WordPress, web sitenizin resimlerini küçültmek için sıkıştırma kullanabilir. Bu da görsellerin daha hızlı indirilmesini sağlayarak web sitenizin yüklenme süresini iyileştirir.
Ancak resimleriniz çok fazla sıkıştırılırsa, daha az keskin veya daha düşük kaliteli görünebilir. Bu, web sitenizin ziyaretçilerine en iyi izlenimi vermeyecektir.
Geçenlerde bir okuyucumuz WordPress’te JPEG resimlerin sıkıştırma ayarlarını değiştirmenin mümkün olup olmadığını sordu. Cevap evet.
Bu makalede, WordPress’te JPEG görüntü sıkıştırmasını nasıl artıracağınızı veya azaltacağınızı göstereceğiz, böylece görüntü kalitesi ve web sitesi hızı arasındaki mükemmel dengeyi bulabilirsiniz.
WordPress JPEG Görüntü Sıkıştırmasını Neden Değiştirelim?
WordPress web sitenize her JPEG görüntü yüklediğinizde, otomatik olarak görüntüyü %90 kaliteye sıkıştırır. WordPress 4.5‘te, mobil kullanıcılar için site performansını iyileştirmek amacıyla bu sayı %82’ye düşürülmüştü.
Web sitenizde yüksek kaliteli görüntüler sergilemek isteyen bir fotoğrafçıysanız, WordPress’te görüntü sıkıştırmayı kapatabilirsiniz.
WordPress’te Görüntü Sıkıştırma Nasıl Devre Dışı Bırakılır
Tek yapmanız gereken aşağıdaki kodu temanızın functions.php dosyasına manuel olarak veya WPCode gibi bir kod parçacığı eklentisi kullanarak (önerilir) yapıştırmaktır.
Bunu daha önce yapmadıysanız, WordPress web sitenize nasıl özel kod ekleyeceğinize ilişkin kılavuzumuzu görmek isteyebilirsiniz.
İlk olarak, WPCode Free Plugin eklentisini yüklemeniz gerekir. Daha fazla ayrıntı için, WordPress eklentisinin nasıl kurulacağına ilişkin adım adım kılavuzumuza bakın.
Etkinleştirmenin ardından, WordPress kontrol panelinizde Kod Parçacıkları ” + Parçacık Ekle bölümüne gitmeniz gerekir. Bundan sonra, farenizi ‘Özel Kod Ekle’ şablonunun üzerine getirmeli ve ardından ‘Snippet Kullan’ düğmesine tıklamalısınız.

Bu sizi özel snippet’inizi oluşturabileceğiniz yeni bir ekrana götürecektir. Snippet’e ‘WordPress’te Görüntü Sıkıştırmayı Devre Dışı Bırak’ gibi bir başlık eklemeniz gerekir.
Bundan sonra, Kod Türü açılır menüsünden ‘PHP Snippet’i seçmeli ve ardından aşağıdaki kod parçacığını ‘Kod Önizleme’ bölmesine yapıştırmalısınız.
add_filter('jpeg_quality', function($arg){return 100;});

Değeri 100 olarak ayarladığınızda, WordPress görüntüyü en yüksek kalitede sıkıştıracaktır.
Son olarak, ekranın üst kısmındaki ‘Etkin Değil’den ‘Etkin’e geçiş anahtarını tıklamanız ve ardından ‘Snippet’i Kaydet’ düğmesini tıklamanız gerekir.
Tebrikler, WordPress sitenizde JPEG sıkıştırmayı devre dışı bıraktınız.
Eğer bir fotoğrafçı veya sanatçı değilseniz, muhtemelen kalite açısından pek bir fark görmezsiniz. Ancak günlük olarak yüksek kaliteli görüntülerle çalışanlar için kalite farkı açıktır.
WordPress’te Görüntü Sıkıştırma Nasıl Artırılır
Sıkıştırma kalitesini olduğu gibi bırakmanın kesinlikle performans avantajları vardır. Ancak isterseniz, resimlerinizi daha fazla sıkıştırmak ve biraz yer kazanmak için sayıyı 100’den 80’e veya daha düşük bir değere değiştirebilirsiniz.
Önceki yöntemde yaptığınız gibi yeni bir WPCode snippet’i oluşturun ve ardından aşağıdaki kodu yapıştırın:
add_filter('jpeg_quality', function($arg){return 75;});

Parçacığı etkin hale getirip kaydettiğinizde, JPEG resimleriniz daha küçük dosya boyutlarına sıkıştırılacaktır. Görüntüler daha düşük kalitede görünecek, ancak web sunucunuzda yer kazanacaksınız.
İpucu: Bu görüntü kalitesi değişikliklerini yaptığınızda, küçük resimlerinizi yeniden oluşturduğunuzdan da emin olmak istersiniz.
Umarız bu makale WordPress’te JPEG görüntü sıkıştırmasını nasıl değiştireceğinizi öğrenmenize yardımcı olmuştur. WordPress’te nasıl düzgün resim ekleyebileceğinize dair rehberimizi veya en iyi Instagram WordPress eklentileri uzman seçimimizi de görmek isteyebilirsiniz.
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I tried this so many times, and many different variations of this code but it never works. I don’t know what else to do. Every time I upload a photo, I can see that the quality is blurrier. Do you have any other tips?
WPBeginner Support
Please ensure you do not have any other plugins that compress/optimize your images as that is the most common reason the images would be compressed. The other common reason would be if your theme is resizing the images in which case we would recommend taking a look at our article below!
Thanks for the reply. Just an update: It turns out it was my hosting company that was compressing my photos. They had a CDN feature that was automatically enabled that I didn’t know about. After I disabled it, my photos are fine now.
Purnendu Mukherjee
If we use a image compression plugin like Smush, Optiomole or any other, will my images be compressed twice (once by WordPress and then by the plugin)??
WPBeginner Support
You would want to check with the support for the plugin you plan to use but most should have the ability to cancel the standard compression.
Hello, once the php is added, will that override any image compression plugin that is installed at a later date or does the plugin override the code? It will be hard to remember that your php was once added a long time ago, and therefore it may cause headaches wondering why the plugin isn’t working correctly.
Thanks : )
” If you want, you can change the number from 100 to 80 or something lower… then all you have to do is paste the following code:”
WPBeginner Support
As with the code above, you would place it in your theme’s functions.php or a site-specific plugin. To protect from theme updates we would normally recommend a site-specific plugin:
Hi – Do images need to be reuploaded for it to take effect?
Also, will this work for png images or do I need to change jpeg to png in the php code?
WPBeginner Support
This would only apply to new images and not your current images and you do not have to worry about PNG compression.
Hi, is this code snippet valid in php 7?
WPBeginner Support
The snippet should still be working
puspa chaulagai
hey, I am from love and fun quotes I found your article while I searching for how to stop auto compressing images on WordPress. I try your code but it still not working. When I change the theme it’s work but in which theme I apply it doesn’t work. How to remove auto image compress by theme please help.
WPBeginner Support
You would want to reach out to the support for your specific theme for them to be able to assist with their specific compression.
I have not seen much of a difference even after regenerating. Am I missing something?
Heather Wilson
I am working with wordpress.com – can you do this through the customizing CSS menu, and if so how? I am brand new to coding.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Heather,
No, you cannot. Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted WordPress.org vs free WordPress.com blog.
Karlo Gavric
Even I change compression to 100, my images looks so bad in quality, only if I use full sized (widht 1300+px) is OK, but if I use Large file which is 900px, it is horrible.
I added code to change compression in functions.php, contacted my theme supplier and hosting support, they don’t have any compressions turned on.
Any ideas?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Karlo,
Try deactivating all plugins and switching to a default theme, after that upload a large image and see if that fixes it.
Karlo Gavric
I’ve tried it, but the problem still persists. Tried also just changing a theme with plugins enabled / disabled, no change (?! feeling confused really ?!)
you need to set your large file size to a higher image size. wordpress will automatically crop your images…
what does this mean
Unable to communicate back with site to check for fatal errors, so the PHP change was reverted. You will need to upload your PHP file change by some other means, such as by using SFTP.
Thank you
It means that you need to use an external editor to edit the files because the WordPress editor is restricted.. There are plugins available for editing theme files through the wordpress admin which you can look up on the Add New Plugin page, otherwize, you need to download your theme files using a FTP software, update the functions.php file and upload it back to the theme folder on the server. If you are not sure about FTP, I would just look for an theme editor plugin so you can do it in the wordpress admin, but make sure to deactivate the plugin when you are finished to prevent any security issues.
Devi Chand
My product images looked blurred because they are already optimised and wordpress was optimising them again (I believe). I used the above code and also regenerated the thumbnails. Initially, I could not find the changes. However, later the images started showing up the way I wanted (not blurred, perfect) for some time. But I check again and the images are all looking blurred again. Can you help?
So, is there a solution to having WP not up-scaling the image size (kb/mb) when uploading via “Media” in WordPress?
Meaning; I want WP to scale the picture into thumb nail, medium and large and to keep the original as it does per default, but NOT to up-scale the thumb ail, medium or large file sizes?
I added this code exactly how you showed it and now it won’t let me upload photos an error message keeps coming up. please help! Thanks!
Do you know if is possible to improve the quality of the image in wordpress.com in free version?
Or better, if is possible to do not reduce the quality of the image
WPBeginner Support
Hi Yara,
You are limited to how WordPress.com handles images. Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted WordPress.org vs free WordPress.com blog.
Now I have wordpress.org because I was frustated with my images quality. But now it is worst. I did what your video say, but I still have problems.
I thought that was just upload the image and was OK. My head image and when I upload in the post the quality is not good.
I really don’t know what to do :/
Hi, I use this code and regenerated all my images, but unfortunatly, the size of my image is the same. I use enfold theme and my WP version is 4.7.2. Did I miss a step?
I forgot to say, I compressed to 75.
Luke Cavanagh
Setting the level to 92 or 90 is fine, the default used to be 90 was was lowered down to 82.
Hi, I have added the code as showed in the video but, nothing, WordPress keeps reducing the size of my images.
Any other option?
Thanks for your support
Lukas Priyambodo
Quality 100 doesn’t always mean highest quality, because of JPEG algorithm and what kind of content of the image. Using SSIM, I sometimes found that quality 95 has better score than quality 100 or at least quality 95 has better filesize trade off compare to quality 100.
Hi there. Are you able to disable image compression if you have a free WordPress account? If so, where do I find my function’s php file?
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted WordPress.org vs free WordPress.com blog.
Thanks for sharing such a fantastic post about image Compression in WordPress. All the tips are really very very worthwhile.
Keep sharing
Don’t follow this advice! I added this line of code in my functions.php file and now I get this message when loading my website!
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/sittin11/public_html/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/functions.php on line 44
WPBeginner Support
See our guide on how to fix syntax error in WordPress.
I’m using plugin Imsanity, it has more settings
Let’s clear up some things.
1 – WP does not mess with your original uploaded file. The compression levels discussed are for WP generated images – the TN, Med, Large in your WP media settings.
2 – if you change the compression settings, WP does not reprocess all your current uploads. That’s why you run Regenerate Thumbnails.
3 – I will challenge any photographer to see the quality difference between 100 and 90 in a JPG. In rare cases, you may. But for 99% of images you’ll never tell.
4 – Depending on your theme and your media settings, yes, some smaller image sizes will be cropped from your orignal upload. It’s the nature of the beast. If your TN is square and you upload a horizontal phjoto, of course it will be cropped. Cropping your images BEFORE uploading – and using a proportion compatible with your theme layout – will net you fewer issues.
Santiago Gonzalez
Thanks Karl, your comment was very helpfull to clear things up.
chang hong
hello, can you tellme why wp crop every image that i upload? how can i prevent it! thank you
Dave Porter
Thanks for the article, very useful to know.
I’m interested in the comment about ‘make sure you regenerate your thumbnails’
If an image is uploaded at say 82%, regenerating the thumbnails does what?
And I assume that after changing the percentage, this is only going to be for new images?
I would guess any existing images would remain at the same quality, or does WordPress keep a copy of the original uploaded?
TIA, Dave
WPBeginner Support
WordPress keeps a copy of the original file uploaded.
Is it possible to disable image compression in WordPress?
The article has a headline saying so, but then it describes it as “least compression”, that is not disabling compression…just wondering it is possible to disable compression for uploaded pictures…
Setting compression to 100 IS disabling it.
Great Tips, thank you.
I have one more question: If I upload images to WP that are already compressed (say to 90%) – will they be compressed again (82% of 90% = 74.8%)?
Yes. The only exception is the image you upload is saved as is for future use.