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Så här visar du ett begränsat antal taggar efter posterna i ditt WordPress Theme

Vi fick nyligen en fråga om hur man kan visa ett begränsat antal taggar efter varje post i your WordPress Theme. Normalt använder du en funktion the_tags() för att visa en länk till de taggar som ett post tillhör. Men den funktionen har ej en parameter för att limitera antalet taggar som visas. Så om din post har 12 taggar, och ditt theme bara har plats för 5, kanske det inte ser så bra ut i designen. Många människor begränsar bara användningen av taggar, eller inkluderar det inte ens i templates. Men i den här artikeln kommer vi att visa dig hur du kan begränsa antalet taggar efter posterna i ditt WordPress-tema utan att begränsa antalet taggar du add to varje post.

Edit: Tydligen efter att ha skrivit den här artikeln svarade den mest fantastiska Otto (@otto42) på mitt Google+ account för att låta mig veta att det finns ett enklare sätt att åstadkomma detta.

Först måste du öppna ditt temas functions.php-fil och add to den här funktionen:

function limit_to_five_tags($terms) {
return array_slice($terms,0,5,true);

You can change the 5 number to maximum count you want.

Öppna sedan din loop.php, single.php, index.php, eller var du än vill add to dessa inläggstaggar (måste vara inuti en inläggsslinga), klistra sedan in följande kod:

<?php the_tags() ?>

Detta är definitivt mycket enklare än vad jag hade kommit på som jag kommer att lämna i den här posten för dem som bryr sig.

Gammal komplicerad metod

Allt du behöver göra är att klistra in följande kod i din theme-fil (inuti postloopen):

$posttags = get_the_tags();
$count=0; $sep='';
if ($posttags) {
	echo 'Tags: ';
	foreach($posttags as $tag) {
		echo $sep . '<a href="'.get_tag_link($tag->term_id).'">'.$tag->name.'</a>';
$sep = ', ';
		if( $count > 5 ) break; //change the number to adjust the count

Koden ovan kommer att visa 6 tags i temat. Om du vill visa färre taggar eller fler taggar justerar du helt enkelt raden $count > 5 med det antal du vill ha. Kom ihåg att även om räkningsnumret säger större än 5, ser vi 6 tags. Det beror på att räkningen börjar kl. 0. Så om du bara vill visa 4 tags måste antalet vara 3.

Om du vill ändra separatorn måste du ändra rad 9. Den nuvarande koden separerar med kommatecken. Du kan också customize stylingen genom att lägga till divs, listelement eller något annat som du gillar.

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19 kommentarerLeave a Reply

  1. Jilaan

    Hi Dear Sir,

    sir i want to show randomly tags in widget how can i do that can you give a code which i can added on my function.php file so its showing randomly tags with limit of tags number.


  2. C. Dee

    This code snippet works great.

    But I need one modification: I need to only show the first three tags that I enter for each blog post. It’s now showing three tags, which is a good step.

    However, I specifically need the first three in the order I specify. This is because of the purpose my website serves and how research data is presented. For example:

    Jennifer Weaver, Case #4455883, New Mexico

    That’s how I’m entering tags: Name, case number, location — and then I have some additional tags. But I only want the first three to display in the entry meta.

    Any suggestions how to do this? The code you shared chooses any order it wants. If my tags are entered like this — one, two, three, four, five — it chooses its own arrangement, such as:

    five, four, one

    Thanks for any help you can offer with this!!

  3. mahmood dabestani

    this post was very useful.
    But I’m going to create a single page like contact page that it has descriptions about one of my products.
    how can I add my favorite tags about that descriptions in my page?
    in other word how can I add my favorite tags in a single page?
    thank you so much.

  4. joni

    How for showing random tags?
    example: in my posting blog have 20 tags,
    And i want showing tags number 1, tag number 6, tag number 5,
    and another post have 20 some tags,
    and i want showing tags number 7, 17, 3.

  5. Hector P


    How can I do this ”limit the usage of tags”. I want only 3 tags per post/product. And if I select a 4, the number is erased.

    Thank you!

  6. Gabrielle

    Hi, how can i add if is statement to this function?

    I want to show 5 tags on my main Blog Page(Static page with id=99),
    and then show all tags in single-post page
    Is it possible to combine this function, to work with post category?
    Like Above, i want 5 categories and 5 tags on main page, and full list on single-post…
    Sorry for my English ;/

    • WPBeginner Support

      For that you will have to edit your theme or child theme’s template file. For tags you can try this code:

      $posttags = get_the_tags();
      if ($posttags) {
      	$output = '';
      	foreach($posttags as $tag) {
      		$output .= $tag->name . ' ';
      		if( $count >5 ) break;
      echo $output;


  7. Andrew

    Great info. I came to this site though google search looking for an answer to another problem I need the tag pages to display their tag names as a heading for their individual tag pages. Is there any theme that does this? I am currently using the Divi theme and that feature is not available.

  8. Mehmet Çağatay

    How to print the labels at random?
    For example, 5 out of 10 have a label that is shown on a random

  9. Jill

    Just FYI…when I pasted those 4 lines in my functions file…my entire site went blank. I about had a panic attack. My hosting company was able to get me back up.

  10. ata

    What about duplicate content (after Panda update) using tags as same article will be on the post and tag pages.

    Also, i read on wp forum regarding the negative impact of using excessive tags (more than 10 tags) for each post.

    • wpbeginner

      @ata People should not use Tags for SEO. Tags are built-in to WordPress to improve the usability of your site. You can have 500 tags for one post for all that matters. What is crucial is that you follow, noindex the tags pages. So search engines go to those pages and follow all the links, but don’t index those pages. That will solve the SEO problem. There are too many self-proclaimed SEO experts who don’t know what the heck they are doing. Putting generic statements like the ones you mentioned above are totally wrong as long as you follow what we are saying.

      • ata

        Actually tags does increase traffic for some sites. You can find proof on Google. Especially long tail keywords attached to a post.

        Not sure how the search engine can find your tag links if it is set as ’noindex’. Maybe the post url but not the tag links as it doesn’t make sense.

        The ’generic statement’ was not a all. If you read my comment, it is more of a query/question so there is no need to bite my head off.

        • wpbeginner

          @ata First of all let me be clear. I am not biting your head off. The frustration was expressed toward those experts that go along making generic claims like that. WordPress allows for many ways of indexation. Most folks use category as their primary method of archives. In order to prevent duplicate content, you can only use ONE primary method of archive that is indexable. All secondary methods need to be no-index in order to prevent duplicate content.

          We use Categories as our main method of archiving. If you want you can use tags as a primary source of archiving. We find that categories tend to perform better for our blogs. If you want to use tags as a primary source of archiving, then no-index categories, and date based archives. If you are the only author on the site, then you might as well no-index author archives because that will just produce duplicate content as well.Will not argue SEO theories any further in this article because this is a tutorial for design not SEO.

  11. astronyu

    I was looking for this. Thanks for sharing. I agree with @mrahmadawais the first method works just fine and it is simple too.

  12. Livefyre

    the first method is just great

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