Returnerar dina WordPress posts ett 404 error på din website?
Detta error inträffar när du kan komma åt din WordPress admin area och blogg, men när du försöker öppna ett inlägg, kommer du att se ”404 Not Found”.
I den här artikeln kommer vi att visa dig hur du fixar WordPress-poster som returnerar 404 error.
Varför returnerar mina WordPress-poster ett 404 error?
Det finns flera anledningar till att dina WordPress-poster kan visa ett 404 ”Page Not Found” error. Dessa kan inkludera:
- Konflikter med plugin eller theme: Ibland kan tillägg eller teman som du har installerat på din site störa hur WordPress hanterar permalänkar. Detta kan leda till brutna links och 404 error.
- Problem med customize-kod: Om du har addat custom code till din website kan det finnas error i koden som påverkar permalänkar eller orsakar andra konflikter, vilket resulterar i 404-fel för dina posts.
- Issues med din .htaccess-fil: Filen .htaccess spelar en roll för hur WordPress strukturerar URL:er. Om den här filen är skadad eller saknas kan det leda till 404 error för dina posts.
Med detta sagt, låt oss titta på hur man fixar WordPress posts som returnerar 404 error. Du kan använda länkarna under för att hoppa direkt till olika lösningar:
Vill du inte fixa 404 error själv? WPBeginners Pro-tjänster kan hjälpa dig! Med vårt prisvärda Emergency WordPress Support kan du anlita experter för att fixa 404 error, trasiga links, redirect issues och mycket mer. Sluta stressa över WordPress-problem och få dem fixade! Schemalägg tjänster för akut support för WordPress idag!
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Om du föredrar skriftliga instruktioner är det bara att fortsätta läsa.
Metod 1: Kontrollera för Plugin eller Theme Conflicts och Custom Code Issues
Ibland kan plugins, teman eller customizer-kod som du har addat till din WordPress-site störa permalänkar eller orsaka konflikter, vilket leder till 404 error. Vi har till och med upplevt det själva när vi testar tools på vår demo-site.
Ett sätt att lösa detta problem är att tillfälligt deactivate tillägg. Tillägg kan ibland störa hur WordPress hanterar links.
När du har deaktiverat plugin-programmen kan du reaktivera dem ett efter ett och samtidigt kontrollera om 404 error återkommer efter att du har aktiverat varje plugin. Om error dyker upp efter att ett specifikt tillägg aktiverats kan det vara den skyldige.
You can then search for solutions related to that plugin or contact the plugin developer for support.
På samma sätt kan ditt WordPress theme orsaka konflikten.
För att kontrollera kan du tillfälligt byta till ett standardtema för WordPress som gillar Twenty Twenty-Three eller Twenty Twenty-Four. Allt du behöver göra är att gå till Appearance ” Themes och klicka på ”Activate” på ett standardtema.
Om 404 error försvinner med standardtemat tyder det på en potentiell konflikt med ditt nuvarande tema. Du kan då försöka felsöka temat eller överväga att använda ett annat tema.
Du kan kontrollera vårt expertval av de mest populära WordPress teman för rekommendationer.
Om du senaste har infogat code snippets på din website kan det finnas error i koden som orsakar 404-felen. Ta en close titt på koden som du har add to och se om du kan identifiera några misstag.
Det säkraste sättet att add to code snippets till WordPress är med WPCode plugin. Detta plugin låter dig insert custom kod utan att direkt arbeta med theme-filer, vilket minskar risken för att bryta din website.
Dessutom, när WPCode upptäcker ett error i din kod, kommer det automatiskt att deactivate snippet och be dig att kontrollera det. Du kan också använda testläget för att kontrollera om din kod fungerar innan du skickar den till din live website.
Om ingen av dessa lösningar fungerar, gå vidare till nästa metod där vi troubleshootar dina permalänk-inställningar.
Metod 2: Fixa dina permalänk-inställningar
WordPress-poster kan returnera 404 error på grund av problem med omskrivningsregler i din .htaccess-fil. I de flesta fall kan du fixa problemet genom att updating dina permalänk-inställningar.
Gå bara till Settings ” Permalinks i din WordPress-admin och klicka på knappen ”Save Changes”.
Det finns inget behov av att göra ändringar i själva inställningarna för permalänken. This will update your permalänk settings and flush the rewrite rules.
I de flesta fall fixar den här lösningen WordPress posts 404 error. Men om det inte fungerar för dig, behöver du förmodligen updating din .htaccess-fil manuellt.
Metod 3: Update av .htaccess-filen i WordPress
Innan du börjar, se till att säkerhetskopiera din WordPress.htaccess-fil först. Om något går fel kan du enkelt återställa originalfilen.
Nu måste du ansluta till din server med hjälp av en FTP-klient som FileZilla eller File Manager-appen i din WordPress dashboard.
Därefter måste du hitta och redigera .htaccess-filen, som ligger på samma location som foldrar som gillar /wp-content/ och /wp-includes/.
Högerklicka bara på filen och välj ”File permissions”.
Du kan göra filen skrivbar genom att ändra dess behörighet till 666.
Du behöver bara enter ”666” i boxen ”Numeric value” och sedan clicka på ”OK”.
Sedan måste du upprepa stegen i den första metoden i vår tutorial. När du har gjort detta, glöm inte att ändra behörigheterna tillbaka till 660.
You can also edit the file and add code to it.
När du har öppnat .htaccess-filen med en textredigerare infogar du helt enkelt den här koden:
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
Metod 4: Kontakta din hosting provider
Om ingen av lösningarna ovan har fixat WordPress-poster som returnerar 404 error, rekommenderar vi att du kontaktar din WordPress hosting provider. Det kan finnas ett error hos dem, eller så kanske de kan hjälpa dig att troubleshoota problemet.
Vänligen se även vår guide om hur du ber om support för WordPress på rätt sätt och hur du får det.
Metod 5: Fix WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error på lokala servrar
Om du använder en lokal server för teständamål måste du aktivera mod_rewrite i Apache-konfigurationen på din MAMP-, WAMP- eller XAMPP-webbplats.
This will allow WordPress to generate clean URLs and prevent the 404 error for posts and pages on your local server.
Hur du gör detta skiljer sig åt beroende på vilken plattform du använder. Personer som använder XAMPP kan öppna sin panel och klicka på knappen ”Config” inom Actions. Välj sedan ”Apache (httpd.conf)”.
Därefter måste du hitta den här raden #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
och remove ’#’ för att avkommentera den.
Detta kommer att hämta mod_rewrite.
Hitta sedan alla instanser av AllowOverride None
och ändra dem till AllowOverride All
Värdet ”All” innebär att alla direktiv kan åsidosättas.
När du är klar kan du save filen httpd.conf och close den. Därefter klickar du på ”Stop” på Apache-modulen i XAMPP:s kontrollpanel och på ”Start” igen för att starta om den.
Gå sedan tillbaka till din adminpanel för att se om dina permalänkar fungerar.
Vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälpte dig att lösa posterna som returnerar 404 error i WordPress. Du kanske också vill se vår guide till de vanligaste WordPress-felen och hur du fixar dem, tillsammans med våra expertval för de bästa WordPress-tilläggen för att utveckla din site.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
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Thomas Elkin II says
Unfortunately, this has not helped me. Neither solution has worked. Anyone have another suggestion(s)?
Sharma Rahul says
Gotta, thanks man !! saved my evening (y)
Javier Rodriguez says
Waooo. one week trying to find what was wrong and it was the WAMP problem. fix it with one click. thanks a lot
Ben says
Thank you. Clear advice which saved me many hours of panic.
Milan says
Finding Solution on lots of Sites…. But No Luck And after all tried the following
Settings » Permalinks, and simply click on Save Changes button.
This Worked !!
Million Thanks To Team WpBeginner….. !!
minacio says
Great help, thank you very much!
So easy!
Jeff says
I’m afraid this did not work for me. I continue to get the 404 error and it affects all links from my front page. However, if I set the Permalinks settings to ”Default” everything works. I don’t want the default settings though – I want permalinks to use ”Day and name.” I’ve also checked the .htaccess file and that’s okay. I’ve done the same for permissions and they’re fine too. Help!
WPBeginner Support says
Jeff did you try deleting your .htaccess file? After deleting it you need to go to Settings » Permalinks and save your desired permalinks settings.
Rick Harris says
So this tip half works for me. I only have the 404 problem on 1 post, but it’s my first one so it’s the ’what is this blog about and what you will find here’ so its pretty important for the blog site.
See if you can figure this out.
If I set the permalinks to something like year/month/post name it works fine.
Even if I go delete the htaccess file then make the change, setting it to ’post name’ results in that post getting the 404. It will still display on the home and category pages though.
Alejandro says
Thanks!!! …fixing the Permalinks did it for me! (;
Gaston says
Ha ha, so easy! thanks!
Indonesian says
really helpful.. thank a lot… You’re rock man.. !!
Annie says
I went through both these options and I still am getting a 404 error. I have my permalinks set to ’post name’ but for some reason only ONE of my posts is stuck on a different permalink structure (the post ends with /3088 instead) and it doesn’t change when I update the permalinks. I also went into my .htaccess file, and it already had the code you had above in there, but there was nothing about permissions in the file. Is there anything I can do to make this post show up? I can see it in my homepage feed but get the error when I click on it to go to the post page.
Ashleigh says
I’m having this same issue… HELP
Scotty says
yessss. thanks for this post – really saved my bacon!
Roel says
You’re a boss.
Emily Gates says
Thanks admin i was so much worry about it actually i install category plugin(because i am running my blog that is and after deactivation i found my single post was not show properly 404 error was displayed but now i fix it. Thanks for giving solution.
Marx says
Dude, you’re the man.
Amon Lucas says
Thanks ! Obrigado .
Somesh says
I’ve changed my theme for a little bit. And it has for different section by-default in the dashboard.
Video Games
How to
So, after again re-applying the theme the posts at the post section are working fine. But, the posts for those section says page not found .
How to bring those post back the post are available in the dashboard but, there thumbnails are also available on the website but when i click on that it says page not found.
sven says
thank you so much. you made my day.
Naser says
Thanks a lot. You made my day. Thanks……
Edgar says
Thanks for the info! Was in dispair, but now fine again. Had to do an extra step though. My host provider (hostnet) installed wordpress for me, so I had to get into their config panel to sync the .htacces file. Don’t know if this is more common for people using pre installed wordpress. Just letting you know
Markus Dan says
This is genius!
Thanks … you saved my day!
Dani says
Ey man, thank you very much. You saved me a lot of hours of work!
Carl says
my problem was, that the .htaccess file was not writable.
All I had to do was set the chmod to 777, then press the ”save changes” Button in the Permalinks-Options Menu. WP then properly flushed the old .htaccess settings and rewrote them.
Works, Thank You!
Ben says
Hi i had the same problem on 2 of my sites with editing the post or page ,everything else seemed to work fine. (hapened at the same time)
I fixed it by changing the permisions in cpanel/file manager to 644 for files and 755 for directory’s setings and all was restored to normal agian. so check your hosting comp for their recomended setings on file permisions.
Some how the permisions for all files and directory’s was set to 655 for ( all wp files and directory’s ).
Changing the permisions on .htaccess file alone didn’t do it for me and editing it also didn’t solve it, nor changing the permalinks. {somehow i think my problem came from my server side.}
Hope it is helpfull for someone.
Pankaj Chauhan says
I was getting the same 404 error on my blog. It was not happening with all the posts but with one specific post. After, few hours I noticed that the category name was causing the issue. so I deleted the category and recreated it with a different slug. It worked.
but i am still not sure why it happened…
Luckily, in that category, I had no posts otherwise…it would have been a problem as i had to reassign the new category to all the posts.
JP van der Meer says
Thanks a lot, it helped me!
I did delete the .htaccess
Manisha Sarangi says
I have got another solution and it worked like a magic.
Just follow few steps here.
1.You need to enable mod_rewrite in apache server
sudo a2enmod rewrite
2.You need to restart the webserver to apply the changes
sudo service apache2 restart
3.If you plan on using mod_rewrite in .htaccess files, you also need to enable the use of .htaccess files by changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride FileInfo. For the default website, edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
# changed from None to FileInfo
AllowOverride FileInfo
Order allow,deny
allow from all
4.After such a change, you need to restart Apache again
sudo service apache2 restart
5.Then go to wordpress admin>settings>permalinks>select post name and save changes
It will work now.
David Vitorino says
Thanks for this post!!
I was trying to install wordpress in VPS and your post really helped me.
the mod_rewrite was turned off in apache.
seb okelly says
This post fixed my problem, which I had made worst fumbling around the Codex. Thank you.
Syl says
Hey there !
Thanks for your post. I have a similar issue on my wordpress blog and don’t know what to do right now. To make it short, my .htaccess file is getting overwritten over and over…
These lines :
# BEGIN WordPress
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
are duplicated a hundred or thousand times with NUL characters, and my .htaccess is now 1.5 Mo ! I can fix the issue by uploading a clean .htaccess, but the issue occurs a few hours/days later, again and again, and the pages of my websites just show a 404 error…
I also tried to put the htaccess file attributes to 404 instead of 604 to stop it from being rewritten, but my host doesn’t allow this and it came back to 604…
WordPress : 3.6.1 Plugins : Akismet, Anti-spam, DB Cache Reloaded Fix, Do Follow, Google Analytics for WordPress, Post Ratings, Recipe Card, Tweet, Like, Google +1 and Share, UberMenu, WordPress Database Backup, WordPress SEO, WP Sitemap Page, WP Super Cache
Any clue ?
Best regards
WPBeginner Support says
Deactivate all your plugins, if you have some custom code pasted in your theme’s functions.php file then create a back up of your existing file and then install a fresh copy of your theme. Delete your .htaccess file. Go to Settings » Permalinks and save your permalinks. Now connect to your site using FTP, wordpress would have created a new .htaccess file for you. Browse a few pages on your site’s front-end and then see if the changes in your .htaccess file reappear.
MissyLee says
Many many thanks for continuing with helping people – My child theme functions.php was the problem. Seriously, this is a great site!
Megha Verma says
Hi, I am facing problem of error 404 page not found. But it is not applicable on every post. This problem is coming 5 out of 10. Also I am using the same method creating all the post and the perma-link structure is /sample-post/. Kindly help me out from this and provide me the best solution.
Ana Villegas says
Awesome! This help me a lot, thank youuuuu! <3
Biswajit Rout says
Thanks for the information. I have the same problem.
But now i fixed by adding the below code in my .htaccess.
# BEGIN WordPress
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
Thanks again for this post.
Jyo says
Hi, thanks for the info, but it doesnt work for me Please admin can you help me out. My permalinks arent working. I have tried your method. The only way its working is by setting permalinks to default else the whole site comes down, not even the wp admin section is accessible.
WPBeginner Support says
Here is something you can try. Connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client like Filezilla. Once you are connected to your website, in Filezilla menu bar click on Server » Force showing hidden files. Find .htaccess file in your website’s root directory, download it to your computer, then delete the file from your server. Now go to WordPress admin area in your browser and click on Settings » Permalinks. Choose a permalink structure for your website and click save changes button. Hopefully this will resolve your issue.
Elizabeth says
This 404 error was driving me mad!. Thanks for this instructive information!
Decio Denis Bernardo says
Thank you.. nice and easy!
karen says
I thought I already messed up with my blog and can’t make it work again. Thanks for this nice post!
Darren says
Your are AWESOME! I had no idea what was wrong. 5 min of reading your post and a few clicks later my blog is up and running again! Thanks a TON!
Gav Reichel says
If all of the above isn’t making any difference for you, it might be worth asking your website administrator if they’ve added the following to the configuration (if using apache):
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
(This is usually defined in the virtural host section)
If not, your .htaccess file won’t be read!
(I speak from experience after spending 30 minutes trying to work that out!)
pete says
Hi, got my htaccess hacked and had to delete it. Now I get this problem. This solution only get me halfways. From the browser 404 message(before) to my custom wordpress 404 page(after permalink reset). Any ideas?
Editorial Staff says
Can you see that the .htaccess is being created? If not, then you may want to add a blank .htaccess file.
Pete says
Took me a while to get back…
The htaccess look allright. It gets updated..Still not working. Only the custom ugly permalinks. Another wp site on the same server got hacked at the same time. But on that one this fix solves the problem..
protik says
Thank you Thank you so much…had a mild panic attack when the 404 error happened…this post was a life saver!!
Rod Salm says
Permalink fix worked for me, thank you very much!
Rod Salm
Peter says
Thank you thank you thank you.
It worked.
You are right, there are so many variables that sometimes knowing what to ask is significantly more difficult that fixing the problem.
I am now able to access my blog again.
have a great day.
Peter Sitting Scribe
Allii Allee says
i have done all the steps but its still giving me this error
Error 404
The page you’ve requested can not be displayed. It appears you’ve missed your intended destination, either through a bad or outdated link, or a typo in the page you were hoping to reach.
Akhil Gupta says
first of all i want to thank you for this great tutorial.. i am not able to change the permalink from the last 2 hrs.. i was changing the .htaccess file bit it was not working out but after seeing your 404 error post i was able to figure it out now my problem solved. Thanks once again
SBC says
Thanks, it really help me to sort out the problems with my site…
Bruce Ketchum says
Thank you, WPBeginner! Your tip on clicking the Save Changes button in the WordPress Permalinks settings fixed my 404 error, which was occurring on posts and pages.
Imran Hossain says
This is a vary important tutorial for me. Today i learned 404 Not found error.
Adrian D'Amico says
I too am having this problem on a site of mine – where it keeps happening every few days even after I hit Save Changes and refresh the Permalinks. I’m guessing it’s a plugin, but I havent gone down the list deactivating and reactivating them since I’d have to wait days to find out which one is doing it. Do you think that the htaccess edit solution you describe is a permanent solution, or will the problem resurface again? thanks for any help you could provide.
Editorial Staff says
Every WordPress site using custom permalinks have that code.
Adrian says
Hello – I followed this tutorial but my site is still plagued by this problem. Is something triggering this to occur? Something like a plugin? I’ve double checked and my htaccess file always looks like what you suggest in the article, seems as if something else is going on at least in my case. thanks for any help you could provide.
Adrian says
I guess what Im asking is do you know a way to track down what is causing it (ie. which plugin, etc.)
Rich says
Do you have this in httpd.conf for webserver files – about line 220 in a default httpd.conf file. Could your host be overwriting changes you’ve made?
AllowOverride FileInfo
My webserver settings didn’t have this so despite changing this in the initial Directory settings it just wasn’t working. As soon as I did it worked.
Jay Castillo says
The question is, what is causing the problem with the htaccess file?
I encountered this problem before and I traced it to using the diggdigg wordpress plugin.
The quick fix was to save the permalink structure just like what you mentioned above, but the problem happened to me twice(404 errors on my blogposts, homepage was okay) in a week and after I removed the diggdigg plugin, it never occurred again.
I still don’t know why it happened.