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Group Block

In WordPress, the Group block lets you store several blocks together in one large block and easily move them around your content as a single unit. Group blocks can keep your content more organized by bundling related blocks together, keeping the layout neat and tidy.… Read More »

Gzip Compression

Gzip is a technology that reduces online file sizes by compressing their data. It works best with text-based files like the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files used on websites. Gzip compression produces smaller files that are faster to download. This can be used to improve… Read More »


The GPL is the free and open-source software license used by WordPress. This license was chosen because it supports the philosophy behind the WordPress project. If you’ve ever installed a software application, then you’ve been asked to agree to an end-user license. That long and… Read More »


GitHub is a cloud-based service where developers can store and manage their programming projects. Its name comes from the Git version control system it uses. Currently, GitHub is the most popular code hosting service among open-source developers and programmers. As a WordPress user, you’ll find… Read More »


A gallery in WordPress is a collection of photographs, illustrations, product images, or videos displayed in a variety of rows and columns. WordPress comes with a built-in feature allowing users to create beautiful galleries without any technical knowledge. You can also add more layouts and… Read More »