Zdecydowanie zalecamy, aby nigdy nie wysyłać wiadomości e-mail z newsletterem bezpośrednio z witryny WordPress.
Podczas gdy niektóre wtyczki WordPress umożliwiają wysyłanie wiadomości e-mail za pomocą wbudowanej funkcji poczty PHP WordPress, podejście to wiąże się z poważnymi problemami. Wiadomości e-mail mogą zostać niedostarczone lub wysłane do spamu, a wydajność i bezpieczeństwo witryny mogą zostać naruszone, co może prowadzić do awarii.
Dlatego korzystamy z dedykowanego dostawcy usług e-mail, który specjalizuje się w obsłudze newsletterów. Przez wiele lat używaliśmy Mailchimp do wysyłania naszych dwutygodniowych biuletynów e-mailowych, a od końca 2023 roku korzystamy z Drip.
W tym artykule wyjaśnimy, dlaczego jest to zły pomysł i dlaczego nigdy nie należy używać WordPressa do wysyłania newsletterów.

Dlaczego powinieneś poważnie traktować swoją listę mailingową?
Twoja lista mailingowa jest jednym z najbardziej niezawodnych narzędzi komunikacji. Pomaga sprowadzić użytkowników z powrotem na twoją witrynę internetową WordPress, co może prowadzić do większej sprzedaży, leadów i konwersji.
Jeśli jeszcze tego nie robisz, to powinieneś od razu zacząć budować swoją listę mailing ową.
Zauważysz, że prawie każdy poważny marketer, bloger i ekspert biznesowy zaleci korzystanie z usługi e-mail marketingu, takiej jak Constant Contact, Brevo (dawniej Sendinblue), HubSpot lub Omnisend, zamiast korzystania z WordPressa do wysyłania biuletynów e-mail.
Teraz możesz się zastanawiać, skoro WordPress może sam wysyłać e-maile, to dlaczego miałbyś używać do tego zewnętrznej usługi?
Przyjrzyjmy się dlaczego.

Kiedy wysyłasz e-maile za pomocą wtyczki newslettera, która opiera się na PHP i funkcjach e-mail WordPressa, istnieje duże prawdopodobieństwo, że twoje e-maile wylądują w katalogu spamu użytkownika.
Dostawcy poczty e-mail, tacy jak Gmail i Outlook, mają narzędzia antyspamowe, które oznaczą twój e-mail jako spam z wielu powodów.
Na przykład, serwer e-mail odbierający twój e-mail będzie szukał rekordu SPF, aby określić, czy serwer wysyłający jest uprawniony do wysyłania wiadomości. Będzie również szukał podejrzanych zachowań, słów i fraz, aby wykluczyć spam.
Narzędzia wyłapujące spam będą również sprawdzać swoje bazy danych pod kątem podejrzanych adresów IP. Na współdzielonym hostingu WordPress twoja witryna współdzieli ten sam adres IP serwera z kilkoma innymi witrynami.
Wszelkie oznaki nadużyć ze strony jednej osoby na tym serwerze mogą uruchomić bazy danych wyłapujące spam, co sprawi, że dostarczanie twojego e-maila stanie się wątpliwe.
Istnieje niezliczona liczba innych czynników, które są sprawdzane przez algorytmy przechwytujące spam, a spełnienie ich wszystkich jest bardzo trudne.
Z drugiej strony, profesjonalni dostawcy usług e-mail marketingu pracują dzień i noc, aby upewnić się, że ich e-maile są dostarczane do skrzynek odbiorczych twoich użytkowników.

Stosują one ścisły zestaw reguł do wszystkich wychodzących e-maili, aby zapewnić, że dotrą one do skrzynki odbiorczej użytkownika, a nie do spamu.
Mają wysoko wykwalifikowanych inżynierów, programistów i personel pomocy technicznej, którzy pracują przez całą dobę, aby to umożliwić. Są również zatwierdzonymi i znanymi dostawcami usług poczty masowej dla większości głównych dostawców usług internetowych i usług e-mail. Gdy serwer pocztowy użytkownika otrzymuje wiadomość e-mail z serwera znajdującego się na białej liście, wie, że jest ona niezawodna i nie jest spamem.
Sama niezawodność i dostarczalność jest najważniejszym czynnikiem, który powinien wystarczyć, aby przekonać cię do skorzystania z profesjonalnej usługi newslettera.
Limity e-mail i opóźnienia

Wiele firm zajmujących się hostingiem WordPress udostępnia usługi e-mail, które mogą być używane do szybkiego biznesowego adresu e-mail lub do wysyłania resetowania hasła WordPress i innych ważnych powiadomień.
Uważają, że masowe wysyłanie e-maili jest nadużywaniem ich serwerów pocztowych i mają ścisłe ograniczenia liczby e-maili, które można wysłać jednocześnie.
Teraz możliwe jest, że twoja wtyczka newslettera lub skrypt będzie próbował kolejkować wychodzące wiadomości e-mail. Ale w końcu twój dostawca hostingu wyłapie i zablokuje te procesy.
Mogą nawet zawiesić twoje konto hostingowe za naruszenie ich warunków świadczenia usług.
Z drugiej strony, gdy korzystasz z profesjonalnej usługi e-mail marketingu, nie musisz martwić się o te ograniczenia.
Mają serwery rozsiane po całym świecie, wysyłając setki i tysiące e-maili każdego dnia. Mają elastyczne plany, które pozwalają na łatwą aktualizację w miarę wzrostu twojej listy mailingowej.
Łatwość użytkowania
Dostawcy usług e-mail, tacy jak Constant Contact i Brevo, umożliwiają łatwe tworzenie i wysyłanie wiadomości e-mail do twoich subskrybentów. Mają niezwykle łatwe w użyciu narzędzia do tworzenia i projektowania twoich e-maili.
Posiadają również integrację API, która ułatwia połączenie twojej listy mailingowej z innymi przydatnymi wtyczkami WordPress, takimi jak OptinMonster, WPForms, SeedProd i inne.

Prowadząc twój własny newsletter, tracisz wszystkie te narzędzia, które ułatwiają pracę.
Zamiast skupiać się na rozwijaniu twojego biznesu, będziesz spędzać czas na zmaganiu się z rzeczami, które można łatwo zrobić w ciągu kilku minut, korzystając z odpowiedniej usługi e-mail marketingu.
Statystyki i analiza
Profesjonalni dostawcy usług e-mail oferują zintegrowane statystyki i analizy dotyczące twoich kampanii.
Możesz zobaczyć liczbę e-maili, które wylądowały w skrzynce odbiorczej użytkownika, ile z nich zostało otwartych oraz liczbę otrzymanych kliknięć. Pozwala to na ulepszenie i odpowiednie dostosowanie twojej kampanii.

Wysyłając twój własny newsletter za pośrednictwem wtyczki do newslettera, nie masz możliwości sprawdzenia, ile e-maili dotarło do skrzynki odbiorczej użytkownika, zostało otwartych lub klikniętych.
Będziesz musiał zintegrować Google Analytics z Twoimi kampaniami e-mail i stronami docelowymi. Nawet wtedy dane, które można zebrać, będą ograniczone.
Innym powodem, dla którego warto skorzystać z usług dostawcy usług e-mail jest to, że niektórzy z nich oferują narzędzia diagnostyczne i analityczne.
Możesz użyć tych narzędzi, aby zobaczyć, jak radzą sobie Twoje kampanie. Jeśli twoje e-maile są oznaczane jako spam, możesz dowiedzieć się, co powoduje, że narzędzia do sprawdzania spamu oznaczają twoje e-maile.
Problemy ze zgodnością

E-mail marketing jest ogromny, podobnie jak spam. Aby poradzić sobie ze spamem, dostawcy usług internetowych i usług e-mail marketingu wprowadzili i wdrożyli nowe przepisy, wymagania i protokoły.
Gdy korzystasz z profesjonalnej usługi e-mail do wysyłania twojego newslettera, nie musisz martwić się o zgodność z przepisami w różnych regionach.
Ci dostawcy usług e-mail bardzo ciężko pracują, aby zapewnić, że ich usługi są zgodne z przepisami dotyczącymi prywatności i antyspamu w różnych krajach.
Z drugiej strony, jeśli wysyłasz swój własny biuletyn, istnieje mniejsze prawdopodobieństwo, że dowiesz się, czy w świecie ochrony przed spamem e-mail dzieje się coś nowego.
Efektywność kosztowa

Niektórzy użytkownicy mogą myśleć, że jeśli prowadzą własny newsletter za pomocą wtyczki, to oszczędzają pieniądze.
Po pierwsze, musisz wycenić swój czas. Czas poświęcony na konfigurację Twojej wtyczki do newslettera jest o wiele cenniejszy niż kwota, którą zapłacisz za dobrą usługę e-mail.
W rzeczywistości możesz korzystać z jednej z najlepszych usług e-mail, Constant Contact, za darmo przez dwa miesiące, korzystając z naszego kuponu Constant Contact. Ten bezpłatny okres próbny daje wystarczająco dużo czasu na skonfigurowanie i rozpoczęcie zbierania adresów e-mail. Zanim okres próbny dobiegnie końca, twoja lista mailingowa będzie już opłacalna.
Podobnie Brevo oferuje darmowe konto, które można wykorzystać do wysyłania do 300 e-maili dziennie. Następnie możesz uaktualnić swoje konto, aby wysyłać więcej e-maili i uzyskać dostęp do większej liczby narzędzi.
Jakiej usługi e-mail użyć do wysyłania newslettera WordPress?
Zalecamy korzystanie z Constant Contact, ponieważ jest to najlepsza usługa e-mail marketingu dla małych firm i blogów.
Constant Contact jest łatwy w użyciu i zawiera wszystkie niezbędne narzędzia, takie jak automatyzacja e-maili, segmentacja subskrybentów, 111111 piękne szablony i szczegółowe analizy.
Jeśli chodzi o innych dostawców, możesz rzucić okiem na Brevo (dawniej Sendinblue) lub Drip. Oferują one bardziej zaawansowane funkcje i narzędzia marketingowe.
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zapoznaj się z naszym szczegółowym porównaniem najlepszych usług e-mail marketingu z zaletami i wadami.
Ale co, jeśli naprawdę chcę używać WordPressa do newsletterów e-mail?
Niektórym użytkownikom nie podobają się wysokie koszty tych dostawców usług e-mail marketingu. W takim przypadku zwykle pytają nas, czy w ogóle możliwe jest wysyłanie newslettera e-mail za pomocą WordPressa.
Odpowiedź brzmi TAK.
Gdybyśmy to robili, jedynym sposobem, w jaki byśmy to skonfigurowali, jest użycie wtyczki FunnelKit Automation dla WordPress w połączeniu z WP Mail SMTP.
To jedyne rozwiązanie, które uznaliśmy za niezawodne do wysyłania biuletynów e-mail w WordPress.
Przewodniki ekspertów dotyczące e-mail marketingu
Mamy nadzieję, że ten artykuł pomógł ci dowiedzieć się, dlaczego nigdy nie powinieneś używać WordPressa do wysyłania newsletterów. Możesz również zapoznać się z innymi artykułami związanymi z marketingiem e-mailowym w WordPress:
- Jak stworzyć newsletter e-mail we właściwy sposób (krok po kroku)
- Ujawnione: Dlaczego budowanie listy mailingowej jest dziś tak ważne?
- Jak zbudować twoją listę mailingową w WordPress z OptinMonster?
- Jak skonfigurować śledzenie e-maili w Google Analytics?
- Sprawdzone i proste sposoby na szybsze rozwijanie twojej listy mailingowej
- Błędy w e-mail marketingu, których użytkownicy WordPressa muszą unikać
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Jeremy Smith
Curious – this article was last updated in 2016. As plugins have improved (and there are a lot more now!), do you still feel the same way about not using WordPress for sending emails? Thanks!
WPBeginner Support
At this time, yes we still feel this way
I’ve had emails from an entity that uses Constant Contact go straight to my junk folder. Is this a new thing? And there are newer plug-in’s for newsletters. Do they have the same problems?
WPBeginner Support
There are multiple possible reasons an email could go to your spam folder. While there are new plugins, we still recommend an email service provider for sending newsletters.
Kathy Laws
Great and helpful post. Im searching for a way to streamline some tasks, which led me to your post. I send multiple weekly newsletters for various „departments” in my organization. That same content also need to be posted on our website. Any suggestions on how I can streamline that, so Im not creating the same content twice? I do use constant contact and we are in the process of converting our website platform from Joomla to WP. Thanks in advance, Kathy
Thanks for the informative article. Since feedburner is owned by google, can we not assume that feedburner’s servers are whitelisted by gmail, and since most people use gmail, feedburner is a real alternative to aweber/mailchimp especially if one is not interested in their bells & whistles?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Karma,
Please see our article on why you should stop using FeedBurner.
Using a transactional outgoing server such as sendgrid overcomes ALL of your concerns, without needing to pay a cent.
Also most email sending plugins have all of the other features shown above.
Hi and thank you for your reply. Since your post a lot has changed and quite a few new plugins and also php-server-based software was developed.
sendy, mailwixx, mailster, lether just to name a few and they all can connect to a smtp provider such as amazon ses. What is your take on the newest development?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Jeff,
We do recommend using third-party SMTP providers such as Amazon and Mailgun.
I use zoho mail SMTP to send my site’s mail. Would it not be okay to use a plugin to send newsletter directly from the site since I use an SMTP with an SPF record?
Sherry Muldoon
Is still relevant 10/2017. Just wondering. I use MailPoet now and want to make sure I’m using platform to avoid the spam filters.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Sherry,
Yes, it is still relevant.
Can we do this with core php? because i did’nt installed wordpress.
Rex Alexander
Finally, some of this is falling into place! Thanks. A couple of years ago, I was was using a WP newsletter plugin which was doing a great job . . . until my WP site got infected, which infected a bunch of other sites hosted on the same account. Catastrophe! Later, learned that this plugin had a know vulnerability and had infected 100s of other WP sites! Geezus, thanks for telling me! Obviously, I will never do that again! Ouch!
At the time, I didn’t know anything about MailChimp, et al. How does the plugin get new subscribers addys into MailChimp? If I have MailChimp, do I even need a plug in to harvest new subscribers on WP? At what point does something like Instapage for creating landing pages fit into all of this, or does it?
Any discussion much appreciated. Tks!
Thanks for the info. it seems Amazon SES is the cheapest. Anybody using WP SES Plugin? How is it? Does it have a good interface for sending/receiving mail?
I’ve been using MyMail with Amazon SES as the delivery option. All in WordPress.
It worked well to send emails to 200k subscribers, although there are some delays (it takes up to one day to send).
I’ve also WP SES plugin configured to send all other WP emails through SES. Interface is basic.
While I agree that using WordPress for email newsletters isn’t the way to go for people who are making a living off of their websites, I still think it is a valuable option for people who can’t afford a mailing list but still want one.
Also, the analogy made that says it’s better to invest than take time setting the complicated plugin up is plain wrong. If I had an option to do something that would take a little bit longer than a more expensive alternative, of course I’d choose the free alternative and dedicate more effort. If time is money, then isn’t money time too. This attitude towards spending money here and there is horrible. If we were to agree with this analogy then one could also say „No one should track their expenses because it takes too much time”. Well yeah, it takes time but of course it’s worth it because the time that you spend doing something could save you the money!
Kelvin Chege W.
You’ve got some serious comments and I totally love that because I’m a beginner and I’m trying to figure out if to use Email Subscribers and Newsletter plug in because those guys offer such an irresistible promise, I’m very happy Wpbeginner let your comment though, I’m sure many more would find this useful and also challenge the decision posed on them from the also wonderful article above, are there totally free email service providers, for beginners, Wpbeginner
Hi, thanks for this article. Would you say the same for Woocommerce followup emails. I am thinking to use it on my ecommerce store. Thanks in advance.
I’m trying to find a solution for sending emails directly from the blog post (like JetPack), but without being tied to wordpress.com. We need the post to appear on the blog as well as be emailed to subscribers, and I need to be able to have control over the subscriber list. It’s looking like the closest thing that will do this is Mailpoet and/or „Send Posts to Subscribers” plugin. I’m using the former (free version) because I’ve not heard a lot about the latter. Also using the WP Mail SMTP plugin for sending. Is this my best bet? Has anyone heard of the „Send Posts” plugin?
This isn’t a response to Deirdre’s question, but a „+1”; I have the same question.
I’ve found a lot of plugins that send a notification with partial text; I’d like to send a copy of the complete post — either automatically @post time, or have it be easy to send one if someone is familiar with wp at the level of creating blog posts (not site administration). Control over the subscriber list would be great too. Thanks–
How do I stop WordPress from sending out the automated emails so I don’t send out two at the same time.
I have the same question. I set up MailChimp to send out my blog notifications, but now I’m not sure how to disable WordPress from sending the notifications.
Muhammad Usman
Thank so much for this awesome post. It’s helped me no end.
With this resource I’m armed to start blogging!!
wow, it comes to a surprise to me that one shouldn’t use WordPress plugin to manage newsletters. I see 2 problems though: mailing services are way too expensive, and using such a system you cannot really pull data from your WP posts/databases… can you?
I use Mail Poet but the newsletter still goes to SPAM
Travis Pflanz
This is likely because you’re on a shared server and your IP address has been marked as spam. For beginners/small sites, I always recommend setting up a third party SMTP mail server and using that to send your website’s mail.
I recommend SendGrid their free plan allows you to send 12,000 email per month.
Is there a way to have Jetpack but to disable this function?
If my WP is sending auto emails when new posts generate, is it definitely a plugin that I’ve set up at some point in time? I can’t remember now, and I don’t seem to be able to find the culprit. I would love to disable it and start using Aweber as your article suggests. TIA!
Do what you said still apply if we use a dedicated server?
WPBeginner Support
Dylan Braun
I am following often your posts and noticing that every post contains an educative value. I have some trouble when I use default WP email. It will sow the sender name is wordpress in the mail box. what do you suggest to correct this? Doe the plugins you recommand can show the
name of the sender intead of wordpress.
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide how to change sender name in outgoing WordPress email
What about Jetpack and the subscribe feature? Does it fall into the good or bad category and why?
WPBeginner Support
With JetPack, you can only send your users new posts as you publish them. You cannot send out newsletters like you can do with an email service provider.
Question: I had been using Subscribe2 plugin to send posts as they were published, but we have a lot of subscribers not receiving posts. So, after much trouble shooting, I have
1) disabled the Subscribe2 button,
2) set up a MailChimp account and list and
3) have set up the MailChimp Subscribe plugin to add subscribers to Mail Chimp list… QUESTION: (this is probably so basic, but… ) now, when we make a new blog post, do I need to log in to MAIL CHIMP to actually send a notification of new post // HOW DO I SEND NEW POST NOTIFICATION BY EMAIL? (I have also had the JetPack Subscribe button, but have disabled that I think, so we can get all our subscribers in one place.) This is a small blog, only about 170 subscribers. ( „RINOcracy”)
Refer to this post. It answers your question correctly and it is very helpful. https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-email-subscriptions-for-your-wordpress-blog/
Patrick Dufresne
I was using MailChimp but I’m now using MailPoet because it automaticly send all new post in my weekly newsletter.
I don’t think there’s a other service offering that.
Arturo Treviño
This is a great post, very useful and really helpful. Thanks a lot, now that I want to start sending newsletters I’ll try Mailchimp.
Patrick van Panhuis
Does this also mean you shoulnd’t use the Mailchimp plugin for WordPress?
WPBeginner Support
No, MailChimp’s plugin uses MailChimp’s servers to send out emails.
I found your step-by-step guide on setting up an RSS newsletter through MailChimp – so thank you WPBEGINNER and I will work through that! Here is link for others…https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/ultimate-guide-to-using-mailchimp-and-wordpress/
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found it helpful.
Mail Poet with Amazon SES is the best, hands down
Many interesting points of view here. Seems there is this regular suggestion that MailPoet will do everthing people question. Sadly it falls down on one critical issue. It still sends through php mail and fails to present validated mail that mail servers dont reject or mark as questionable. They apparently have rewritten the interface with wp-mail that smtp validation programs like Postman are excluded as a sending or routing device. Yes i love so many things about Mailpoet and its simplicity of use. I just see it as all very pointless if the result ends up in the spam folder and no-one ever sees it!!!! Wasting your time people….
Im just wondering if anyone could give me some feedback on Feedburner
using the email subscription
Feedburner is fine, and the simplest way to achieve this. It’s owned by Google and the deliverability is great.
WPBeginner Support
Please take a look at, Stop Using FeedBurner – Move to FeedBurner Alternatives.
We setup MyMail plugin to use WordPress as the host for newsletters. But we send the emails through MandrillApp.
How is this working for you?
This is working perfectly. Yes, Mandrill did make changes in pricing (not free!) so we switched to SendGrid. In WordPress we also setup Postman to handle the SendGrid connection – this sends all WP emails through SendGrid.
Update, for some reason Postman wasn’t getting all the emails out. So we dropped it and are using the Sendgrid plugin. MyMail picked it up and sends through it flawlessly. Since switching we can no longer duplicate any errors.
Maybe someone will find this helpful.
Chris Burbridge
Excellent! Now that Mandrill is no longer free for smaller users, I am using Mailgun. I am having excellent results!
We are also using MyMail and so far it is so good.
J Husin
This is great. My website is just a month old and I am learning a whole lot thanks to you guys. Great work as usual wpbeginner.
Me too! My blog is barely over two months old and needs a lot of push-out, so i’m always so excited to read blogging advice and suggestions, especially from wpbeginner
WPBeginner Support
Thanks, but we think you will benefit more if you were using self-hosted WordPress.org. Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted WordPress.org vs free WordPress.com blog.
That’s some very limited view of the capabilities of campaigning from within WP. You fail to mention one can quite happily use SMTP protocol from within WP so your first paragraphs are a non issue.
You obviously haven’t tried to configure newsletters from within either – with MailPoet it takes about 30minutes from the installation of the plugin to the ready Newsletter.
With My mail, you probably need about an hour for the basics. Don’t know how you calculate the costs, but no matter how you look at it, that’s much cheaper in the long run than using any of the paid services unless we’re talking tenths of thousands of emails – but that’s either for large companies or spammers – not a typical WP user.
I have a tendency to research all options carefully before settling on anything, and having tried both subscription based all in one solutions as well as self configuration of plugins, I can say that for a medium sized business, the control and cost of sending newsletter from within WP is unbeatable.
Last but not least, you have a legal obligation in the Western world, to protect your clients data. Passing it on to third party services without their consent, is illegal. Sadly, very few companies inform their clientbase upon newsletter signup that all their details will reside somewhere 'in space’ with another entity. You’re taking a leap of faith assuming someone else has appropriate protection in place, without being sure about it.
I value my time, my money and my reputation – the less people in between my business and my clients, the less chance of data breach or non compliance with the law.
Thanks for that very helpful input Magdalena…
I am looking to start my IM business by first building up my list with free product giveaways(still have to find those)… I will probably do so for three to six months before I start to try and monetize it.
I have been trying to find help on free autoresponders for quite a while now but Google is really not too helpful here…
Have a lovely day
Useful comments, Magdalena, thanks.
As you say, reputation is priceless; gaining „time” could be costly in the long run, so it’s a three-way formula, and the last thing you want is a good prospect consigning your domain name to junk.
When I receive mail from MailChimp I do not enable html and I click on nothing, as I have nothing to offer to MailChimp’s data servers (or those of other „professional” mass e-mail providers). I also do not think highly of the sender, as I consider mass mail sent via „professional” mail clients to be spam.
I try then to give my own dedicated, signed-up clients & providers the more personal, direct information service that I would appreciate myself. My target is specific and low-mass and I only mail them when I have something important to communicate (a few times a year at most).
I used Mailpoet in the past, then their prices went stratic, so my last few mailings were with „Newsletter”. All the stats I need are available (opened, read, etc.) but I will take the time to explore some of the others mentioned.
For some, „Time is Money”, but when spent diligently, to me, Time is Investment.
I am using MailPoet for my blog.
MailPoet using SMTP with services like SendGrid, MailChimp.
My question is is there a way/plugin i can call above services using their rest apis e.g. using Sendgrid username, password authentication. Setting above SMTP system is costly as well as takes time.
I use MailPoet too but I might switch to MailChimp soon. For various reasons:
1. MailPoet cannot be used to send full posts by e-mail since only the first image (or featured image) is used. (And if you created a post excerpt, only the excerpt is used.)
2. MailPoet ignores text formatting such as h1. (As well as content like […]).
3. MailPoet always uses the first published version of a post and not the version accessible when the actual newsletter gets send. Very often, I amend a post right after publication due to typos etc. and they get send by MailPoet anyway.
Mayapur Voice
Hey that’s a very important point, Martin. Thanks a lot. Even if there are not typos there could many reasons one may want to edit the article after publishing it the first time. If only the first version is used then it’s a problem. There should be some sort of sync option that can update the article. Facebook also has this issue so far I have noted.
You’re totally right! It’s so important to choose the right autoresponder and I decided to use GetResponse.
First I’d like to say thanks for the great article. I don’t like the generic looking newsletter that gets sent out automatically when I add a new post to my website. I would like to switch over to MailChimp–it seems like this is what a lot of people are using, and recommending, and it looks much more professional.
Since I’m not a pro website designer by any means, I have a really basic question. How do I turn off whatever is automatically setup in WordPress to send out newsletters when you publish a new post? I’ve never made any purposeful changes within WordPress to make it automatically send out a newsletter when I publish a new post, but it does. I’m sure this is easy to do, but can someone tell me how to disable this feature so I can start using MailChimp instead?
WPBeginner Support
WordPress does not automatically send out new posts via email. You must have a plugin installed like JetPack or something. You will need to turn that plugin off to stop emails.
I have just started using WP and I can see my posts are sent automatically to subsribers.. Just tested it. Do I still need additional plugins to manage that? Also if I want to instal other providers how do I turn this off?
WPBeginner Support
Visit your plugins section to see if there is a newsletter plugin or JetPack plugin installed. You can turn them off to disable this functionality and use other providers.
Ralph Grizzle
I’ve used Mailpoet, Mailchimp, Constant Contact and others to distribute about 8,000 newsletters per week to my subscriber list. Of the three, Mailpoet is far superior – for two reasons. 1) I work directly from the WordPress platform, and I can drag and drop posts and images. I can post current and scheduled posts – it works beautifully. 2) It is far cheaper. Mailchimp was costing me $75 per month. Mailpoet, at $99, combined with Amazon SES, free for up to 60,000 emails per month, works out to be less than $10 per month. I also tried Mandrill, free for up to 12,000 emails per month and very cheap increments of 1,000. Mandrill has better reporting and may be worth a few dollars a month extra for some.
Hi Ralph ,
Would you mind telling me which is the best plugin to use Mandrill to send newsletters (I’ve to send text newsletter), I already know Mandrill has WP plugin but that is just for routing emails . It’s not a newsletter plugin?
2. Secondly, as said so I checked Mailpoet but it doesn’t mention in their site they support Amazon SES?
Looking for your reply.
MailPoet supports all SMTP providers including Amazon SES:
Carla Spacher
I use mailpoet plugin and have a dedicated server through Bluehost and it works beautifully. I used to have to pay $85 for over 5,000 subscribers through Constant Contact (recent price increase) and now I just pay $99 per year for mailpoet premium plugin. I never did pay for the extra service of having Constant Contact store my images as they changed every issue. I use photos from latest posts/recipes. So, I didn’t have to pay anything extra for that. However, if you do pay that extra fee, mailpoet will save you even more money.
Pieter Prenen
Yes we are using Mandrill! No problems at all…
Could you show me your setup for this? What do you put in for the Mailpoet settings when using Mandrill?
I use MailPoet (aka WYSIJA). You can test the spammyness of newsletters, and I find that my MailPoet ones score very well. I have seen profession mail sender emails in spam boxes too… so there is no silver bullet.
Mehmet Fatih Yorulmaz
This is one of the best websites that have really useful high quality articles. Thanks for this…
What about using sendgrid or a similar service to handle the email and then you could use wordpress or am I missing something?
Alex, you are correct. This post needs an update.
Have any of you tested out Group Mail already. I have been told it can be easily adapted to send newsletters
Daniel Nytra
I’m using mandrill, but its for transaction emails only! Transaction email: https://blog.mailchimp.com/what-is-transactional-email/
I use Lotus Notes for productivity. I use Eproductivity in Lotus Notes. People at Eproductivity send plenty of email marketing stuff using Mailchimp-like tools.
But I am not able to see a thing. I deactivate HTML in Outlook. Just like every single journalist I know at one of the biggest Spanish speaking outlet. Just like anyone I know.
So basically, Eproductivity is loosing money.
So to make a long story short: I do understand the reason for geeks to go on selling rabbits, and blue clouds, and all that b?llsh-it in their HTML newsletter products (money) but really: it mystifies me the way some companies think their products are been sold just because Mailchimp et al assures them their emails are being opened.
No, sorry, you are loosing money. And killing good taste in the interin (c’mon, those templates should be sent to the moon and buried in its dark side).
MyMail has extremely easy-to-use addon plugins for Mandrill and Amazon SES among others.
It’s almost like having one’s own personal MailChimp built into WP. It also integrates nicely with Google Analytics and Piwik, and the latest Newsletter stats are right on the Dashboard.
I find that for my clients not having MailChimp equals to just one less service they have to login to and get comfortable with.
I use MailPoet and Mandrill (a service of Mailchimp) it works well
Have a nice day
(Sorry for my english i’m french)
I have been using mail poet for a while and love it but it lacks some integration sometimes which can be done easily with mailchimp. So I hesitate to change. I be heard about mad mini as we’ll which gives the opportunity of many ad dons, is easy to use and seems more and more popular but you don’t mention it here.
Would you say mad mini could be a good option ?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, it could be a good option. We have personally used Mailchimp so thats why we feel more confident about their service.
I already extracted your website, & you are using Both Apache & Nginx server, Mailchimp SPF etc.
I wonder, why you are not mentioned Mailchimp in this post even you use personally?
Is it not the best one?
If it is not the best one, then what is the reason behind you use it?
I am curious about your opinion.
Thank you
WPBeginner Support
Hi Niranjan,
We do believe that MailChimp is a great email marketing service. Please take a look at our comparison of the best email marketing services.
Mohammed Yahia
Why didn’t you say anything about Feed burner email subscription service. It is free and it is not restricted to a limited number of subscribers.
I think it is the most powerful method to communicate with your visitors via email after each post have been added to your blog.
WPBeginner Support
Feedburner is cool but it is not a newsletter service. Surely users can recieve your posts in their inbox but that’s all, you can not send them emails that are not part of your blog posts.
Very nice. Thank you
Travis Pflanz
I use MailPoet with Amazon SES. It’s only $0.10 per 1000 messages sent.
Hidayat Mundana
I used to also be tempted to use a plugin to send email to my readers.
It’s just that time I was still unsure of the delivery. For what we send a lot of emails, when in fact all of them go into the spam box.
Finally I use any paid services. Although it was a difficult choice for me.