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Categorie vs. tag: le migliori pratiche SEO per l’ordinamento dei contenuti

Molti lettori ci chiedono spesso cosa sia meglio per la SEO: le categorie o i tag? La comprensione di questi elementi importa per migliorare l’organizzazione del sito web e la visibilità sui motori di ricerca.

Chi non è sicuro della differenza tra categorie e tag di WordPress non è il solo. Cogliere queste differenze può aiutarvi a organizzare i vostri contenuti in modo più efficace e a massimizzare i benefici della SEO del vostro sito.

In questo articolo chiariremo la distinzione tra categorie e tag in WordPress. Spiegheremo come si possono usare per organizzare i contenuti e discuteremo il loro impatto sulle classifiche SEO, aiutandovi a prendere decisioni informate per la struttura del vostro sito web.

Categories vs Tags - SEO Best Practices for Sorting Your Content

Ecco cosa tratteremo in questa esercitazione. Potete usare i link sottostanti per passare alla sezione che vi interessa:

Qual è la differenza tra categorie e tag?

Le categorie e i tag sono entrambe tassonomie di WordPress. Vengono utilizzate per raggruppare i post in modi diversi.

Le categorie hanno lo scopo di raggruppare in modo generale i vostri post. Consideratele come argomenti generali o come l’indice del vostro sito WordPress. Le categorie sono gerarchiche, il che significa che è possibile creare sottocategorie.

I tag, invece, hanno lo scopo di descrivere dettagli specifici dei vostri post. Considerateli come le parole dell’indice del vostro sito. Permettono di micro-categorizzare i contenuti. I tag non sono gerarchici.

Ad esempio, questo post su WPBeginner fa parte della categoria “Guida per principianti”. Potete vedere tutti i post di questa categoria andando su Blog ” Guida per principianti nel nostro menu di navigazione.

Questo post contiene anche i seguenti tag: categorie, categorie vs tag, tassonomia personalizzata, SEO, best practice SEO, ordinare i contenuti e tag.

Questi tag non vengono visualizzati in nessun punto dell’articolo. Tuttavia, aiutano gli utenti a trovare l’articolo nelle ricerche pertinenti sul nostro blog.

Una delle maggiori differenze tra tag e categorie è che tutti i post di WordPress devono essere archiviati sotto una categoria, ma non è necessario che abbiano dei tag.

Se non si assegna una categoria al post, WordPress lo assegnerà automaticamente alla categoria predefinita. Questa si chiama “Uncategorized”, ma spesso è utile rinominare la categoria Uncategorized in qualcosa come “Other” o “Miscellaneous”.

Nota: per impostazione predefinita, in WordPress solo i post dei blog hanno categorie e tag. Tuttavia, è possibile aggiungere categorie e tag alle pagine di WordPress utilizzando un plugin.

Come si possono aggiungere categorie e tag in WordPress?

In WordPress è possibile aggiungere categorie e tag durante la creazione o la modifica di un post. Si trovano sul lato destro sotto la voce “Impostazioni del post”.

Adding categories and tags when creating a post

Si può anche andare su Post ” Categorie e post ” Tag per aggiungere nuove categorie e tag.

Per ulteriori informazioni sul processo di aggiunta di categorie e tag, consultate le nostre spiegazioni su Che cos’è una categoria? e Che cos’è un tag? per ottenere aiuto e guida.

Quante categorie di WordPress si dovrebbero avere?

Non esiste un numero specifico di categorie da avere. Nella maggior parte dei casi, è necessario avere un numero di categorie compreso tra 5 e 10, in modo da classificare correttamente i post e rendere il sito facile da consultare.

Le categorie sono pensate per racchiudere un ampio gruppo di post. È possibile utilizzare sottocategorie e tag per suddividere i post in gruppi più piccoli.

Se avete appena avviato un blog, non preoccupatevi di trovare un elenco perfetto di categorie. Scegliete solo 3-5 categorie generali e aggiungetene altre con il passare del tempo.

È necessario utilizzare le sottocategorie in WordPress?

Non è necessario utilizzare le sottocategorie e molti blog di grandi dimensioni (compreso WPBeginner) non lo fanno. Tuttavia, le sottocategorie sono utili se avete una grande categoria con molti post che potrebbero essere raggruppati in sezioni più piccole.

Ad esempio, si potrebbe avere una categoria “Ricette” che contiene un numero crescente di ricette senza glutine.

Posts in the category 'Recipes'

È possibile inserire questi post nella propria sottocategoria, in modo che i lettori possano trovarli facilmente. Si crea una nuova categoria figlia di “Ricette” chiamata “Senza glutine” e si spostano questi post in quella categoria.

Usare le categorie negli URL dei post

Alcuni siti utilizzano il nome della categoria nei permalink (URL dei post), che si possono impostare in Impostazioni ” Permalink“.

Including your posts' categories in your URLs

Se questo è il caso del vostro sito, il vostro post avrà inizialmente un URL simile a questo:
.../ricette/pancake senza glutine/

Dopo aver spostato il post in una categoria figlia, avrà un nuovo URL:
.../ricette/senza glutine/pancakes senza glutine/

Normalmente, WordPress cercherà di reindirizzare il vecchio URL a quello nuovo. Vale sicuramente la pena di verificare che i vostri link funzionino ancora. Se necessario, è possibile creare un reindirizzamento 301 dal vecchio URL a quello nuovo.

Un’altra opzione è quella di mantenere il post nella categoria madre e assegnarlo anche alla categoria figlia, ma questo può avere degli svantaggi.

Sebbene il sito WPBeginner abbia delle categorie nell’URL, consigliamo sempre agli utenti di utilizzare una struttura URL più breve che contenga solo “Nome del post”. Questo vi darà la massima flessibilità per riorganizzare i contenuti senza preoccuparvi di impostare i reindirizzamenti.

Tutti i nostri nuovi siti web utilizzano la moderna struttura URL “Post name”. WPBeginner ha più di 10 anni, quindi ha una struttura URL legacy. La modifica della struttura degli URL non è consigliata per la SEO, ed è per questo che l’abbiamo mantenuta.

Posso assegnare un post a più categorie?

WordPress consente di inserire un post in più categorie. Può trattarsi di più categorie madri o di una categoria madre più una o più sottocategorie.

La presenza di più categorie non giova alla SEO. Dovreste assegnare i post a più categorie solo se questo ha più senso per i vostri lettori.

È possibile che la presenza di un post in più categorie possa causare problemi di SEO a causa di contenuti duplicati.

Se utilizzate più categorie, cercate di evitare di inserire un post in due o più categorie principali (genitori). Ogni post dovrebbe rientrare in una sola categoria principale.

C’è un limite al numero di tag che un post può avere?

WordPress stesso non ha alcun limite al numero di tag che si possono avere per ogni post. Potreste potenzialmente assegnare 1.000 o più tag a un post!

Tuttavia, non lo consigliamo assolutamente.

Lo scopo dei tag è quello di aiutare a collegare tra loro i post correlati. Pensate a loro come a una sezione dell’indice di un libro. Ogni tag è come una parola chiave nell’indice.

I tag sono utili per gli utenti che effettuano ricerche sul vostro sito. Alcuni plugin che visualizzano i post correlati utilizzano i tag per capire quali argomenti dei post sono correlati.

Suggeriamo di attenersi a un massimo di 10 tag per post.

Categorie vs Tag: Cosa è meglio per la SEO?

Ci sono dei vantaggi SEO di WordPress nell’utilizzare le categorie rispetto ai tag o viceversa?

La risposta breve è No.

Le categorie e i tag hanno entrambi scopi diversi. È necessario usare le categorie, ma non è necessario usare i tag se non si vuole. Tuttavia, si consiglia di utilizzare entrambe in modo appropriato per aiutare i lettori a navigare nel sito.

In definitiva, dovreste progettare il vostro sito pensando agli utenti. Tutti i motori di ricerca vogliono mostrare agli utenti i contenuti più utili per loro.

Ciò significa che l’organizzazione dei contenuti per una migliore fruibilità aiuterà anche a ottenere un migliore posizionamento SEO.

È possibile controllare l’aspetto di categorie e tag nei risultati di ricerca?

È possibile personalizzare il modo in cui le categorie e i tag appaiono nelle pagine dei risultati dei motori di ricerca utilizzando All in One SEO (AIOSEO), il miglior plugin SEO per WordPress sul mercato.

Innanzitutto, installate e attivate il plugin All in One SEO Premium o AIOSEO gratuito. Per maggiori dettagli, consultate la nostra guida passo-passo su come installare un plugin di WordPress.

Dopo l’attivazione, è necessario navigare in All in One SEO ” Aspetto della ricerca e fare clic sulla scheda ‘Tassonomie’ per configurare l’aspetto della ricerca per categorie e tag.

All in One SEO Taxonomies Settings

Le impostazioni predefinite funzionano per la maggior parte dei siti web, ma è possibile personalizzarle in molti modi.

Ad esempio, alcuni utenti preferiscono impedire ai motori di ricerca di indicizzare i propri archivi di categorie e tag. Questo può aiutare a prevenire problemi di contenuti duplicati e incoraggia i motori di ricerca a dare priorità ai post e alle pagine effettive.

Nella sezione Categorie, è sufficiente impostare l’opzione “Mostra nella ricerca” su “No”.

AIOSEO Search Appearance for Categories

Successivamente, si deve scorrere fino alla sezione Tag e fare la stessa cosa.

Assicurarsi di fare clic sul pulsante “Salva modifiche” nella parte superiore o inferiore della pagina per memorizzare le impostazioni. I motori di ricerca non indicizzeranno più le pagine dell’archivio delle categorie e dei tag.

AIOSEO Search Appearance for Tags

Guide di esperti sulla categorizzazione dei contenuti di WordPress

Speriamo che questo articolo vi abbia aiutato a capire le categorie rispetto ai tag e le migliori pratiche SEO per ordinare i vostri contenuti. Potreste anche voler vedere altre guide relative alla categorizzazione dei contenuti di WordPress:

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

350 commentiLascia una risposta

  1. Maxwell

    /%postname%/ VS /%category%/%postname%/

    Some people says that for Several hundred -or thousand- posts /%postname%/ Structure is more efficient because WordPress cannot tell the difference between Categories and Posts so when it’s looking at, say…, it cannot tell if “Tutorials” is a category, page, or post; so it goes through all of them to find the match. Next, it goes to “How-to-ABC” and repeats the process; taking twice the time.

    I’m confused and need help.

  2. Lorenzo

    Hi, very useful article for me!

    I have a website about itineraries and craftsmen with 2 main topics: cities and materials

    User must be able to search filtering the results by these 2 topics. What are the best taxonomies I can use?

    I was thinking to use categories (Cities) and subcategories (Materials).

    Is this the best solution? Maybe do I have to consider TAGS?

    Another question: since the same articles go under one Category (City) and specific subcategories or TAG (Material), search engines will consider them as duplicate contents? May I incur in SEO penalization?

    Thank you

  3. cik amal

    thank you for helping me.. If u see my blog i put many categories.. btw thank you very much

  4. طراحی سایت

    I had used the tag on my old website,
    But now I’ve turned it into categories

    But it still has some problems:

  5. Zohaib

    Hi Syed,

    I have a question, Currently, I am working on my Jobs blog where I share jobs from various newspapers.

    So, I am using categories instead of any tags in my site and I also managed all the categorie’s link into various parts for my users. For example, I have a category name “Jobs In Karachi” so I hide the main category from the blog and take the link of this Jobs In Karachi category and make a new manually category with the same name and insert hyperlink.

    Is it fine for my blog ? I am not using any tag so far in my site. My site contains only categories.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes seems fine. The real goal of taxonomies is to help you and your users sort the content so if its helping you and your users then it is alright.


  6. Ibrahim

    Thanks for the insightful article. I got a bit carried away with my categories so I’ve gone back and restructured using your suggestions.

    Thanks :D

  7. shahid

    Salam Sir, thanks for this great post. I want to ask, If tags are only for users then why you don’t show tags for this post and why you have not tags width on your site?


    • WPBeginner Support

      On WPBeginner we cover a variety of topics and we feel that categories help our users more than tags. This is why we have Categories at the top under Blog menu.


  8. John Els

    I found your article while looking for information on how to use custom taxonomies in a meaningful way. Thank you for taking the time to write a very nice article about categories and tags. The way that you explained the difference between the two, and what is important about them, is very useful. Now I just need to figure out if this is enough, or whether I need to implement custom taxonomies, and then how to best structure my site content. Thanks again :-)

  9. Matias

    • Editorial Staff

      Different SEO’s will have different take on this. If you’re super concerned about duplicate content, then add noindex. Otherwise leave it. As Yoast suggested, if you’re using excerpts then you can leave it as index.


      • Matias

        Gonna try indexing tag and category in one of my blogs and i will tell you the results.

  10. Sean Nelson

    Thanks so much for this article. I’m currently building a review website for sports equipment and am trying to decide the category and tags relationship. Both were created by Wordpress for a reason, and if used correctly and properly thought out ahead of time can tremendously help you in the long-run of managing your content on a blog.

    I’ll definitely be back to read future posts. Thanks!

  11. J

    Awesome article, thanks for sharing.
    My question is if were there changes in WordPress that we should be aware of concerning this topic or the same principles are still relevant.
    All the best,


  12. Tim L

    I realize I’m late to the party here but I have two questions that were not addressed.

    I have a photo blog organized geographically. Categories are usually state names (i.e., Oregon) but in some states there is enough repetition that I can divide posts into regional subcategories (i.e., Cascade Mountains). These subcategories usually start out as tags. Is there any reason not to have “Cascade Mountains” as a subcategory and a tag? It gives readers a choice of how to find the posts they are looking for.

    In the example above I have two categories assigned to a post but one is a subcategory so it doesn’t violate the “one category” rule. Now let’s say I add a third category, “Bobby”, to the post because I want to make it easy for Bobby’s grandparents to find all the posts about Bobby. Not smart? Should Bobby remain a tag?

    • Editorial Staff


      Geographical location is one way to go about using categories although I wouldn’t do it that way on my site. Here is why:

      If I’m visiting Oregon, I will probably do it once or twice in my life maybe? So the pictures I have for that category are going to be limited and so is the life of that category. After a certain period of time, that category will never be used again. That is a big dilemma for travel bloggers too.

      My personal preference as a user and as a blogger would be to categorize based on more universal themes. For example as a travel blogger, I would use categories like Food, Culture, Places, etc. Then lets say all the pictures I took while I was in Ireland, will go in their appropriate categories each with tags of Ireland.

      Now there is no right/wrong way here because it essentially comes down to a personal preference. I have built large sites where we had to use geographical location as categories to organize each company branch in various location of the country. So it really depends on what you are going for.

      What will happen if you go outside of United States? Then you will have all U.S. states as category and then one country? At what level should you really start with? Should you start with parent category country? To avoid all that complication on personal/travel/photoblogs, I would simply keep things simple by using universal themes.



  13. Ibraheem

    Thank you so much for your work. and here is my question:

    I hope I am getting this right point. I need to tell search engine to not index my tags. why? They have the juice of my content!

    My competitor is ranking high with his tags not categories! I am sure if he noindex his tags he will loose all of his traffic. Why are tags bringing good traffic while categories not? There is something not clear about noindex for tags.

    • Editorial Staff

      You can choose to index your tags instead of categories. It is your personal preference. Remember that the goal is to organize your site.


  14. Steph M

    Great article! I was hoping for some advice. I run a blog for a bar chain with 12 locations. So say my category would be Cityname Nightlife. Would you suggest making a Nightlife category with the cities as subcategories, or 12 categories of Cityname Nightlife? (there are other terms I want to do this for besides nightlife)

    I appreciate your help :)

    • Editorial Staff

      It really depends on how you want to structure your site. If you want to show content by cities, then make cities the parent category. If you want to show topics as the main thing and let users pick their cities secondary… then make cities a sub category.


  15. Muwawu Jimmy Roderick

    Please I cannot believe the information I have found on this website. It was so well explained in that I was like watching a video tutorial. I had read alot of information from other websites, but they all failed to explain the meaning of categories and tags or pages. It only here where I have found clear info.

    Thanks for the great tutorial

  16. kusum

    Hi it is very informative

    but i am just wondering to know how multiple taxonomies wil work for SEOs, for user i need to create 4 -5 taxonomies to attache with a custom post type for databse type project where user can filter the data within multiple taxonomies.

    is it will also make effect on SEO , and will create a duplicate content issues.

    please suggest

    • Editorial Staff

      Just set noindex, follow tags for all the other taxonomies. Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin has the option to do so.


  17. RB

    Very helpful article. Do have a question:

    Currently, in Yoast, I have” title template” for tag + categ are populated with (%%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%), while “meta description template” is (%%category_description%%) and (%%tag_description%%) respectively. I should point out that it’s a new blog with no real content just yet and my goal is to have elements set up correctly for smooth sailing. That said, as categories and tags get added, do I need to be filling out their descriptions so that yoast’s “description templates” pull that info? What is the benefit of naming categories? Lastly, if I don’t name and with my current set up, what would a search result end up looking like (what will meta be?)

    Thanks in advance!

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes it is helpful to add category description if you want that category to rank for certain keywords. Most folks don’t add that because they don’t care enough. Some folks noindex their categories if they don’t think category archive is related.

      It really depends on what you are trying to do with your site, and how you are using categories. On WPBeginner, we have meta description for our categories.


  18. Animesh Roy

    Thanks for this great informative post. A lot of confusion related to categories and tags have been cleared. But I have a small question regarding categories. When I am entering my site’s name in Google search bar, the category archive links are also showing in search result. So my question is how to remove those category archive links from search result and is it required to remove those links from the search result. I am quite confused regarding this.
    I am using Yoast WordPress SEO as my blogs SEO plugin..

  19. Aditya Nath Jha

    Awesome insight you have, I was just about to strip category base from my url! I am still confused whether should I do it or not ?

    • Editorial Staff

      It’s really a personal preference. We wouldn’t recommend it though because we have had some issues with redirects if your post/page and category slug are similar. It’s really weird.


  20. arunii

    I read the whole article carefully and comments as well. what i personally learn is that

    Tags should be – > No Index , Follow
    Categories should be – Index, Follow

    Also try to put you post in just one category. This is I personally follow and implement.

    Is I am right and going in right directon ? Please reply editorial staff !

  21. yMladenov

    It’s nice to see that the concept of creating sites for the people, not the search engines, is prevailing again. I am so fed up with people seeing their sites as search engine results. Furthermore, the irony in that case is that sites built with SE’s in mind usually does not rank as well as a user-friendly, (useful!) content-rich site.

  22. Maria

    I’m getting crazy with the problem of categories in my blog. The fact is that there are posts that I want to put into 2 categories. People told me that Google doesn’t penalize for this but could not index one of them. So, do I have to index categories or not? What do you suggest?
    Thanks a lot

      • Maria

        Thanks a lot! Just the last question…if I noindex the categories, will my articles be index?

        • Editorial Staff

          Yes. It will only noindex the category archive pages. It will still follow all of your articles and index them.

  23. carles

    Thanks very much to make things clear.

  24. Charles Ott

    The information you provided on these topics for my Steel City Artist website was very helpful and the most informative that I came across this evening. Thank you!

  25. Allii Allee

    really nice tips for new blogger as in my blogs i will have to cut down categories

  26. George Malamidis

    Thanks for the wonderful information!!! It now makes sense!!! :)

  27. Andrew Beatty

    I have been trying to make sense of this for quite a while. This really helped, many thanks.

  28. Justine Antoinette

    Nice post, thanks for the useful information.

  29. David Abramson

    Great article…I’ve been thinking about my tags and categories for my new blog and this definitely gives me some clarity. Thank you!

  30. Derek Lauber

    Thank you for this very helpful article. I am in the process of restructuring my categories and using them as a Table of Contents has been a great insight. I have way too many categories and will now pair them down to the core of what my site is about and use tags like an index. Brilliant

  31. Sean Vandenberg

    Thanks for posting this. I’m still undecided on whether or not to use tags for my blog. Really liked the “noindex, follow” tip!

  32. Jim O,Brien

    This article was a big help for me as a beginner. I was hoping to see a sample website identifying the use of categories, subcategories, and posts. Just a suggestion. Thanks

  33. Rosa Coelho

    Thank you! I didn’t really understand the point of tags. I’ve learned so much on this site already. Thank you for sharing so much information. It’s so clear and easy to understand.


    In regards to putting one post in multiple categories there is nothing wrong with it SEO wise. Personally, I have done this a number of times and didn’t even both noindexing the tags and categories.

    On tags just make sure you’re adding relevant tags. If the words are not in your body then I wouldn’t bother don’t add them as a tag.

    Also, for all your SEO gurus out there don’t get to hung up on noindexing these as I run a number of sites and my SEOmoz Pro account tells me there is 1000+ duplicate content. However, Google is smart enough to tell article “A” is also found in your tags and category. In this case Google will rank your article over the tags or category. If you find Google ranking otherwise then you might want to think about no indexing the culprit tags or categories.

    I retweeted this article :)


  35. cole

    I like to think of categories as type of posts: review, rant, tutorial, etc. Then, I use tags to fill in the content of that review or rant

  36. Andy McIlwain

    On the subject of tags – I’m a big believer in using nouns for tagging blog posts. You don’t have to think as hard — just pull them from the content! I also think users are more inclined to search for nouns than adjectives or verbs or anything else.

  37. Boldly Going


    Another great little feature when using Yoast’s WordPress SEO?

    Unless you have a well thought out, very specific reason for displaying a specific word as your category designation–use the WordPress SEO plugin to automatically strip that out of the URLs that get printed on your pages.

    By default, WordPress will display, usually /category/, for your category pages. Something along these lines:

    However, hold the show!

    Go to your WordPress admin area, scroll down and click on the “SEO” menu item and find the “Permalinks” sub-menu link. The very first check box option should be:

    “Strip the category base (usually /category/) from the category URL.”

    And that will remove that somewhat superfluous “/category/” from the URL, leaving (in our example above):

    (The above URL examples assume your awesome permlink structure was set to show /%category%/%post_name%/)

    Cheers! :)

    • Editorial Staff

      We do NOT recommend removing the category base. It will cause issues with permalinks. We tried it on another site, and it was not fun fixing it.


  38. Ally

    Thanks for an excellent post. In confirmed that categories are for helping the users to make sense out of my blog. I’m still not very keen to include the tag could into a widget. I just don’t like the look of it. (I do use tags, but if they’re not meta keywords, and I am not displaying them, what is the point of having them?)

  39. Paul

    This is a very comprehensive post about those damn categories and tags. Really helped formulise the issues in my mind and cleared up a few things, also Im beginning to see why people favour Yoast rather than all in one seo. great work thank you, I shall share within my community.

  40. Ahmad Awais

    Thanks for this nice article Syed bro. I ahve a question that relates to this thing.
    I am using Yoast SEO plugin which employs item scope and such schema n breadcrumbs by which my Google representation of URLs changes to something like this
    Subject => Post Title
    URL => › Writings › NEWS
    Is it good for SEO or bad?
    One thing I noticed is if the keyword is in my url then it is not being displayed by this method.
    What do you suggest?

  41. Adnan Shahid

    A well elaborated article about a very big misconception. Thanks for guiding us in a beautiful way.

  42. Brian Childers

    I have seen articles that say to no index the tags to prevent duplicate content. Based on this article, should I conclude that may be a bad idea?

    • Editorial Staff

      Brian as the article states, you are more than welcome to noindex, follow the tags or any other taxonomy. However, we don’t think it makes a huge difference unless ofcourse you have full-post content on all of your archive pages (which is not a good idea to begin with).


  43. Heidi

    Thanks for a great article. I use both Categories and Tags and it looks like I am doing it right! But always room for improvement!

  44. Vince

    Thanks for this awesome explanation. Well, actually I will still go maintaining one category per post. WHY? Simply because even Matt Cutts already made an explanation out of it. It is better to make that way than using multiple number of categories. And yes it is true that using multiple categories is simply making multiple copies of your articles.

    Nonetheless, I don’t believe that it has a huge impact if you have been doing it before and just retained it. Google has so many factors to consider the ranking. That is just one… so there is not much to worry about if you are not able to rework on your categories. :)

    • Editorial Staff

      Yup. Like we say in the article, you shouldn’t have to use multiple categories. If you find yourself doing that, then your categories need restructuring. You can have multiple categories under the condition that the other category is a sub-category of your parent category.


  45. Raza

    My strategy behind categories and tags is common sense. Categories should group the posts into certain data sets and tags should act as filters or short catchy headings to further define nature of your posts and or tempt/attract users to click on them to read more.

    Categories should have proper meta tags and reflect the nature of posts. Tags on other hand should have noindex attribute to them, that should be mandatory to people who like to add tons of tags. This shall save them hassle of cleaning up their mess in the long run.

  46. Saqib Ameen

    well, personally I also like to use tags :) due to short permalink :D

    • Editorial Staff

      Remember, these tags and categories are not for you. They are for your users. Make your decisions wisely.


  47. Nouman Younas

    is it ok to convert category into tag?
    i recently did this…

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes it is totally ok to do that. Just make sure that you 301 redirect your category urls to that tag url.


      • Nouman Younas

        Oh no.. i didnt do this … let me google… can u tell me method how i can do this?

    • Verde

      Be carefull convert your Tags to category,Taxonomies is for user and Google too.but the content is the first fact both of them.when choose the niche we want ,you must have the concept between category & tags for that.Let’s ask to Matt Cuts about these.

  48. Saad

    I Think using tag is better overall :)

  49. David Wang

    This is an excellent article – the best that I’ve read on the topic. Thank you for using clear and hype-free language to explain this complicated topic :)

    • John Els

      David, it makes me feel better that you also look at this as a “complicated topic.” I don’t think it’s complicated to the point where it can’t be understood (not after this nice article), but it is complicated because one needs to give careful thought to how you want to structure your information for maximum usefulness, and then use available tools to implement it in the best way. :-)

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