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Så här använder du Custom Post Types i WordPress 3.0

Sedan version 2.9 har WordPress introducerat möjligheten att använda custom post types. Nu med version 3.0 tas saker och ting lite längre med alternativet att skapa paneler för dina custom post types. I denna tutorial visar vi hur du implementerar Custom Post Types på din site i din WordPress-webbplats.

Skapa custom post types – med hjälp av plugins

Från och med version 3.0 har WordPress inte något built-in UI (användargränssnitt) för att skapa custom post types. Det finns bara två alternativ som vi kan använda för att skapa custom post types: tillägg eller att hårdkoda dem i ditt temas functions.php-fil. Låt oss först se över hur vi kan använda tillägg för att skapa custom post types.

UI för custom post type

Custom Post Types UI

Custom Post Type UI är ett plugin utvecklat av Brad Williams från WebDevStudios som allow you att enkelt skapa custom post types och taxonomies. En av de coolaste funktionerna i detta plugin är att det genererar en kod för att skapa custom post types, så att du sedan kan klistra in den i ditt temas functions.php-fil. En av egenheterna med detta plugin är oförmågan att dela taxonomier bland alla dina post_types.

Generate code for Custom Posts Types

Från UI-panelen för Custom Post Type klickar du på ”Add New”.

Add New Button for Custom Post Type UI

Därefter får du några alternativ att fylla i. ”Post Type Name” är vad som kommer att användas av WordPress för att söka efter alla posts från en sådan post_type. ”Label” är vad som kommer att visas i sidebaren i din adminpanel, likes den vanliga menyn ”Post”. Om du förstorar ”View Advanced Options” kommer du att se några fler alternativ som du kan konfigurera. De flesta är självförklarande, till exempel ”Offentlig” och ”Visa användargränssnitt”. Den första när den är inställd på true allow the custom post type menu to be displayed on the sidebar, och den andra (show ui) när den är inställd på true genererar menu panelen.

”Rewrite” är det som tillåter den custom post typen att använda sökmotorsoptimerande WordPress URL:er (permalänkar). ”Custom Rewrite Slug” kan ställas in på vad du gillar. WordPress kommer att använda denna slug för att generera permalänkarna. Så om vi har med en custom rewrite slug av ”movies” skulle din custom post type permalänk se ut som

WordPress ”Query Var”-funktion allow you to query your custom post type’s post. Så om vi använde exemplet som gavs tidigare, för att komma åt ett post med titeln, My First Movie Post, som är skriven under Movies post_type, kan vi enter example. com/?movies=my-first-movie-post. Så sökningens variabel gillar detta: ?posttypnamn

Slutligen kan du välja de olika funktioner som stöds av din custom post type, till exempel thumbnails/featured image och excerpts.

Custom Post Types UI Options

Skapa custom post types – med hjälp av filen Functions.php

Hard Code Custom Post Types

Om du föredrar att använda custom post types utan ett plugin, add to bara följande kod till ditt temas functions.php-fil:

// Creates Movies post type
register_post_type('movies', array(
'label' => 'Movies',
'public' => true,
'show_ui' => true,
'capability_type' => 'post',
'hierarchical' => false,
'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'movies'),
'query_var' => true,
'supports' => array(
) );

Låt oss dissekera koden.

register_post_type( $post_type, $args ): Denna funktion godkänner två parametrar, $post_type eller namnet på post typen, och $args, en array av argument.

etikett: Pluralnamnet på post typen som visas i adminpanelens sidebar.

Offentlig: true/false. Allow the admin UI to be populated with posts of this type.

show_ui: true/false. Visar eller döljer ett standardgränssnitt för att hantera denna post type.

kapabilitet_typ: Standard: post Post Type som ska användas för att kontrollera förmågorna read, edit och delete.

hierarchical: Om post typen är hierarkisk.

rewrite: sant/falskt. Standard: true Om argumentet slug enteras kommer slug-namnet att prependlas till posts.

query_var: true/false Ställer in namnet på post type som en sökvariabel.

supports: true/false Standard: title and author Ställer in olika supportfunktioner som post typen tillåter.

Besök WordPress Codex för mer information om register_post_type().

Displaying Custom Post Type Posts (visa inlägg av custom post type)

För att visa posterna från din custom post type, add to följande koder i loopen. Ersätt ”name” med namnet på din post type. Note: Du behöver inte add to de custom post types i din index.php-fil. Du kan skapa en Custom WordPress page och run följande sökning i loopen.

$query = new WP_Query( 'post_type=name' );

Om du vill visa posts från mer än en post type ändrar du koden ovan till följande. Byt ut movies mot namnet på din custom post type.

$query = new WP_Query( array(
	'post_type' => array( 'post', 'movies' )
) );

Koden ovan kommer att visa all post från den vanliga posttypen (post) och från den custom post typen, movies.

Det är allt. Vi hoppas att denna tutorial har varit till hjälp och glöm inte att publicera några frågor i kommentarerna.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. dave says

    Ive created two custom post types but only the first one is showing on my page. ive added this
    $query = new WP_Query( array( ’post_type’ => array( ’post’, ’featured’, ’latest’ )
    ) );

    inside my loop file but nothing. how can i resolve this?

  3. wizdom networks says

    Firstly, great article! I’m working through implementing custom post types via code. Noteworthy that the current WordPress documentation ( specifies that the query_posts function should generally not be used and that the pre_get_posts hook is used to modify queries.

    ”It is strongly recommended that you use the pre_get_posts filter instead, and alter the main query by checking is_main_query”

    Again, great article, thanks for sharing.


  4. Thom Abbott says

    WOW…for a novice who uses WP to run their website, this is not Beginner stuff by any means! I’ll probably have to reach out to some WP developer to set up my Custom Page that I want.

  5. mark shirley says

    query_posts( ’post_type=movies’);

    I cant get this to work in my twentyeleven child theme page template where would i put it to pull a page of movies. Actually its the excerpts i really want. Thanks Mark

  6. muntzdesigns says

    When using this plugin and adding the above code to loop.php you will lose control over categories…my custom post type is added to all categories…any help?

    • wpbeginner says

      @muntzdesigns This is why you have multiple loops… your main blog loop, archive.php, category.php etc… On a custom designed site, you will have to utilize that in order for this to work appropriately.

      • muntzdesigns says

        @wpbeginner@muntzdesigns So just add the above code to all files? (loop.php, archive.php and category.php). Thanks.

        • wpbeginner says

          @muntzdesigns No. You only add the code on the front pages. The issue you had was that custom post types were being added to all categories… You need to add the above code only to the main loop. Then create a new loop for category archive, taxonomy archive, author archive …

  7. dazuaga says

    What exactly does Content Type Identifier in CMS Press plugin? I’m looking for a way to prepend a the category slug to the custom post type ( but when using %category%/%identifier%/%postname% in Content Type Identifier automaticaly transforms this way: %categoryidentifierpostname

  8. simplywendz says

    This is such a great tutorial for creating a custom post in wordpress. The steps are given on details one could easily follow. This is a big, big help!

  9. Cupbearer says

    Wow, I had the whole CMS Press thing working, but couldn’t figure out how to get it to show up in the posts. I guess it’s been around for so long that everyone just assumes that it should already be known. Perfect Answer to getting my Custom Post Type to show up in the Loop.

    Jerry Craig

  10. Ed says

    I have tried the plugin, very impressive. However, I am trying to get a page attribute to appear from my themes ’Pages’ attributes i.e the ability to use a full width page option. Am I to assume that your plugin only pulls attributes from Post type layouts rather than Page type layouts? All I want is to have the option of setting a post to a full, pre-determined template.

    Great job though – I shall be using this a lot.


  11. Simon says

    I have tried the plugin way but couldn’t get the post to show up. Maybe that’s because I coulndn’t find the loop.php file.

    Anyways, thanks a lot, I’m pretty sure it will work sometime soon.

    I want to say that one super awesome thing that would be great to do with wordpress is to have the possibility to create custom views of content just like in drupal with the views module.

    I know there is a plugin called pods and pods cms that is suppose to make that possible. Perhaphs you could ask the developper to help out in a post on wpbeginner if you do not understand it at all like me. I’m sure lots of people would love this. Presenting views is what realy makes a cms a realy dynamic cms after all.

    • Editorial Staff says

      The loop.php might not exist in your theme. Loop can also be found in your index.php, archive.php, category.php etc. You may also create a custom loop if you like.


  12. Peter says

    Good tutorial, thank you for sharing.

    I have a question on this.
    I made a custom post type through functions.php (a calendar) which has a custom meta box in the admin UI. This meta box uses jQuery on one field.(
    For this datepicker to work, I need to embed the required scripts.
    works but my scripts get loaded on the entire admin UI. (which interferes with the default WP admin jquery)
    So what I need is the hook for my custom post type.
    doesn’t work because register_post_type isn’t a hook.
    So, what is the hook for a custom post_type?

    • Amanda says

      You could try adding the following to your function definition before registering the script:

      if(is_admin()) return;

      So something like:

      function some-function(){
      // we don't need this on admin pages, so...
      if(is_admin()) return;
      //register the custom script
      wp_enqueue_script( 'some-script' );

  13. Evan says

    How do I get each content type to show up in the loop? I mean, it’s almost like Tumblr. If I post a picture… I need to customize the code in the loop – same thing I post a link.

  14. Michael says

    I cannot seem to get the loop to work to query posts of my custom type. Your example seems easy enough so I tried the following $var = query_posts( ’post_type=sponsor’);

    Then I started a loop
    while ($var ->have_posts()) : $var ->the_post();
    Do stuff

    this returns a php error:
    Fatal error: Call to a member function have_posts() on a non-object in single-sponsor.php on line 22

    line 22 is the line with the while loop.

    Ideas? What am I doing wrong?

  15. Romero says

    I have tried to create a tag for custom field, and when I use get_the_tags within the loop of custom type, it doesn’t print anything.
    Any suggestions?

  16. Jan says

    Im very excited about this new feature ^-^ You made a nice video. Altough in your example, why use custom post types and not just make up a category books and movies for the posts? That way you save all the hassle of a custom post type.

    • Editorial Staff says

      First, it lets you organize things differently. Second, you can have a completely different write panel with different options. It allows for much more customizations…


  17. Sandra says

    Thanks for this great article! I’m a real wp beginner, and maybe you can help me with this question:
    Is it possible to display archives of one custom post type in the sidebar like one can do by using the ”display archives by cat”-plugin by kwebble?

    • Editorial Staff says

      Yes it is possible to display custom post types as archives. Just create a custom loop in the sidebar to display posts or categories from a specific post type.


  18. lukeMV says

    Any easy to understand guides on how to add options to the custom posts? For example, if a movie is drama, comedy, horror…. to have those options as check boxes WITHIN the custom post edit panel? I can’t seem to find a guide or plug-in for that.

  19. Paul says

    Hi, That was a great article. I was hoping that you may know the answer to my question.
    In the last couple of lines you have:

    query_posts(array('post_type' => array('post', 'movies')));

    this returns all posts and post_types named movies.

    Do you know how to return both post_types named ’movies’ and posts in the category ’movies’ but exclude all other posts that do not have this category??

    • Editorial Staff says

      Custom Post Types are good for users who are using WordPress for more than a Blog, for example CMS. Lets say if you want to have a site that has your portfolio and your blog. Obviously you don’t want your blogs to look the same way as your portfolio does. That is when custom post types comes in handy. This is a very versatile feature for taking WordPress to the next level. For average blog user, they probably don’t need custom post types.


      • Tracy B. says

        Okay, but I’m still trying to understand the difference between this and just categorizing things. I’ve made plenty of sites for people where separate pages do things like list only the ”current events” category and another the ”projects” category or whatever. How is this better?

  20. Chris says

    I can’t help but think that this would have been more useful if you showed something out of the ordinary with post types, rather than use the old ”movies and books” bit.

    How about a sideblog using post types, or something a bit more practical? All this does is re-state what the WP Codex will eventually have, if it isn’t already on there.

    • Editorial Staff says

      We are sorry that you feel this way Chris. WP Codex will not have a video that will show you how to do this. It does not matter what names we use for the custom post types, the idea is how to add them. We will not create an extra-ordinary site just to write a post about custom post type. If you seek that knowledge, you are probably better off doing it yourself. This blog still has to fulfill the needs of the beginner level users hence why we shared the plugin method.


  21. Kevin Elliott says

    Will this work on WordPress 2.9 or is it only for 3.0?

    I tried using 3.0, but some quirk happened where none of my plugins would activate, even the ones that said they activated. Was very strange!


  22. Marc says

    Just watched the video…

    Is it true that we need to edit php files (= hard code) to get the whole thing working?

      • Marc says

        Allright, I see, thnx! ;)

        Then I suppose you started the hard code way? At the time seeing all the coding stuff only, I just quit. Therefore didn’t see the plugin way I guess…

  23. Rilwis says

    Very nice article. The Custom Post Type UI plugin has the options very similar to raw PHP code of registering post types, that is great for developers.

    Thanks for introducing many useful plugin to work with custom post types.

  24. Bryan says

    I’m happy that WordPress has integrated custom post types right into the wp framework. However I’m not seeing how it is any better than using plugins already available such as Magic Fields or Flutter. With those plugins you get the same effect plus easy to setup custom fields with lots of different types and flexibility in how to enter and display your data. Does wp 3.0 support anything like that right out of the gate?

    • Editorial Staff says

      You can create a UI for custom fields and just about anything in the backend with Custom Post Types. You are right that those plugins make it very easy for users, but if any of those plugins fall on development, then you are left with no choice.


      • Bryan says

        Fair enough. I’ve played around with the beta a bit, but not as much as I should I suppose. It would be exciting if it did go more that direction. Since I’ve become experienced using those plugins I almost don’t make a site now with one

        So that would be great if all those tools were available and handled within the original application. I can see it leading to better backend management and encourage more people to contribute to it rather than a smaller group supporting a particular plugin.

        • Ian says

          I think they have intentionally left some of the custom post type code as code. To allow the average user to have to deal with it.

    • ravalde says

      I cant get any taxonomies to display in twentyeleven neither can I find a tutorial that shows me how from start to finish all seem to focus on twentyten and the loop

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