
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful!
I don’t understand. I have notice on dashboard “PHP Update required”. You wrote above “This is why we recommend our users to choose the best WordPress hosting, so they know that there are top-notch engineers who are looking after those servers.”. I have bluehost, top one recommended by you. And what next?
WPBeginner Support
If you reach out to their support they can update your PHP for you. Hosts will set you up with the up to date versions of PHP but they don’t always update the PHP without you reaching out to ensure nothing is broken on your site should you still need to use an older version of PHP.
Miley Cyrus
Interesting article….
WPBeginner Support
Thank you
Thanks for such useful articles by your excellent editorial staff.
I would really appreciate if you could let us know as to which PHP handler is being used on this website – Really impressive that WPB loads fast even with such high traffic.
As per info available on this topic DSO is supposed to be faster than suPHP, but it is really unclear as to how fast DSO is in comparison to suPHP (secure, stable and works well with wordpress).
This is an important criterion for a beginner with a limited budget who has so many starting expenses. But it should not be the main guiding force. In the long run, cheap may not necessarily be the most economical. If the level of services is good then a little investment will pay for itself through better performance. Look for web hosting plans offered by affordable companies which provide quality with reasonable rates for web hosting.
Perfect timing; I just got that same email a couple weeks ago. BTW, I’ve started referring my clients to your website for tutorials. Fantastic content .
Thank you.
Do you have a current article on good hosting? Your archived article from 2009 is outdated and recommends host gator!
WPBeginner Support
Yes we still recommend HostGator.
Carole Rains
The PHP update by Bluehost broke the checkout page on my WordPress site. Items added to the cart did show up in the cart page at checkout, but the cart icon in my header said the cart was empty. In addition, when the button for “enter credit card info” is clicked, it triggers an error message that says invalid shipping method. Bluehost agreed to switch me back to PHP 5.2 temporarily, but said at some (undetermined) point in the near future they will switch to the new version regardless.
Any suggestions on how I can fix this?
Marilyn Lesniak
When I updated my pho to the newest versuon, I only got 1 problem. When I open posts and click on tags I receive this message.:
How do I fix this? Thx!
Jan Reilink
(as sent via Twitter)
It’s not PHP updates that break WordPress websites or plugins. It’s not updating WordPress (or plugins) that breaks when PHP is updated… BTW, the WordPress core and most plugins I use run perfect with PHP 5.5.
Most hosting providers will keep an older PHP version available for customers to temporarily switch back to when something goes wrong. Where I work, 5.4.* is the default and both 5.5* and 5.3* are available. Version 5.3 until PHP drops the support for security updates.
So, always check with your hosting provider first if that is possible before getting angry with your hosting provider…
For as far as I know, a lot of hosting companies configured PHP in a way that lets you set up custom configuration settings through .user.ini files: http://www.php.net/manual/en/configuration.file.per-user.php. When all error reporting and/or displaying is disabled, you can easily enable the logging and/or displaying of errors:
log_errors = On
error_log = “/path/to/your/logfile.txt”
display_errors = On
This will ease the fixing of older, poorly maintained plugins.
Another item to watch out of is that plugins and other applications that have been protected with older versions of Ioncube might stop working when the PHP version is changed. The developer of the plugin or application needs to update their Ioncube protection first.
Once you make the change, you need to make a list of all the plugins & applications you are using and go through then one by one to check for functionality with the new php.
That said, I am running bleeding edge PHP with the latest WP and apart from applications that were protected with old Ioncube versions, everything is running smoothly.
I’ve noticed my host allow me to choose what version of PHP I want to use for each site hosted on a shared account. After reading this I will use that option with caution.