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Så här lägger du till Google Web Fonts i WordPress Themes på ”rätt” sätt

Vill du add to Google web fonts i ditt WordPress theme?

Med Google fonts kan du enkelt använda beautiful web fonts på din website i WordPress. You can use them to improve your website’s typography, user experience, and aesthetics.

I den här artikeln får du veta hur du på rätt sätt add to Googles web fonts till WordPress themes.

Adding Google Web Fonts to your WordPress theme

Här följer en kort översikt över de ämnen som vi kommer att täcka i den här guiden.

Hitta de bästa Google Fonts för ditt WordPress Theme

Det första du behöver göra är att hitta de Google-fonts som du gillar. Besök helt enkelt Google Fonts webbplats och bläddra igenom biblioteket.

Google Fonts

När du hittar ett webbsäkert font som du gillar, fortsätt och klicka på det för att se olika tillgängliga stilar.

Du kan selecta de styles som du gillar att använda på din website.

Select font styles

Klicka sedan på knappen ”View Selected Families”, varvid en sidebar öppnas.

Härifrån ser du användarinstruktionerna under section ”Use on the web”.

Usage instructions

Du kommer att se att det finns två olika tabs för att lägga till fonten på din site

Den första är Link-metoden, som är det rekommenderade standardsättet för att lägga till webbtypsnitt.

Den andra tabben använder @import CSS-metoden som tillåter dig att hämta fonten via din CSS stylesheet.

Vi visar dig hur du använder var och en av dessa metoder och vilka för- och nackdelar som finns.

Note: För några av dessa metoder måste du editera dina WordPress theme-filer. Du kan göra det genom att ansluta till din website med hjälp av en FTP-klient eller appen File Manager under ditt webbhotells control panel.

När du är ansluten måste du besöka mappen /wp-content/themes/Your-Theme-Name/ folder. Därifrån hittar du theme-filer som du kan behöva editera för den här tutorialen.

Theme folder

Mer detaljer finns i vår tutorial om hur du copy and paste code snippets i WordPress.

Metod 1. Lägga till Google Fonts till ditt tema med hjälp av plugin

För den här metoden använder vi ett plugin för WordPress för att hämta Google Fonts.

Först måste du installera och aktivera pluginet Fonts. För mer detaljer, se vår steg-för-steg guide om hur du installerar ett WordPress plugin.

Efter aktivering måste du besöka sidan Appearance ” Customize för att starta theme customizer. Härifrån kommer du att se den nya tabben Fonts Plugin.

Fonts plugin tab

Om du klickar på den visas alternativen för plugin.

You can choose to use Google Fonts for different areas of your website.

Font settings

Alternativt kan du också bara välja att hämta ett font för ditt WordPress theme.

Gå bara till Advanced Settings ” Load Fonts Only tabs.

Load fonts only

Härifrån kan du välja Google Fonts som du vill hämta till ditt WordPress theme.

Skriv bara in namnet på fonten och välj den sedan.

Select font

När du är slutförd, glöm inte att klicka på knappen Publicera för att spara dina ändringar.

Nu, om du använde tilläggets avancerade funktioner för att tilldela fonts för olika områden på din website, kommer de att fungera automatiskt.

Å andra sidan, om du tackade ja till att endast ladda fonts, då måste du add to custom CSS regler för dem. Till exempel, här är hur du skulle hämta ett font för styckeelementet på hela din website.

p { 
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;

Metod 2. Lägga till Google Web Fonts till ditt temas Header

Den här metoden är det enklaste sättet att add to Google Fonts direkt till your WordPress theme.

Du behöver bara editera header.php-filen för ditt WordPress-tema eller barntema. Därefter kopierar du och klistrar in Link-koden före din WordPress Theme Stylesheet-länk-kod.

Så här skulle det gilla att se ut:

<link rel="preconnect" href="">
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>
<link href=";800&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="YOUR THEME STYLESHEET" media="screen">

I grund och botten är målet att lägga in request för font så tidigt som möjligt. Detta allow användarens webbläsare att downloada fonten innan rendering av page.

När du har gjort det kan du använda fonten i ditt temas CSS-fil:

h1 {
    font-family: 'Open Sans',  sans- serif;

Metod 3. Add to Google Fonts i temats stylesheet

Med den här metoden importerar vi fontens CSS i vårt WordPress-temas huvudsakliga CSS-fil.

Du behöver bara edit style.css-filen i ditt WordPress temas root folder och add to koden från ”@import” tabs högst upp i CSS-filen.

@import url(';800&display=swap');

Så här såg det ut i vår demo website’s style.css fil.

Import font CSS

Viktigt: Se till att du lägger till @import-raden högst upp i din CSS-fil.

Metod 4. Enqueue Google Fonts på rätt sätt i WordPress

De två första metoderna som vi nämnde tidigare kräver att du direkt addar fonts genom att editera dina WordPress theme-filer.

Detta fungerar bra om du använder ett barntema för att göra alla dina ändringar.

Å andra sidan, om du gör dessa ändringar i huvudtemat, kommer dina ändringar att gå förlorade nästa gång du uppdaterar temat.

En enklare fix för det är att programmatiskt add to en kod som automatiskt hämtar Google fonts för ditt WordPress theme att använda.

För detta måste you add some custom code snippet till ett site-specifikt plugin eller genom att använda ett custom code plugin. För detaljer, se vår tutorial om hur man lägger till custom code i WordPress.

Add helt enkelt följande code snippet till din WordPress website.

function wpb_add_google_fonts() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'wpb-google-fonts', ',400italic,700italic,400,700,300', false ); 
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpb_add_google_fonts' );

Obs/observera: Glöm inte att ersätta URL:en med URL:en för de Google fonts du vill add to.

Alltså, WordPress kommer nu att använda metoden Link för att automatiskt hämta Google Fonts som du har addat.

Du kan bekräfta det genom att view din webbplats källkod, där ser du din Google fonts stylesheet add to i footer sektionen på din webbplats.

Fonts loaded

Bonus Section: Hur fonts påverkar WordPress hastighet

Google fonts hämtar extremt snabbt eftersom de serveras via Googles massiva CDN-nätverk med server locations över hela världen.

Eftersom dessa fonts används av miljontals websites finns det en god chans att användarna redan har dem lagrade i webbläsarens cache.

Detta minskar deras prestandapåverkan på hastigheten på din website. You can further reduce this impact by using only one or two web fonts in your design.

För fler tips, se vår kompletta guide om WordPress prestanda och hastighet för Beginner.

Vi hoppas att den här guiden hjälpte dig att lära dig hur du enkelt addar Google Web Fonts till ditt WordPress theme. Du kanske också vill se vår guide om hur du skapar ett custom WordPress-tema from scratch utan kodning och vår lista över de bästa gratis webbhotell-tjänsterna.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
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  2. Armando says

    I noticed that this video/instructions are dated 2015 and the screenshots, etc. are different. When I tried to embed the Google Fonts code in my header.php file as shown, it threw an error. So I’m thinking maybe this tutorial needs to be updated? Not sure, but… Thanks.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Thank you for your feedback, we’ll be sure to take a look into updating this article when able.


  3. Wout says

    Thanks for the article! Please replace http: in… with https: in the function to enqueue Google Fonts to enable an encrypted link to…

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Thanks for pointing this out, we will be sure to update the links as soon as we are able :)


  4. Renee says

    I got the font to show up but can’t figure out how to get it bold.
    Here’s an example of what i did in the css

    font-family:”Open Sans”, sans-serif;

    in the link i added to my header.php i added this:

    i tried subbing 700 for bold but no luck…
    any ideas?

    thanks in advance

    • Isaac Anderson says

      Make sure you check your desired font-weights on Google fonts after selecting them in the ”customize” tab.

  5. Shubham Kumar says

    What do you think about importing Google web Fonts using JavaScript asynchronously as mentioned over here :


  6. Jordan says

    One quick question – I looked up the code reference for wp_enqueue_style(). Its first argument is a string that denotes the name of the stylesheet. In your example, you use ’wpb-google-fonts’ for the first argument. How can I tell what to put here for my site?

  7. pete rome says

    where do I paste stuff in the header exactly? always see that but people never explain exactly where it is.

  8. Carla DeLauder says

    What does ’false’ do in this function? Other enqueued functions don’t include it.

    Thank you.

    • Kev says

      that’s the argument for header or footer. Since best practice is to put [almost] all scripts in the header it defaults to ’true’ => footer, whereas ’false’ would mean the NOT in the footer, but in the header instead.

      Unfortunately, font scripts stop everything else from loading, so putting them in the header sucks a litlte bit, which is why this article talks about making sure you’re only including the fonts you’ll actually use. On the flip side, putting them in the footer can cause default fonts like arial to load momentarily on your screen during painting until the webfont gets loaded. It’s a horrible caveat, but it is what it is.

      A practice I’m working into my workflow is to conditionally load fonts based on their usage in the site. For example, maybe ”bold” is only used in h2’s and h3’s in blog post templates (single.php), then I’ll write a conditional enqueue for the bold script to only be enqueued when on single.php template.

      Hope that helps.

      • Kev says

        Also, to note.

        By ”bold” above, I meant a specific bold version of a font family. <= just a head's up.

  9. April says

    I’m using the Punch Fonts plugin to add google fonts but I am not sure how to just get only heading 1 for the desired font. I don’t need this font for headings 2-6 so I only want to use the google font for heading one. How do I write that in the parameter?

    Currently I’m using: Oleo+Script+Swash+Caps:400

  10. Melissa says


    I have tried all three methods but neither of them took effect completely. It seems that it only applies to certain elements and not to others that I specified with that font in the style sheet

    When I use the Element Inspector for the element where my Google Font is not applied, this is what I see:
    #site-title {
    font-family: \’Questrial\’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

    What do these mean \\ around my font? I mean, it looks like it is indicating an error but I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong? What could it be? Some code overriding mine, with higher priority? but where? how? Arghhhh it’s driving me nuts

  11. Ali Sajjad says

    Dear Editorial, i want to add all google web fonts in this site, and then want to use in my means,

    but i dont want to use too many links in header file. any other way?

  12. Samantha says

    Thank you so much for this post! For someone who has no formal html/css training, I was impressed with the simplicity of this post.

  13. Greg says

    Hi there,

    Using Genesis and the Parallax Pro theme…
    But a newb to things like php etc

    I added this code to the fuctions.php file as you insctructed:
    add_action( ’genesis_meta’, ’wpb_add_google_fonts’, 5);

    function wpb_add_google_fonts() {
    echo ”;

    The headers that use the font above remain unchanged.

    1. Am I right in assuming that the code above is the only thing that I add?
    2. Where exactly should the code be added – at the beginning or end of fuctions.php?
    2. Is there anything missing from the code?
    3. Should I be adding something to the style.css file?

    Appreciate your help

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Greg, seems alright to us. We think WordPress probably omitted the part from your code where you echoed font link. Yes you will need to use CSS to set style rules for selectors where you want to use your Google font.


  14. Tony Porto says

    None of the above is good enough, we all know ”wp_enqueue_style( ’google-font’)” is the ”technically correct way to call a script, but in this case your <header will end up like this;

    FONT 1:
    FONT 2:
    FONT 3:
    FONT 4:

    No Good, it needs to be like this:

  15. Akmal says

    Where should i paste the above code? I could not find the last line of code anywhere in my header.php file? Can you please tell me step-wise?

  16. Sarah says

    Tried re-typing the following, and still nothing is changing;

    /* Import Fonts
    ———————————————————— */

    add_action( ‘genesis_meta’, ‘wpb_add_google_fonts’, 5);

    function wpb_add_google_fonts () {
    echo ‘’;

    /* Defaults

    It worked the first time. I’m so confused!
    Thanks for your help.

  17. Sarah says


    I was so proud of myself for copying the code and changing the font which, I found too large for my site. When I tried to change it to something else, I must have mixed something up, and only one font style continues to show, even when I play about with the codes. Feeling like a dunce now – I don’t talk tech. Can anyone help me? I’ve done it with and without the numbers in case they’re not actually part of it. Thanks. This is the latest that I entered…..

    /* Import Fonts
    ———————————————————— */

    1 add_action( ’genesis_meta’, ’wpb_add_google_fonts’, 5);
    3 function wpb_add_google_fonts() {
    4 echo ”;
    5 }

    /* Defaults
    ———————————————————— */

      • Sarah says

        No numbers, but I am missing something this time around. This is exactly what I have in my table;

        add_action( ’genesis_meta’, ’wpb_add_google_fonts’, 5);

        function wpb_add_google_fonts() {
        echo ”;

      • Sarah says

        It seems the code worked…..on one computer. It hasn’t taken on two others that I use.
        Can you please suggest why that might be the case?

        Thanks so much

  18. Karissa Skirmont says

    How can you use multiple Google Fonts in the functions.php ?

    I had this:

    //* Enqueue Google fonts
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'executive_google_fonts' );
    function executive_google_fonts() {
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'google-font', '//,700italic,400,700', array(), CHILD_THEME_VERSION );
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'google-font', '//,700italic,400,700', array(), CHILD_THEME_VERSION );

    But the Dancing Script wasn’t showing up font on my second computer or iPhone or tablet.
    I removed the Open Sans and it started working.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      @Karissa, the first argument in wp_enqueue_style function is the handle for the style script you are loading. Try this code instead:

      //* Enqueue Google fonts
      add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'executive_google_fonts' );
      function executive_google_fonts() {
      	wp_enqueue_style( 'google-font', '//,700italic,400,700', array(), 20131111 );
      	wp_enqueue_style( 'google-font-2', '//,700italic,400,700', array(), 20131111 );


      • Karissa Skirmont says

        Nevermind, I figured out that I needed to use a link like this:


      • Karissa Skirmont says

        Ahh I see, I replied above before refreshing the page and seeing your reply.

        By using the link Google gives when you have multiple fonts selected, it produces it like that and you can more easily try out different fonts live on site.

  19. Chaitanya says

    Thank you so much!! Whenever I need any WordPress help, I come directly to wpbeginner as I know I would find a best solution here. You guys don’t know how much you have helped beginners like me, Appreciate you support :)
    Long Live WPBeginner…


    • pete rome says

      yeah way too much work on each method here and there shouldn’t be a need to add anything to the style sheet find a plugin

  20. mzilverberg says

    Something I missed here were the conditional comments to make Google’s webfonts work in IE8 and below if you request more than one font weight. For example:

    <link href=”,700″ rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />

    That’s why I created a function for loading fonts:

    My script also places the appropriate fallback urls within a conditional comment.
    With a few lines of code you could also make this work in functions.php in your WordPress theme.

      • Bruce Smith says

        To maintain WYSIWYG in the admin content editor. So that I see the same font face in the admin editor as on my web site.

        • Dan Merhar says

          I was actually wondering how to do the same thing (and this is the first result that popped up on Google).

          I know plug-ins exist to add Google Webfonts functionality to the WYSIWYG editor, but they bog it down like crazy. I’m going to look into it further and see if there’s an easy way to add a font or two.

  21. Marleen says

    Thanx a lot for sharing, I’m really happy with this. I’m a Genesis user and started using @import because it’s alraedy being done in the stylesheet. Feel much better about this solution.
    Happy 2013!

  22. jeff says

    In your code do I replace ”YOUR THEME STYLESHEET” with something??
    mine is STYLE.CSS, or does it need to be a URL ??

  23. Charles says

    This is what I use…..

    Add this to your theme’s functions.php file:

    /* Load CSS Files
    		function load_theme_styles()
    			if (!is_admin()) {
    				$cssURL = get_template_directory_uri().'/css/';
    				$fontURL = '|Oswald';
    				// Registering New Styles	
    				wp_register_style('googleFont', $fontURL);					
    				wp_register_style('style', $cssURL.'/style.css', 'googleFont', '1.0', 'screen');
    				wp_register_style('print', $cssURL.'/print.css', 'googleFont', '1.0', 'print');
    				// Enqueing Styles
    	add_action('wp_enqueue_style', 'load_theme_styles');

    What do you think about this?

  24. Chris says

    Great article! I think it would be pretty cool if wordpress, by default, had Google Fonts included into it, but this seems easy enough. Thanks for explaining!

    • Editorial Staff says

      Google Fonts are great, but not everyone uses it (considering the amount of folks who use WordPress). WordPress has a 95% rule. If the feature would not satisfy 95% of the audience, then it is usually falls in the plugins category. However, sometimes exceptions are made. We can assure you that the Core WP team, will not make this into an exception though :)


  25. Aaron Crow says

    You rock man! Just what I was looking for! Thanks for putting up this post… I searched forever trying to find something about adding this to my theme. Glad I stumbled across your page.

  26. Anderson Curry says

    Great post and even if their is a plug-in to do this, it’s always better to learn the non – plugin way also.

  27. Brad says

    So obviously you dont accept using the several Google font plugins. I am going to have to revisit my css files in that case.

  28. sadhu says

    i dont understand the second part which is adding font to the genesis add action thing.. is that another method to add in google web font?

    and i know we dont have to incld all styles of the font, but the recommended method, which is|Oswald

    just for instance, what if i only want bold style for lora and light style for oswald, then how to combine the font styles?


  29. Gautam Doddamani says

    great tutorial…i actually use the wp google fonts plugin…would you recommend that plugin or doing the manual way as described above..which is efficient performance wise?

        • Pippin says

          Avoiding the google fonts plugin because it is a plugin is not a good reason at all. Using the plugin actually provides you with much more flexibility than including it in your theme, especially if you ever choose to change themes.

        • Editorial Staff says

          As far as I’m concerned, fonts in most cases are considered stylistic elements thus theme based, and they usually change when you switch to a different theme.

    • Editorial Staff says

      Konstantin, I totally agree with you. wp_enqueue_style function should always be used. That is what I tried doing first as suggested by Nathan Rice, in StudioPress’s article about Google Fonts. Except Google clearly states, that the font styles should be loaded before anything else. Using wp_enqueue_style and then printing them using wp_print_styles, this was printing the item after the main stylesheet was already loaded. That was the reason why I had to hook into genesis_meta() hook. Anyways, totally agree with your thoughts on your article.


      • Japh says

        I’m a little late to this, but I wanted to mention that you could still use wp_enqueue_style, just set the priority higher so that they are loaded first :)

    • Bob R says

      Great tutorial. One observation though: first image in the article was meant to show the @import tab, wasn’t it?

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